The Lie of Affirmative Action Being for Blacks

The Lie of Affirmative Action Being for Blacks

help wanted white onlyTurn on the TV, read a magazine or hear the radio talking about affirmative action and you will 100% of the time, hear something about race, and in particular, Blacks being involved in affirmative action. It is a complete fabrication, lie, falsehood, mock up, wool being pulled over your eyes. Nothing could be further than the truth, than Blacks being the recipients of affirmative action. The vast majority of individuals that are given and take advantage of affirmative action, are white women.

Blacks, again, suffer the brunt of hatred and stereotyping in the political category, like every other category that lies about Black people, namely, crime, economics, education etc. Blacks are a favorite for scapegoating in affirmative action, like everything else. Again, do the math, look at the numbers. If every Black person applied for college or a job and got in on affirmative action, there would still be 85% of the jobs and college spots left. It doesn’t even make mathematical sense to target Black people, as being recipients of affirmative action. There isn’t enough Black people to go around.

It is understood that Americans are lazy, stupid and gullible, but this is a non-argument. You cannot even make a point about affirmative action being for Black people. It is utter nonsense.

Continue reading The Lie of Affirmative Action Being for Blacks

Why Gambia is Right About Being Anti-Homosexual in Their Country

Why Gambia is Right About Anti-Homosexual in Their Country

Gambia’s President, Yahya Jammeh
Gambia’s President, Yahya Jammeh

We in America can’t wrap our heads around a country being extremely anti-homosexual. We try to apply all of our freedoms and thoughts to these countries. But, we never stop and think why these countries are anti-homosexual. So, I did some investigating. It turns out, homosexuality would be the death of the country. Literally! The country would cease to exist if even 3% of the population turned homosexual.

Those are pretty strong words right? They are until you look at the country and its population. Gambia has about one million people, living in the entire country. They need children, and they need them now, better yet, yesterday. If only 3% of their population were homosexual, it would mean the death of the tiny country within 10 years. In 50 years, the country would cease to exist.

They cannot afford anyone to not produce children. If they are going to be a rich country some day, they need at least a population of, at least,  50 million.

Continue reading Why Gambia is Right About Being Anti-Homosexual in Their Country

Understanding Obama’s Sequester Hoax

Understanding Obama’s Sequester Hoax

obama pinocchioTo understand the sequester hoax and scam we have to actually go back 2 years. The bill was the final chance in a series of proposals to resolve the 2011 United States debt-ceiling crisis, which featured bitter divisions between the parties and also pronounced splits within them. Earlier ideas included the Obama-Boehner $4 trillion “Grand Bargain”, the House Republican Cut, Cap and Balance Act, and the McConnell-Reid “Plan B” fallback. All eventually failed to gain enough general political or specific Congressional support to move into law, as the midnight August 2, 2011, deadline for an unprecedented U.S. sovereign default drew nearer and nearer.

The solution came from White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling, who, on July 12, 2011, proposed a compulsory trigger that would go into effect if another agreement was not made on tax increases and/or budget cuts equal to or greater than the the debt ceiling increase by a future date.

Ultimately, the intent of the sequester was to secure the commitment of both sides to future negotiation by means of an enforcement mechanism that would be unpalatable to Republicans and Democrats alike. President Obama agreed to the plan. House Speaker John Boehner expressed reservations, but also agreed.

On July 26, 2011, White House Budget Director Jack Lew and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss the plan. Reid, like Boehner several days before, was initially opposed to the idea, but was eventually convinced to go along with it, with the understanding that the sequester was intended as an enforcement tool rather than a true budget proposal.

On the evening of July 31, 2011, Obama announced that the leaders of both parties in both chambers had reached an agreement that would reduce the deficit and avoid default.[6] The same day, Speaker of the House John Boehner’s office outlined the agreement for House Republicans. One key element in the deal being reached and the logjam being broken earlier that afternoon was U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s ability to negotiate with his 25-year Senate colleague, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.[18][19][20] Biden had spent the most time bargaining with Congress on the debt question of anyone in the administration, and McConnell had viewed him as the one most trustworthy. – wikipedia

In essence, because the president refused to budget cuts and wanted the debt ceiling raised, he and his staff came up with the sequester as a mechanism to automatically kick in, if they still hadn’t agreed to cuts and spending a year later. This sequester is that mechanism.

Obama Blames House Republicans

Obama is constantly blaming house republicans for things he does. It is no surprise then that he turns around and blames house republicans for a proposal he and his staff came up with.

Bob Woodward’s “The Price of Politics”

page 215 July 12, 2011

They turned to [White House national economic council director Gene] Sperling for details about a compulsory trigger if they didn’t cut spending or raise taxes in an amount at least equivalent to the debt ceiling increase.

“A trigger would lock in our commitment,” Sperling explained. “Even though we disagree on the composition of how to get to the cuts, it would lock us in. The form of the automatic sequester would punish both sides. We’d have to September to avert any sequester” — a legal obligation to make spending cuts.

“Then we could use a medium or big deal to force tax reform,” Obama said optimistically.

“If this is a trigger for tax reform,” [House speaker John] Boehner said, “this could be worth discussing. But as a budget tool, it’s too complicated. I’m very nervous about this.”

“This would be an enforcement mechanism,” Obama said.

page 326 July 26th

At 2:30 p.m., [White House Budget director Jack] Lew and [White House legislative affairs director Rob] Nabors went to the Senate to meet with [Senator Majority Leader Harry] Reid and his chief of staff, David Krone.

“We have an idea for a trigger,” Lew said.

“What’s the idea,” Reid asked skeptically.


Reid bent down and put his head between his knees, almost as if he was going to throw up or was having a heart attack. He sat back up and looked at the ceiling. “A couple of weeks ago,” he said, “my staff said to me that there is one more possible” enforcement mechanism: sequestration. He said he told them, “Get the hell out of here. That’s insane. The White House surely will come up with a plan that will save the day. And you come to me with sequestration?”

Well, it could work, Lew and Nabors explained.

What would the impact be?

They would design it so that half the threatened cuts would be from the Defense Department…. The idea was to make all of the threatened cuts so unthinkable and onerous that the supercommittee [tasked with making additional cuts] would do its work and come up with its own deficit reduction plan.

Lew and Nabors went through a laundry list of programs that would face cuts.

“This is ridiculous,” Reid said.

That’s the beauty of a sequester, they said, it’s so ridiculous that no one ever wants it to happen. It was the bomb that no one wanted to drop. It actually would be an action-forcing event.

“I get it,” Reid said finally.

page 344 July 30th

The president and [White House chief of staff William] Daley were on the patio outside Daley’s office with [adviser David] Plouffe, [Treasury Secretary Timothy] Geithner, Lew and Sperling when they got word that Biden was making progress with [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell. It looked as if Republicans were ready to agree to a Defense/non-Defense sequester in the trigger.

Plouffe couldn’t believe it. These guys were so afraid of increasing revenues that they’re willing to put Defense on the chopping block? Republicans’ revenue phobia was so intense that they would sell out the Pentagon.

“This is a deal we can probably live with,” Obama said, willing to do almost anything to salvage something and prevent catastrophe.

Jack Lew delivered a speech, however, in Tampa publicly denouncing the house republicans for the sequester.

“There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger…. [It] was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure at the end.”

Bob Woodward couldn’t believe it.

“After reviewing all the interviews and the extensive material I have on this issue, it looks like President Obama told a whopper,” Woodward said.  “Based on what Jack Lew said in Florida today, I have asked the White House to correct the record.”

So is the sequester a massive budget cut? If you pay attention to the president, the sky is falling, the sky is falling. But, after carefully look at it, you see not just cracks in the theory that the sky is falling, you see massive gaping holes, vast canyons you could drive an army through.

The sequester is not a budget cut. The sequester is a stop to AUTOMATIC INCREASES. Most Americans are unaware how out of hand congressional spending is. Americans don’t realize that there are automatic increases written right into the budget. What is illogical about it is, it is not tied to anything, like say population increase. It is haphazardly written into the budget plan.

This sequester was proposed by the president to call the house republican’s bluff. They had proposed over 50 different cut options to the president, which he rejected. He wanted the debt ceiling increased and spending upped. This was proposed as a test to force house republicans to come up with spending and cuts. Unfortunately, the president has denied and refused every single proposal by the house republicans. And, now, he turns around and plays dirty politics by saying it was their idea to have a sequester.

He wants his cake and to eat it too.

African American Manifesto: My Black Agenda for Mellenium 2000

African American Manifesto: My Black Agenda for Millennium 2000

African Slaves[I am touched that you wrote me. I have been planning to start a Black business bureau for some time now. I have not written out the plan, but this seems as good a time as any. This letter will not only go to you, but I am now, because you inspired me, will be sending this out to every Black church, Black politician, Black organization in the entire country. I can dedicate a few thousand to this letter and campaign. I am also an online marketing genius and will be doing a major press release of this letter as well. Thank you for inspiring me. Here’s my response to you.]

When African slaves were sold or stolen from Africa, they were first sent to an island just off the coast of west Africa. On this island, they were mind-wiped and the men were brainwashed against the women. For, 95% of Africans were sent to central and south America. In central and south America Africans could hope to live the ripe old age of 23. However, they actually were treated quite a bit better, since they learned skills. However, because their death rate was so high, they never grew in population.

Well, what about that 5% that was sent to America? Because the US had a constitution that said “all men are created equal”, Americans went overboard to make sure Africans were never seen as humans. They went through TWO different mind-wiping sessions. One off the coast of Louisiana, and a 3rd at the auction blocks. However,they were treated with kid gloves, compared to south America. However, they were kept as dumb as rocks. They learned absolutely nothing and it was forbidden to teach them anything, by law. Americans were deathly afraid they would revolt, which actually happened several time, but was kept to just that city. One town was completely slaughtered by Africans. There is even a famous painting about it, however this is not taught in public education.

When slavery was abolished in the US, Africans had been able to live to a much higher age than in south America and grew to be 30% of the population. However, these Africans had been mind-wiped 3 separate times, stripped of religion, origin, family, and culture. Upon their release they knew nothing, literally nothing.

Africans had to teach themselves how to read and write, make a family, farm for themselves, etc. Two things they could not teach themselves: their religion; their cultural origins. Even with these horrible odds, Africans became 80% literate in 50 years, something unheard of in human history.

While there were Africans that flourished in the new free era, most barely got by. A lot were slaughtered by racist white people who saw African freedmen as an economic threat to their livelihood. Many new laws were passed to keep tools out of the Africans hands; minimum wage laws were passed to keep people from hiring Africans; and anything produced by Africans was not allowed to come to market. Many African farmers went under from not being able to sell their produce.

The answer is not a question of just pouring money into the modern African American community. It requires a COMPLETE overhaul.

  • – branding: African Americans need to be branded as a viable and independent political group with our own identity, culture, religion and origin from Africa
  • – BRANDING: we need to produce new art, media, entertainment that if Pan-African, African centered and African inspired, with Africans as the only people in such media [THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL OTHER POINTS]
  • – we need to denounce any and all other groups that try to co-op our history, culture and art, who systematically claim it as their own and as their origination [like the Egyptian story; jewish story; our music; our culture]
  • – as a political group we need to acquire and send lobbyist to every state legislature and the federal congress, to lobby for African political and economic gains [NOT CIVIL RIGHTS]; we need things like the war on drugs stopped, which was intended and used as a racial profiling thing to send Africans into the prison system, to the tune of 75% of all Africans in prison today are there based on drug charges, to the tune of a $75 BILLION a year price tag; we need to remove all racist legislation; we need to understand, read and hold politicians responsible to the constitution, which is our best and only way to eradicate racist legislation; we need to remove Africans off of all social welfare legislation, this has destroyed the African family
  • black married couple and kids– as an independent political group we need to divorce ourselves from the Democrat party; if we are serious about our independence we need to have the capability to vote as a group; voting for the Democrat party has made the Democrats take our votes and voice for granted
  • – we need to control African finance and African money; we need to open and gather in every city African run, operated and owned credit unions; we need to aggressively educate and finance African business; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd parties that are financing and control African business
  • – we need to control all African disposable income and spending; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd parties that are selling commodities in our communites and to Africans in America
  • – we need to control all African necessary expenditures, this includes food, energy and real property; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd party that controls necessities Africans have to pay for
  • – we need to go into our communities, move back in, fix them up, and open up all forms of business that Africans need and use on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis; we need to target and pick locations that have high concentrations of Africans already in them and do our best to move out 3rd parties; we need to open up convenience stores, credit unions, grocers, transportation and everything else needed, in each community so that Africans do not need to go outside of the community to spend money.
  • – we need to start regional stock markets that trade in African produce, commodities, and equities in African firms; this will get African farmers to produce and transport their produce to African stores as one big giant economic circle
  • – we need to connect these regional stock markets with stock markets in the motherland, which are now booming and coming online; 2 new major stock markets have come online recently in Africa and they need more business
  • – we need to understand that marriage is the most stabilizing social factor in our modern time, and we need to encourage our community to get married at every opportunity; marriage also is very strategic and economically good for both people; we need to launch a national campaign to encourage Africans to marry each other; we need to put African marriage in front of our people, through pictures, art, music, entertainment and as a sound business strategy [since it is more economic to be married]
  • – we need to purchase and take private, all historically Black Colleges; we need to control all African education; we need to arrest and stop 3rd parties from mis-educating our African youth, young adults and young professionals; this is exactly what all other groups do; we need to open and start vocational and skill based education for high school and young African adults; we need to access and encourage our youth to understand what they are good at, what they desire and to realize that college is not the answer for nearly 60% of the population; we need to educate our youth that colleges are a business and that they are putting out propaganda that you “should” go to college, in order to rake in money, at the young African’s expense, which they’ll be paying for, for decades; we need to encourage our young African to develop skills, such as automotive, electrical, plumbing etc, for blue collar paychecks, instead of minimum wage

If we are to survive this next century, we need to take some serious stock of what we are doing. We need to realize that, unless we get organized and think of ourselves as a group, we will be treated as chattel, misused, miseducated, and state dependent victims to a socialist state, with our wealth stolen year after year.

As it stands now, Africans in America cannot do anything to protect, save or help our countries in the motherland. Our people are being raped, murdered and wealth stolen by nearly every western power on the planet, and now Asia is getting in on the taking. We need to clean our house and get it in order.

Don’t Be Scammed by Obama’s Health Care Plan

The Obama Health Care Plan

faith healer obamacareThe core of Obama’s Health Care “Reform” Act is based on whether or not you’re covered by insurance for health care. In fact today, people consider it a forgone conclusion that health care = insurance. You ever get into a dick waving contest with a bunch of your yuppie friends over health care, as a sign of how well your company treats your or negotiates? “What kinda health care does your company offer?” “What deductions do you have to pay out of your paycheck?” “Does your company insurance cover everything?” “My company’s health care insurance is so good, my daughter got a boob job from it.”

In fact the media, using it’s normal scare tactic, has completely couched all of its coverage of the bill in terms of health care = insurance. There’s not even a logical argument that goes before it. They completely make us assume that, that’s the only way to get health care in America.

What does that mean? It means, they assume you’re too stupid to realize insurance isn’t necessary for good health care. In fact they assume it so much, that they make it a forgone conclusion. They print stories like:

“For the staggering 46 million Americans lacking health care coverage, the uninsured will have the opportunity to select a plan from a menu of private and public options –similar to the way members of Congress choose their coverage.”

Wait, you mean to tell me that 46 million people don’t have health INSURANCE, not, health care. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Obviously the person winning in this entire debate is: INSURANCE COMPANIES. They bought “the Clintons”. Obviously, since they repeatedly tried to push it through congress. Now they have Obama in their back pocket.

You don’t need insurance to have health care. The only thing you need for health care is money. I’m sure many of you are shaking your head right about now.

“millions of Americans go bankrupt due to health care costs”

More media scare tactics. Let’s go over the history of insurance briefly so everyone isn’t rattling in the dark.

The History of Insurance in America

The first insurance to arrive in America was for housing. It was fire insurance, seeing as houses were built entirely of wood. Let me point out a little point of business and government commingling, at this early stage, 1752 to be exact. The insurance company, in order to maximize profits, wouldn’t insure houses that were too close to each other. Building contractors built houses as close to each other as possible, so they could put as many houses as they could on their properties. So really this is a head to head battle between the insurer and the builders. Who won? The insurers. They got Ben Franklin to back them. So much so, that the states adopted “building codes”, to avoid “fire hazards.

During the industrial revolution, you saw an explosion in insurance products: life and business insurance. Many ponzi schemes popped up. Companies, couldn’t even cover premiums were taking from new policy holders to pay off old ones.

risky business obamacareThe scandals were so GREAT that finally the government put its foot down, in 1935. It created social security. Awww you thought social security was to help the poor starving citizens didn’t you, all this time. You fool. They saw an easy way to grow government almost times 20 with one piece of legislation and everyone rushed at the idea. And, by grow government, I mean taxes skyrocketing 20 times worth.

“oh but they didn’t raise taxes during the great depression.” Idiot, they went off the gold standard and inflated the dollar beyond belief. Inflation is a tax. Repeat after me: INFLATION IS A TAX. You have no say so in inflation do you? No you don’t.

By creating social security, the government essentially robbed a major portion of insurance products right out from under insurance companies.

What is Insurance?

Insurance comes in 2 forms: catastrophic unforeseeable event or a foreseeable event that must occur. The first type is like your fire insurance. It is unlikely to happen, but in the event that it does, you’re covered. The second type is like your life insurance, because you will definitely die.

Do you see health insurance fitting either of those two? I mean the modern version of health insurance. Let me take you back one year to the “financial crisis.” What did everyone say the cause was? Cheap money, readily available, that everyone spent like a drunken sailor.

Ok if you have an air of cheap money, that’s readily available, that everyone spends like a drunken sailor, that must = bubble. Right? Of course. That by definition is a bubble.

Take a look at health care insurance right now. Your company gives you the “opportunity” to buy into the policy, and what’s the first thing you and your doctor do? You and your entire family go get check ups, dental cleanings, glasses refitted. Any little thing you rush to the doctor and put it on your insurance bill. The insurance company is happy to serve you.

“What could be wrong with that?”

By creating health insurance that is geared towards every day use, the insurance companies and the medical industry got together in a room and agreed upon how much to charge YOU, or “on your behalf”. Fog clearing yet? So instead of a check up being $5, the check up is now $100.00. OMG WHY? Because now the insurance company can charge you, or your company, through the nose. The medical community doesn’t raise the price one cent without first consulting the insurance companies. So now the people without insurance have to pay $100 for a check up, because that’s how much the rate is.

What does that have to do with Obama? Social Security… guess what, sat in a room with the medical community and agreed upon how much to charge YOU, or “on your behalf.” By so doing, the politician gets kudos from voters thinking he’s so great. When in fact he just jacked up the price 20 times. And, now he doesn’t raise taxes he… say it with me… raises inflation, which is… a tax.

Fog clearing yet?

Now instead of just social security, Obama wants an state sponsored program to bring insurance to everyone. Awww, that Obama is such a nice guy. But, wait, if there are 46 million Americans who don’t have insurance, could it be that 46 million Americans die every year? BINGO! No, they don’t. They do their own thing and negotiate prices with their doctor / dentists. And, their dentist / doctor negotiates prices with them. HOW DARE THEY?

Ve haf to put a shtop to zis, zis instant.

Welcome to the Obama health care plan. Under the Obama plan, these rogue doctors and dentists would be forced to stop this negotiating. All the lost sheep would be brought into the fold.

Oh did a light bulb go off just now?

“You mean to tell me doctors / dentists can negotiate prices?” Yes, if the government were not involved in any form of health care, the market would dictate prices for every procedure. If you only purchased health care for catastrophic events, your insurance premiums would be drastically reduced and heal care would be affordable for everyone. The so called expensive procedures wouldn’t be out of reach for everyone.

This bill is an insurance scam. It is the greatest ponzi scheme ever invented by mankind. Please go ask your doctor if there was a time, long ago, that patients could come into the office and negotiate medical prices. If he’s honest with you, he’ll tell you it is true.

Is the Buy Black Movement Racist

Is Buying Black Racist

buy black movement
Buy Black Movement

A movement is going on right now that is sweeping across the United States. It is the Buy Black movement. With real numbers of 25% unemployment, the Black community is in a crisis position right now that will render them out for the count. Some major cities are showing 50% unemployment rates among Black men. The community constantly looks to the half-Black president leftist Barack Obama for support, which is not forthcoming and has not been during his entire presidency.

In steps a movement that has the potential to revolutionize the Black community and put it back on its feet. It is the Buy Black movement.

Economically speaking, we understand that the major employer in the nation are not the big corporations, but small businesses. This Buy Black movement is the right answer. By supporting Black owned and operated businesses, Blacks will take back their communities, boost economic growth, expand Black business and trade, which will open up jobs. It is a one two punch to both poverty and unemployment in the Black community.

Continue reading Is the Buy Black Movement Racist

Why You Really Got Fired: Companies That Can’t Afford Payroll

Why You Really Got Fired

You're FiredWere you late one day and the boss was waiting for you with a pink slip? Were you shocked, since everyone is late and the work isn’t time sensitive? Was the work atmosphere casual and then all of a sudden got serious? Were there parties, pot-lucks and a spirit team and then suddenly that vanished?

Many people are fired and have their reputations ruined, and probably their hopes dashed, because the company is going under. You as an employee, probably, didn’t check the company’s books to see how they’re doing. All you knew is that your boss was always mad with you and wrote you up for everything for 2 straight months. While the average idiot would say that it was your own fault you got fired, I’m here to shed some light on the facts and show you an alternative view.

It Rolls Downhill

In an office space that is relaxed, low-key, normally quiet, it is very telling that all of a sudden the management becomes quite agitated and starts looking for minor infractions. For instance: if you work for a company, where you’re the guy that shades in the color on pictures that are handed to you, there’s no need for you to “come in on time.” You’re paid for a project. Sure you are paid hourly to shade in color, but the reality is, you’re paid to shade in color, not to sit at your desk for 8 hours. The reality is, they can’t afford you, so they seek to get rid of you, anyway possible.

Continue reading Why You Really Got Fired: Companies That Can’t Afford Payroll

Black Middle-Class: The Black People You Don’t See

The Black People You Don’t See

Black Middle-Class
Black Middle-Class

There is a huge section of the Black population that is never heard from, never consulted, nor never acknowledged. But, first, let us take a look at who we do see and hear from. On one end we hear from the poor, uneducated and criminal minded Blacks by the dozens on a daily basis. They are everywhere. They give their unsolicited and uneducated opinions on TV, radio and any other medium they can get their hands on. On the other end of the spectrum we have the entertainers, who happen to be rich and mostly uneducated. They too give their unsolicited opinions on subject they have no business discussing now have any intimate knowledge about.

It would not be bad if this group, which I will group into one subgroup, were seen in the light that they are – not the typical Black person. But, they are not. They are put forth and in front of everyone as the typical Black person.

So the image of a Black American is that they are uneducated, criminal or low moral standards. This is true of the poor we see on TV and the rich entertainers we see on TV.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is a huge silent majority of Blacks in America that never get on TV or in movies. These are the Black middle-class. These are the well spoken Blacks. These are the educated Blacks. These are the high moral standards Blacks. These are the conservative Blacks.

In growing numbers they are realizing that their way of life is being attacked by the main stream media: news, TV, movies and magazines. It is everywhere. The Black middle-class have absolutely no voice.

Continue reading Black Middle-Class: The Black People You Don’t See

I’m Back: Shakaama Has Returned to

Shakaama Returns

Shakaama's Blog
Shakaama’s Blog

After a 3 year vacation on another network, which shall not be named, I have returned to WordPress. I have nothing bad to say about the other network, but their heavy-handed actions were intolerable. I am not saying that this network is better, nor offers a relief from the other network, but the difficulty I had on the other network was never experience here.

New Direction

The direction I want to take this blog is in the financial. I have discovered, on my brief journey away, that Americans are terribly uneducated about finance, economics and politics. Notice we have a saying of, “never discuss politics nor religion.” Now, the understanding is that it is “impolite” to discuss politics and religion. I would put it to you that, if people WERE to discuss politics and religion, as a normal, average, every day occurrence, we would discover that more and more people would UNDERSTAND what is behind politics and what is behind religion.

Continue reading I’m Back: Shakaama Has Returned to

Traitorous, Double-Crossing, Quisling Black People

Traitorous, Double-Crossing, Quisling Black People

Is it alright if you innocently do not study history and yet convince your fellow African-American that Democrat is the way to go? Is it alright if you do absolutely no research and trust the news to tell you that Democrat is the party for Black Americans? Is it alright that you listen to urban myth that Democrats want to help Black people and somehow usher in a new golden age for Black people.

A lot of Black people have no interest in researching, thinking or studying politics and what the best approach is. They go to their church and rely on their preacher to tell them how to vote. Nonsense. Meanwhile the preacher is being paid thousands of dollars to tell them to vote for such and so, selling the entire congregation down the river.

Truth be told, most Black people concentrate more on sports, music and who’s doing who, than concentrating on whether or not a supposed Black man is selling them down the river in the white house. Truth be told, most Black people could tell you the draft picks, starting line up and last season results of their favorite sport, but could not tell you any legislation that was passed in the last 8 years.

I made a vow to myself when i was 7. I vowed that the world did not need another Black ahtlete, singer, dancer. It needed intelligent superior Black people. I was to be one of those people. I do not open my mouth, nor put words down on paper nor machine, without first checking, cross referencing and getting historical backdrop.

If I say the Democratic party is not good for Black people, I need people to trust that upon my reputation that it is the correct thing to say. I need people to be a little bit more intellectual than they are used to. I need them to draw upon 200 years of experience and historical facts to keep up with what I am saying. For fifty years the Black population shifted from the Republican party to the Democrat party. For those fifty years, Black buying power has gone from $1.1 trillion in 1950 adjusted for inflation, to $1.1 trillion in 2012? That’s right folks, Blacks have made no gains.

How is it that Blacks command a staggering $1.1 trillion yearly in buying power and yet are 10 times poorer than whites?

The 2001 Consumer Expenditure Survey showed that, despite their lower income, African Americans spent more on telephone services, utilities, shoes and children’s apparel than whites. As a proportion of their total household income, blacks spend more on groceries, housing, utilities, female clothing and personal care.

The average married black household’s income is around $48,000 – less for a single parent household.  Moreover, in terms of income, the gap between whites and blacks has nearly quadrupled in the last 30 years, mainly because blacks typically earn 68 cents for every dollar whites earn.  Add to this the above average unemployment rate among African- Americans and the fact that the housing bust wiped out whatever equity black folks had been able to accumulate.

According to one study, blacks in lower-income neighborhoods are more reliant on smaller grocery stores which carry more expensive goods. The same could be said for housing, transportation and car insurance.  This should let us know that there are plenty of other barriers in place, including racism and classism, which seem to prohibit blacks from capitalizing economically on so-called disposable income.  Likewise, the growth of black businesses has yet to be allowed equal access to markets where black folks tend to shop for phone service, electricity; natural gas and groceries.  So it is inevitable that the “black dollar” will always find a route out of the community.

The majority of Black people are married, educated, middle to upper middle-class and are employed.

We are not welfare, food stamp people. Yet the Democrats try and portray that they are being kind and generous and offering “us” welfare and food stamps. It’s a brain washing game. The U.S. is headed towards a communist agenda. Do you honestly think white people would embrace having Black people on an equal economic footing, in a communist system? No, they would not.

And, Obama is not in control of anything. Hoping that because someone has a Black face, makes them pro-Black is juvenile, at best. It’s idiotic when the man shows you time and time again that he is not pro-anything other than wallstreet.

Blacks have lost 65% of their wealth under Obama. Anyone trying to defend him, is not someone I would call a friend. Because, defending that is traitorous to the Black American community.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Is Gay Marriage a Social Issue or Just Another Money Grab

Is Gay Marriage a Social Issue or Just Another Money Grab

As a Libertarian, I think the notion that homosexual marriage is somehow a civil liberty is wrong. Marriage has never been originated by the state, to begin with, and as such is not a “civil liberty”. For people to even put the question to government, is ignorant in the first place.

What the “gay” [which I don’t even believe is a real distinction] people want is special dispensation to force private businesses to give them “rights” over an above their own self / business interests, i.e. insurance companies to be forced to throw out actuarial charts, documenting observable behavioral changes in humans that marry and have children, versus those that don’t and therefore are at lower risk for car accidents etc.

In the end this is not about a question of simply declaring a universal love for someone, it is about a lobby to make government force private business to do something, for money.

Until someone with some sense sheds light on this entire farce, everyone will be still debating this like it is some legitimate social issue, instead of the money issue it really is.

It is underhanded in the most vile sense of the word. Couch a money issue, inside of a social issue, with a heavy dose of guilt issues. It’s like the homosexual version of Inception.

For the very people talking about freedom, they are trying to force other “people” [businesses] to have their freedoms taken away.

This has never been about a civil liberty. In fact the entire debate is based on a blatant lie. Several national studies, recently conducted in the last year, found that only 15% of the entire “gay” population is even in a long term, committed relationship. So where is this outcry for legitimizing a “gay” relationship coming from? Certainly not the 85% who have no standing to even bring up the issue in a court of law, nor be redressed before congress. In fact that whole notion that there are these massive numbers of homosexuals out there is false also. The homosexual population is a mere 3%: 2% male and 1% female.

However, as we have seen, the best available data supports a lower estimate of 2.5 percent for male homosexuals and 1.4 percent for lesbians.

Again, this is about money, not civil rights; not civil liberties nor freedom. Almost no one in the national media even understands the ramifications of the issue, money.

Charts on Relationships

Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2001)
Source: Current Population Reports: U.S. Census Bureau (2002)

Source: 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census

Sources:Laumann, The Social Organization of Sexuality, 216; McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, “Extramarital Sex,” 170.



In April 2000, the governor of the state of Vermont signed a law instituting civil unions for homosexuals. The bill conferred 300 privileges and rights enjoyed by married couples upon same-sex partners who register their relationship with the town clerk and have their union solemnized by a member of the clergy or the justice of the peace.

Estimating the homosexual and lesbian population of Vermont: The number of homosexuals and lesbians in the state of Vermont may be estimated based on national studies. Contrary to the widely promulgated but inaccurate claims that up to ten percent of the population is homosexual, research indicates that homosexuals comprise one to three percent of the population. For example, a recent study in Demography relying upon three large data sets–the General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, and the U.S. Census–estimated the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population to be 2.5 percent and the number of exclusive lesbians to be 1.4 percent.[21]

According to the 2000 Census, the adult population of Vermont is 461,304.[22] Based on theDemography study, a reasonable estimate of the number of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont would be approximately 5,600 (2.5 percent of the adult male population) for male homosexuals, and approximately 3,300 (1.4 percent of the adult female population) for lesbians, for a total of approximately 8,900 homosexuals and lesbians. [Note: these are only rough approximations for purposes of statistical comparison.]

Number of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont who have entered into civil unions: USA Today reports that, as of January 2004, only 936 homosexual or lesbian couples (for a total of 1,872 individuals) have entered into civil unions.[23] This indicates that only about 21 percent of the estimated homosexual and lesbian population of Vermont has entered into civil unions. Put another way, 79 percent of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont choose not to enter into civil unions.

By contrast, in Vermont, heterosexual married couples outnumber cohabiting couples by a margin of 7 to 1, indicating a much higher level of desire on the part of heterosexual couples to legalize their relationships.[24]

Sources:U.S. Census Bureau, Married-Couple and Unmarried-Partner Households: 2000, 2; Black, “Demographics,” 141; U.S. Census Bureau Census 2000 Summary File 1; Bayles, “Vermont’s Gay Civil Unions,” 1; Census 2000 Special Reports, 4; Shane, “Many Swedes Say ‘I Don’t,'” 1; “ORL Backgrounder,” 1.
*Sources:Black, “Demographics,” 141; Census 2000 Special Reports, 4.

Finally, the entire issue of “gay” marriage is set on a backdrop of discrimination. Of course discrimination cannot be legislated away. But, what is telling is that one cannot discern off hand if someone is “gay” just by looking at them, outside of some blatant indication. That being said, the alleged discrimination that is reported might not be discrimination at all. What’s more, one would expect there to be reports of wide-spread discrimination, if one were to pay attention to the “gay” lobby.

Once again the DATA does not support this notion of widespread discrimination.

Women(%) Men(%)
Employment benefits 58 40
Taxes 47 37
Insurance 46 34
Membership 20 11
Credit/banking 15 10
Employment 14 13
Housing 11 11
Hotels 6 6
Hospital visitation 6 2
Adoption 5 2
Foster care 3 2
Other 7 4
None/none indicated 23 34

What is telling is that the most talked about discrimination in the entire “gay” marriage issue is about Hospital visitation. However, as the DATA shows, only 2% of “gay” couples encountered any discrimination in Hospital visitation. The highest point of discrimination reported was among Employment benefits. However, with a casual glance at the prior data, one finds that most “gay” couples change partners within one year. Is it discriminatory for companies to rightly deny benefits to an ever changing partner of a “gay” employee. Is it discriminatory to deny insurance benefits to an employee that always changes partners on a yearly basis. This   is clearly supported by the DATA: a staggering 42% of all “gay” relationships do not see a 3rd year and a huge 71% never see a 7th year.

So do insurance companies, which base a majority of their coverage decisions based on regular human behavioral patterns, have a business right to deny coverage of an ever changing partner? Can an insurance company cover a married employee when all DATA points to a 57% chance that the employee will remain married for at least 15 years or a 50% chance he will remain married for more than 20 years? Depending on the job, 20 years of continuous employment can qualify an employee for retirement. It is then reasonable for an insurance company to agree to cover an employee in a group where 20 years of a continuous partner is assured, versus an employee in a group where not even 1 year of a continuous partner is assured.


Taking all religious talk out of the conversation, the issue of “gay” marriage is not about any social civil liberty that is being denied. It is about money. The points that are being made by the “gay” lobby is not supported by any DATA available today, in fact all DATA points against the very issues brought up by the “gay” lobby: a high demand for “gay” marriage; massive discrimination; a high demand for same-sex child rearing. At less than 2% in most instances, there is no high demand for the issue.

What the DATA does show is that:

  • only 3% of the population is “gay”
  • 42% of the “gay” population do not have a relationship that lasts longer than 3 years
  • 85% of the “gay” population do not have relationships that last more than 10 years
  • a staggering 96% of all “gay” relationships are not monogamous
  • of those that have a “gay” relationship, only 22% even live together
  • of those living together in a “gay” relationship, less than 1% actually live with children
  • the above statistic is misleading because only 8% of the 22% actually have children living with them, so saying less than 1% of “gay” households live with children actually saying less than 1% of 1% of the gay population –  66,225 out of 4,040,000.
One could easily say, there is no proof of a demand for “gay” marriage; no proof of a demand for “gay” parenting; and no proof of a  demand for less discrimination against “gay” couples.

Once again, this seems like a very small group of individuals are making a money grab and putting it in a very emotional issue. This is a simple repeat of what we now all see happening on wall street, congress and in the banking industry. Make the people emotional. Divide them on a moral ground. Pass legislation. Steal profits from the U.S. tax payer.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Democrats to Replace Obama in the Election

Democrats to Replace Obama in the Election

ok you democrat loving people defend this: NDAA …. wait what?

ok defend this: unemployment has actually gone UP, instead of down, you do know that millions have fallen off the unemployment charts, so the 9.5% is somewhere near DOUBLE … WAIT WHAT?

ok defend this: the dollar has fallen 5,000 basis points … oh i get it, you don’t even know what a god damned basis point is to begin with … wait what?

ok defend this: Obama raised fica, SS, and federal taxes, then cut payroll taxes by 1% so that your end result is a 10% increase in taxes and then claimed he lowered taxes … wait what?

ok defend this: TARP has yet to be paid and the negative assets that the entire economic meltdown was the reason for, has never been removed off the books of the financial institutions, oh that’s right, common americans forget something if it’s not in the news for 2 days … wait what?

ok defend this: credit card reform did NOT happen, you actually now pay more than you ever did before the crash and the congressional hearings on credit card reform … wait what?

ok defend this: Obamacare is unconstitutional and does nothing for healthcare, it just makes it so everyone is charged, by force of jail time to purchase health insurance, just for being alive … the people that needed healthcare before and didn’t have health insurance WILL STILL BE UNINSURED UNDER OBAMACARE … wait what?

ok defend this: the shadow economy of what wall street owes each other and foreign banks is actually close to $60 trillion, with a T, the entire world economy is like $15 trillion … wait what?

ok defend this: credit default swaps, which was the major cause of Leahman Brothers and other too big to fail financial institutions to go under, deemed illegal and gambling by many attorney generals, namely the New York attorney general, has not been outlawed, nor prosecuted by the FDIC … wait what?

ok defend this: the consumer financial protection bureau, promoted by obama was an entirely newly created agency, which actually does nothing for everyday citizens has an anual budget of $340 million … wait what?

ok defend this: Obama went to libya and launched a full scale assault, without congressional approval, beyond the time that he was allowed, meaning it’s treason, meaning he should have been impeached … wait what?

In short, there is nothing you can defend against any of these points. This is what is NOT in the news. Whatever you thought of Bush, Obama is giving you that and destroying constitutional freedoms, going outside the power of the president, handing out money to foreign countries that we don’t have, devaluing the dollar, signing stuff into law by executive order [unconstitutional].  If you’re a democrat, you should call for him to be repealed and ask for an entirely new candidate, which IS A DEBATE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS ACTUALLY HAVING AT HIGHER LEVELS, WHICH YOU ALSO DO NOT SEE ON THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA. They are literally hoping democrats will forget all of these points and more, and simply go along with him. They fear that as the internet is available and information like this is available that democrats will call for his ouster. Don’t worry, the republicans are actually playing along with the democrats, because realistically, it’s just one party, anyway.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

While You Were Watching Iowa

While You Were Watching Iowa

The sheeple are conned into viewing the political parties as another form of sports, keep the sheeple busy with rooting for sides, while the country falls apart.

I liked the analogy. And, it does put it into real perspective, because the numbers are really too huge for even intellectuals to comprehend.  The factor by which we are even considering the entire economy is just astounding.  Think back 40 years ago we didn’t even have this much money in circulation, let alone throwing around trillions to bail out wall street.

Mitt Romney Wins Iowa

People need to understand that there is no democrat, there is no republican.  There is no home team to root for.  It’s just to keep you complacent so you don’t see the truth – politics is about getting your friends money from the rest of us.

Follow any law, look up the history of that law, see who proposed it and who voted for it, and who benefited from it.  It will make you sick, once you realize what is really going on.

The absurdity of all of this is that, the federal government was NEVER intended to be this big, NOR was it ever intended to even impact regular citizens.  It has slowly but surely usurped power from the states.  Which, being just as corrupt, and having just as many friends to give our money to, agreed to give up the power and let the federal government take control.  You see the federal government was supposed to only deal with NATIONAL threats and national issues, i.e. other countries threatening us, not KATRINA, not 9/11, not national roads, not NATIONAL TAXES.  And, if you say “without the federal government being so big, we wouldn’t have …..”  You’re just being a collectivist and not understanding that there is no way a Californian cares anything about what a Texan or North Dakotan cares about.  A Nevadan doesn’t care about fishing regulations in New York. Yet the federal government has forced issues on states where there was no issue.


The two party system is nothing more than entertainment to keep you from understanding how collectivism and how ridiculously large the federal government has become.

Trust me, your state can handle nearly 99% of what you, as a citizen, would ever need in life.

You want to do away with these mind bogglingly huge numbers? reduce the federal government as a whole.  It is unnecessary.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

I Am Not a Teabagger

A Message to Obama Worshipers

*sigh* I’ve said it before, but apparently, I was ignored.  I AM BLACK.  I VOTED FOR OBAMA.  However, I have a political science degree and can see quite easily what is going on in the country.

Blacks are approaching nearly 50% unemployment.  There has NOT been a pull from Iraq and Afghanistan.  We have lost millions upon millions of jobs.  The dollar has not only sunk to a new low, but is in danger of DEFAULTING EVEN MORE.  Yes, that’s right, WE’VE ALREADY DEFAULTED YEARS AGO.

If you have a college degree, even in liberal arts, you’ll easily be able to see that Obama has done everything in his power to staff his cabinet with wall street heavy hitters, not just the peons, but the heavy hitters.

I was also registered democrat.  But, with a modicum of homework, I quickly realized that the two parties are one and the same.  *GASP* oh shocking… oh my zeitgeist is come crashing down around my ears, democrats and republicans can’t be the same.  Oh, come on.  Really?  You can’t be in that much denial.

Anything Bush did, is long gone.  This is the 3rd year of this guy’s term of office.  He has signed into law, much legislation of his own.  Also, he was never forced to sign into law anything that was going on during the Bush term.  You do recall that Bush was a Republican and this guy is a Democrat. 

I don’t need to go into a brief history lesson of how Clinton did not sign into law anything that his Republican predecessor arranged.

Come on, you all are smarter than this.  There have been Black women, men, on this page, Latinos and others who are OBVIOUSLY not republicans.  We are all saying the same thing.  This president is not speaking for the people, he is speaking for wall street.  In fact, Bush wasn’t even Republican.  At the end the Republican party and congress fought him tooth and nail.  WHY? Because, he too, was a corporatist.  He ramped up the deficit higher than any democrat / republican preceding him.  This guy is doing the same exact thing.

Give up.  Take your licking and admit that you were duped.  Remember, Obama is POLITICIAN.  Who cares about his speaking abilities when china is raping us, jobs are flooding out of the country, food prices are skyrocketing and the darling of the Democratic party of issues, SOCIAL SECURITY, is the first thing on the chopping block.  What’s worse is he has committed unconstitutional crimes over and over and over.

The time for giving him a pass is way over.  Who cares that he’s half Black.  Who cares that he’s articulate.  Who cares that the country was bad under Bush.  I have a clue for you.  Bush wasn’t the cause of the housing bubble.  We Americans were the cause of the housing bubble.  Bush wasn’t the cause of this economic depression.  We were the cause of this economic depression.  Bush wasn’t the cause of jobs hemorrhaging out of the US.  We were the cause.

For all the blame that I, personally, laid at Bush’s feet, the reality was that he no more caused it, than I did.  In fact, the housing bubble started under Reagan, skyrocketed under Clinton and came to a halt under Bush. 

For all the bleeding and weeping we have for these people losing their homes, at the end of the day, it is their own greed that got them into it.  Do you think for a second that someone purchasing a $30,000 home EVER got into trouble?  Do you think someone that paid CASH for their home, [ oh an yes 30% of homes are STILL paid for in cash, like everyone did in the 30’s 40’s and 50’s ] got into trouble?

Obama is not special.  He doesn’t deserve your worship.  He deserves your scrutiny.  And, do NOT rely on the news to do your thinking for you.

I offer you an olive branch.  Without you, the country cannot be healed.  If the millions of Obama worshipers do not quickly wise up, we are going to be plunged into the worst nightmare, even this current session could not hold a match to.  Please, just stop the Obama worship and think for a second about what is going on.  The wars, the money, the budget, the drop in the dollar, the wall street CONTINUOUS bailouts, the food inflation, the energy inflation, the middle class slipping into poverty, the staggering job loss.

There is an alternative, to this two party monopoly.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorneys
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Myths vs Facts: BP Oil Spill

Fox News Lies About BP Oil Spill

What can really be said about the BP Oil Spill and surrounding media frenzy?  It was politics as usual.  Many “news” shows, namely Fox, took delight in spreading the most egregious lies about the spill, the Obama administration, the Bush administration and misinterpreting the law.  We here at Shakaama Live cannot blame you the public for falling for such utter and complete fabrications, but a modicum of blame should be placed in your corner since you probably never fact check what you see, especially when it comes to the “news” misquoting laws.  We apologize for this very long post [ credited by talk.politics.misc group ].  We advise you bookmark this post and use it as a reference should you ever want to look up something about the spill.  The information in this post is pretty comprehensive.  We are not democrats, nor republicans.  We are libertarians here at Shakaama Live.  The politics that go on during major disasters should show you how skewed the political arena is.  Democrats and Republicans are no different and share one exact political goal, to keep all other political parties out of politics.  If we libertarians cannot convince you that they are one and the same and get donations from the same exact companies, you must admit that they do their best to keep 3rd party political groups out of the political arena.  That being said, we present to you both the lies that were told surrounding the BP oil spill and what the reality is and was.

BP Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico

CLAIM: Obama “waited 50 days, 55 days to really begin” responding to Gulf oil spill. On the June 17 edition of Fox & Friends, Rudy Giuliani said of the federal government’s response to the oil spill: “The government has played a big role in letting us down here as well. And who the heck is — you know, criticizing President Obama, President Obama’s response? I mean, the president waited 50 days, 55 days to really begin a resp- — he told us in his speech that the federal government was in charge from the very beginning.”

REALITY: Timeline of events indicates Obama administration responded almost immediately to the spill. The Coast Guard began responding to the spill hours after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded at 10 p.m. on April 20. Obama was briefed on the incident and dispatched officials to the region the next day.

CLAIM: No need for moratorium to “ensure … safety,” Obama should “undo the harm that he’s already done” and lift it. On the June 12 edition of Fox & Friends Saturday, anchor Alisyn Camerota asked Palin: “[T]he administration has called for a moratorium on deep-sea drilling until that safety can be ensured. Given all of the problems that we now know, how BP overlooked safety measures, do you support a moratorium until we can ensure the safety?” Palin replied, “No, but we do need to ramp up the oversight” of offshore drilling.” Likewise, on the June 15 edition of Fox News’ Special Report, Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes urged Obama to “undo the harm that he’s already done and lift the moratorium on the existing drilling that was going on in the Gulf.”

Not the Brightest Bulb in the Box

REALITY: All five major oil companies reportedly share similar spill response plans written by same company, and admit aspects of their plans are an “embarrassment.” According to The Washington Post, “the same tiny Texas subcontractor” authored the Gulf spill response plans for BP, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Shell Oil, and Exxon Mobil. Additionally, execs for both Exxon Mobil and Conoco Phillips called an error in both plans embarrassing.

FACT: All five companies reportedly rely on the same companies to draft their response plans and provide containment equipment. According to a June 16 Washington Post report, “the same tiny Texas subcontractor” authored the Gulf spill response plans for BP, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Shell Oil, and Exxon Mobil:

The spill response plans for all five companies were written by the same firm, the Response Group. Although it has operations in at least seven cities nationwide, the Houston-based firm’s Web site says the company has about 35 employees. (One current assignment: calling 50,000 people who have visited BP offices and getting their e-mail addresses and emergency contact information.) Additionally, the Post reported that Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) stated that oil companies all rely on one company, Marine Spill Response, to provide
containment equipment.

FACT: Three spill plans reportedly listed the phone number of a deceased marine science expert. According the same Post report, three of the five major oil companies operating in the Gulf “listed the phone number for the same University of Miami marine science expert, Peter Lutz, who died in 2005” in their spill response plans.

FACT: Exxon Mobil CEO: “We are not well-equipped to handle” major oil spills. In testimony before the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee on June 15, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson stated repeatedly that his company is “not well-equipped to handle” major oil spills.

FACT: Responding to criticism of having a dead expert’s info in his company’s oil spill response, Tillerson admitted “we need expertise.” When Markey questioned Tillerson on the Exxon Mobil plan’s inclusion of
contact information for a “technical support person” who had been dead for four years, Tillerson acknowledged that it was an “embarrassment” and stated that “we admit that we need expertise.” He further stated that just because “Dr. Lutz died in 2005 does not mean his work and the importance of his work died with him.”

FACT: ConocoPhillips CEO: “Obviously it is embarrassing” that Lutz’s contact information is in the report. At the same hearing, ConocoPhillips CEO, James Mulva, said of the response plan’s obvious flaws: “Obviously
it is embarrassing.” He further acknowledged that “the plans need to be updated more frequently.” Myth: BP was only drilling “out there” because environmentalists and the federal government “made them” do it.

Sean Hannity Later Fires Alan Colmes Fair and Balanced

CLAIM: BP’s deepwater drilling due to environmentalists, federal government “pushed us out there.” Several Fox News figures, including Sarah Palin, Charles Krauthammer, Steve Doocy, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly, have claimed that, as Hannity put it, BP “should have been in ANWR and shallower waters, and environmentalists pushed us out there.” Similarly, Fox News contributors Andrew Napolitano and Bill Kristol, and Fox guest and editor-in-chief Mike Flynn have blamed the federal government for, in Flynn’s words, “ma[king] them drill in water that deep.”

REALITY: Deep-water regions feature vast oil reserves that make such drilling potentially lucrative. According to the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Minerals Management Service, the “best source of new domestic
energy resources lies in the deep water.” The deepwater region of the Gulf has also been identified as “probably the most promising area in United States-controlled territory.”

FACT: MMS said “remarkable increase” in deep-water drilling due in part to “finding of reservoirs with high production wells.” According to the MMS: “The deepwater portion of Gulf of Mexico has shown a remarkable increase in oil and gas exploration, development and production. In part this is due to the development of new technologies reducing operational
costs and risks, as well as the finding of reservoirs with high production wells.”

FACT: Bush MMS reported that the “best source of new domestic energy resources lies in the deep water Gulf of Mexico.” In a 2004 report — titled Deep Water: Where the Energy Is — the MMS stated that “our best
source of new domestic energy resources lies in the deep water Gulf of Mexico and other frontier areas.” MMS reported that due to “declining production” in “near-shore, shallow waters” in the Gulf of Mexico,
“energy companies have focused their attention on oil and gas resources in water depths of 1,000 feet and beyond.” MMS estimated that “the deep water regions of the Gulf of Mexico may contain 56 billion barrels of oil equivalent, or enough to meet U.S. demand for 7-1/2 years at current rates.”

FACT: Bush MMS reported deepwater drilling is “America’s Offshore Energy Future,” “significant proved reserves” discovered in recent years. In a 2008 report titled “Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2008: America’s Offshore Energy Future, MMS reported:

Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

The deepwater GOM has contributed major additions to the total reserves in the GOM. Figure 40 shows the proved reserves added each year by water-depth category. Additions from the shallow waters of the GOM declined in recent years but, beginning in 1975, the deepwater area started contributing significant new reserves. Between 1975 and 1983, the majority of these additions were from discoveries in slightly more than 1,000 ft (305 m) of water. It was not until 1985 that major additions came from water depths greater than 1,500 ft (457 m). From 1998 to 2001, significant proved reserves were added in the 5,000- to 7,499-ft (1,524- to 2,286-m) water depth range. The year 2002 saw the first substantial addition from water depths greater than 7,500 ft (2,286 m).

FACT: NY Times reported BP discovery of “giant oil field” in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico indicated area was “probably the most promising area in United States-controlled territory.” A September 2, 2009, New York Times article reported that “BP announced on Wednesday the discovery of what it characterized as a giant oil field several miles under the Gulf of Mexico,” which the Times stated “was another indication that the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico are probably the most promising area in United States-controlled territory to bolster domestic oil production.” The Times further credited BP’s deep-water rigs with having “stabilized domestic production after almost two decades of yearly decline.”

CLAIM: Obama “was off on vacation twice” during oil spill, but Bush did not go on vacation “in the middle of a crisis.” On the June 17 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Giuliani asserted that he didn’t think the spill was Obama’s “job number one” because Obama was “off on vacation twice” during the cleanup. Giuliani contrasted Obama’s vacations with President Bush’s and Giuliani’s own purported refusal to take vacations during times of crisis. Giuliani made similar arguments on the June 17 edition of Fox & Friends.

REALITY: Bush vacationed during the aftermath of Katrina; Giuliani reportedly spent more time at Yankees games than at WTC after 9-11. Despite Giuliani’s suggestion, Bush reportedly made at least three trips to Camp David in the two months after Katrina, and Giuliani himself reportedly spent “roughly twice as long” at, or flying to, Yankees games than at ground zero between September 17, 2001, and December 16, 2001. The Obamas visited Asheville, North Carolina, the weekend of April 23. During that trip, Obama eulogized the 29 workers killed in the West Virginia mine explosion and “met with the workers’ families privately before the ceremony,” according to CNN. During Memorial Day weekend, Obama traveled to Chicago and was scheduled to deliver his Memorial Day address at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. Due to a thunderstorm, he spoke at Andrews Air Force Base instead.

Giuliani at Yankees not Ground Zero

FACT: Bush vacationed during aftermath of Katrina. In the two months after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, Bush reportedly made at least three separate weekend trips to the presidential retreat at Camp David. Bush visited the Camp David retreat in September 2005 and again during two weekends in October 2005. Three months after the hurricane, news outlets reported that hundreds of thousands of people were “still at loose ends in provisional housing — many in isolated trailer parks”; “thousands of people were “still unaccounted for”; and “[m]ore than 80 percent of New Orleans’s population has not been able to
return home.”

FACT: Giuliani reportedly spent more time at Yankees games than at ground zero following 9-11. In an August 18, 2007, article, Alex Koppelman examined Giuliani’s schedule in the 90 days following the attacks and found: “By our count, Giuliani spent about 58 hours at Yankees games or flying to them in the 40 days between Sept. 25 and Nov. 4, roughly twice as long as he spent at ground zero in the 90 days between Sept. 17 and Dec. 16.”

CLAIM: “Outrageous” to blame Bush for MMS mismanagement leading to oil spill. Fox News figures, including Dana Perino, Dick Morris and Mike Huckabee, have claimed that it is “ridiculous” and “offensive,” as Perino put it, to say that the Bush administration’s regulatory failures led to the oil spill.

REALITY: Under Bush, MMS relaxed oversight of drilling, ignored safety warnings, downplayed oil spill concerns. The Department of Interior’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) “found a culture where the acceptance of gifts from oil and gas companies were widespread” in Bush’s MMS. In addition, under Bush, MMS loosened rules requiring a blowout plan, dismissed the risk of a massive oil spill in a BP assessment, and failed to report a warning about a vital piece of blowout preventer. Moreover, Bush promoted and sought to expand offshore drilling.

FACT: Bush MMS adopted regulations stating drillers are “in the best position to determine the environmental effects of its proposed activity.” The Washington Post reported on May 25 that the actions taken by MMS “are shaped in part by a 2005 regulation it adopted that assumes oil and gas companies can best evaluate the environmental effects of their operations.” The article stated that “[t]he rule governing which information the MMS should receive and review before signing off on drilling plans states: ‘The lessee or operator is in the best position to determine the environmental effects of its proposed activity based on whether the operation is routine or non-routine.'” Rolling Stone magazine reported that these “new rules pre-qualified deep-sea drillers” to receive an “exemption from environmental review,” even though such exemptions were “originally intended to prevent minor projects, like outhouses on hiking trails, from being tied up in red tape.”

Not the Fastest Chicken in the Coop

FACT: In April 2008, Bush MMS loosened rules requiring blowout plan. The Associated Press reported on May 5 that a “rule change two years ago by the federal agency that regulates offshore oil rigs allowed BP to avoid filing a plan specifically for handling a major spill from an uncontrolled blowout at its Deepwater Horizon project.” AP further reported: “The MMS rule change, made in April 2008, says that Gulf rig operators are required to file a blowout scenario only if one of five conditions applies. For example, an operator must provide a blowout scenario when it proposes to install a ‘surface facility’ in water deeper than 1,312 feet. While Deepwater Horizon was operating almost 5,000 feet below the surface, [BP spokesman William] Salvin said the project did not meet the definition of a surface facility. The MMS official agreed.”

FACT: Bush MMS 2007 environmental impact assessment for BP lease dismissed risk of massive oil spill. The Post reported on May 5: “While the MMS assessed the environmental impact of drilling in the central and western Gulf of Mexico on three occasions in 2007 — including a specific evaluation of BP’s Lease 206 at Deepwater Horizon — in each case it played down the prospect of a major blowout.” The Post stated that “In one assessment, the agency estimated that ‘a large oil spill’ from a platform would not exceed a total of 1,500 barrels and that a ‘deepwater spill,’ occurring ‘offshore of the inner Continental shelf,’ would not reach the coast. In another assessment, it defined the most likely large spill as totaling 4,600 barrels and forecast that it would largely dissipate within 10 days and would be unlikely to make landfall.” According to the Times-Picayune, these assessments “paved the way for BP to assert that its plans for drilling in Lease Sale 206 posed no real dangers.”

FACT: Bush MMS failed to respond to 2004 warning about vital piece of blowout preventer. The Wall Street Journal reported on May 3 that “[f]ederal regulators learned in a 2004 study that a vital piece of oil- drilling safety equipment may not function in deep-water seas but did nothing to bolster industry requirements. The equipment, called shear rams, is supposed to seal off out-of-control oil and gas wells by pinching the pipe closed and cutting it.” The Journal further reported that “[e]xperts theorize the rams may have failed to work as expected in the Deepwater Horizon disaster.”

FACT: Bush MMS ignored warnings about faulty cementing in wells. AP reported on May 24 that numerous MMS reports identified a “poor cement job” as the cause of many offshore accidents, including incidents that took place in 2005 and 2007, “[y]et federal regulators give drillers a free hand in this crucial safety step.” AP noted that rig owner Transocean and “independent experts” have pointed to “faulty cement work” as a possible cause of the blowout, and that new rules “in the works long before the Deepwater Horizon” took effect June 3, which “take a conservative watch-and-wait approach and demand only routines already carried out around the industry: a management program with monitoring and diagnostic testing.”

Tony Hayward BP Oil CEO is Not Technically Evil But

FACT: WSJ reported that in 2003, Bush MMS decided not to require last-resort shut-off device. ABC News reported on April 30 that in 2000, MMS “issued a safety alert that called added layers of backup ‘an essential component of a deepwater drilling system’.” However, according to the Journal, “The industry argued against” mandating a remote-control shut-off switch that serves as “last-resort protection against underwater spills,” and “[b]y 2003, U.S. regulators decided remote-controlled safeguards needed more study. A report commissioned by the Minerals Management Service said ‘acoustic systems are not recommended because they tend to be very costly’.” The Journal noted that the Deepwater Horizon rig did not have a remote-control device, which is required “in two major oil-producing countries, Norway and Brazil,” and that “[i] ndustry consultants and petroleum engineers said that an acoustic remote- control may have been able to stop the well, but too much is still unknown about the accident to say that with certainty.” NPR similarly reported that Michael Saucier, MMS regional director in New Orleans, said at a hearing, “I think it was around 2001, there were some draft rules concerning secondary control systems for BOP stacks, and those rules were then sent up to headquarters to continue through the process.” The NPR report goes on to state, “But what came back from headquarters were not rules, he said, just notices that ‘highly encouraged’ companies to use the backup systems. ‘There is no enforcement on it,’ he said.”

FACT: Bush MMS reportedly suppressed scientists’ concerns about environmental impact of spills in Alaska. A June 6 Denver Post article reported that an MMS office in Alaska rejected a 2006 analysis conducted by a biologist, which stated that a large oil spill could significantly harm fish populations. The analysis, which would have “required MMS to conduct a more detailed environmental impact statement before auctioning leases in the Beaufort Sea,” was rewritten after a supervisor told the biologist that his analysis would cause a “delay in sale 202. That would, as you can imagine, not go over well with HQ and others.” The Denver Post further reported, “[c]oncerns raised by another MMS biologist, James Wilder, that the impact on polar bears was not adequately addressed in Shell’s Alaska exploration plan, also were rebuffed, according to e-mails.”

CLAIM: “Largest single donation” “from BP” has gone to Obama. After Palin suggested a connection between “contributions made to President Obama and his administration and the support by the oil companies to the administration,” Doocy said that “when it comes down to the single largest recipient of BP cash, [Palin is] absolutely right … it was Barack Obama.”

Campaign Contributions

FACT: Obama presidential campaign took no money from BP’s PAC. Obama received $71,051 in contributions from BP employees during his presidential campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Obama’s presidential campaign received no funds from BP’s PAC or from the company itself. A CRP spokesman confirmed that “the $71,051 that Obama received during the 2008 election cycle was entirely from BP employees.” The spokesman also stated that “Obama did not accept contributions from political action committees, so none of this money is from BP’s PAC.” FACT: Donations from BP’s PAC and its employees represent 0.01 percent of Obama’s total presidential fundraising. Obama raised more than $744 million for his presidential campaign. The $71,051 he received from BP’s employees accounts for less than .01 percent of Obama’s total presidential campaign contributions. Scherer: “People who run for President raise much more money, and received much more money from BP interests — and just about every other interest.” In a May 5 Swampland post, Time’s Michael Scherer cited CRP’s data and noted that “[i]t is true that … Obama received slightly more money from BP’s PAC and employees since 1990 than anyone else.” Scherer went on to explain:

But there is a major a reason for that, which the story fails to mention: People who run for President raise much more money, and received much more money from BP interests — and just about every other interest. The fourth highest recipient of BP money in the same time period is George W. Bush. The fifth highest recipient is John McCain. In the 2000 and 2004 cycles, Bush got the most money, albeit less than Obama received in 2008. But then one could adjust these numbers for campaign inflation: campaigns overall raised much less money in the 2000 and 2004 cycles than the record-smashing 2008 cycle. FACT: Obama took only $1,000 of PAC money from BP during his 2004 Senate campaign. Obama received $1,000 from BP’s PAC during his 2004 Senate campaign. Twenty-one Senate candidates received more from BP’s PAC during that election cycle alone.

CLAIM: Obama’s refusal to waive Jones Act has prevented international assistance. Fox News’ Dick Morris, Bill O’Reilly and Oliver North have similarly asserted that Obama’s purported refusal to waive the Jones Act has prevented the United States from accepting aid from foreign ships.

REALITY: International assistance is part of Gulf spill response. In an interview on the June 15 edition of Fox & Friends, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs stated that “foreign entities are operating within the Gulf that help us respond” to the oil spill. Further, in a June 15 press release, the Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center stated, “Currently, 15 foreign-flagged vessels are involved in the largest response to an oil spill in U.S. history.” The Center further explained, “No Jones Act waivers have been granted because none of these vessels have required such a waiver to conduct their operations in the Gulf of Mexico.” The administration has further stated that they would waive the Jones Act if waivers were requested, but that “there are no pending requests for foreign vessels to come into the Gulf.”

Myth: Obama admin defied Constitution because it “told” BP to create escrow account CLAIM: Obama’s actions on escrow fund were “not constitutional.” On the June 18 edition of Fox & Friends, talking about Rep. Joe Barton’s (R-TX) criticism of the $20 billion escrow account, co-host Brian Kilmeade said: “You know, [Barton’s] upset that they set up this — that they told BP, ‘I need $20 billion into this fund.’ … He felt as though that was out of the administration’s realm. They shouldn’t be allowed to do that. That’s not constitutional, and they shouldn’t go ahead — go forward with that.”

Fox News Lies, They All Do Actually

REALITY: BP volunteered to establish account after “negotiation session” with White House in which “[b]oth sides got what they wanted.” BP agreed on its own to establish the account as a “voluntary gesture” after negotiations with the White House in which both sides reportedly got what they wanted. Additionally, Dan Farber, director of Berkeley Law’s environmental law program, wrote that “the answer isn’t very clear” but that the Oil Pollution Act “does require BP to establish a process for ‘the payment or settlement of claims for interim, short-term damages’ that might encompass an escrow and independent decision-makers.”

FACT: Wash. Post: “Both sides got what they wanted out of the encounter.” The Post reported that in the meeting between the White House and BP, “[b]oth sides got what they wanted out of the encounter,” noting that “BP, though poorer on paper in the short run, got some much-needed clarity on its long-term liability, plus an explicit statement from Obama that the administration doesn’t want to see BP driven into bankruptcy.”

FACT: BP announced $100 million to support unemployed oil industry workers as a “voluntary gesture.” The Post also reported on June 17 that Obama asked BP “for a voluntary contribution to a foundation that will support unemployed oil industry employees” and that “BP agreed, offering $100 million.” The Post quoted BP adviser Jamie Gorelick as saying, “We made clear that we do not think this is a liability for the company. The president said he’s concerned about those workers. He asked if there was something we could do as a voluntary gesture.”

FACT: Expert said law “does require BP to establish a process for ‘the payment or settlement of claims for interim, short-term damages,’ ” which could include escrow account. In his June 15 post on the blog Legal Planet titled, “Can Obama Require BP to Form an Escrow Fund?” Farber wrote that “the answer isn’t very clear” but that the Oil Pollution Act “does require BP to establish a process for ‘the payment or settlement of claims for interim, short-term damages’ that might encompass an escrow and independent decision-makers.” Indeed, Section 1005 of the Oil Pollution Act states:


    (a) GENERAL RULE. — The responsible party or the responsible party’s guarantor is liable to a claimant for interest on the amount paid in satisfaction of a claim under this Act for the period described in subsection (b). The responsible party shall establish a procedure for the payment or settlement of claims for interim, short-term damages. Payment or settlement of a claim for interim, short-term damages representing less than the full amount of damages to which the claimant ultimately may be entitled shall not preclude recovery by the claimant for damages not reflected in the paid or settled partial claim. 

CLAIM: “Red tape puts hold on company’s boom making.” On June 10, Fox & Friends ran a story criticizing the administration for possibly being “in the dark about” Packgen, a Maine company who’s oil containment boom had yet to be approved by BP for use in the Gulf. During the segment, on- screen text read: “Red tape puts hold on company’s boom making.”

Packgen Had Never Made Boom Before

REALITY: Packgen had not previously manufactured boom, reportedly failed “initial quality control test.” The Maine company had reportedly not produced boom before and their boom reportedly “differs from other designs being used.” BP ordered a trial run of the product before committing to purchase it. The boom later reportedly failed “an initial quality control test.”

FACT: Packgen reportedly began manufacturing boom after spill. The Lewiston, Maine, Sun Journal reported on May 19 that Packgen, a Maine company that “makes composite packaging used to contain environmental and hazardous waste,” hoped to “capitalize on the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by churning out a much-sought-after oil containment tool known as a boom.” The article quoted Packgen’s president as saying they were “still pitching (to buyers)” and reported that BP had “sent up a company auditor to check out” the company.

FACT: WCSH6 reported that BP “ordered a trial run” of the product, which “differs from other designs being used.” Maine news station WCSH6 reported on June 3 that BP “has ordered a trial run of the product but there is no word of when or if the design will be approved.” The article also reported: “It differs from other designs being used because, according to company officials, it creates a tighter seal between pieces preventing oil from leaking past the barrier.”

FACT: Boom reportedly failed “an initial quality test.” On June 11, ABC News’ Jake Tapper tweeted that according to the Coast Guard, the “boom manufactured by Packgen did not pass an initial quality control test.” On June 16, Tapper reported that an engineering professor who was hired by Packgen to inspect the boom stated his belief that ” ‘it certainly will work’ in coastal areas in coastal areas, though he ‘wouldn’t deploy it deepwater’.”

CLAIM: Obama did not “respond immediately” to spill because he did not approve the berm plan “right away” On the June 9 edition of Fox & Friends, Perino responded to the statement that “[Obama’s] officials responded immediately” to the spill by claiming, “I think Governor [Bobby] Jindal would disagree with the berms that weren’t built right away.”

Bush Administration: The Vacation President

REALITY: Army Corps of Engineers studied plan as required by law and expressed concerns over proposal. AP reported on May 24 that “the Corps said it is working as quickly as possible on the emergency permit request — but still has to follow various steps required by federal law.”

FACT: Army Corps reportedly raised concerns that barriers “could instead funnel oil into more unprotected areas and into neighboring Mississippi.” AP reported on May 26 that the Army Corps released documents that day that “signaled support for parts of the state plan, including berms that would be built onto existing barrier islands,” but stated that parts of the plan “could inadvertently alter tides and end up driving oil east — into Mississippi Sound, the Biloxi Marshes and Lake Borgne.”

FACT: Army Corps approved portions of the plan “after careful consideration of the available information.” On May 27, the Army Corps of Engineers announced that they approved portions of the plan to create sand berms between barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana. The White House approved additional portions of Lousiana’s berm plan on June 2.

FACT: Adm. Allen reportedly continued to express concerns about proposal but said “the prudent thing … was to start a pilot project and keep asking questions.” On May 28, AP reported that Adm. Thad Allen “approved portions of Louisiana’s $350 million plan to ring its coastline with a wall of sand meant to keep out the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.” The article noted that the Army Corps had objected to portions of the plan due to concerns about oil being diverted to Mississippi and that Allen also “said some sections of the berm system would not have kept out oil,” as well as potentially “interfer[ing] with cleanup.”

CLAIM: Shutting down oil-collecting barges was an “amazing screw-up.” On the June 18 edition of his Fox News show, O’Reilly asserted that there had been an “insane,” “amazing screw-up in the Gulf cleanup,” because the Coast Guard sent several oil-collecting barges back to shore due to questions about safety measures (including life vests and fire extinguishers) on the ships.

REALITY: The ships reportedly did lack the required equipment, and there were also concerns about their stability. The Daily Caller’s Jonathan Strong reported on June 18:

U.S. Coast Guard

Sixteen crude-sucking barges are back in the Gulf of Mexico working to clean up oil, but the Coast Guard is defending its decision to ground the vessels because it couldn’t verify whether there were fire extinguishers and life vests on board.

“The Coast Guard is not going to compromise safety … that’s our No. 1 priority,” Coast Guard spokesman Robert Brassel told The Daily Caller.

    Brassel said the barges are now “back in operating order.”

On Thursday night, the Incident Commander in Houma, Roger Laferriere, decided with the captain of the port in New Orleans to inspect the barges when they realized the ships did not have a certificate of inspection to demonstrate safety equipment on board. Thursday morning, the ships were inspected and grounded because they did not have the proper fire-fighting and life-saving equipment. There were also concerns about the stability of the barges. During the day Thursday, the problems were fixed, and the barges are back out on the water today. A June 17 statement from the Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center stated that the “vacuum barges were temporarily removed from service after safety concerns occurred including stability and the lack of lifesaving and firefighting equipment.” A June 19 statement said that “the owner/operator of the barges asked the Coast Guard to inspect the vessels, some under construction, to ensure they were safe” and that “The Coast Guard inspectors made recommendations to the owner/operator regarding lifesaving and firefighting equipment, vessel stability and egress issues, leaving the decision to continue construction and operations with the owner/operator.”

“Never Waste a Crisis” Rahm Emanuel

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How to Understand U.S. Foreign Policy (video)

U.S. Foreign Policy and Military Democracy

Noone can say that America is not without complete understanding of the minds of foreign countries.  The presidency has always been the bastion of democracy on the planet.  Only the most forthright and intellectual individual is ever elected to the highest office of the land, sometimes repeatedly.  If noone else is qualified for the job of President of the World, I mean, of the United States, then it is the duty of those whore are most qualified, eloquent of speech, of good moral character, and of sound reason to be reelected, by a generous and politically savvy constituency.

Militarily speaking, only the most moral of reason has the U.S. ever used its military forces around the globe.  And, we only use our military with the utmost economic efficiency.  Any officer in the military that has one iota of conscience will forthwith inform his superior officers, or even the presidency, that they will not be used in any manner that is not 100% in a purely defensive matter to protect U.S. soil.  Ours is the shining example of how a military should be run.  Our troops wash their own clothes, engineer their own weapons and do every possible thing, in-house, to keep our military running at peak efficiency.  Of course they have to, because it is how tax payer dollars should be spent.  Our military can hold their head high and say they would never be used for any sordid economic use.  Our military stands ready to defend us from any foreign invaders.

It is simply amazing how many countries clamor to beg that we come and demonstrate to them how democracy can be practiced in their country.  It is the only reason, and a fantastic one at that, that we send our troops to ensure the safety of our instructors of democracy.  It is a small price to pay, but every American proudly pays taxes to aid our military being used in such a manner.  And, those instructors of democracy have their hands full.  It is very hard, sometimes, to get a good interpreter in those countries, since they sometimes don’t speak English over there.

Yes, U.S. foreign policy is so moral and right.  After all, the country was founded by good Christian men, none of whom touched whine, women nor owned slaves.  We can put our full faith and trust in such men to come up with a system, that we still adhere to, to the letter, to this very day.  To that end, we have sent so many diplomats overseas, to help those poor countries write just such a constitution for themselves.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas Nevada DUI Penalties
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Where Have All the Conservatives Gone: Death of the Dollar

Democrat in Sheep’s Clothing, No Really Republican

Most conservatives come to Washington knowing it is a sewer but end up treating it like a hot tub.

Why do so many conservatives start out with the desire to emulate Ron Paul but end up in the hot tub with Chuck Schumer and Charles Rangel? Is it in human nature to buy votes with government subsidies instead of working for the good of freedom in the country? Is it because of the power of lobbyists that seek out the subsidies? Is it the progressive income tax that provides the revenue for the subsidies? What is it that causes this disheartening revolution that turns such high minded men into petty grovelers for power? what should we be doing about it?

Former conservatives, although few and far between were well grounded. They had read Adam Smith – author 1776 book “The Wealth of Nations”, Edmund Burke – conservative Whig Party Leader, Russel Kirk – author 1953 book “The Conservative Mind“. Now they rely on instincts or popular authors of books or worse talk show hosts. There is no support from conservatives who are elected, they are inundated with lobbyist post election and sever ties with the very people that elected them.

Everyone wants to easily throw Libertarians into the same pool with conservatives. It’s in fact a completely different approach altogether. Nothing could be more dissimilar than a republican, a conservative and a Libertarian. We allow the media once again to define something for us, or even scare us, without researching. The main philosophy that dictates the course of action in Washington is concentrated benefits vs diffused costs. That is to say, Washington is gripped with an air of spending concentrated to the benefit of a few while the costs are diffused over many. They then only hear from those few whom they benefit.

Politicians at the national level have dedicated their entire life to politics. They are therefore far less likely to be libertarian or true conservatives or don’t tread on me politicians. They tend to serve their self interest and are people that like government.

Again, a lot of politicians do not see dollars as pieces of paper with the picture of the great George Washington on them, but they see their own faces on them, not tax payer’s money. They see Bush dollars, or Obama dollars or Reid dollars. To them it is their money and the only difficulty is how to wrest it away from some other politician so that they can “spend” on their own district. The old boy network then puts it upon the freshmen congressmen to make sure that they spend enough in their own district to get reelected. There is no discussion of principles or too much governmental oversight.

Let’s go over the numbers and how each input is based on a selfish scale. The bottom quadrant of tax payers pay 0% in taxes. The 2nd bottom quadrant of tax payers pay 3% of taxes. The top 2 quadrants of tax payers pay 97% of all taxes. However, the bottom 2 quadrants receive a disproportionate amount of government spending, in the form of subsidies. Also the bottom 2 quadrants are far more numerous than the top 2 quadrants. So when they feel victorious over government subsidies they are jubilant and go about their lives and leave government alone or are grateful for government. By proxy we have created infinite demand for those subsidies.

The Flat Tax

Only a flat tax would remove this demand for free subsidies. It would have to be a flat tax without any exemptions. A flat tax would then force everyone to take a look at these subsidies because they would no longer be free. It would also shrink government, because people would pay attention to government spending on a personal level. Most complain about taxes, but since they aren’t directly paying for it, it doesn’t hit them in the pocket book. With a flat tax, they would be concerned about all spending, including military, education, entitlements, social security, welfare, medicare medicaid and the deficit.

A flat tax would also force people to realize the federal reserve, a private bank that has been given national rights to set national financial policy, is not there for the benefit of the tax payer, nor the American citizen. As such, a flat tax would get rid of both the IRS and the federal reserve.

Once a flat tax is implemented and military spending comes under scrutiny, the American public would come to realize that the current military policies are unconstitutional and call for the repeal of nearly all military legislation. The government is vastly inflated due to military spending and policy. No longer would the government be able to blame stuff like 9/11 on outside foreign terrorist. No longer could the president by executive order in contravention of international agreement, unilaterally invade another country to fight some seemingly invisible threat. No longer could we invade other country en lieu of diplomacy. A flat tax would call for the retirement of all U.S. military forces in other countries, not in direct protection of diplomatic personnel. That alone would shrink the government spending by 60%.

The Truth About the IRS and the Fed

Without that much spending, we could then get rid of the IRS, which is also an unconstitutional entity. Ronald Reagan did a study when he came to power, of what is the IRS for. His study found that the U.S. income tax goes to pay off just the interest of the loans the federal reserve has made to the U.S. government.

“100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt … all
individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services
taxpayers expect from government.” -Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan – January 15, 1984

“Ronald Reagan was promptly shot after he dared to criticize the Fed, on the same day
that the Pope was shot. After recovering, he changed his mind and praised the Fed. About
seven US Presidents have been assassinated for not cooperating with the Transatlantic
Banking Dynasties (William Henry Harrison, poisoned, in 1841, Zachary Taylor, Lincoln,
Garfield, McKinley and John F. Kennedy 1963; 7 if FDR’s poisoning is counted).”

“In a recent conversation with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed
when he told me that ‘If the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the IRS
operates on 90% bluff the entire system will collapse'”. -Henry Bellmon, Senator (1969)

“Our federal tax system is, in short, utterly impossible, utterly unjust and completely counterproductive [it] reeks with injustice and is fundamentally un-American… it has earned a rebellion and it’s time we rebelled”. -President Ronald Reagan, May 1983, Williamsburg, VA

“Our Income Tax system is a disgrace to the human race.” -Jimmy Carter, said in 1976 by the then President-to-be

“Eight decades of amendments… to [the] code have produced a virtually impenetrable maze… The rules are unintelligible to most citizens… The rules are equally mysterious to many government employees who are charged with administering and enforcing the law”. -Shirley Peterson, Former IRS Commissioner, April 14, 1993 at Southern Methodist University

“The wages of the average American worker, after inflation and taxes, have decreased 17% since 1973, the only Western industrial nation to so suffer”. -Martin Gross, author of “The Tax Racket: Government Extortion From A to Z”

“Our tax system is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint”.
[haw haw] -United States Supreme Court, in Flora v. United States

“The United States has a system of taxation by confession”. – Hugo Black, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

“Let me point this out now. Your income tax is 100 percent voluntary tax, and your
liquor tax is 100 percent enforced tax. Now, the situation is as different as night and day. Consequently, your same rules just will not apply…”. -Dwight E. Avis, former head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the IRS, testifying before a House Ways and Means subcommittee in 1953

“When you pay social security taxes, you are in no way making provision for your own retirement. You are paying the pensions of those who are already retired. Once you understand this, you see that whether you will get the benefits you are counting on when you retire depends on whether Congress will levy enough taxes, borrow enough, or print enough money… – W. Allen Wallis, former Chairman of the 1975 Advisory Council on Social Security, May27, 1976

“To lay with one hand the power of government on the property of the citizen, and with the other to bestow it on favored individuals… is none the less robbery because it is… called taxation”. – United States Supreme Court in Loan Association v. Topeka

Let’s Agree to Disagree, How 3rd Parties are Shut Out of Being Elected

It is no wonder why conservatives do not come to power and then seek to shrink government. It is a house of cards as big as the Titanic. Should one card fail, it would all come crashing down. They feel it would be political suicide to even try one portion of the original platform. We can also clearly see that that platform is false to begin with. Why should conservatives shrink government? They are making money hand over fist just like the liberals.

Democrats and Republicans fight tooth and nail to make sure a 3rd party is not elected. Because, then they fear it would reveal all the lies and tangled web they have been weaving on the American public for decades, centuries. A 3rd party represents an outsider who can bring down this grift.

They both fear:

  • dismantling the IRS
  • dismantling the federal reserve bank
  • dismantling the bloated military
  • returning the dollar to real currency
  • shrinking the government to true size

If you agree with everything said in here, and this has made you realize how awful our government is right now… YOU ARE A LIBERTARIAN. Surprise! Most people don’t even know they are libertarian. They may be registered republicans or better yet, registered democrats. They don’t realize what the libertarian party stands for. The media has so indoctrinated them into the two party system that they don’t even know there is an option. During the last election campaign they pitted the libertarian against the republicans. When, in fact, libertarians have little in common with either party. Libertarians aren’t conservative, they are simply the most closely associated with the founding fathers. The founding fathers didn’t believe in government interference with most everyone’s daily lives. Adam Smith and other thinkers also felt government should take a back seat to every day man. Government should only make sure the playing field isn’t unduly burdensome, i.e. being bullied in business or ethics.

We have come a long way from the founding fathers. Most of the founding fathers were even hesitant to create our own government. After that hurdle was passed, they didn’t know what shape our government would take. With all that hesitation you would think that today’s politicians would be more cognizant and reticent to do the things they are doing. Sadly, they do it with a smile, with no hesitation.

To get more info about the libertarian party click

or better yet your state

Never being one to take the easy way out. I feel all Black Americans should join the Libertarian Party. We would be better served, better protected and left alone far more. The Libertarian party would not seek out an agenda of genocide through passing of local, state, and federal laws. Our taxes would be lower under a Libertarian party. Our young men would not be jailed, just to give billions to private prisons, who helped to write these unjust laws, such as the “War on Drugs”. Black America needs to stand up and join a party to truly represents them. Democrats and Republicans have shot us in the back time and time again. We don’t need more government, we need less government. Less government, means more money in our pocket at the end of the day.

Libertarians wouldn’t go off fighting unjust wars. In fact your sons and daughters wouldn’t be slaughtered overseas in some other man’s country due to some political shenanigans or even worse, over money and greed. Under a Libertarian Party presidency you wouldn’t have federal college loans, but then colleges would have to compete for student dollars and everyone would have to lower tuition. In some colleges the tuition is close to the cost of a house. And for what?

College degrees now hold little sway in a service market. There are many college students that have to take service jobs that pay $10 / hr. This is the same pay as their high school diploma coworker is receiving, sitting right next to them.

This last election proved that the Black Vote is a force to be reckoned with. Barrack Obama was not even counting on the Black turn-out to win the election. I repeat, he wasn’t even counting on us coming out. However, the Black Vote was the strongest it has ever been in the history of the country. At every age level. Unfortunately, Barrack Obama has proven to be the same exact tired politics as usual. We expected a miracle and got a lump of coal in our Christmas stocking. It’s great he was the first Black president, however he is absolutely doing everything in his power to maintain his seat of power, like all the rest of them, spend, spend, spend. Not one single cabinet member has been appointed that has been any different from any other administration. In fact he chose the same people that led us into this financial quagmire to begin with. I’m sorry to say, my Black brothers and sisters, we’ve been had, hoodwinked, bamboozled. However, should we all join the Libertarian party, we can all rest soundly knowing we will be adequately and rightly represented.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas Nevada DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Invitation to Participate in My Blog: Shakaama Live

I Invite You to Speak Out

This seems long overdue. But, there is method to my madness. I wanted to first make sure people were actually reading my blog before I sent out and invitation to participate. A preacher can’t preach to empty pews can he? You can’t have a sumptuous dinner party with no guests can you? So, I made sure that I had people reading my blog first, and quite a few numbers, before I send out my invitation.

I’m sure by now you might be hesitating thinking I’m going to ask you for some mad science experiment. Nothing could be further from the truth, so rest easy. I am all American, normal, boring and mundane down to my elbows.

If you can tell however, so far, from my blog, I like to speak out about issues. I like to explain what is going on behind the scenes. If you don’t know, half the world is owned by nearly 12 people. All of the news, and the news sources are owned by 1 person. Pharmaceutical companies lobby and pressure congress and other governments to pass laws and go to that one person that owns all the news, to scare you into taking drugs THAT ARE COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE. The food industry is owned by only a few people. Nearly all of the meat is slaughtered in one place. That means if one cow / pig / chicken is sick, then the entire western hemisphere will catch it. McDonalds, super markets, expensive restaurants all get their meat from the same exact place.

I invite you to participate and open up a dialogue with me. I welcome your comments. If you are an average citizen, know that I am looking out for you. If you are Black, know that I am looking out for you. But, if you are a part of the problem: big pharma; big food; big farm; corporate shill; corporate news; lobbyist; political pundit from the 1 party system, I invite you to comment, but know I will point out who you are and point out why not to listen to you.

Unfortunately, for those who wish to comment on my blog simply to get traffic to their website/blog I don’t have time. I have actually opened up all comments so they do indeed track back to your website/blog or link. You will get complete credit and link juice from any links you post in your comments. However, you MUST provide something to the discussion AT HAND. I don’t mind helping you out, but leave something at the table when you come to the table.

What’s This All About?

You know I love lists, so here is the list of things I’d like from you:

  • Politics – I would love your comments about my political news. If you agree or even disagree. Let me know you’re alive and breathing. There is no way I am providing the same drone news in politics that everyone else is. They wouldn’t dare say Obama is the same as Bush. They wouldn’t dare say all of Obama’s cabinet members are owned by Goldman Sachs and that’s why the stimulus packages are all going to wall stree, evne the ones that say are coming to us, is a lie and just going to wall street. There is no way the corporate media would tell you the truth. Just because Fox News doesn’t hide the fact they are lying to you, do you really think the rest aren’t lying?
  • Whistle Blowers – I invite you to blow the whistle on companies you know or suspect are being underhanded and just out to make a buck. I will research the company and get back to you with my findings. I also present information or blow the whistle on companies I find are just out to make a buck. Understand people, these companies these days are so divorced from you that they don’t care if what they are selling you KILLS YOU. It is that far gone. This especially applies to drug companies. If 1 million people died from their vaccine, they wouldn’t care. All they would care about is that you paid for 1 million vaccines in this past quarter and made them mega profits.
  • Black Issues – I invite you to reveal how the media is lying about Black Americans day in and day out. The media again and again comes up with negative information about Black men, in particular, and Black Americans in general. For instance, I was under the impression that Black fathers do not see / visit / pay for or spend time with their illegitimate children. After researching the topic, I found studies already done that showed that the opposite is true and that the negative assertion is completely false. Black fathers of illegitimate children spend more time, and money, per capita, with their children than any other racial group. This is just an example of what corporate media is doing to destroy the African American Community. I invite you to share your own research, and make sure you list your source so all the readers can see for themselves.
  • Black Relationships – I invite your input of either why you love or dislike other Black men or women. Note that, this blog is not hear to deal with homosexuality. I am not equipped to even deal with that subject, so I stress that you only present heterosexual information. We are in a world of hurt in Black relationships already, we don’t need the added stress of homosexuality to deal with. Black relationships are under attack in the media and in the street. Again, through my research I found that divorce amongst our Black brothers and sisters is not outrageous at all. I found that there is not this vast majority of children being born illegitimately in the Black community. Once again, this is the media doing this. And, universities are assuming its true and running with the lie to try and research it. And, when they don’t find it to be true, instead of presenting the findings, they question themselves or think their findings are wrong.
  • The Constitution of the United States of America – I invite you to comment, question or inquire about stories that violate your constitutional rights. Understand, that now if you tell a police officer that he /she is violating your constitutional right, instead of them taking a step back and reflecting on what you said, they have been instructed to bring you in as a possible terrorist and threat to national security. They have even removed the law which prohibited the military from being used inside the U.S. and now the military can come in and quell U.S. citizens i.e. demonstrations, even peaceful ones. I invite you to discuss, share or ask about such violations.
  • You Health – I have another blog Muscle Lose Fat that strictly deals with your health and health related issues. You may have noticed a lack of pharmaceutical or political discussions surrounding it. Those have all been moved to that blog and I welcome your comments and input there. It’s not only for bodybuilders but it is also for health in general. And, I do discuss how the pharmaceutical companies are lying to us, just to get us to buy their drugs more. I also discuss how big farms are killing us with their horrible food practices.
  • Your Money – I have another blog Biz News that deals strictly with Money, the stock market, U.S. financial political policy. Depending on how long you’ve been reading my blog, I have moved all those stories over there. I welcome your input and comments. Know that you are being hounded day and night to spend spend spend. You don’t need to spend anything, except your bills. If you eat healthy and exercise you won’t need any of the drugs that are being peddled, YES PEDDLED, to you. Modern medicine’s only saving grace is their trauma and emergency systems. If you have an injury /burn / accident, hands down U.S. medicine is your saving grace and no other country can beat us at it. However, health concerns are bought and paid for. Congress is bought and paid for. Wall street has their hand not just in the governments back pocket, but down the front and back of their pants, and they have a firm grip and they don’t intend to let go, at least without a fight. Can you blame them? They have a good thing going. They have the entire nation that can give them money just by having their buddies in Washington pass legislation. I invite you to go there and share your stories about the financial woes and bewares there.

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you can tell I sincerely care about all Americans in general and Black Americans in particular. Black people are not free in America and neither are the rest of the working POOR. You do know that, that’s what you are, the working poor or working class. There is no middle class. There never was… Oh that might be harsh. There was a middle class a long time ago, when people owned their own houses and had their own businesses. There was not this mass notion of having a “job”. You grew up and either worked the farm, if that’s where you lived, or helped run the store. The only people with jobs were the poor people or the true professionals. So, what happened? More and more people migrated to the cities and … they kept looking to the government to provide for them. And, it was like a catch 22. The more people came, the more they demanded, so all these jobs were created out of thin air. The smart people put all the poor people to work. And, that’s the real story of America.

I want to smack people around and show them what happened to their country. “Leave it to Beaver” is a lie. If that show were reality, every episode would be “how are we going to pay for this” this week. And by the end of the show it would have been “you gotta go to work honey”. I’m not saying people shouldn’t have moved to the city. I’m saying they shouldn’t have looked to the government for a hand out or to solve their own personal problems. How can you move somewhere without a plan? Now everyone cries that government is too big. You made your own bed.

I want to wake people up and let them see what is going on. If you have ever sat home vegging out to the t.v. after a hard day at work, in which you get paid peanuts, and wondered, is this it? then this is the blog where you can wake up. The matrix really does have you.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Obama Health Care to Cover Illegal Aliens

Joe Wilson Yells You Lie: Obama Lies

Representative Joe Wilson (R) South Carolina yelled out “You Lie” to President Obama as he was giving a joint session of congress address. President Obama was asserting that the health care plan that he is proposing would “not” cover illegal aliens, contrary to popular belief. It was at this point that Rep. Joe Wilson yelled out “You Lie”.

HR3200 the Obama Health Care Plan and Illegal Aliens

Let’s look into the bill and what it actually does say about illegal aliens and receiving benefits from the ObamaCare plan. The simple fact is President Obama was in fact lying. The method by which illegal immigrants will come to be covered under ObamaCare is through the bill’s (HR3200) failure to contain any

  • citizenship verification requirement or
  • enforcement mechanism mandated to verify one’s eligibility.

Other federal programs routinely carry language requiring proof of citizenship before allowing access to benefits.

Congressional democrats defeated two bills which actually enunciated a requirement to show proof of citizenship and an enforcement mechanism to verify one’s eligibility. The only proof required for the ObamaCare plan pertains to family income. The democrats then crafted the current HR3200 to cover illegal aliens as well as citizens. The tremendous downside is that citizens would pay into this an illegal aliens would not, nor would their be required to pay into it.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live