Mike Maloney on Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

ban bernankeMike Maloney of gold & silver inc goes over charts and shows how the fed stopped all deflation since 2007. Deflation would have meant that prices and wages would have gone down. The democrats fear this because they never want to hear wages going down, and the republicans don’t want to hear that prices are falling, due to lower margins.

for you the public deflation would be a godsend, because that would mean, while you might make less, milk, cheese, eggs and lettuce would cost less and less each month.

the ben bern hates deflation and loves inflation. inflation means everything goes up and up. however, if you’re poor, it virtually kills you.

The bottom line is, that the US is the world market. Other than the closed and lower class economies of China and India, the US is the largest consumer market. These manipulations of the currency and monetary supply fights against the very market forces he’s trying to curtail. It is a losing battle at best, if you believe he is actually to do anything other than to make he and his european and zionist investors money.

This American Lifestyle: Why Are We in This Mess

Why are You in Debt?

Peter Schiff comes on to CNBC and they all have a good laugh at him. Of course Peter Schiff has a 1 minute 30 second spot to deliver his message of doom and gloom, competing with the idiot host who wants to give you the “THE RECESSION IS OVER, THE RECESSION IS OVER,” mantra they always spew.

Let me explain why we are in this situation, since I [and you] have all the time in the world.

Preparing You for a Life of Debt

Let’s start with you and I’ll get to your parents in a second and tie it all in. Your first taste of true economic freedom is clamped down and you’re straddled with debt immediately. How? College! You take out massive loans, not secured by anything other than your I.O.U. You are then strapped with this debt fresh out of college. You must secure a job immediately to start paying it back.

But, wait! These college loans afford you a lifestyle change unlike, what you would have had, had you paid for college yourself. I’m not talking rich people. I’m talking average middle-class America, paying for college with their own money. “Well, no one would go to college,” you might say. Not true, and this is where Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and the Austrian Economic School of thought come into play. If everyone in America stopped taking college loans, or begging for government grants, college tuition would plummet and we all could afford it. Colleges would have to compete with each other, to offer an affordable price to gain student dollars. Colleges right now are not run like businesses, the are run like governments, wasteful. Colleges rely on the fact that the government is going to continually bailout the students. They no more reign in spending than the city or state or federal government does. If they have waste, they just raise tuition to pay for it. What do they care?

Conditioning You for Debt

The point is, you are now conditioned to accept massive debt, to afford you a certain lifestyle. This is where your parents come in. Instead of them saving, I’m talking on a massive scale, and paying for college out of their pocket, they do stuff like take out home equity loans. It has become to common place,that banks now advertise for it. “Take out a home equity loan for your kid’s college tuition.” 80 years ago, that would have been unthinkable. People would have called you mad. So, immediately, your parents first financial lesson to you is, go in debt to afford you a certain lifestyle. Nice lesson dad.

This lesson is repeated over and over. People were relying on the equity in their home, with the notion that housing prices would continually climb, so they could borrow on it. Now, Barrack Obama and Ben Bernanke, is trying to continue this farce by propping up housing prices. They are fighting the recession with every ounce of strength they have. And, believe me, they have an entire treasury to do it. They have the sheep, that is the American public to give away their money, and no one asks a question.

“More than three-quarters (77 percent) of Americans with pre-college age kids, however, have saved less than $20,000 for their children’s college expenses; 62 percent have saved less than $10,000, and 43 percent have saved less than $5,000. Twelve percent have saved nothing at all.”

Your house is not worth $125,000.00. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. Go back and see what your house would be worth in 1970, and maybe then you’ll have an accurate picture.

What people are failing to understand is, housing prices are predicated upon the scarcity of housing. Unfortunately, there was a housing boom in construction. There is an over abundance of housing. So your house is worth far less now, than when you first bought it. There are parts of the country with entire huge condo buildings sitting empty. I don’t have the numbers, but I guarantee there are at least 10% of empty real estate in every city. That means your housing price, should be lowered.

So this notion of borrow on equity… You have no equity. You have nothing. You were being propped up by the government the entire time. Why do you think you can deduct the depreciation of the value of your house annually? The government knew the real story.

So we have a failing economy, lowered housing prices, what’s next? Unsecured debt! Besides all the lending done on real estate, people still took up debt that was unsecured, like college. The lenders knowingly were doing this, but we were still borrowing. No one forced us to sign on the dotted line.

We just had the FBI raid TBW based on fraud. Stories like that should show you. I guarantee the FBI could probably raid every bank in the land for nefarious lending practices.

No one wants to swallow the pill. I bet you’re sitting here muttering, “I don’t want to lose my equity”, “I don’t want the value of my house to go down.” Or, you might be a banker saying, “I don’t want my clients defaulting on their loans.” So everyone is hoping Obama will bail them out, prop up this farce of an economy and keep it, business as usual.

No One Wants to Swallow the Bitter Medicine

This is what Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, and the Austrian Economic School of thought is talking about. Everyone is sitting quivering in their living room, hoping they won’t have to be the ones to pay for all this excess. And, when I say excess, I mean all the loans.

Imagine for an instance, that you had no debt, at all. Imagine the only expenses you had were your power bill. *GASP* I bet for some of you, that is nearly impossible to imagine. This is what the recession needs to cure. This is where this recession needs to go. Not, bailing everyone out. Not, propping up housing prices.

If we could go back in time, I would be for Obama saying,

“Today I’m wiping out all the toxic real estate assets. I am wiping out all current housing loans. I am declaring a banking holiday.”

Housing prices would have plummeted, but no one would care, would they? If your house was paid for, but only worth $10,000 would you care? However, no toxic assets were removed from the system, not a single one. And, you are still in debt.

Don’t Be Scammed by Obama’s Health Care Plan

The Obama Health Care Plan

faith healer obamacareThe core of Obama’s Health Care “Reform” Act is based on whether or not you’re covered by insurance for health care. In fact today, people consider it a forgone conclusion that health care = insurance. You ever get into a dick waving contest with a bunch of your yuppie friends over health care, as a sign of how well your company treats your or negotiates? “What kinda health care does your company offer?” “What deductions do you have to pay out of your paycheck?” “Does your company insurance cover everything?” “My company’s health care insurance is so good, my daughter got a boob job from it.”

In fact the media, using it’s normal scare tactic, has completely couched all of its coverage of the bill in terms of health care = insurance. There’s not even a logical argument that goes before it. They completely make us assume that, that’s the only way to get health care in America.

What does that mean? It means, they assume you’re too stupid to realize insurance isn’t necessary for good health care. In fact they assume it so much, that they make it a forgone conclusion. They print stories like:

“For the staggering 46 million Americans lacking health care coverage, the uninsured will have the opportunity to select a plan from a menu of private and public options –similar to the way members of Congress choose their coverage.”

Wait, you mean to tell me that 46 million people don’t have health INSURANCE, not, health care. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Obviously the person winning in this entire debate is: INSURANCE COMPANIES. They bought “the Clintons”. Obviously, since they repeatedly tried to push it through congress. Now they have Obama in their back pocket.

You don’t need insurance to have health care. The only thing you need for health care is money. I’m sure many of you are shaking your head right about now.

“millions of Americans go bankrupt due to health care costs”

More media scare tactics. Let’s go over the history of insurance briefly so everyone isn’t rattling in the dark.

The History of Insurance in America

The first insurance to arrive in America was for housing. It was fire insurance, seeing as houses were built entirely of wood. Let me point out a little point of business and government commingling, at this early stage, 1752 to be exact. The insurance company, in order to maximize profits, wouldn’t insure houses that were too close to each other. Building contractors built houses as close to each other as possible, so they could put as many houses as they could on their properties. So really this is a head to head battle between the insurer and the builders. Who won? The insurers. They got Ben Franklin to back them. So much so, that the states adopted “building codes”, to avoid “fire hazards.

During the industrial revolution, you saw an explosion in insurance products: life and business insurance. Many ponzi schemes popped up. Companies, couldn’t even cover premiums were taking from new policy holders to pay off old ones.

risky business obamacareThe scandals were so GREAT that finally the government put its foot down, in 1935. It created social security. Awww you thought social security was to help the poor starving citizens didn’t you, all this time. You fool. They saw an easy way to grow government almost times 20 with one piece of legislation and everyone rushed at the idea. And, by grow government, I mean taxes skyrocketing 20 times worth.

“oh but they didn’t raise taxes during the great depression.” Idiot, they went off the gold standard and inflated the dollar beyond belief. Inflation is a tax. Repeat after me: INFLATION IS A TAX. You have no say so in inflation do you? No you don’t.

By creating social security, the government essentially robbed a major portion of insurance products right out from under insurance companies.

What is Insurance?

Insurance comes in 2 forms: catastrophic unforeseeable event or a foreseeable event that must occur. The first type is like your fire insurance. It is unlikely to happen, but in the event that it does, you’re covered. The second type is like your life insurance, because you will definitely die.

Do you see health insurance fitting either of those two? I mean the modern version of health insurance. Let me take you back one year to the “financial crisis.” What did everyone say the cause was? Cheap money, readily available, that everyone spent like a drunken sailor.

Ok if you have an air of cheap money, that’s readily available, that everyone spends like a drunken sailor, that must = bubble. Right? Of course. That by definition is a bubble.

Take a look at health care insurance right now. Your company gives you the “opportunity” to buy into the policy, and what’s the first thing you and your doctor do? You and your entire family go get check ups, dental cleanings, glasses refitted. Any little thing you rush to the doctor and put it on your insurance bill. The insurance company is happy to serve you.

“What could be wrong with that?”

By creating health insurance that is geared towards every day use, the insurance companies and the medical industry got together in a room and agreed upon how much to charge YOU, or “on your behalf”. Fog clearing yet? So instead of a check up being $5, the check up is now $100.00. OMG WHY? Because now the insurance company can charge you, or your company, through the nose. The medical community doesn’t raise the price one cent without first consulting the insurance companies. So now the people without insurance have to pay $100 for a check up, because that’s how much the rate is.

What does that have to do with Obama? Social Security… guess what, sat in a room with the medical community and agreed upon how much to charge YOU, or “on your behalf.” By so doing, the politician gets kudos from voters thinking he’s so great. When in fact he just jacked up the price 20 times. And, now he doesn’t raise taxes he… say it with me… raises inflation, which is… a tax.

Fog clearing yet?

Now instead of just social security, Obama wants an state sponsored program to bring insurance to everyone. Awww, that Obama is such a nice guy. But, wait, if there are 46 million Americans who don’t have insurance, could it be that 46 million Americans die every year? BINGO! No, they don’t. They do their own thing and negotiate prices with their doctor / dentists. And, their dentist / doctor negotiates prices with them. HOW DARE THEY?

Ve haf to put a shtop to zis, zis instant.

Welcome to the Obama health care plan. Under the Obama plan, these rogue doctors and dentists would be forced to stop this negotiating. All the lost sheep would be brought into the fold.

Oh did a light bulb go off just now?

“You mean to tell me doctors / dentists can negotiate prices?” Yes, if the government were not involved in any form of health care, the market would dictate prices for every procedure. If you only purchased health care for catastrophic events, your insurance premiums would be drastically reduced and heal care would be affordable for everyone. The so called expensive procedures wouldn’t be out of reach for everyone.

This bill is an insurance scam. It is the greatest ponzi scheme ever invented by mankind. Please go ask your doctor if there was a time, long ago, that patients could come into the office and negotiate medical prices. If he’s honest with you, he’ll tell you it is true.

The Election is Over: How is that Fair Share Scam Working for You Mr President

How is that Fair Share Scam Working for You Mr President

fair share scamThrough all of the 2008 and 2012 campaign Mr. Obama continuously chanted about how the rich need to pay their “fair share.” Back at the ranch the proof came in that not only did the rich pay their fair share, but that they paid your fair share as well, to the tune of 30% by the one percenters and 60% by the top 10% wealthiest in the nation. In fact the top 53% of US taxpayers pay 100% of the tax revenue. There is no 99%. it doesn’t exist.

But wait, there’s more!

Not only did an Obama report show how the rich pay all the taxes, but the report showed conclusively since Kennedy, that lowering tax rates increases federal revenue. That bears repeating. A Whitehouse report showed that lower taxes brings in more money to the government.

Before you jump to conclusions that Mr. Obama did not see the report, he did. He signed every page of the report, and read it, and went over it with Timmy Geithner.

The Coming Obama Created Economic Depression

No one likes to say it, but the 2008 economic situation was an actual depression. The federal reserve pumped so much money into the economy, that it created a top heavy situation that stopped the very large firms from crashing. That does not mean though, that the rest of the nation was not in a depression. We were and probably still are, if you can find honest numbers on unemployment and business closure.

But, fast forward to 2013. Obamacare and his raising of taxes, even for the 99%, is setting the stage for a knock out punch. A real depression is coming. Thousands of jobs, in a market that has already lost millions of jobs, are prepped to be lost. Some top firms have already pledged to lay off thousands this year.

Couple Obamacare with higher payroll taxes and small firms will be lost. The end result is that, while large firms will feel the pinch on their bottom line and get rid of thousands of jobs, they’ll gobble up smaller firms that flounder. They’ll find themselves in a position  to be able to get into markets that they were never in before, and at a very cheap price, since small firms will be worth pennies on the dollar.

Conspiracies aside, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that, regardless of intent, Obamacare and his pro-higher-taxes stance will destroy this country.

GDP Down 0.1%? Really? Something Smells Fishy

GDP Down 0.1%?

GDP Down
GDP Down

From my very unskilled analysis, I think a few things are going on here.

1. I think this number is completely manipulated. I don’t think GDP went down 0.1% I would venture GDP is down3% – 7%.

2. we are still not getting anywhere near the real unemployment / labor rates. millions have fallen out of the labor pool and are not being counted. not only are they not counted, they will not be returning because their jobs are not returning. The millions of jobs we lost almost none will return.

3. the 3% tax hike on payroll / income is not new, but you then have to remember back to 2008 when Obama promised to “lower” taxes, only to lower the front end and raise the back end, so that paychecks did not go down, but up. in the aggregate, main street is on the chopping block.

4. there is no 0% tax rate bracket any longer. this is unprecedented. i don’t even know what they hope to gain from people that make $10,000 / yr. it will push them to get onto public assistance, which will be more than they could ever hope to contribute in income taxes. its a shot to the groin area, in my opinion.

This tiny bit of news is just one piece in a very large puzzle. we cannot concentrate on this one piece and make judgments just based on this one pice, but must fit it into the entire tapestry and then make judgments.

Politics and Money

Politics and Money

It is common, among the American public, for the average everyday citizen to NOT educate themselves, nor double-check the facts that they hear on the news, magazines, television, internet. Most Americans struggle with jobs and working for other people, for a single source of income, to be bothered with doing anything extra to make sure they are making the right decisions day in and day out. They are shown this by their parents, generation after generation, that you simply turn on a television and accept everything that they say as factual. They are shown this by their parents, generation after generation, that you simply go to a church and accept everything the minister says, and the book he goes by, as factual, and even worse, unquestionable.

Paul Robin Krugman is an American economist, Professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of Economics, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times

It saddens me then, when someone who is older than me, and perceives himself to be learned, that he thinks to argue something he has never studied, researched, nor took the time to dissect and fit all the pieces together to see the sinister undertones. Case in point, one such discussion occurred when a picture was presented showing the insanity of how the tremendous debt the federal government has, and the state of the economy, can be fixed by going into more debt. This fool, and I mean the term in the technical sense, proceeded to defend and argue that going into debt had nothing to do with the state of the economy and even if it did, it did not make the situation worse. He tried to defend the statement that Paul Krugman made saying, “debt killing the economy? More debt will fix that.”

The house and senate create the annual spending budget for things like: military; research; welfare and its ilk; social security and its ilk; wars and 3rd party contractors; national state programs which it promptly defunds after a year or two.

They take in taxes…. wait, we’ll get to the taxes last.

They are sorely underfunded for all of their concerns, to the tune of trillions of dollars. The private monopoly banks, known as the federal reserve system, LENDS them money AT INTEREST, instead of congress simply printing its own money, selling bonds, or raising capital WITHOUT INTEREST. This creates debt. This debt is created annually, to the tune of MORE interest than taxes ALONE can cover.

The taxes that the federal government then collects, goes only to pay off a PORTION of the interest it owes to the private consortium, known as the federal reserve Bank system. And why wouldn’t they do this, because the population is none the wiser, because there is absolutely NO accounting for what the private bank does. All we see is a price tag, AND ITS PAID. And, they play a smoke and mirrors game to say “taxes cover everything” wink wink nudge nudge, “so we must raise taxes, because the budget has gone up”. OR EVEN WORSE, “we are balancing the budget, so we must raise taxes to help *balance* it”, muahahahahaha we’re sneaky.

So, getting back to the original premise, that debt is horrible, let’s raise the debt… either you don’t know the above system exists, because if you do, then you would have to be a more sinister than the federal reserve private banks itself.  You seem smart, so i’ll just call you The Dastardly Mr. Beasley.

Politics is smoke and mirrors. Now you see the budget, now you don’t. Voila! Presto chango, we spend trillions and no one accounts for where it comes from.

Obama the Darling of Wallstreet

I saw a video of Tony Robins, of all people… it has to be serious, for him to make an economy video, where he talks about taking everyone’s money, all the “rich” people in america, sports players, movie producers, wall street moguls, corporations, oil companies and he goes down the list. And, he covers day by day of taking all of their money, not just taxes. And, when the calculation is done it still does not cover al 52 weeks, it falls short of two weeks in one year. But then, he concludes that the next year, NONE of the budget would be covered, because now you have seized all of the rich people’s money. It’s a very graphic example of how out of whack the debt is.

Many learned people have said, by congress simply coining its own money for 5 years, the entire debt of the US would be wiped out.5 years, that’s one presidency.

No thinking man, knowing both the current system, and knowing that the debt could be wiped out, would agree that debt is bad nor would say it has NOTHING to do with the current economic DEPRESSION [ a word the government refuses to admit, despite all indicators that this is WORSE than the great depression ] [ oh and everyone is doing their part to hide the fact:

– shadow inventory of housing
– hiding true unemployment rates
– hiding business failures
– hiding stock manipulation
– hiding the real value of the USD
– hiding the 70% wealth lose across the board for all racial groups, in America
– not even acknowledging the 35% unemployment rate amongst Blacks
– hiding the Black incarceration epidemic amongst Blacks [which has single-handedly led to a 90% drop in Black wealth]
– hiding the failures of fannie and freddie
– hiding the debt owed to foreign banks
– hiding the payments going to foreign banks
– hiding the real money down a hole, going to wall street corporations [ we’re talking, watchdog groups are saying 10s of trillions have already been spent, and more is being spent secretly] the real reason the federal reserve does not wish to be “audited”.

• The typical American household would have paid nearly all of its income in taxes last year to balance the budget if the government used standard accounting rules to compute the deficit, a USA TODAY analysis finds
• Under those accounting practices, the government ran red ink last year equal to $42,054 per household — nearly four times the official number reported under unique rules set by Congress
• A U.S. household’s median income is $49,445, the Census reports
• The big difference between the official deficit and standard accounting: Congress exempts itself from including the cost of promised retirement benefits
• Yet companies, states and local governments must include retirement commitments in financial statements, as required by federal law and private boards that set accounting rules
• The deficit was $5 trillion last year under those rules
• The official number was $1.3 trillion
• Liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and other retirement programs rose by $3.7 trillion in 2011, according to government actuaries, but the amount was not registered on the government’s books
• The federal government calculates the deficit in a way that makes the number smaller than if standard accounting rules were followed (in trillions)
• Social Security had the biggest financial slide
• The government would need $22.2 trillion today, set aside and earning interest, to cover benefits promised to current workers and retirees beyond what taxes will cover
• That’s $9.5 trillion more than was needed in 2004
• Deficits from 2004 to 2011 would be six times the official total of $5.6 trillion reported
• Federal debt and retiree commitments equal $561,254 per household
• By contrast, an average household owes a combined $116,057 for mortgages, car loans and other debts
• “By law, the federal government can’t tell the truth,” says accountant Sheila Weinberg of the Chicago-based

The big difference between the official deficit and standard accounting: Congress exempts itself from including cost of retirement perks.


So in essence, until we can get the government to use real math, real numbers, reveal the true hurt that is going on, we cannot even start to have a dialogue of how to fix it. For example, if we base a set policy to fix $1 trillion of debt, but then we find at the end of the fix that it was actually $16 trillion, we almost did absolutely nothing with the fix.

And that is the problem with the Obama presidency in a nutshell. He constantly says how he is saving us money, or lowering our taxes. But, the problem is he’s raising it in other areas far higher than it ever was to begin with.

We see this over and over in all of his policies. He promised to remove the troops from the “wars”. But, he actually doubled and tripled the troops in Afghanistan. I’m not going to say he is lying, but it’s a lie.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Utah House Passes Bill Recognizing Gold, Silver as Legal Tender

Utah House Passes Bill Recognizing Gold, Silver as Legal Tender

People have misunderstood the Utah law. It does not mint any coins, and only declared federally-minted US eagles “legal tender”. It was done for tax purposes. Utah has a state capital gains tax, and gains from gold and silver are taxable. Utah had previously removed legal tender from the capital gains, following a number of states after lobbying by coin collectors. As a collector, that’s appreciated! Paying taxes makes it difficult to upgrade your collection, when your goal is to just buy better coins. US tax law recognizes a “trade-up” exception for coins, but many states don’t.

Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation

Anyway, in Utah, US bullion coins remained on the taxable list. Utah moved them into the officially “legal tender” status, so they will no longer be taxed. Note that non-legal tender gold will still be taxed, so now makes US gold eagles far preferable to, say, Krugerrands.

Most news stories have been misreporting this news. No one expects people to start spending gold eagles, since their face value is currently 1/30th of their metal content value.

Utah took its first step Friday toward bringing back the gold standard when the state House passed a bill that would recognize gold and silver coins issued by the federal government as legal currency.

The House voted 47-26 in favor of the legislation that would also exempt the sale of gold from the state capital gains tax and calls for a committee to study alternative currencies for the state.

The legislation now heads to the state Senate, where a vote is expected next week.

Under the bill, the coins would not replace the current paper currency but would be used and accepted voluntarily as an alternative.

Coin Collectors

If the bill passes, Utah would become the first of 13 states that have proposed similar measures. The others states are Colorado, Georgia, Montana, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Washington.

Backers of Utah’s bill say they want to send a message to the rest of the country.

“People sense that in the era of quantitative easing and zero interest rates, something has gone haywire with our monetary policy,” said Jeffrey Bell, policy director for the Washington-based American Principles in Action, which helped shape the bill.

“If one state recognizes gold as a valid currency, I think it would embolden people not just in other states but in Washington,” he said.

The U.S. used the gold standard from 1873 until 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed the private ownership of gold amid the Great Depression. President Richard Nixon abandoned the gold standard altogether when he announced in 1971 that the U.S. would no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value.

Critics of the gold standard say it limits countries’ control over its monetary policy and leaves them vulnerable to financial shocks, such as the Great Depression. But supporters argue that the current financial system’s dependence on the Federal Reserve exposes the value of U.S. money to the risk of runaway inflation.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Bank of America’s Death Rattle

Bank of America’s Death Rattle

Bank of America Corporation, which owns Merrill Lynch and Bank of America N.A. (the actual bank), moved almost $15 trillion in derivatives from Merrill Lynch’s books to BofA’s books. Bank of America, unlike Merrill Lynch, is insured by the FDIC because it is a deposit bank.

Senate Democrats penned an angry letter to Ben Bernanke this week over the Federal Reserve’s lenience with Bank of America’s recent balance sheet maneuvers. The bank, they claim, is putting taxpayers at risk of cleaning up after it again, by moving trillions of dollars in derivatives from Merrill Lynch to Bank of America.

The letter cites Section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act, which “restricts transactions between banks and their non-bank affiliates, placing limits on the amount of each transaction relative to a bank’s capital and prohibiting purchases of certain ‘low quality’ assets.” Section 23A was designed to keep FDIC-insured entities from engaging in risky activity, much like the Volcker Rule, part of the Dodd-Frank bill, was designed to do.

By moving the derivatives onto the deposit bank’s sheets, BofA has done two things according to the letter: increased their credit risk without increasing their capital cushion, and made the FDIC the “backstop” for in the event of default. Effectively, BofA has made U.S. taxpayers a counterparty to their risk, and they might have done it just to avoid having to raise collateral capital for Merrill Lynch.

The end result is that Bank of America is clearly gearing up to go completely under, taking out the entire FDIC with it.  Bank of America’s toxic derivatives will single handedly wipe out all of the FDIC holdings and cause congress, in an effort to stand by the FDIC, go deeper into debt by borrowing from the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK once again.  It is pattently obvious that this is why the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK was completely in agreement with Bank of America transfering the trillions in toxic derivatives to begin with.

And, that is not even a conspiracy theory.  It is blatantly obvious and on the books for all to see.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

What Governor Runs the Federal Reserve Bank?

What Governor Runs the Federal Reserve Bank?

A guy asks, “what state governor runs the Federal Reserve Bank”?  The question is like asking “what rifle does the pope use when he goes hunting?”  I think we can all safely agree the pope doesn’t go hunting, and probably is forbidden from hunting.

President Jackson Made it His Life’s Work to Kill the Central Bank

The Federal Reserve Bank is not a federal entity, nor is it publicly funded “in theory”.  It is a private bank, just like Bank of America, Chase Bank and Wells Fargo.

No politician has anything to do with it, nor can they even be present in their private meetings.  In fact the government has about as much to do with the Fed as they do with my local credit union, which has far more privacy than Wells Fargo.

In 1798, Thomas Jefferson said the following….

“I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution – taking from the federal government their power of borrowing.”

So your question is completely wrong.  Sorry to say.  No state governor is over any part of the Federal Reserve bank, nor its regional banks.  The entire system is completely privately owned banks.  They have tried their best to acquire banks into their system.  If your bank uses them to verify funds before cashing checks, they are hooked into the system.  If your bank sends checks for them to verify the check itself, they are hooked in the system.  If you can imagine, banks get hundreds of checks each day, directly and indirectly.

Gouverneur Morris, one of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, solemnly warned us in 1787 that we must not allow the bankers to enslave us….

“The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always did. They always will… They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by (the power of) government, keep them in their proper spheres.”

The only way local banks can avoid being under the Fed is by not using any of their programs or by not selling to a larger bank that is already under the Fed.

Rich Bankers Drafted the Federal Reserve Act in Secret

The Fed runs as any corporation.  They have a board and a chairman.  The current chairman is Ben Bernanke. By statute the president is allowed to pick the chairman.  However, this is merely ceremonial, as everyone on the board and the chairman are picked for him.  You can see this clearly, by the fact that Bernanke, who was chosen by a Republican president, was also kept by a Democrat president.  Normally, in politics, any political candidate for a position is always picked based upon the political party of the politician in question, i.e. liberal judges are picked by Democrat presidents and legislature and visa versa for conservative judges.

Clearly the Fed is outside of that political system, altogether.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Lies About Home Prices

Your House is Not Worth More

Read any newspaper, magazine or watch on TV and you will hear it over and over again, home prices are climbing.  Now, pay attention here.  This is exactly what they said all the way up to 2009.  The crash had already started in 2008, but for some reason the media kept saying how prices were rising.  In fact, they quickly kept saying that we were out of the “recession”, although it was and still is a full fledged depression, already in 2009, although it had not even begun to get to the ugly part.

How the Government Sees Your Home

The truth of the matter is real estate is a gamble just like everything else in the world, that involves money.  Also, the real estate market has had major crashes every 10-15 years.  It is covered up quickly to keep people in the dark and somehow not aware of the empty houses next to them.  This depression was no different, only that it bled over onto wall street due to the high end banks twisting it up so much into their bottom line that they couldn’t recover, that is without steal tax payer money.

The federal reserve bank has crashed the system over and over since 1913, and this time is no different.  When several banks were about to go under, on the high end, they simply crashed the system and forced the bank to steal tax payer money and blame it on home buyers.  Yet, they told the media to keep spreading the lie that real estate only goes up.

The truth is, real estate is not an investment at all, i.e. generates money for you, unless you rent it out to someone.  Owning real estate has never made money outside of rental revenue.  Owning your own house does not make you money.  People are amazed at how much money they get when they sell their house they have had for 30 years.  They are completely ignorant of the fact that the dollar has fallen 5000% over the past 30 years.  So if the dollar fell 5000% over 30 years, they are actually coming out behind.  They marvel that they can get half a million for their house, but forget that butter is 50 times what it was just 15 years ago.  They ignore that gas has increased every 3 months.

You are not and will not make money on your house.  The only way to make money on a house, is if you touch it for 1 week and sell it at a hefty profit after that week.  But then, that’s not an asset anyway.  Everyone wants you to think that your home is an asset.  An asset generates money.  Unless you are renting out your house to other people who pay you monthly, your house is not an asset.  Paying your mortgage and upkeep does not make your house an asset, it makes it an expense, just like your car or your kid.

How People See Their Home

You literally have to have rental property to consider real estate an asset. People do not understand nor consider that the government allows you to take a deduction on your home every year, from your taxes.  The government understands that your home is going down in value, not up.  However, this hasn’t been shown to the public and they do not understand it.  That is because the media insists on posting fake reports showing how home prices are going up and new home sales are going up.

The real sinister plot is, in those averages are included such bizarre things as million dollar purchases, which can so skew an average as to throw it off for years. Imagine if trump came to your city and bought 3 commercial buildings and 3 home which he converted to commercial property.  The local news would report that as average home prices going up and commercial real estate purchases going up.  There maybe thousands of real estate deals changing hands back and forth and foreclosures everywhere, but those 6 deals wiped them all out and skewed the numbers.  Would the newspaper point that out? No.  Because the local realtors and insurance companies want people to buy buy buy.  The banks want you to take out a loan for your home.

Do you know that 40% of all homes are still paid for with cash?  In fact that number is inching up to 50%.  This means the banks are being ignored nearly 50% of the time when the largest purchase, most people will ever see in their life, is made.  Do banks influence the news?  Of course it does.  Is it cheaper to build a house today, than it was 30 year ago?  Of course it is.  A brand new home built today, costs 30% less today than it did 30 years ago.  Why aren’t you seeing home prices dropping on new homes?  Because it is the best scam going.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve Bank

Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve Bank

Most of the awakened beings that are paying attention to the GOP campaign have realized that a new Black candidate is getting a lot of attention: Herman Cain.  He is 3rd in the national polls for the Republican Party.  He is steadily gaining ground from debate to debate.  The thing is, he is not a politician and has never held an elected political position, until you realize he served as Director for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.  The awakened beings stop short when they hear / read that, because for all intents and purposes the Federal Reserve Bank is the enemy.  But, Thomas Hoenig clears everything up in a statement he has made.

Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

From 1992 to 1996, Herman served as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in the capacities of deputy chairman and then chairman of the Board. Fed directors are dedicated representatives of Main Street business, community development, organized labor and financial services sectors who agree to give their time to help the Federal Reserve understand the economy and to oversee our operations. It was my privilege to work with Herman very closely during his five years on the Kansas City board.
I appreciate the opportunity to provide greater understanding of the role of Federal Reserve Bank directors because they provide a tremendous service to our country.
” ~ Thomas Hoenig, the president of the Kansas City Fed.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl