Financial News: Cyprus In Layman’s Terms

Cyprus In Layman’s Terms

cyprus bank runIn case you’ve heard it and didn’t understand or have been living under a rock, in terms of financial news, not that everyone pays attention to financial news, the tiny nation of Cyprus is doing something unprecedented. They are stealing depositors money.

The news is reporting it and the most casual way possible. If they told you exactly what was going on, and what other options were available, a widespread panic would ensue.

So here’s the basics of this report. The tiny nation of Cyprus, basically serves as the offshore banking for much of Europe. They are the Cayman Islands of Europe. People deposit their huge sums there, and pay very little taxes. Because the island’s banks gets huge sums of money, they thought to make even more money by investing it themselves. Who did they invest in? Greece. Wait, are you thinking what I’m thinking? That’s right, Greece is insolvent and can’t pay its creditors, including Cyprus.

Continue reading Financial News: Cyprus In Layman’s Terms

Slashing Welfare: Racist Rhetoric or Sound Dollar Policies

Slashing Welfare: Racist Rhetoric or Sound Dollar Policies

white welfare queenWhen Reagan talked about a Black “welfare queen” that made $150,000, drove a Cadillac and lived on welfare [it was later discovered it was all a lie] and he spoke of slashing welfare, was it just to get votes or was he trying to reform federal spending to return to sound dollar policies.

In keeping with their “republicans are racist”, Democrats often say that Republicans say that they are going to cut social programs, because they are against Black people.

The statement itself is racist on every level.  Real data [not wikipedia] shows that more white single mothers are on social programs than the entire population of Blacks that even live in the country, but Democrats somehow try to slip in the idea that welfare is a “Black” thing, AND that they are battling the racism of Republicans by trying to increase social program spending.

The ultimate recipient winner of Democrat spending increases are white women.

Other than Reagan, I have not heard a Republican say in the same breath that welfare is a Black thing and that we need to cut it. It is more of Democrats trying to smear Republicans to show their “difference”, which also isn’t true, since if they increase social spending, the government grows, which benefits Democrats and Republicans.

Now, are Republicans serious about slashing welfare to return to sound dollar policies or is it just rhetoric to gain votes from white secret-racist voters.

Leave the Black Community Out of the Feminist vs Men’s Rights War

Leave the Black Community Out of it

stokely carmichaelThere is a growing warfare in the white communities of America, Canada and Europe. The sides are the Feminists vs the PUA, MGTOW AND MRA.

The feminists get billions of dollars worldwide annually. They get laws passed like any domestic violence call, a policeman is required to arrest the man, regardless of evidence, regardless if he is the very one that called the police on the wife. They get laws passed like, if a woman merely claims any abuse in the home, in a paternity rights proceeding, the police, child protective services and court is to immediately deny all paternity rights to the man. They get laws passed like, if a woman merely claims abuse, violence or even mere aggression [i.e. strong words] the man can be removed from his own home and forbidden from returning, by law, upon threat of incarceration.

In reaction to this the MRA formed, to remove such laws and give men their constitutional rights. In response to this the MGTOW AND PUA split from that movement, seeing it as useless. The MGTOW and PUA are of the attitude that the system is broken, beyond repair and that the MRA is simply spinning its wheels.

This is purely a white community argument. This is purely a privileged group thumbing their nose at another privileged group. And, in the process they’re throwing people in jail, they’re breaking up homes and they’re rendering kids fatherless, without any fathers in their lives.

The argument that this is about some vengeance against supposed wrong doing by some imaginary patriarchy falls and should fall on deaf ears in the Black community. While white women might think they have some beef with their white husbands, Black women have no such beef with their Black husbands. Black men and women got the right to vote at the very same instant that white women got to vote. Nearly everything that the first and second suffrage movement accomplished for white women, by proxy included the entire Black community.

However, the feminists keep trying to suck in Black women, and by proxy oppose Black men. We don’t need any more enemies. We don’t need our Black wives to start coming out against us. This is not our fight. We don’t have a dog in this fight. Our women weren’t oppressed by us. When the Black man was beaten and hung in trees, we had to rely on the Black women, that white feminists are now trying to embrace so tightly, to keep our kids alive, fed and clothed. When our young Black gentlemen are illegally searched, fabricated with charges, denied due process, denied real legal representation and sentenced to over the maximum allowed by law, we have to rely on our Black ladies to rear our children.

Leave the Black community out of your fight. Stop poisoning our young Black gentlemen against our young Black ladies. Stop poisoning our young Black ladies against our young Black gentlemen. The Black man never kept the Black woman from voting. The Black man didn’t make the Black woman go to the back of the bus. The Black man never raped the Black woman in the slave quarters. The Black woman never beat the Black man to death out of boredom, and got away scott free without so much as a jury trial.

Stop trying to include the Black community in your shenanigans. We don’t want it. You want us to be equal, then we reserve the right to freely decline your advances to get involved in your mess.

The Conspiracy: Drugs in the Black Communities

The Conspiracy: Drugs in the Black Communities

war on drugsJamal stood before the, what he thought was a Mexican, and shook his hand, “pleased to meet you too”. “You’ve sold before,” the Mexican said in his thick accent. “Sure I’ve sold,” Jamal replied. “I’d like to introduce to you something new,” said the Mexican. The man to his left opened a briefcase, and there was very obvious bags of cocaine in it. “That ain’t new,” Jamal said, quite annoyed. “No, my friend, this is not new, but this is,” he held in his hand 5 off-white crystals. “I will teach you to turn that, into these,” as he handed him the crystals. Jamal held the crystals up and turned them about. They were definitely nothing he’d ever seen before. “You’re going to show me how to turn cocaine into this?” The Mexican nodded. “Yes, it’s called crack.”

Sydney took a sip from the bottle, not knowing what to think. Yes, he had sold grass, but to go to a meeting about grass. What was it about? Who goes to meetings about grass. The white boys come peddling their grass at the door, and you turn around and sell it. No meeting. No driving miles from the strip. He wasn’t nervous, but he didn’t know what to make of it. The car stopped. This was clearly near the docks. Everyone got out of the car and there were three other cars. There were white people everywhere, and not that normal grass growers he was used to. These guys were much older. And, he could tell they were armed. “No guns, Jamal had always told him.” Seemed like bad advice at times, but his reasoning was logical. If the police catch you with drugs, having a gun makes everything 10 times worse. They never hold for more than a day. These white cats looked like the hippies he saw on tv. One of them had a duffel-bag”Can you move the grass man,” asked one of them. Of course he could move the grass. They all looked at each other. They motioned Sydney and his partners to follow them. Behind the cars they saw rows of white, unmarked MAC trucks. “Here’s the grass man,” he pointed at the trucks. The other guy threw the duffel-bag to Sydney. “Don’t worry if you mess up, there’s way more, where that came from.”

Alphonze got into the limo. Two white girls were all over him in an instant. Across from him, sitting in a seat directly facing him, was an older white cat. “You the kid,” said the white man. Alphonze nodded, since no one else was in the limo with him. “I’m gonna send you my boy and he’ll show you the ropes,” he said as he tossed him a bag of something. Alphonze took his arms away from the adoring girls and held up the bag. It had, what looked like, a bunch of prescription drugs. There were all sorts of pills, and tiny strips of paper. “Hey, you got a car,” asked the white man. “Sure I got a car,” Alphonze said. He thought this was getting stranger by the minute, but money is money. “Good, I want you to come to some of my parties on the weekend,” he said as the car pulled to a stop. He motioned for Alphonze to get out. Next to the limo was a guy sitting on the hood of a Cadillac. It was a young white cat. “I’m your new best friend. Get in.”

Prior to the 70s there were little to no drugs in the Black communities. Black people were hard working and lived in segregated communities. They had their own businesses and services, since they were segregated. After the civil rights movement, that all changed. Black people were able to shop in town and even be in town after dark. Black people flocked to the white stores. You see, white stores were owned by white people. And, the white stores had white clients, that had white money, which was a heck of a lot more than Black people had. While Black stores were just as clean, reinvestment Black dollars were hard to come by in the poor Black communities. So the white stores were very often shinier and newer than what the poor Black people were used to. Black stores closed down across the land, plunging poor Black communities into even deeper poverty.

Then came the drugs. As if by magic, it showed up. Quantities of drugs flooded the community. It was cheap at first. So cheap because there was so much of it. The police seemed to not notice. Hell, most police, in those days, didn’t go into Black communities, since Blacks had their own police at first. But even those were fired, since cities refused to pay for separate Black police and fire stations and other services. The drugs were everywhere and new drugs, never seen before.

Something was wrong, very wrong. Families started to break apart. And white sentiments of “free love”, something that Black people, who were very traditional at the time, did not agree with, started creeping into the communities. Pockets of Black families started meeting and discussed what was going on. Then it came to a head when a white journalist happened into a Black community, researching the drugs. The families and the journalist pieced together a conspiracy that went so deep that the very foundations of the countries would be shaken.

They’d had enough. They called a meeting with the mayor and city council. Everyone was shocked and surprised when the head of the CIA showed up, unannounced. For 2 hours they yelled back and forth. Why was he there. And, he admitted nothing. The journalist questioned him, time and time again about his findings. The families questioned him about the connections. The mayor was out of his league and sat stunned.

Shortly after that, the largest drug dealers in the country started going to jail. It was an answer, but not a real answer to what was really going on. Because the drugs never went away, and they never stopped coming, not even a little bit.


  • – there is strong evidence to support that the US federal government has been involved in, and is actively involved in introducing drugs into the Black community following the civil rights movement
  • – there is strong evidence that the US federal government funded several CIA covert operations with the sale of drugs in the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that the US federal government trained local drug dealers in making and introducing crack cocaine, meth amphetamine and other harsh drugs into the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that the US federal government were in direct contact and helped introduce some of the most notorious drug crime families directly to key Black drug dealers in the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that DEA, and the US federal government import drugs and funnel them into the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that the sale of drugs in the Black community helped fund the entire Florida economy, to the tune of 70% [no other research into other states was made, so it cannot be said whether or not it holds true of such high volume drug centers like California or other states ]
  • – there is strong evidence to support that colonel Oliver north and president Ronald Reagan initiated, organized or knew of drugs being sold in the Black community to fund their Iran / Contra operation, to give weapons and arms to the Contras in Central America

Soda Size Ban Dead and Gone in New York

Soda Size Ban Dead and Gone in New York

nany state soda banOne group of people that Bloomberg did not consider in his ban on large size sodas were construction and maintenance workers. And boy are they pissed.

Construction and maintenance workers have a daily routine of going and filling up a huge cup of soda, which they will drink all day, along with their lunches and snacks. The were highly offended when Bloomberg did not even think to ask them how this would affect them. In such jobs, which are exposed to outdoor weather, one doesn’t have time to run to the store for another 6 oz soda.

They came out against this ban in droves and have been voicing their opinion for the past few weeks.

It seems ridiculous, in my opinion, that grown men, working hard are told what to drink. A lot of these men are the ones that keeps the very buildings the mayor walks around in in tip top condition.

At the heart of the ban is actually more taxes. It is the largest tax grab in the history of the city, and New Yorkers are clueless about it.

By this legislation, since people are used to 32oz and 64oz barrels of soda, the ban calls for sizes 16oz or smaller.  People will have a tendency to purchase multiples of the same soda. While the price of the soda might go down, the overall taxes will triple or even quadruple. And, since some people purchased multiple 64oz jugs of soda each day, these purchases will continue unabated, and the tax revenue will skyrocket.

However, petitioners went to the New York State Court, beverage makers and minority businessmen and the judge rescinded the legislation. First of all, one cannot really call it legislation. Bloomberg never went to the city council to have the bill even voted on. He went directly to the health board. This is the same health board that he appointed the members to. Unsurprisingly the health board voted the bill in. They stated that of 38,000 comments submitted to them, 32,000 were all positive. Yet, when casual surveys were taken by city news papers, very few favorable comments were found.

The judge said the Mayor did not have such authority to unilaterally pass such legislation, and nor does an appointed health board.



  • housewifebeing married means you’re a slave to a man
  • being married means you can’t have a career
  • you can do it without a man [and somehow be happy]
  • working in a stereotypical female job makes you a lesser woman
  • men should take care of the kids equally
  • you should control your man
  • women are smarter than men
  • women are better than men
  • lesbianism is the ultimate in “girl power”
  • any woman that is conservative is stupid
  • atheism is the ultimate in “girl power”
  • any woman that believes in a male god is stupid and not a woman

Over the past several years, while doing research for various articles, I have come across the exact words by various feminist leaders.

The more I hear and add to this list, the more I suspect that feminism has nothing to do with empowering women who feel disenfranchised or in abusive relationship, and more about some sick personal vendetta against men.

They are more concerned with destruction and not about hoping to see humanity progress. Meaning, they would rather take an abused woman and put her on top of the relationship, instead of helping her find a helpmate.

When one of the chief female analysts revealed that:
– women cheat more than men
– women are the majority of child abusers

she was cast out of the inner circle of feminism. She too, came to the conclusion that the movement wasn’t about healing what is aching in the sexes, but creating an even larger schism and destroying men.

Entertainment and media is now rife with MYSANDRY and there doesn’t even seem any slowing. New programing show women in charge, in virtually all male dominated areas. This wouldn’t be a problem if it were one show, one movie or even one woman. But, they’ll show several women being in key positions, in positions of authority in fields, virtually, no women are even in. It’s as if every woman in that field all pooled together to be in this one building. It’s not done because women are pretty, but that they are trying to cast women in a dominant position. Invariably the women are portrayed as being ultra smart and handly are surrounded by stupid, and idiotic men. Mind you, they are in quantum physics labs to begin with, but this is the state of entertainment today.

Entertainment and media is now a captured medium for feminism. Instead of authors being allowed to tell stories, they are threatened with being black balled if they do not cater to the feminist agenda. And, that agenda shows the above list over and over and over.

Married women are portrayed as being subjugated or being the man in the relationship. Women in general are portrayed as barely tolerating incompetent men. Single women vs married women are portrayed as being liberated, smart, gorgeous and full of ideas and innovations.

This isn’t entertainment, it is the feminist agenda running rampant in media.

They never tell the other side of the coin. American men going overseas to find real women. American men searching for a helpmate. American men not wanting to marry a woman that wants to look, act and be a man in a relationship.

Anytime you do show American men searching for more ladylike women, they blame the men and call the men misogynists. Somehow a man is supposed to date and marry a man. He can’t actively seek out a real woman and lady.

It’s like the fat woman that blames the men for not finding her attractive. Once you buy into this last movement of feminism, and you find yourself alone and unhappy, you turn around and blame the men, not the very women that led you down this path.

Mike Maloney on Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

ban bernankeMike Maloney of gold & silver inc goes over charts and shows how the fed stopped all deflation since 2007. Deflation would have meant that prices and wages would have gone down. The democrats fear this because they never want to hear wages going down, and the republicans don’t want to hear that prices are falling, due to lower margins.

for you the public deflation would be a godsend, because that would mean, while you might make less, milk, cheese, eggs and lettuce would cost less and less each month.

the ben bern hates deflation and loves inflation. inflation means everything goes up and up. however, if you’re poor, it virtually kills you.

The bottom line is, that the US is the world market. Other than the closed and lower class economies of China and India, the US is the largest consumer market. These manipulations of the currency and monetary supply fights against the very market forces he’s trying to curtail. It is a losing battle at best, if you believe he is actually to do anything other than to make he and his european and zionist investors money.

Understanding Obama’s Sequester Hoax

Understanding Obama’s Sequester Hoax

obama pinocchioTo understand the sequester hoax and scam we have to actually go back 2 years. The bill was the final chance in a series of proposals to resolve the 2011 United States debt-ceiling crisis, which featured bitter divisions between the parties and also pronounced splits within them. Earlier ideas included the Obama-Boehner $4 trillion “Grand Bargain”, the House Republican Cut, Cap and Balance Act, and the McConnell-Reid “Plan B” fallback. All eventually failed to gain enough general political or specific Congressional support to move into law, as the midnight August 2, 2011, deadline for an unprecedented U.S. sovereign default drew nearer and nearer.

The solution came from White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling, who, on July 12, 2011, proposed a compulsory trigger that would go into effect if another agreement was not made on tax increases and/or budget cuts equal to or greater than the the debt ceiling increase by a future date.

Ultimately, the intent of the sequester was to secure the commitment of both sides to future negotiation by means of an enforcement mechanism that would be unpalatable to Republicans and Democrats alike. President Obama agreed to the plan. House Speaker John Boehner expressed reservations, but also agreed.

On July 26, 2011, White House Budget Director Jack Lew and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss the plan. Reid, like Boehner several days before, was initially opposed to the idea, but was eventually convinced to go along with it, with the understanding that the sequester was intended as an enforcement tool rather than a true budget proposal.

On the evening of July 31, 2011, Obama announced that the leaders of both parties in both chambers had reached an agreement that would reduce the deficit and avoid default.[6] The same day, Speaker of the House John Boehner’s office outlined the agreement for House Republicans. One key element in the deal being reached and the logjam being broken earlier that afternoon was U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s ability to negotiate with his 25-year Senate colleague, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.[18][19][20] Biden had spent the most time bargaining with Congress on the debt question of anyone in the administration, and McConnell had viewed him as the one most trustworthy. – wikipedia

In essence, because the president refused to budget cuts and wanted the debt ceiling raised, he and his staff came up with the sequester as a mechanism to automatically kick in, if they still hadn’t agreed to cuts and spending a year later. This sequester is that mechanism.

Obama Blames House Republicans

Obama is constantly blaming house republicans for things he does. It is no surprise then that he turns around and blames house republicans for a proposal he and his staff came up with.

Bob Woodward’s “The Price of Politics”

page 215 July 12, 2011

They turned to [White House national economic council director Gene] Sperling for details about a compulsory trigger if they didn’t cut spending or raise taxes in an amount at least equivalent to the debt ceiling increase.

“A trigger would lock in our commitment,” Sperling explained. “Even though we disagree on the composition of how to get to the cuts, it would lock us in. The form of the automatic sequester would punish both sides. We’d have to September to avert any sequester” — a legal obligation to make spending cuts.

“Then we could use a medium or big deal to force tax reform,” Obama said optimistically.

“If this is a trigger for tax reform,” [House speaker John] Boehner said, “this could be worth discussing. But as a budget tool, it’s too complicated. I’m very nervous about this.”

“This would be an enforcement mechanism,” Obama said.

page 326 July 26th

At 2:30 p.m., [White House Budget director Jack] Lew and [White House legislative affairs director Rob] Nabors went to the Senate to meet with [Senator Majority Leader Harry] Reid and his chief of staff, David Krone.

“We have an idea for a trigger,” Lew said.

“What’s the idea,” Reid asked skeptically.


Reid bent down and put his head between his knees, almost as if he was going to throw up or was having a heart attack. He sat back up and looked at the ceiling. “A couple of weeks ago,” he said, “my staff said to me that there is one more possible” enforcement mechanism: sequestration. He said he told them, “Get the hell out of here. That’s insane. The White House surely will come up with a plan that will save the day. And you come to me with sequestration?”

Well, it could work, Lew and Nabors explained.

What would the impact be?

They would design it so that half the threatened cuts would be from the Defense Department…. The idea was to make all of the threatened cuts so unthinkable and onerous that the supercommittee [tasked with making additional cuts] would do its work and come up with its own deficit reduction plan.

Lew and Nabors went through a laundry list of programs that would face cuts.

“This is ridiculous,” Reid said.

That’s the beauty of a sequester, they said, it’s so ridiculous that no one ever wants it to happen. It was the bomb that no one wanted to drop. It actually would be an action-forcing event.

“I get it,” Reid said finally.

page 344 July 30th

The president and [White House chief of staff William] Daley were on the patio outside Daley’s office with [adviser David] Plouffe, [Treasury Secretary Timothy] Geithner, Lew and Sperling when they got word that Biden was making progress with [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell. It looked as if Republicans were ready to agree to a Defense/non-Defense sequester in the trigger.

Plouffe couldn’t believe it. These guys were so afraid of increasing revenues that they’re willing to put Defense on the chopping block? Republicans’ revenue phobia was so intense that they would sell out the Pentagon.

“This is a deal we can probably live with,” Obama said, willing to do almost anything to salvage something and prevent catastrophe.

Jack Lew delivered a speech, however, in Tampa publicly denouncing the house republicans for the sequester.

“There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger…. [It] was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure at the end.”

Bob Woodward couldn’t believe it.

“After reviewing all the interviews and the extensive material I have on this issue, it looks like President Obama told a whopper,” Woodward said.  “Based on what Jack Lew said in Florida today, I have asked the White House to correct the record.”

So is the sequester a massive budget cut? If you pay attention to the president, the sky is falling, the sky is falling. But, after carefully look at it, you see not just cracks in the theory that the sky is falling, you see massive gaping holes, vast canyons you could drive an army through.

The sequester is not a budget cut. The sequester is a stop to AUTOMATIC INCREASES. Most Americans are unaware how out of hand congressional spending is. Americans don’t realize that there are automatic increases written right into the budget. What is illogical about it is, it is not tied to anything, like say population increase. It is haphazardly written into the budget plan.

This sequester was proposed by the president to call the house republican’s bluff. They had proposed over 50 different cut options to the president, which he rejected. He wanted the debt ceiling increased and spending upped. This was proposed as a test to force house republicans to come up with spending and cuts. Unfortunately, the president has denied and refused every single proposal by the house republicans. And, now, he turns around and plays dirty politics by saying it was their idea to have a sequester.

He wants his cake and to eat it too.

Understanding the Fiscal Cliff Hoax

Understanding the Fiscal Cliff Hoax

One key thing you have to understand about Washington D.C. is that politicians have to keep making sure you think they are relevant. 100 years ago this was not the case. Washington, had virtually no control of the country. This was fine because that was how the federal government was supposed to work. It was only in control of a few key things. With the advent of the 4th central bank of the US, the federal reserve plunged the nation into ultimate control by the federal government. From then on, politicians in Washington have fought an ever increasing battle to gain control and impress upon citizens that they are relevant.

Enter the fiscal cliff

The fiscal cliff is just one of the latest, in a long line of disaster scenarios engineered by Washington to make citizens think that Washington is somehow integral to the nation’s economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The corner store that hires 20 people is far more important to a community than anything Washington could ever do. But, Washington does not want local citizens to realize this.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS of CounterPunch states:

“Last June 5  I pointed out that according to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s fourth quarter report for 2011, about 95% of the $230 trillion in US derivative exposure was held by four US financial institutions: JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Citibank, and Goldman Sachs.

With the repeal of Glass-Steagall these honest commercial banks became gambling casinos, like the investment bank, Goldman Sachs, betting not only their own money but also depositors money on uncovered bets on interest rates, currency exchange rates, mortgages, and prices of commodities and equities.

These bets soon exceeded many times not only US GDP but world GDP.  Indeed, the gambling bets of JP Morgan Chase Bank alone are equal to world Gross Domestic Product.

The hoax is the propaganda that the fiscal cliff can be avoided by reneging on promised Social Security and Medicare benefits that people have paid for with the payroll tax and by cutting back all aspects of the social safety net from food stamps to unemployment benefits to Medicaid, to housing subsidies. The right-wing has been trying to get rid of the social safety net ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt constructed it, out of fear or compassion or both, during the Great Depression.”

African American Manifesto: My Black Agenda for Mellenium 2000

African American Manifesto: My Black Agenda for Millennium 2000

African Slaves[I am touched that you wrote me. I have been planning to start a Black business bureau for some time now. I have not written out the plan, but this seems as good a time as any. This letter will not only go to you, but I am now, because you inspired me, will be sending this out to every Black church, Black politician, Black organization in the entire country. I can dedicate a few thousand to this letter and campaign. I am also an online marketing genius and will be doing a major press release of this letter as well. Thank you for inspiring me. Here’s my response to you.]

When African slaves were sold or stolen from Africa, they were first sent to an island just off the coast of west Africa. On this island, they were mind-wiped and the men were brainwashed against the women. For, 95% of Africans were sent to central and south America. In central and south America Africans could hope to live the ripe old age of 23. However, they actually were treated quite a bit better, since they learned skills. However, because their death rate was so high, they never grew in population.

Well, what about that 5% that was sent to America? Because the US had a constitution that said “all men are created equal”, Americans went overboard to make sure Africans were never seen as humans. They went through TWO different mind-wiping sessions. One off the coast of Louisiana, and a 3rd at the auction blocks. However,they were treated with kid gloves, compared to south America. However, they were kept as dumb as rocks. They learned absolutely nothing and it was forbidden to teach them anything, by law. Americans were deathly afraid they would revolt, which actually happened several time, but was kept to just that city. One town was completely slaughtered by Africans. There is even a famous painting about it, however this is not taught in public education.

When slavery was abolished in the US, Africans had been able to live to a much higher age than in south America and grew to be 30% of the population. However, these Africans had been mind-wiped 3 separate times, stripped of religion, origin, family, and culture. Upon their release they knew nothing, literally nothing.

Africans had to teach themselves how to read and write, make a family, farm for themselves, etc. Two things they could not teach themselves: their religion; their cultural origins. Even with these horrible odds, Africans became 80% literate in 50 years, something unheard of in human history.

While there were Africans that flourished in the new free era, most barely got by. A lot were slaughtered by racist white people who saw African freedmen as an economic threat to their livelihood. Many new laws were passed to keep tools out of the Africans hands; minimum wage laws were passed to keep people from hiring Africans; and anything produced by Africans was not allowed to come to market. Many African farmers went under from not being able to sell their produce.

The answer is not a question of just pouring money into the modern African American community. It requires a COMPLETE overhaul.

  • – branding: African Americans need to be branded as a viable and independent political group with our own identity, culture, religion and origin from Africa
  • – BRANDING: we need to produce new art, media, entertainment that if Pan-African, African centered and African inspired, with Africans as the only people in such media [THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL OTHER POINTS]
  • – we need to denounce any and all other groups that try to co-op our history, culture and art, who systematically claim it as their own and as their origination [like the Egyptian story; jewish story; our music; our culture]
  • – as a political group we need to acquire and send lobbyist to every state legislature and the federal congress, to lobby for African political and economic gains [NOT CIVIL RIGHTS]; we need things like the war on drugs stopped, which was intended and used as a racial profiling thing to send Africans into the prison system, to the tune of 75% of all Africans in prison today are there based on drug charges, to the tune of a $75 BILLION a year price tag; we need to remove all racist legislation; we need to understand, read and hold politicians responsible to the constitution, which is our best and only way to eradicate racist legislation; we need to remove Africans off of all social welfare legislation, this has destroyed the African family
  • black married couple and kids– as an independent political group we need to divorce ourselves from the Democrat party; if we are serious about our independence we need to have the capability to vote as a group; voting for the Democrat party has made the Democrats take our votes and voice for granted
  • – we need to control African finance and African money; we need to open and gather in every city African run, operated and owned credit unions; we need to aggressively educate and finance African business; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd parties that are financing and control African business
  • – we need to control all African disposable income and spending; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd parties that are selling commodities in our communites and to Africans in America
  • – we need to control all African necessary expenditures, this includes food, energy and real property; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd party that controls necessities Africans have to pay for
  • – we need to go into our communities, move back in, fix them up, and open up all forms of business that Africans need and use on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis; we need to target and pick locations that have high concentrations of Africans already in them and do our best to move out 3rd parties; we need to open up convenience stores, credit unions, grocers, transportation and everything else needed, in each community so that Africans do not need to go outside of the community to spend money.
  • – we need to start regional stock markets that trade in African produce, commodities, and equities in African firms; this will get African farmers to produce and transport their produce to African stores as one big giant economic circle
  • – we need to connect these regional stock markets with stock markets in the motherland, which are now booming and coming online; 2 new major stock markets have come online recently in Africa and they need more business
  • – we need to understand that marriage is the most stabilizing social factor in our modern time, and we need to encourage our community to get married at every opportunity; marriage also is very strategic and economically good for both people; we need to launch a national campaign to encourage Africans to marry each other; we need to put African marriage in front of our people, through pictures, art, music, entertainment and as a sound business strategy [since it is more economic to be married]
  • – we need to purchase and take private, all historically Black Colleges; we need to control all African education; we need to arrest and stop 3rd parties from mis-educating our African youth, young adults and young professionals; this is exactly what all other groups do; we need to open and start vocational and skill based education for high school and young African adults; we need to access and encourage our youth to understand what they are good at, what they desire and to realize that college is not the answer for nearly 60% of the population; we need to educate our youth that colleges are a business and that they are putting out propaganda that you “should” go to college, in order to rake in money, at the young African’s expense, which they’ll be paying for, for decades; we need to encourage our young African to develop skills, such as automotive, electrical, plumbing etc, for blue collar paychecks, instead of minimum wage

If we are to survive this next century, we need to take some serious stock of what we are doing. We need to realize that, unless we get organized and think of ourselves as a group, we will be treated as chattel, misused, miseducated, and state dependent victims to a socialist state, with our wealth stolen year after year.

As it stands now, Africans in America cannot do anything to protect, save or help our countries in the motherland. Our people are being raped, murdered and wealth stolen by nearly every western power on the planet, and now Asia is getting in on the taking. We need to clean our house and get it in order.