“It’s Not OK With Me” Says Black CEO About Gay Magazine Cover

“It’s Not OK With Me” Says Black CEO About Gay Magazine Cover

derpIn this day and age, people often forget that people can still have their own views and opinions about what is right and wrong. Imagine the horror a Black magazine faced when they received a phone call from a lawyer, who issued the message that the magazine was being sued by his client.

The lawsuit stemmed from a cover the magazine had on its September issue. On the cover was a great picture of a Black CEO, with the title on the left saying he gives his success secrets. However, on the right in big bold letters is the title of a story inside the issue, Black & Gay.

Imagine the CEOs complete anger when he was handed the magazine, hot off the presses. His butler said he could literally feel the heat coming off of his boss when he handed him the magazine.

The magazine called the CEO that same day to congratulate him on a great story and cover. The CEO was having none of it. He requested the magazine be pulled immediately. The magazine couldn’t understand why the CEO was angry and informed him the magazine could not be pulled, because they were already in retail stores, on shelves.

The editor said to the CEO, “it’s OK, it was just a simple mistake of  using the wrong font, and no one will think anything of it.” The CEO replied, “it’s not OK with me.”

And, with that, the next phone call they received was from his lawyer.

It is often that people forget that it is not OK with most of America, with the issue of homosexuality. In nearly every religion homosexuality is both a sin and spells the end of human existence. America being a very Christian nation is no stranger to being completely against homosexuality. While hollywood and the news might be trying to push the gay agenda to make homosexuality OK, for the rest of America it still is not “OK”. And, any attempt to try and force people to be OK with it, of course is going against their religion, which is not going to go over well.

Continue reading “It’s Not OK With Me” Says Black CEO About Gay Magazine Cover

What Women Really Want

What Do Women Want?

“He grabbed her by the waist, his strong hands pressing her body against his. She wet her lips. He aggressively kissed her moist lips, slowly, gently at first, then with more passion with each passing second. Unbridled passion welled up inside her and….”

Do women still read this? Is this what women really want? Why do I ask? Oh, because that’s not what I hear on t.v.. That’s not what i see in magazines. I don’t see passion and burning desire for each other. There’s no perfect man for a perfect woman portrayed in the media. Let’s see what the magazines would have you think women want.

I Can Change Him

“He sat meekly in the corner of the bar, adjusting the glasses that kept sliding down his nose. He wore a tacky jacket with plaid pants and smelled of garlic. He had a cute nerdy appeal to him though. She saddled next to him and nodded toward him. He blushed but didn’t say anything. She took him home, bathed him and taught him how to dress and act. He now makes a 6 figure salary and gives her all the shopping money she could hope for.”

Oh yes, this is what Cosmo prints weekly. They would have you believe that your man was nothing before you came and you are the one that can change him. You must believe it, because you buy it every week.

But wait, that’s for the 30 something year old. What about the teen to 20 something year old? Oh here we go, the MTV crowd.

He Da Daddy o Ma Chilluns

“He walked through the door, his Mexican mustache looking like a raccoon had a fight with a gerbil. His tattoos looked like oil stains and he smelled of pot and cheep beer, which he stole earlier. She saddled up next to him and said they should go to the bathroom together. He nodded. Three months later she was pregnant. Two years later she died of full blown AIDS and the baby followed her a month after that.”

If you think I’m being harsh, then you haven’t watched MTV for 2 seconds. I’ve seen stuff on there that would make Ron Jeremy blush. You may want to discount that as just entertainment, but young adults see it and think it’s OK, because it’s on national t.v..

What do I think women really want?

Here’s my scenario of what I think, a sane woman should want.

“She walked into the lounge wearing a pink chiffon dress with a slight train to it. A tall chiseled Black man asked to take her stole. She gave it to him and he smiled. ‘I’m sorry we have no more empty tables available, but If you like you can sit with Alexander Washington. I hear he’s a bachelor.’ She looked at him amused. Alexander Washington, Atlanta’s most eligible bachelor. She was seated in no time. At first he fidgeted across from her and kept checking his watch. She struck up small talk with him and he became engrossed in her conversation. He left her his card, and she gave him her number. He called 2 days later. They’ve been happily married now for 10 years with 3 beautiful kids.”

What’s the difference? No one is a slut; there are no whores; there’s no lack of education; obviously he’s interested in her for her; there’s no changing him and visa versa. While the media tries to get you to buy into the whole notion that normal is boring, you’re steadily looking for Mr. Wrong. Mister Wrong is oh so very wrong. And he or she, will lead you down a path of destruction that you’ll wake up from one day and realize that you have no escape routes.

I say don’t buy Cosmo, unless you’re doing a collage from the pictures. I say don’t watch MTV because surely, as the old grandpa says, it will rot your brain.

You want a good man? Find a good man. And, if you don’t find a good man for you, don’t belittle him. Because, the man that might not be good for you, might be good for some other woman. And, now you ruined it for her, because you crushed his ego. Also, it might be the case that you found the good man, but the problem is with you not recognizing it. Clean yourself up first, then go look for the good man.

And, from my favorite line delivered by the Oracle in The Matrix, “you’ll be right as rain”. I’m sad she died, but I love that line.

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