How to Handle a Roach Problem

How to Handle a Cockroach Problem

Today I’d like to discuss a topic no one wants to discuss, and no it’s not gay marriage. Roaches! It’s an embarrassing subject because people feel it’s their fault. While some might say it is your fault, I’m here to tell you, the average man’s habits in his home, shouldn’t be attracting roaches.

One fact or myth I need to dispel right off the top. Roaches are not super insects. They’re not going to survive Armageddon any more than you are. The stuff that kills roaches, kills them.

To get rid of roaches, even if you’re in an apartment situation is to not present such a warm and welcoming environment to roaches. Even if you have the filthiest neighbors on the planet, if you follow my instructions, you can live a peaceful, roach-free lifestyle. The list I present is in the order of importance. If you take care of the first things, by the time you get to the last part of the list, they should be gone already anyway. I also present a “drastic meausre”. This is for someone that is truly sick and tired of infestations and wants to really declare war. I have lived in situations where the drastic measures were present, so I am not telling you something that is impossible.

Six Things to Get Rid of Roaches

OK here’s my list:

1. Roaches need water – did you know roaches drink? I didn’t know that. It never dawned on me that they drink water. So, keep your place bone dry. If you spill water, wipe it up. No more soaking dishes in the sink. After washing dishes in the sink, clean the sink and counter and dry it all with a paper towel. Leave no standing water, whatsoever in your home. Fix any leaks in your home, immediately. Roaches can go without food for a long time, but not so much without water. So thirst them out of your home.

Drastic measure: turn off the water to your home, including the toilet. You can pour enough water in your commode to fill the bowl and it will flush by itself, it’s a very simple mechanism. [I used to live overseas where we had to do this as a normal day to day thing, there was no running water, we simply got a bucket, went to the toilet, used it, and poured the bucket of water in it.] Stock up on wetnaps to sanitize your hands and face in the morning. Shower at the gym daily. [ and yes I’ve done this too. ]

2. Roaches need food – everyone knows this one. No more leaving pizza boxes on the floor. As soon as you’re done eating, throw the box away and empty the trash so that it’s outside of the home: in a dumpster; trash can at least 10 yards away from the house. Wash every dish and fork immediately after eating out of it. And, of course, dry them. No sense in even having a dish wrack to dry them, dry them immediately [see step #1].

Drastic measure: remove all food from your house for 6 months. Eat out all day, everyday for 6 months. [since I am a horrible, know-nothing cook, this is easy for me]

3. Roaches need warmth – this might be hard for some, who can’t adjust their thermostat, but for those who can, freeze them out. You can lower the temperature on your thermostat for 6 months, to get rid of a potential health hazard. I say, pay the extra expense on a light bill, instead of hiring an exterminator.

Drastic measure: open all cabinets, stove, drawers and turn the thermostat to the lowest possible and leave the house empty a lot. [I used to go out every night, including going from the club to work, so this would have been easy for me too]

4. Roaches can see what you can’t see – make sure you keep your counters clean and your carpet / floor clean. That means: sanitize your counters, including bathroom; vacuum your carpet daily; sanitize your flooring, if you don’t have carpet. By sanitize I mean, wipe it down with either a cleaner or dish washing liquid, then go over it with bleach. For carpet, vacuum every day and make sure there are no crumbs whatsoever, move furniture if necessary.

Drastic measure: shampoo your carpet once or twice a month. You can get those shampooers from the grocery store. They’re quite cheap.

5. Roaches like the dark – sometimes you might be clean and you still have a roach problem. If you’ve done 1-4 and still see roaches, it might be simply they are hiding out in your place, from what, I don’t know. While for the most part this is impossible to fix, it might be that you have a lot of clutter in your home. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to part with our clutter. Get rid of the clutter in your home and present a nice clean, open area where light can shine on nearly everything.

Another solution is that you have a very dark kitchen that invites roaches. By dark I mean, you have solid wood [or for you cheap people “woodlike”] cabinet doors. This might be the time for you to redecorate your kitchen and get the glass cabinet doors, or even open cabinets. If you’ve already removed the clutter from your kitchen you might want to go all out and buy new dishes and stemware [glasses for those that don’t know what stemware is] and simply remove the cabinet doors and make it look nice and presentable. You might also think about buying a spice rack as well to remove the 1 billion jars of spices you have of all shapes and sizes.

Drastic measure: remove all items from your home and take a month vacation. Or. Only keep one set of dishes and utensils; get rid of all excess items; get rid of excess furniture; get rid of excess junk drawers. [ once i lived with 3 roommates and they refused to clean the kitchen up after themselves, and we had a roach infestation. I threatened to throw away all the dishes, pots and pans. They shaped up quick, and we got rid of the roaches, nearly overnight ] It might be that you’re keeping odd mugs, jars, plastic containers, throw them all out.

6. How to kill off Roaches – OK, so far 1-5 has been how to make your home complete roach anathema. That means, should a roach be there, or come there, they would so dislike your home, they would pack their bags and seek somewhere else to live. Be that as it may, there may be some roaches that are just stubborn. First off, understand that roaches don’t live that long. If you buy spray, you are simply killing off the roaches you see. You could have thousands in your home that you never see. The best thing to do is to kill off the entire life cycle. This means, instead of buying roach spray, which does nothing [ it’s as same as using a shoe to kill them ] you need to purchase roach feeders. Boric acid [boracic acid or orthoboric acid or acidum boricum] is cheap and available at the dollar store. You can use it in a couple of ways. In fact, follow all of these options for optimal roach attack. The boric acid will kill the roach internally. It is not a shoe or a spray, so give it some time to work. When you lay out the boric acid they will ingest it. Also, it will get on their shell and, believe it or not, when they clean themselves, because they are actually clean creatures, they will ingest it. Also they will take the boric acid back to the colony and kill it off. So be patient.

First, use boric acid along known roach trails. You know your home and know where they congregate. Puff the boric acid in that area.

Next, use the boric acid as a dust. Dust gets into cracks and crevices. So dust along base boards, under cabinets, in between kitchen appliances, not on eating or food preparation surfaces.

Lastly, make a boric acid cocktail: boric acid, sugar and water. Place this cocktail in a saucer or container the roach can get to. [ignore this if you have small children (or husbands) that crawl into your cabinets]

The only thing you need an exterminator for would be bed bugs. Bed bugs necessitate the use of DDT. But, since DDT is now outlawed, because environmentalist whined it was killing animals, we can no longer buy it. With DDT, this entire list would be moot. You could spray DDT and be done with the roach problem, bed bugs, and anything else bothering you. With the ban of DDT, the bed bug is now making a resurgence.

Follow those instructions, to the letter, for 6 months before calling an exterminator. I guarantee you will end your roach problem. Keep in mind, if you live in an apartment complex and someone next to you moves out, the apartment manager will have that place sprayed. If that happens, always have them spray your apartment as well. What will happen is, any roaches that apartment had will migrate to yours. Imagine a big empty, sprayed apartment, it’s what’s roaches hate [ see #1 – #5 ]. They will come over to your nice, warm, cluttered, food, moist apartment. If your apartment is already #1 – #5 then simply have them spray yours as well to insure they don’t show up to your apartment.

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Schwarzenegger Cuts Welfare

Schwarzenegger Proposes the Unthinkable

Back in May, California’s Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed to eliminate cash assistance for the state’s poorest families altogether. Legislators, poverty researchers and poor parents alike greeted with astonishment his unprecedented call to drop the state’s welfare-to-work program, known as CalWORKs.

CalWORKs, an acronym for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, is the state”s welfare-to-work program. It replaced another program, Aid to Families With Dependent Children, in 1997 as part of federal welfare reform. While the old program, enacted during the Great Depression, gave poor parents direct cash grants, CalWORKs and other programs nationwide require recipients to work or look for work; provide job training and child care; and set a 60-month limit on benefits (which is why the federal program is called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). TANF gives states broad discretion in how to spend their federal block grants. Since the program was enacted, the number of people on welfare in California and nationwide has dropped dramatically.

The governor’s proposal would make California the only state in the nation to reject Temporary Assistance to Needy Families block grants, the federal program that allows states to draw funds as long as they impose strict time limits and work requirements on recipients.

Rejecting the $3.7 billion federal grant would save the state its matching portion of $1.8 billion. But it also would result in the loss of $600 million in federal stimulus funds — money economists and poverty watchers say is desperately needed to invigorate a moribund economy.

Schwarzenegger Cuts Welfare

Today Governor Schwarzenegger of California has cut $656m from welfare and healthcare programs as he strives to curb a $26bn budget deficit. Arnold Schwarzenegger invoked his veto authority on Tuesday to cut the cash from state programs as he signed an $85bn budget plan for 2010.

Those are ugly cuts and I’m the only one that is really responsible for those cuts because the legislature left – they didn’t want to make those cuts,” he said. The additional cuts include $80m from child welfare programs, $61m from county administration over government sponsored healthcare for the poor and $52m from Aids prevention and treatment projects.

Healthy Families, a low-cost health insurance programme for poor children, will lose $50m, while $6.2m will be cut from state parks.

Schwarzenegger said that he used his veto powers to fill a reserve fund that he says is needed for times for unexpected emergencies such as earthquakes and wildfires.

He said additional cuts were needed to build a $500 million reserve fund after the state Assembly rejected about $1.1 billion in revenues from local transportation funding and by allowing new offshore oil drilling. With much of state spending tied up by federal and constitutional requirements, the Schwarzenegger administration wants to ensure the state has a cash cushion in case of emergencies such as earthquakes and wildfires. California’s economy has been hit by the housing market slump and high unemployment, and the latest efforts to close a $26 billion shortfall came just five months after lawmakers and the governor ended months of negotiations to close a previous $42 billion deficit. The governor and lawmakers hope the revised spending plan will end California’s cash crisis and let the state stop issuing IOUs. Schwarzenegger’s finance director, Michael Genest, said it would take days for finance officials to finish analyzing the revised budget’s impact on cash flow.

It’s not going to happen overnight, but they’re going to work on it,” Schwarzenegger said of Genest and the state treasurer and controller. Genest warned that even with the revised budget deal, California will need to borrow $8 billion to $10 billion to cover its cash needs this year, and the state is likely to face another $7 billion to $8 billion deficit in the 2010-11 fiscal year.

Legislature Sabre Rattling

But Darrell Steinberg, the state senate president and a Democrat, criticized the decision. “We will fight to restore every dollar of additional cuts to health and human services … This is not the last word,” Steinberg said in a statement.

California’s budget deficit stems from the national economic crisis. State tax revenues have fallen after hundreds of people in California lost their jobs and their homes. The compromise 2010 budget plan was formulated in the hope that the state will no longer have to issue IOU-style promissory notes to vendors. But Michael Genest, Schwarzenegger’s finance director, said on Tuesday that California will probably need to borrow between $8bn and $10bn to cover its immediate cash needs for the rest of 2009.The state could face a budget defcit of between $7bn and $8bn in the 2010-11 fiscal year, he said.

Why Are People Poor?

This question is often overlooked when deciding a budget for a state or a nation. All of the leading industrial powers now provide for the poor. But none of them ask this simple question, why are people poor.

The answer is simple, and may not be solved by the state at all:

The lack of the family unit

As we become more and more industrialized, basic human needs, such as a family unit are lost. People are too busy. People are rushing to make a paycheck. People are struggling to get ahead, which is a losing battle because the rich are looting, pillaging and raping the government to take the middle-class’s money. People are moving away from family to take jobs elsewhere. The people they leave behind are relegated to the fate they built for themselves. People don’t know how to be good parents to begin with.

With a loss of the family unit, such things as young mothers being horrible examples of motherhood are far more prevalent. With the loss of the family unit, those that would financially provide for someone normally is lost.

We all talk about this silly debate about “gay marriage”. Again, government has wrestled the debate from the public and made it governmental issue. It was never a governmental issue to begin with. Government didn’t invent marriage. The church invented marriage. Government simply was forced to recognize it. Private companies were forced to recognize it. If then the people or the church finally takes a stand [and they are the wimpiest people on the planet right now] and says it’s a sacred institution, not a secular one, then government would have to bow out. Therefore if you say marriage is a sacred institution, then maybe the church can heal the society. Surely, the government cannot legislate the family unit. With that recognition then, people can finally realize taht government can’t provide answers in cases of questions of poverty.

Why are you poor? Because you have no family. Look at all the “poor” people that came to our shores and made it, the Jews, the Italians, the Irish. They made it because they stuck together. For those who are too obtuse to recognize this, and get on their high horse talking about segregation is wrong, they really need to just go die somewhere in the corner. Actually, the only people they scream this at, are Blacks. The Jews, Italian, Irish and Asian all kept to themselves, grew and thrived and no one said anything. As soon as two Black people get together, we have cops, abolitionist, de-segregationist, law suits all coming to seperate Black people.

This has to be said. Mind you, there are more poor White people in America, than the entier population of Black people in America, but normally you don’t hear that. People are made to think that poverty is a Black thing. Some of the wealthiest people in America are Black people. Some of the leading corporations in America have Black CEO’s, members of the board, upper tier executives, but you don’t hear about that.

Clarence Otis Jr.
Company: Darden Restaurants, Inc.
Position: Chief Executive Officer and President

Kenneth Chenault
Company: American Express
Position: Chairman and CEO

Rodney O’Neal
Company: Delphi Corporation
Position: Chief Executive Officer and President

Ronald Williams
Company: Aetna Inc.
Position: Chairman and CEO

Ursula Burns
Company: Xerox Corporation
Position: CEO, Director

Aylwin Lewis
Company: Potbelly Sandwich Works
Position: Chief Executive Officer and President

Franklin Delano Raines
Company: Revolution LLC
Position: Director

Richard Dean Parson
Company: Citigroup Inc.
Position: Chairman

Stan O’Neal
Company: Merrill Lynch & Co.
Position: Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President

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Top 10 Reasons Black Men Won’t Date / Marry a Black Woman

Black Women the Most Alone

I Look Just Like This Guy

So many Black women are alone. The Black American woman is the single most, unpartnered person on the planet. [this is not unwed mothers, this is single women] Is there a rift between black women and black men? At first blush you would think that there would be no reason why a black man would not want to date a black woman. But, as in business, since we are in modern times and for the most part black people are not considered 2nd class citizens any more, the dating pool for black men is wide open. Black women now have to compete with all races to date black men. It might seem strange to the average reader that I would couch those words in that way, i.e. women competing for a man. However, that is exactly how the sexes work. It is not the man that primps and preens himself, it is the woman. The woman primps and preens herself to attract the best possible man, not the other way around. If I were concerned about people’s feelings, I’d try to beat around the bush, but seriously, there’s a multi-billion dollar beauty industry. Do you really want me to kid around with you?

[UPDATE: I am taking applications for dating, Dark Black educated women to the front of the line, the rest, I’ll get to you, if I don’t find my love at first site first. ] [yes I got jokes]

No human on the planet has been more sexually objectified than the black man. He has been regarded as the essence of sex by most races. When tiny Europeans encountered the large Africans, they were at a loss when they saw their private parts. Many diaries and documentation either praised or demonized the black man’s privates. However, be they god or demon, they instantly became an object of desire. Fast forward some 1,000 years to the present and we now have the freedom for all the races to partake of the black man, at their leisure. It is this open season for Black men, that Black women have to compete with.

Instead of realizing what is going on, the black woman erroneously thinks she has cornered the market on black men and can thus act any way she wants.

photo by

In fairness modern society has not helped out the relationship situation at all. With modern financial times as they are, the black woman, as well as other races, has had to put on her pants suit, and throw away the dress, just to make ends meet.

Also there is a complete lack of understanding on the black woman’s part, as to the struggle of the black man. Now you would think, of all the people on the planet that should understand a black man, it would be a black woman. Not so! In fact there is a complete anti-compasionnate mindset that black women develop, when it comes to black men. In essence they shoot themselves in the foot, for no apparent reason.

More often than not, other females, from other races understand the plight of the black man, and are compassionate towards him, more so than the Black women. Understand that other races are accustomed to nurturing, mentoring and guiding their own men as well.  With that sort of mindset, Black women have absolutely no grounds to even claim a Black man. In essence, in this situation, black women have nothing to offer black men. And, black men won’t tolerate it. There has been a complete paradigm shift with the relation attitude of black women, towards black men, and visa versa. But, it has been to the detriment of the black woman.

Top 10 Reasons Black Men Won’t Date or Marry a Black Woman

  1. 1. black women make black men feel under-appreciated, unwarranted, irresponsible, and regressive. Black women tend to emasculate Black men. – Black women answer this by saying they have to be strong and can’t help emasculating her Black man.
  2. Black women are too aggressive and no longer patient in the waiting on the pursuit of Black men.
  3. Black women are strong headed, too independent, present great challenges in relationships.
  4. Black women are masculine, in that they are controlling, and like to run the relationship,
  5. Black women expect too much, they are gold diggers who will not look twice at a blue collar worker,
  6. Black women are hot headed and have bad attitudes,
  7. Black women stop caring about their appearance after a certain age, [around 40]
  8. Black women are not sexually open as other races, especially in regards to oral sex
  9. Black women’s tolerance is far too low, they are no longer empathetic to the black man’s struggle in white America
  10. Black women do not cater to their man

To understand this list, you have understand something first. That is, the historical relationship white men have had with Black women. I’m sure noone wants me to talk about that. To hide this relationship and lust for Black women, white men have come up with some very crude caricatures of Black women, so as to appease or cloud the judgment of white women.

If you now compare the list with the stereotypes, you can clearly see, that black women have themselves fallen victim to the caricatures hoisted on them and have thus shunned, driven off or scared off black men.

Historical Stereotypes of the Black Woman

The mammy

A) Mammy – this is the middle aged, fat, skinning and grinning, loves to take care of the white kids, asexual, nannyish, disregarded black woman. This image was developed and cultivated to cloud the judgment of white women into thinking that black women were wholey unattractive. Remember this image was cultivated during slavery. For the most part Black slaves didn’t live that long. Secondly, they worked all day and every one of them had shapely muscular bodies, men and women. I’m sure many of you remember the scene in roots where the slave owner goes down to the slave quarters and has his way with the vivacious slave girl. This mammy image was cultivated so that when a white woman thought of a female slave, the image came to mind, making her feel safe, since no one would want to be with a mammy.

A lot of mature black women see themselves in this light and dress accordingly. They lose all sense of self, and think that since they are over 30, they no longer need to primp and preen to attract a man. And, it works, no man is attracted to them, and it feeds into their self-deprecation.

No one wants to date a mammy. She is of no sexual attractiveness whatsoever. And this stereotype doesn’t have be measured in terms of age. Picture this, a Black “girl”, 20 something year old, with long fake hair, long fake nails and dresses sloppy and doesn’t take care of her figure. This is the mammy figure, only in a modern, younger version of it. However, you can’t tell the black girl she is unattractive to Black men, because she won’t accept, nor believe it.

The Jezebel

B)Jezebel – this is the hypersexual Black woman image that lusts after white men. They are portrayed as a man stealer. They are also portrayed as slutty, unwomanly, unlady-like and complete tramps, nothing a real man would want to date, nor marry. Perhaps this image was developed for white women to fear black women, not as a direct threat, someone beneath the white woman, someone she can scorn with abandon. The Jezebel stereotype depicted black women as seductive temptresses with an animal-like appetite for sex. The Jezebel trope depicts black women as seductive temptresses with an
insatiable and animalistic appetite for sex. Beguiling, voluptuous, lewd and lustful; the
Jezebel’s greatest wish is to be ****ed to death. During slavery the Jezebel image served
several functions for oppressors. However, it was primarily used to justify the sexual
exploitation of Black women. Because the Jezebel maintains a ravenous desire for sex;
forced sex between master and slave was not viewed with disdain (by the oppressive
class). The notion that Jezebels were immoral and desired sex, in general, and with white
men specifically, served to justify the rape and subjugation of Black women.

No one wants to marry a Jezebel. I’m sure there are men who wouldn’t mind spending a night with a Jezebel, or two, but no man wants to marry, bring him to mom, have children by [that he cares about] a Jezebel. If you are dressing like a whore, you are going to attract a whore or someone not decent. No decent Black man would want to be seen with a Jezebel, because that would reflect on him, as having poor taste. And, a Jezebel would never be seen as having a brain nor a decent conversation. After the sex, the other 23 hours in the day has to be spent talking to your mate. If you aren’t seen as being good enough to talk to, noone is going to hang around for those 23 hours.  The jezebel image has taken off in recent years.  Many Black oriented magazines have completely revamped and repackaged the jezebel look.  Many Jezebels grace the covers of Black men’s magazines.  It is disgraceful.  The more these images are seen the less and less Black men will even want to date or even less, talk to a Black woman who dresses like that.  Don’t mistake “let’s have sex” with talking to you.

The Sapphire

C) Sapphire – this image is the angry Black woman. It was developed by the white man, to portray the black woman as some irrational animal, monster, sub-human. The Sapphire (or angry sister) is another very popular stereotype promulgated by today’s mass media. Sapphire originated “as a live television image in the person of the Amos and Andy character Sapphire Stevens” The Sapphire has no specific physical features. Typically, her complexion is brown or dark brown. She is a mature adult whose build is moderate to stout. The Sapphire is loud, overbearing, shrewd and aggressive. She is ambitious, educated and seems to relish conflict; especially with (in her opinion) the “good for nothing” Black man.

“The most notable characteristic of Sapphire is her sassiness which is exceeded only by her verbosity. She is also noted for telling people off and spouting her opinion in an animated loud manner. Because of her intense expressiveness and hands-on-hip, finger-pointing style, Sapphire is viewed as comedic and is never taken seriously” 

Ultimately, she represents the domineering emasculator. The Sapphire image of Black womanhood, unlike other images that symbolize Black women, necessitates the presence of a (black) man. When the Sapphire is depicted it is the man who represents the point of contention. Her sheer existence is predicated on the trickery and lack of integrity of her male counterparts. This allows her to project her superior moral compass onto the amoral (black) man.

Noone wants to date a sapphire. No Black man needs to go to work, be eyed all day as a robber, thug, murderer, rapist, thief, mongoloid, animal and then come home to a Black woman that emasculates him. It’s just not going to happen. You drive away a black man by the millions. And while you might be angry, you have just ruined it with 1,000 other sisters who think life is great and having a Black man would be great.

The tragedy here is, every sapphire has their own unique thought about what a “man” is. And, while they might think they are all saying the same thing “my man is no good”, they mean totally different things. Their definition of a man does not agree, not in any objective type of way. While one might be angry that her and her man never goes anywhere, another might be angry that he does not bring her flowers or candy. And, when they compare notes, each could care less about what the other sapphire is angry about, because to them that’s not important. However, in the mean time, their loud boisterous nature has driven both men off into the arms of a white / asian / latin girl that could care less about all of those things.

The Tragic Mulatto

D) tragic mulatto – this is the image of the biracial Black woman that doesn’t fit in either race. She is not welcomed by the white race. She is not welcomed by the Black race. She then commits suicide in despair. The tragic mulatto emphasized her personal pathologies: self-hatred, depression, alcoholism, sexual perversion, and suicide attempts being the most common. If light enough to “pass” as White, she did, but passing led to deeper self-loathing. She pitied or despised Blacks and the “blackness” in herself; she hated or feared Whites yet desperately sought their approval. In a race-based society, the tragic mulatto found peace only in death. She evoked pity or scorn, not sympathy.

Black men can’t date a tragic mulatto. Simply because she won’t have him. I’ve personally met a couple of black women who said they would never, ever date a Black man. [ secretly between you and me, they weren’t all that pretty, nor all that bright, so it’s no loss to the gene pool anyway ] But, the tragic mulatto today is so convinced of her superiority over Black men, She could never see herself with a Black man. She joins the white side in castigating the Black man. While she may not be loud and boisterous like the sapphire, she may be caught saying the same things under her breath. The tragedy of course is she runs to the arms of some white man, who then wakes up and realizes he’s with a filthy Black woman, and dumps her. Although stereotypical, it’s all too true.

Do not get me wrong, Black men make these mistakes too, but nowhere near the numbers that Black women do.  Remember my earlier quote that the Black American female is the most single and  unmarried person on the planet]

Although these stereotypes were hand-crafted and cultivated by white men to objectify and dehumanize Black women, so many Black women actully fall into these stereotypes by themselves.

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Activision to Pull Their Titles from PS3

Kotick Threatens

Bobby Kotick and a partner bought the once-struggling Activision for $440,000 in 1991, at a time when it was losing $30 million on $10 million in revenues. Now the world’s biggest independent computer games company, it has a market value of $16 billion (£10 billion) and operating profits of $179 million in the first quarter on sales of $981 million.

Activision overtook Electronic Arts last July when it was in effect taken over by Vivendi of France in a deal where Vivendi injected World of Warcraft into the company for a 56 per cent stake.

In an interview with the London Times, Activision / Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has some strong advice for Sony and threatened to pull its support for the console. “I’m getting concerned about Sony; the PlayStation 3 is losing a bit of momentum and they don’t make it easy for me to support the platform. It’s expensive to develop for the console, and the Wii and the Xbox are just selling better. Games generate a better return on invested capital on the Xbox than on the PlayStation,” he says. “They have to cut the price, because if they don’t, the attach rates (the number of games each console owner buys) are likely to slow,” Kotick said. “If we are being realistic, we might have to stop supporting Sony.” As for the timing on that, he adds: “When we look at 2010 and 2011, we might want to consider if we support the console–and the PSP (portable) too.”

For its part, Sony, which is mired in third place behind Nintendo and Microsoft in the next-gen game-console wars, keeps saying it won’t be pressured into trimming the price of the PS3.

Sony Dismisses Activision

Sony Corp. CEO Sir Howard Stringer responded directly–and dismissively–to Kotick’s comments. “He likes to make a lot of noise,” the Welsh-born executive told Reuters at a tech conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, which Kotick is also attending. “He’s putting pressure on me, and I’m putting pressure on him. That’s the nature of business. … [But] I lose money on every PlayStation I make–how’s that for logic?”

Speaking of the PS3, Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton deflected questions that a widely rumored reduction in the console’s cost could come as early as next month. “We feel that we’re sacrificing the short term to pay dividends in the long term,” he told Silicon Valley magazine Fast Company. “People are having short-term thinking–the platform is not even three years old…. It costs a lot to invest in rolling out new technology, and if the consumer walks away before the life cycle is over–you can talk about the install base of hardware, but how many of those machines are still active, how many people are still playing them?”

“In 2008, we had a 38 percent increase in sales and we hit our 10-million-units-worldwide goal for PS3 sales,” he explained. “We had $6.4 billion in revenue in US alone on the PlayStation brand, and a 116 percent increase in software sales. At the worst possible time, if you’re hitting numbers and delivering success… my hope is that as our production efficiencies improve and more great games come to market, the horizon has got to be better for 2009 and 2010.”

Bioware Wants Attention

Now, Bioware co-founder Greg Zeschuk, has talked about the statement war, “I don’t think it’s really fair to poke fun at Sony,” Zeschuk says. “Certainly the Wii’s been a massive success and Sony’s probably not going as fast as they thought it would be but I think that they’re starting to make the right moves and the software’s coming along. I think it’s silly to be saying you’re not going to support Sony. The brand itself is still huge and there are millions of users out there.” Keep in mind bioware scared Sony witless when they threatened to not bring their title Mass Effect to the PS3. Also bioware is not in the number #1 spot for 3rd party developers as the giant Activision is.

My Take on the Situation

First of all Activision is right. Sony has priced probably 50% of the gaming market right out. The Nintendo Wii can be found for $126. The XBOX 360 can be found for $183. There is no way that at a price point of $400.00 can a PS3 even compete. For all those nay sayers, saying Activision is goofy or some other stupidity, follow the money.

Secondly developing for the platform is expensive. Again, follow the money, if the platform is far more expensive to develop for and it’s in 3rd place behind two consoles that are A) selling more and B) cheaper to develop for… It’s a no brainer.

Lastly the “too big to fail”, doesn’t apply in real business, unlike banks. People are saying that Activision would be giving up a huge platform if they didn’t support PS3 any longer. “More bang for your buck”! Ever heard of that? If they drop PS3 and target exclusively XBOX and Wii, and they get a much higher return for every development dollar? Who cares how large PS3 is, they are going to go where the money is.

I think Sony introd the market at a whopping $799.99 price point simply because their name is Playstation and they thought people would buy it regardless of the price. It is ridiculous. You could buy a car for that much, and get yourself a job delivering pizza. And, it would make you money, unlike the PS3.

I vote Activision follow through with the threat. Who’s to stop them? For all this sabre rattling, no one is taking them seriously.

Please visit my website at Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube at Shakaama Live

War On Black America: Are Black Men Being Targeted

Are Black Men Being Targeted

After the Professor Gates fiasco by the police, White America has begun rattling their sabers, over this non-issue. Perusing around the nets I ran across many idiots, but one idiot proposed to present hard evidence and statistics to show and prove that Black men being 60% of the prison population, although Black people, as a whole, only comprise 10% of the population in America, was somehow justified. I read over the 50 comments and quickly realized, that I had ventured into klan territory. Yes, the KKK is on the net. Who taught them to read, … your guess is as good as mine.

Not being one to back down for a fight, and also being insulted that he head idiot in charge would use numbers, I have used in previous articles and thesis, was compelled to pose a comment. And here it is, in its entirety.

“It’s always refreshing to happen to wander in a den of vipers. It’s ironic that the leader would use the very numbers and statistics that I use and other scholars use to prove the state of emergency on the war on Black America would be attempted to show that Black America 10% of the population, needs to be incarcerated by some 60% of the prison population.

It is a statistical impossibility for 10% of the population… oh sorry, let me correct that. It is a statistical impossibility for 0.001% of the population to commit so many crimes as to warrant representing 60% of prison population. For those not following the numbers here’s a brief lesson:

– There are only 10% of Americans that are Black.
– of those 10% only 1 per 100,000 commit crimes [ this is called crime per capita ]

– this makes up 0.001% of the general American Population

– they not only arrest this group, but tend to incarcerate each and every on
– whites commit the same crimes, [ in far greater numbers since they make up 50% of the population ]
– whites do no receive incarceration, perhaps only 1% of the time.

So if a white person is caught dealing drugs, 1 in 100 goes to jail. If a Black person is caught dealing drugs, all 100 go to jail. Those are facts, not opinions. Some judges have been removed off the bench because they do this. But getting a judge removed for this is terribly hard to do.

First Hand Knowledge

As a law school student, I was required to go down to the city court house and listen to cases. It was such and infuriating process and here’s why.

I sat in court and two cases came up, back to back.

Case #1:
Black man accused of loitering outside a convenience store. Suspect was arrested by police. Apparently this was his 3rd time being arrested.

Accused said he suffers from some heart condition or something and often takes medicine which leaves him in a daze. Does not have a history of drinking, nor does he beg for money.

Conviction and Sentence:
30 days in jail

Case #2:
White man arrested for over 1 kilo of cocaine in his possession.

The accused had so many priors the judge sat for 4 minutes reading them off.

The accused told the judge he had a problem, but instead of going to jail, he could go to his brother’s farm in Arkansas [ trial is in Louisiana ] and thereby sober up.

Conviction and Sentence:
Judge sentenced accused to go to his brother’s farm in Arkansas.

The Marginalization of Blacks in Public

Turn on any Fox News type station and what do you hear about Blacks in America: “There are more Blacks behind bars than in school.” Blacks have been constantly marginalized since the emancipation proclamation. However, here are the real numbers. There is a total of 1,216,000 young African Americans in college, ages 18-24, as opposed to 189,000 in custody. That is nearly 10 times the difference.

Turn on any Fox News type station and you will see Michael Vick demonized for giving money to his friends in a dog fighting scandal. You will not see a financial interview of countless CEO who oversee the elite companies that run this country, and that are Black.

You will continue to hear stories that the president of the United States had to show his birth certificate to the press, to prove he was American and not a Black Muslim, to the racist quotient of the population. Why is this so ridiculous? To even run his credentials are checked.

You will continue to have record companies, pay people to write the most derogatory, degrading, vile lyrics and hoist them on rap singers to rap in their songs. Oh, maybe you all didn’t know that’s what’s going on. Over 50% of rappers didn’t grow up “hard”, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to fit into corporate America so easily and be readily marketable. The company then hires lyricist to write about raping women, murdering other Black men, glorifying crime and infidelity. The rapper plays little part in the process from what I’m told. But, he’s in a catch 22. That’s how he makes his money.

My conclusion

This is not an isolated incident. All across America, in court rooms in every town and municipality, white people are not being incarcerated and Black people are. Where a white person might get the most lenient possible sentence, a Black person gets the maximum.

We need to clean up the system, but we must focus on one city and state at one time. We need an appellate court to get their heads out of their hind parts and do their job, and have some integrity about the situation.

We need some lawyers who can dedicate their life’s work to freeing Black men. We need some lawyers who can dedicate their life’s work to giving Black men representation. I’m sure in 90% of the cases, had the Black man had representation, we would not be in this sad state of affairs.

Black Harvard Professor / White Cop

Obama Asks The Two Over for Beer

The White House’s brewski diplomacy between Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates and the cop who arrested him in his home should take place early this week, officials said.

President Obama, who invited the two men over for a beer to defuse the controversy, hopes to see them “in the next several days,” said press secretary Robert Gibbs.

“He understood that the debate was veering off in the wrong direction, and, as he said, that his words may have contributed to that. So he felt a responsibility to step forward and kind of cool the situation down,” Obama advisor David Axelrod said on CBS’s Face the Nation. “I think the president sees this as an opportunity to get dialogue going on an issue that’s been historically troubling,” Axelrod said. “I think the steam has gone out of this. And now, instead of heat being generated, maybe a little light will be generated off of this situation.”

Racial Comments on Professor Gates’ Website

It was probably inevitable that in the furor over the arrest of the Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., some people would resort publicly to the ugly racial slurs that have largely disappeared from polite conversation.

But it is hard to imagine a more incongruous place for such comments than The Root, an online magazine of politics and culture largely by and for black people, where Mr. Gates is editor in chief.

Yet there they were last week, in comments on an interview with Dr. Gates, who was arrested at his home in Cambridge, Mass., on a disorderly conduct charge that was quickly dropped.

A few commenters used grotesque racial epithets, others crudely parodied black speech, and some proudly called themselves racist. One used the screen name of James Earl Ray, the man who killed Martin Luther King Jr.

My Own Personal Story

I’m Black. [very black] I came home one night, when I lived with my cousin, ex-patriots player. It was freezing in the dead of winter. No one was home, which was shocking, because they had two little boys and never left the home empty, either my cousin or his wife were always there. I had just finished a 12 hour shift and this was just … *sigh* great. Now i knew that next door to him was his old football coach. [white man and family] I knocked on the door, introduced myself and asked if i could use the phone or stay until my cousin returned. [ door slammed in my face ] I later learned, from my cousin, whom I now know is a total snake, was berated by the neighbor as [ some strange black man came to our door, how dare he ] And, instead of my own flesh and blood defending me [ law school educated, world traveled, foreign service, diplomatic ties ] to this middle-class neighbor, he returned the favor and berated me and asked me to leave his home.

I share this story because it reveals something in America. This neighbor accepted my football playing, Black, cousin, but TO HIM, I was still just some poor dumb negro. Which he found unacceptable. [ of course my cousin was too stupid to understand this ] What’s funny is growing up, my cousin, who is older than me, disliked me because I was stuck up. I think instead of thinking straight, he chose this time to instead stick it to me. Me, who had made him feel inadequate every time I came back to the states, telling wonderful stories of my travels over seas.

The white neighbor was forgotten the next day. But, my cousin, every time I see him, infrequently, I never acknowledge him.


Gates did not violate any law. Under Massachusetts law, which the police officer was supposedly enforcing, yelling at a police officer is not illegal.

There are clear decisions of the Massachusetts courts holding that a person who berates an officer, even during an arrest, is not guilty of disorderly conduct. And yet that is exactly what Gates was arrested for.

The Massachusetts statute defining “disorderly conduct” used to have a provision that made it illegal to make “unreasonable noise or offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display,” or to address “abusive language to any person present.” Yet the courts have interpreted that provision to violate the Massachusetts Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of speech. So police cannot lawfully arrest a person for hurling abusive language at an officer.

Please visit my legal website on DUI at Las Vegas DUI Attorney

Watch me on youtube at Shakaama Live

Youtube Wedding Dance: Those Silly Americans

Youtube Wedding Dance

If you read the bible, often times in the old testament it will completely contradict how the church ceremony is done these days. These days, church is boring. You come in and sit, no one talks, the minister / priest / pastor speaks and you all go home.

In the Old Testament, it says they made a joyful noise, and they came into his house with song and praise.

I present to you a couple that thought for their wedding ceremony the would come into his house with song and praise and …


Actually watching this brought tears to my eyes. And the song, although contemporary, was actually pretty meaningful in expressing their love forever. I’m actually tearing up typing this.

Their Story

Ok here’s the story.

When Kevin Heinz and Jill Peterson decided to get married, she thought it might be fun to jazz things up a bit by turning their walk down the aisle into a dance routine.

Peterson admits that she has been dancing all of her life so she came up with the idea of choreographing a big entrance by her wedding party. The big day took place at Christ Lutheran Church in St. Paul and the guests were very impressed with the unique entrance of the seven bridesmaids, five groomsmen and four ushers.

The groom was urged to share their special moment with the rest of the world so he downloaded the video to YouTube on Sunday. The bride and groom are both shocked and amazed that their little video has had over 1,420,000 hits so far.

The Minnesota couple appeared on The Today Show on Friday. They will be bringing the entire wedding party back for a LIVE recreation of the dance tomorrow.

Erin Andrews Peephole and the Constitutional Right to Privacy

Do You Have a Constitutional Right to Privacy?

Senator Rick Santorum caused a brouhaha when, during an Associated Press interview, he defended laws against sodomy — saying that permitting sodomy is as good as saying polygamy, incest, and adultery should be permitted.

This provoked a firestorm — and that caused a far more troubling Santorum statement to be overlooked. He said:

It all comes from, I would argue, this right to privacy that doesn’t exist in my opinion in the United States Constitution . . .

Is there a right to privacy in the Constitution?

The U. S. Constitution contains no express right to privacy. The Bill of Rights, however, reflects the concern of James Madison and other framers for protecting specific aspects of privacy, such as the privacy of beliefs (1st Amendment), privacy of the home against demands that it be used to house soldiers (3rd Amendment), privacy of the person and possessions as against unreasonable searches (4th Amendment), and the 5th Amendment’s privilege against self-incrimination, which provides protection for the privacy of personal information. In addition, the Ninth Amendment states that the “enumeration of certain rights” in the Bill of Rights “shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people.” The meaning of the Ninth Amendment is elusive, but some persons (including Justice Goldberg in his Griswold concurrence) have interpreted the Ninth Amendment as justification for broadly reading the Bill of Rights to protect privacy in ways not specifically provided in the first eight amendments.

Erin Andrews and the Peephole Peeping Tom

In show business people overstep the bounds of privacy all the time. But, as some court cases have said, there remains some modicum of expectations of areas that are still not crossed. Normally these are a right to not be filmed at a persons home with long range cameras, or pictures taken in the privacy of a person’s home with a telephoto lens, or even flying over someone’s yard and doing such. The courts have strongly drawn a boundary line, where children of famous people, are concerned .

For ESPN reporter Erin Andrews, some have continued to overstep such boundaries. It was reported over the weekend that someone recorded a video through the peep hole of Andrews’ hotel room without her consent or knowledge, of her unclothed. The video was removed from the internet shortly after it was posted, but cached video clips remain widely available.

A statement has been made by her legal team. This morning, Marshall B. Grossman of Bingham McCutchen LLP issued the following statement:

“While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similarly violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin’s privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities.”

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UPDATE: Do not try and download the video. It is now a huge virus. By the end of the first hour of the video release and being taken off by Erin’s legal team, the hackers had made the residual videos into a virus and mass produced it on all “those” type of sites. You have been warned. Oh but here you got, here’s something good to look at.

Cop Fights Paramedic Outside Ambulance on Way to Hospital

OKLAHOMA – Video emerged first on YouTube then the news got wind of it, of a cell phone camera recording a scuffle between Highway Patrol officer Daniel Martin and paramedic Maurice White Jr. The video ends in a very shocking display of several troopers putting the EMT into a choke hold and a woman screaming at the top of her lungs.

Trooper Martin alleged that the EMS unit failed to pull over while he was “running hot” to the scene of a crime. From the dashboard video, the police unit did in fact have its lights on, and the EMS unit did not. However, facts later revealed that the EMS unit had a patient inside the vehicle and that the patient suffered from fainting spells and chest pains and lights and sirens only exacerbates the patients suffering. “It’s common practice,” White told CBS Morning Show reporter Rodriguez. ” … The patient actually had a fainting episode with chest pain. And it’s common practice not to run lights and sirens with those type patients. It really exacerbates their situation.” Trooper Martin is shown in the trooper dashboard video as proceeding to the “scene of the crime” and actually picks up his wife. Trooper Martin doesn’t even get out of the unit. He then turns around and pulls over the EMS unit.

In the video EMT White emerges from the back of the unit and identifies his name and says he is in charge of the EMS unit. Trooper Martin, completely ignores him and proceeds to berate the driver. Once again, EMT White informs him that they have a patient and must proceed to the hospital. Trooper Martin then tells EMT White he will be arrested if he keeps talking to him and that he wants to speak to the driver.



Trooper Martin, already enraged, grabs EMT White and tries to put him in an arm bar. EMT White completely ignores these attempts and informs him there is a patient in the vehicle and if he wishes to arrest him, he can do so at the emergency room.

This would have been a non-story had it stopped right there. However, Trooper Martin becomes even more enraged, follows EMT White to the Ambulance door and then accosts him along with 5 other troopers, ending in a choke hold.

Lawyer for Trooper Martin says he is confident the record will show that the history of the EMT is out of line and reflects upon his character.

Oh Really?

For your benefit it is all right here.

EMT Maurice White:
Fired for “unprofessional behavior”
Failure to complete run sheets in a timely manner.

Short notice on cancellation of teaching assignment.

Failure to schedule a relief EMT to cover his shift while he taught a class in a timely manner.

Forty of White’s former co-workers wrote a letter to the editor of the Muskogee Phoenix in support of White’s firing.

[ that last part is amazing. 40 people agreed on something? I’ve played World of Warcraft for over 4 years now. They used to have group play that required 40 players. Usually, it ended in disastrous effect, because you can’t get 40 people to agree on anything. Not dismissing the 40 letters, just saying maybe, just maybe 40 checks were sent out in the mail ]

White was respected in other quarters. In Siloam Springs, Ark., he completed a one-year contract in 1992 as a paramedic for the fire department. Siloam Springs Fire Chief Jimmy Harris remembered White as “a good medic” and someone “pleasant to be with.”

Gary Padgett, who supervised White as a paramedic in Harrison, Ark., in 1991, remembered him as “a pleasant young man” and a true professional.

Trooper Martin
Martin’s tenure in Fairfax ended with a unanimous vote for his firing.

“Yeah, I remember him,” store clerk Linda Burgess said. “That’s a sore subject around here. He left quite an imprint on this community, and not a good one, either. He was a bully with an attitude.

“And he was always pulling people over and using the f-word.”
Longtime Fairfax barber shop owner Linda Bevill described Martin as a bullish man who ran off teenagers from cruising Main Street and constantly accused residents of drinking alcohol during an endless stream of “unnecessary” traffic stops.

“He struck me as a man who probably didn’t have any control over any part of his life growing up, someone who needed control and power,” Bevill said. “I remember he even went and bought one of those portable police lights for his own car. He just needed to play cop even when he was off duty.

“He needed to be admired, but he could never figure out why people didn’t like him. He just didn’t have any feel for people. And he was always making something big out of nothing.”

Former board of trustees member Ted Smith remembered Martin as someone who “didn’t take orders very well.”

Smith recalled one incident he witnessed in which two handcuffed teenagers were lying facedown on the sidewalk. Martin stood over one of the youngsters with his pistol aimed at the youth’s head.

“The boys were already handcuffed and on the ground,” Smith said. “Why pull the gun? … Yeah, we had a lot of trouble with him. We’re not surprised at all by what has happened. He just had an attitude.

“I always knew he’d be famous some day.”

In a CBS Morning Show interview, EMT White called for the badge and gun of Trooper Martin. White said, “This gentleman needs to have his ability to carry a gun and a badge taken away so no other individual, and particularly a patient, has to go through this.”

Trooper Martin is on paid administrative leave since June 1st.

Please Visit my website at Las Vegas DUI Attorney

WoW Enchanting / Tailoring Guide Part I

Enchanting and Tailoring Guide

I am an avid World of Warcraft player. This guide will have you level up your enchanting while leveling up your tailoring as well. I take the position that you can be completely independent of others while leveling your enchanting and tailoring. I don’t assume you are any certain level, nor rich by any stretch of the imagination. I have yet to have a rich character, that means a character with over 10,000 gold at any one point. So, if I can do this, so can you.

I’m going to present tailoring as a way to level up your enchanting. You will be disenchanting your tailored items, to get the component materials for your enchanting. In doing so, you will be making 10s if not 30s of a single item. More than likely, that item will go grey and you will receive all possible points for that item while tailoring.

I am going to make one assumption, that you are farming like crazy for the cloth. Not only is farming for the cloth profitable in that you get other items as well, but you also gain experience while doing it. [assuming you are around the level of the mob]

* Always keep in mind you are tailoring for disenchanting purposes. You may need to tailor more or tailor less items depending on your results. Disenchanting is not exact. It has a random amount of materials that result after disenchanting. So instead of following an exact number for tailoring, disenchant every 10 items as you go. This way you can gauge how many more tailored items you need. Also keep in mind that, should your disenchant mats result in more mats than you need to level your enchanting, you can always put them on the Auction House [A.H.] for pure profits.

As mentioned above the amounts will vary due to the variable nature of disenchanting.

Enchanting / Tailoring Guide

– train Enchanting
– train Tailoring

You will immediately gain one point in each profession.

1 – 50

1 Enchanting: create 1 x rune copper rod 1 Copper Rod, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence

– Tailoring: create 100 x bolt of linen cloth [ if you reach 50 skill then immediately train journeyman tailoring ]
– Tailoring: create 50 x brown linen pants [ for disenchanting, they will go gray at 90 skill]*

*** Strange Dust – best item to disenchant Heavy Woolen Pants
2-50 Enchanting: disenchant 50 x brown linen pants [this may in fact bring you to 50 skill already]
2-50 Enchanting: enchant bracer: Minor Health – strange dust [ just enchant the same bracer] [enchant the bracer until you reach 50]

50 – 135

– train Enchanting Journeyman
– train Tailoring Journeyman

– Tailoring: create 5 x reinforced linen cape.* [which brings you to 75 skill]
– Tailoring: create bolt of woolen cloth [ it goes gray at 105 skill]
– Tailoring: create 5 x gray woolen shirt [which brings you to 110 skill]
– Tailoring: create heavy woolen pants [from here on out if you need strange dust, this is the item you will make to disenchant] [ it goes gray at 170 skill, so there’s a lot we can skip][ however stop at 125 skill to take advantage of some tailoring efficiency]
– Tailoring: Learn Tailoring Expert at 125 skill
– Tailoring: 200 bolt of silk cloth [this goes gray at only 145 skill]

– Enchanting: disenchant reinforced linen cap; heavy woolen pants

50 – 90
– Enchanting: 40 x enchant bracer: Minor Health [ enchant until you reach 90 skill points] [enchant the same bracer or offer to enchant bracers in a newbie zone to create good will]

90 – 100
– Enchanting: 30 x enchant bracer: minor stamina [enchant the same bracer or offer to enchant bracers in a newbie zone to create good will]

100 – 101
– Enchanting: create 1 x runed silver rod

101 – 110
– Enchanting: create 9 greater magic wand [ requires a greater magic essence this is can be acquired from enchanting supply vendors in rare quantities i.e. just 1 or 2, plan ahead for this part and just purchase the lesser magic essence from the vendor when you see it available ] [The single best way to get greater magic essence is to go to the A.H. and search for weapons 16-20th level and under 10s and disenchant them] [This technique will also give you good profit even if you’re not leveling your enchanting]

– Tailoring: create 100 x azure silk hood [although it only has a 21% chance of disenchanting to astral essence, you will need the soul dust anyway] [ this will go gray at 165 skill ]

– Go to Stonetalon Mountains if you are Horde [ yes that’s pink for the horde girlies ] and find Kulwia,
– Go to Ashenvale if you’re Alliance players and find Dalria.
– Buy these two recipe: [Enchant Cloak: Minor Agility] and [Enchant Bracer – Lesser Strength]

– Enchanting: disenchant 100 x azure silk hood

*** Lesser Astral Essence
The single best way to get lesser astral essence is to go to the A.H. and search for weapons 21-25th level and disenchant them]
110 – 135 – Enchanting: 25 x enchant cloak: Minor agility

– Enchanting: Learn Enchanting Expert

I Did It for the “lulz”: Wal-Mart Gang Initiation Hoax

Wal-Mart Gang

Lately there’s been a disconnect between younger users of the internet and other communication technology and reality. Everyone hollers about freedom of speech, but no one uses it to say anything worth saying. These young people are now teaching us the error of our ways i.e. that freedom of speech has consequences. Every time you read a story about something seemingly serious, it comes from some kid that says “I did it for the lulz”, meaning it was all just a joke, regardless of how demented, vile, horrific, life threatening it was. Also, you never hear of that same juvenile getting any penalization for it, nor their parents going to jail for it.

I draw your attention to the latest “lulz”. An internet
hoax dating back to 2005 has caused drama in Thomasville, Georgia including media coverage and public warnings. Apparently several people received text messages that spoke about a gang initiation. The “Walmart gang initiation” hoax takes several forms, but usually involves gang members planning to kill black women at a local Walmart as an initiation for new gang members. These text messages were actually received across the country. One t.v. station however, not researching what it was about, not only ran with the story as true, but contacted local police, who responded in kind, without checking any sources.

The News Media Rarely Checks Their Sources

They all figured out that it was a hoax later, however there is no mention of anyone being punished for a real public threat. Also, the fact that the potential victim were Black women and no retribution was had, speaks volumes as well.

No action is ever taken. No action is taken against the kids [or even adults who do this also]. No action is taken against the parents.

What if, one of these “lulz” were so horrific that people were dying of heart attacks from the sheer terror of the hoax? What then? Oh it was just a joke? Meanwhile Black kids are thrown in adult prisons for even less than these horrible practical jokes and no one bats an eyelash. In fact, black kids, as young as 13, are being sentenced to life in prison without possibility for parole. I’m sure there are some horrible kids out there, but i’m sure at 13, life imprisonment is not the answer. I am willing to bet all I own on that fact.

What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. Throw the “lulz” in adult prison along with their parents.

Freedom of speech has consequences. We need to teach that to our children and…. apparently our citizens.

Please Visit My Website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

Watch Me on Youtube: Shakaama Live

Has This Happened to You? A Review

It Could Happen to Anyone

Someone somewhere has had it happen to them or have it happen to a friend. Invariably you wonder what to do, who to ask or where to go. You also don’t know if you can trust a lawyer or god forbid have to pay for one. What am I talking about?

Getting a ticket for drunk driving.

It has to be the single most horrible experience a regular average Joe can go through. It doesn’t matter if you were merely moving your car from the bar, literally around the corner from your house. There’s big fines to pay and you’re not going to sweet talk your way out of this one.

Luckily there’s a website over at Nevada DUI Attorney, where you can arm chair quarterback this from. It presents you all the information you need to know here in Nevada. It also tells you which lawyers specialize in DUI, that you can hire.

DUI is A Nightmare

I remember as a child getting into a wreck while in the car with my mother’s boss. As I remember it, he was driving perfectly fine, we were all talking. Of course the car in front of us slammed on his breaks and the nightmare began. The officer didn’t care that the guy in front slammed on his breaks, he smelled alcohol and he smelled payday. A little detail like the facts was not going to get in his way.

You see that’s the way this game works. They think they smell alcohol on your breath and it’s payday for them. And, if they can get a few DUIs in a night, that is like turkey dinner on thanksgiving, with stuffing, eating so much you sleep and eat several times throughout the day.

I personally think it’s a scam. But, then again, I think most policemen are hired scam artists and thugs. When was the last time you had a policemen over for Sunday dinner just because he protected the streets and made them safer.

[ How’s this for headlines: MADD awarded cop of the year to a cop that shot and killed a star football player “suspected” of DUI. The cop was later charged and found guilty of DUI himself ]

No, more than likely the police would run you in and fleece you of all your hard earned cash in the form of fees and tickets.

Nevada DUI Attorney

That’s where Nevada DUI Attorney comes in. It is the one stop shop of DUI in Nevada. It even has a section that shows you the very handbook that police read to make sure the DUI ticket will stick. They have no idea if you were drinking or not. They have no proof you were “impaired”. But, they are armed with a bunch of mumbo jumbo and tests that they’ll throw at the judge and see what sticks.

Oh and here’s a tip I learned from the website: In the state of Nevada, you can refuse all the roadside tests and not be penalized for it.

That’s pretty shocking news. It’s the one state where your 4th amendment rights are actually still observed. I’m sure the police will try and get you to give them up, but stick to your guns because it’s your constitutional right and it’s in Nevada law.

What Women Really Want

What Do Women Want?

“He grabbed her by the waist, his strong hands pressing her body against his. She wet her lips. He aggressively kissed her moist lips, slowly, gently at first, then with more passion with each passing second. Unbridled passion welled up inside her and….”

Do women still read this? Is this what women really want? Why do I ask? Oh, because that’s not what I hear on t.v.. That’s not what i see in magazines. I don’t see passion and burning desire for each other. There’s no perfect man for a perfect woman portrayed in the media. Let’s see what the magazines would have you think women want.

I Can Change Him

“He sat meekly in the corner of the bar, adjusting the glasses that kept sliding down his nose. He wore a tacky jacket with plaid pants and smelled of garlic. He had a cute nerdy appeal to him though. She saddled next to him and nodded toward him. He blushed but didn’t say anything. She took him home, bathed him and taught him how to dress and act. He now makes a 6 figure salary and gives her all the shopping money she could hope for.”

Oh yes, this is what Cosmo prints weekly. They would have you believe that your man was nothing before you came and you are the one that can change him. You must believe it, because you buy it every week.

But wait, that’s for the 30 something year old. What about the teen to 20 something year old? Oh here we go, the MTV crowd.

He Da Daddy o Ma Chilluns

“He walked through the door, his Mexican mustache looking like a raccoon had a fight with a gerbil. His tattoos looked like oil stains and he smelled of pot and cheep beer, which he stole earlier. She saddled up next to him and said they should go to the bathroom together. He nodded. Three months later she was pregnant. Two years later she died of full blown AIDS and the baby followed her a month after that.”

If you think I’m being harsh, then you haven’t watched MTV for 2 seconds. I’ve seen stuff on there that would make Ron Jeremy blush. You may want to discount that as just entertainment, but young adults see it and think it’s OK, because it’s on national t.v..

What do I think women really want?

Here’s my scenario of what I think, a sane woman should want.

“She walked into the lounge wearing a pink chiffon dress with a slight train to it. A tall chiseled Black man asked to take her stole. She gave it to him and he smiled. ‘I’m sorry we have no more empty tables available, but If you like you can sit with Alexander Washington. I hear he’s a bachelor.’ She looked at him amused. Alexander Washington, Atlanta’s most eligible bachelor. She was seated in no time. At first he fidgeted across from her and kept checking his watch. She struck up small talk with him and he became engrossed in her conversation. He left her his card, and she gave him her number. He called 2 days later. They’ve been happily married now for 10 years with 3 beautiful kids.”

What’s the difference? No one is a slut; there are no whores; there’s no lack of education; obviously he’s interested in her for her; there’s no changing him and visa versa. While the media tries to get you to buy into the whole notion that normal is boring, you’re steadily looking for Mr. Wrong. Mister Wrong is oh so very wrong. And he or she, will lead you down a path of destruction that you’ll wake up from one day and realize that you have no escape routes.

I say don’t buy Cosmo, unless you’re doing a collage from the pictures. I say don’t watch MTV because surely, as the old grandpa says, it will rot your brain.

You want a good man? Find a good man. And, if you don’t find a good man for you, don’t belittle him. Because, the man that might not be good for you, might be good for some other woman. And, now you ruined it for her, because you crushed his ego. Also, it might be the case that you found the good man, but the problem is with you not recognizing it. Clean yourself up first, then go look for the good man.

And, from my favorite line delivered by the Oracle in The Matrix, “you’ll be right as rain”. I’m sad she died, but I love that line.

Please Visit My Website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

Watch Me on Youtube: Shakaama Live

Project 912 What’s It All About?

Project 912

Let’s visit now this new mania sweeping the nation call the 912 project. I don’t know what the difference is but Glenn Beck’s move from Headline News to Fox “News” has sparked a change in the old man. Oddly enough he makes more sense now than he did before. I find myself catching bits and pieces of his show every now then, or seeing a video of it on youtube and to my utter disbelief I find myself agreeing with him. Have I gone to the dark side or has he come full circle and sees the light. In his show he announced The 912 Project [ who’s website went down almost instantaneously due to heavy traffic ]

912 is a play on words i.e. the day after 9/11 [which saw a tremendous outpouring of patriotism, a want to be a national community and help one another, and he enunciates some principles and values that Americans hold dear. In fact [ and here’s where i suddenly get the shivers for agreeing with him ] I daresay if every American stood up and voiced their belief this country might just pull out of this slump and government wouldn’t just swallow us up in its zeal to gain more power.

The 9 Principles

1. America is good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

The 12 Values

  • Honesty
  • Reverence
  • Hope
  • Thrift
  • Humility
  • Charity
  • Sincerity
  • Moderation
  • Hard Work
  • Courage
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Gratitude

We just had a shooting in Alabama by the Alabama Gunman Which sparked debate again about gun control. The old sarcastic response comes to mind: guns don’t kill people, people kill people. And, it really is true. If someone wants you dead, for all intents and purposes, you’re dead. It’s not the gun that facilitates the circumstance, it’s the psychology of the man behind it. If you read over my other blogs you will notice this pattern of me encouraging people to stand up for themselves and be cordial to one another. Supposedly, I feel this gunman was driven mad by those around him and instead of standing up for himself and confronting the problem… he blew up.

Don’t be like him. Don’t blow up. Don’t lash out just to lash out. If something is truly bothering you get on the phone and talk to that person, or quit, or … get on your knees and pray for mercy and strength. Internalize the 912 project.

Please Visit My Website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

Watch Me on Youtube: Shakaama Live

The Gangs of New… uh Florida? Top 6 Gang

Top 6 Gang: oooooh be scared America

Tonight on T.V. the history channel will air an episode delving into the Top 6 gang of Lake Worth and Boynton Beach. If the media is to be believed, the Top 6 gang is a Haitian-American gang, known for it’s ruthlessness and violence. The palm beach county police will be feature in the Op Ed piece, along with their gang unit.

If the numbers are to be believed, the Haitian gang has over 350 members and are responsible for over 16 homicides [some reports say 20] and over 100 shootings [again other reports have different numbers. One such notorious shooting was at the Boyton Beach Mall and a triple-homicide at a Lake Worth Home, back in 2007.

According to police, the gang started from a group of rappers. [ hold the phone: is it a coincidence he said rappers? I don’t listen to rap personally, but is he taking a jab at rap music AGAIN? ]

The police of Palm Beach County formed a Violent Crimes Task Force in 2006. [ I wonder if they have a report card and can they show that these tax dollars have been well spent and reduced violence on the streets? Could the allocation of extra money to form this unit be justified? Can regular police not handle crime? ] Allegedly, the violent crimes task force will be shown to have suppressed gang activities since its formation.

Top 6 was the most violent gang we had in the history of Palm Beach County,” Lt Michael Wallace, head of the task force, says. “We went through this horrible most violent stage that we ever had.” [ other than his complete lack of control of the English language the lieutenant obviously is oblivious to the history of the country and his county. ] [ and i quote ] “According to an article in the Palm Beach Post, there are nine known gangs operating in Boca Raton. Boca Raton has a connection to the Mafia. Although not known for violent crime, it’s a popular hangout spot for many suspected Mafia members. According to a number of US Federal indictments, as of June 2004, the Gambino family continues to operate in Boca Raton. The Television show, The Sopranos has featured the city in its plot, and Mafia Wife author Lynda Milito resides in Boca Raton.” [ also according to the FBI ]

Murders and nonnegligent manslaughters 3
Forcible rapes 13
Robberies 72
Aggravated assaults 150
Total violent crimes 238
Burglaries 799
Larceny-thefts 2,232
Motor vehicle thefts 170
Arson 2
Total property crimes 2,956
Estimated population 88,093

When questioned about the last call they responded to in connection to the Top 6 gang, Lt Wallace couldn’t remember, and thought it had been more than a year ago. [ doesn’t sound very violent to me ] Out of a dozen Top 6 gang leaders that were apprehended by police only 2 have been convicted of racketeering.

[ could it be this isn’t a gang at all? Or that there is no evidence to convict the other 10 leaders? You have to take what the police and the media does with a grain of salt. They are always out to scare you. “ooooh the big bad… HAITIANS? Come on, really? ]

Do these people look scary too you? In fact, looks like a place I’d like to visit myself.

Kevin Cardinale of Boundless Enterprise

Please Visit My Website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

Watch Me on Youtube: Shakaama Live