“It’s Not OK With Me” Says Black CEO About Gay Magazine Cover

“It’s Not OK With Me” Says Black CEO About Gay Magazine Cover

derpIn this day and age, people often forget that people can still have their own views and opinions about what is right and wrong. Imagine the horror a Black magazine faced when they received a phone call from a lawyer, who issued the message that the magazine was being sued by his client.

The lawsuit stemmed from a cover the magazine had on its September issue. On the cover was a great picture of a Black CEO, with the title on the left saying he gives his success secrets. However, on the right in big bold letters is the title of a story inside the issue, Black & Gay.

Imagine the CEOs complete anger when he was handed the magazine, hot off the presses. His butler said he could literally feel the heat coming off of his boss when he handed him the magazine.

The magazine called the CEO that same day to congratulate him on a great story and cover. The CEO was having none of it. He requested the magazine be pulled immediately. The magazine couldn’t understand why the CEO was angry and informed him the magazine could not be pulled, because they were already in retail stores, on shelves.

The editor said to the CEO, “it’s OK, it was just a simple mistake of  using the wrong font, and no one will think anything of it.” The CEO replied, “it’s not OK with me.”

And, with that, the next phone call they received was from his lawyer.

It is often that people forget that it is not OK with most of America, with the issue of homosexuality. In nearly every religion homosexuality is both a sin and spells the end of human existence. America being a very Christian nation is no stranger to being completely against homosexuality. While hollywood and the news might be trying to push the gay agenda to make homosexuality OK, for the rest of America it still is not “OK”. And, any attempt to try and force people to be OK with it, of course is going against their religion, which is not going to go over well.

Enter this CEO. Mistakes aside, the impression could be that he, personally, is homosexual, based on how the magazine cover looks. In this case he could easily be ruined. It is a Shakespearean tragedy in the making. This Black man went through tremendous struggles to reach the pinnacle of his profession by being CEO and a Black magazine ruins his life by connecting him with this homosexual push to be accepted as normal.

I agree with the CEO. No one has the right to ruin his career over some group, that first of all is not even accepted in the Black community, nor for pushing their agenda. In this day and age of Blacks bursting the bottom of every financial statistic, being Black and successful is first and foremost in the Black community. It takes precedence over all other movements trying to be hoisted on our community. It trumps the gay agenda. It trumps the feminist movement, which doesn’t even apply to Black women. It trumps consumerism, which definitely doesn’t apply to Black people.

Faced with such a lawsuit, this magazine could have the issue pulled. The potential loss in the lawsuit could definitely outweigh whatever money they’d make on this issue. Apparently, this editor and magazine in general cannot be accused of being very smart, to begin with.

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Ex law school student. I was kicked out for revealing I had a heart actually beating inside. I used to be in a modern dance company. I'm working on my 7 miracles to be proclaimed a saint by the pope. #1 is really hard, but once i get over that hump the other 6 will be a cinch.

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