The Gay Agenda

The Gay Agenda

Don’t be fooled, 95% of homosexuals are not activist; don’t care about the “gay agenda”; don’t want to get married to anyone; don’t want to adopt someone else’s brat; do hate their moms; work out to make sure they can beat up bullies, not look nice with their shirt off; have no fashion sense; have no artistic abilities; do not buy pop albums; are in fact, depraved; suffer from one or more mental disorders; take meds, which leads to new mental disorders; are not religious; do not believe in god; do not attend anyone’s church, even the rainbow church; and couldn’t give a rat’s butt about any of the issues, the gay activists preach about and spend their money lobbying for.

No Gay Agenda, Just Watching Hockey

Literally, in every large city 80% of homosexuals do not go to gay clubs; do not flaunt their sexual fetish; do not hang out in public; do not hold hands in public; do not kiss in public; nor do any deviant sexual fetish in public.

The most sinister part of the gay agenda is that they have completely made pedophilia to be a subset of society and not a homosexual thing. By strict definition, the vast majority of pedophiles are homosexuals: men who only like boys and victimize only boys. But, the gay activists have worked hard to make that a mental disorder, [smirk] instead of a homosexual practice.[smirk]  To be completely fair, heterosexual pedophiles, men who like little girls, normally do so with a very specific girl and do it repeated with that one little girl. Once that little girl is unavailable or some other factor, he finds the exact same little girl and starts over. So a heterosexual pedophile, left to his own devices, would victimize one little girl all his life, or until she grew up. To be even more fair, the bi-sexual, or don’t care what, pedophile, would victimize children, very small children, under the age of 10. The other two victimize teens. For the gay agenda to say it is a normal act, hasn’t done their own research. A staggering proportion of gay “relationships” are between a mid-twenties man and a teenager 13-16. By definition this is pedophilia.

Typical Gay “Couple” Adult Guy + Teen

[ It is virtually impossible to get an accurate count of actual homosexual pedophiles, because most of it goes unreported. To give you an idea of how bad of “unreported” is, a lot of parents do not even report it, because they either do not know how old the “boyfriend” is, like the “boyfriend”, or have completely given up on their child as just a “sign of the times”. The media pounds home the message that a parent should not infringe on the rights of older teens, and parents listen to the message. What they don’t know is that the media is doing this, because then the teen will turn around and buy ipods, ipads, and other expensive crap that their immature brain doesn’t understand is useless to them. They are old enough to decide to buy something, but not old enough to make life decisions. Parents meet resistance from older teens on little battles like ipods and then give up on big issues like pedophiles.]

What Gay Couples Really Do

[This article is well researched from interviews of over 200 gay and straight people, and several police ranking from beat cop to sergeant. Some statistics are not available because the source material says those participating are but a fraction of the actual number. At only 3% of the population, it is hard to understand how such a small group impacts the nation. It is even more mind boggling when the below facts are presented, i.e. that 95% of self identifying gay people, do not participate at all in any activism. When it is then shown that key members have worked their way into the media and politics, it is clear how 5% of a group that is only 3% of the population uses their position for their own agenda. It is literally 20 people have used their position to make the entire country talk about what THEY want. At the end of the road, you find the truth, money. It is not that there’s a gay agenda, per se, by itself, it’s that monied people behind those loud 20 people are pushing the gay agenda to exploit that 3%. Why? Because that 3% has more and spends more than 50% of the population. The gay agenda then is nothing more than a few gay people exploiting 9 million of their fellow gay people. Or, more accurately, wall street exploits a few people that have a homosexual fetish, into starting a campaign to switch public opinion on the homosexual fetish, turning it into the word “gay” and then a huge marketing campaign to make “gay” people only buy the finest things and convince them that they are the thinkers, artists and muses of the population. As show below, there is no such thing as a “gay” artistic talent. Most artists and artistic people are actually straight. (I would say nearly all, because I never met a homosexual in my particular field. Imagine my surprise when moving and hearing someone say all artists are gay.  All my artists friends are married with children, happily so.)]

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

The Gay Agenda: We Don’t Need Rainbow Libertarians

The Gay Agenda: We Don’t Need Rainbow Libertarians

Don’t be fooled by the gay agenda

Knowing that…

I am unapologetic in my view, but coming from an upper class family, we do not discuss personal matters in public. Why is America now infatuated with what people do in their bedroom? Why do people willingly publicly tell about their fetishes to the world?

Gov. Gary Johnson

For a nacent political party, trying to win over the masses of people, albeit correctly based upon the tenets of the foundation of the country, to put themselves on a weak political foot by identifying itself with an unpopular label such as gay, bi, lesbian is political suicide.

There is no honor in labeling yourself and identifying yourself. Nor is it even remotely in the best interest of the Libertarian party.

I have constantly, this agenda aside, made speeches and videos and written articles talking about the complete lack of understanding of politics in the Libertarian party. We shoot ourselves in the foot constantly and wonder why we aren’t as successful, as we think we should be.

While everyone rushes to put their business in the street, it would be wiser to not discuss it at all. It is a political party, not a cause. The two are very much different.

I would hope and think that all LP members would seek to further the party, and put aside their own personal causes. But this entire forced openess will make the very people we are trying to gather into the fold, to run for cover. And, if you think “we don’t need them”, you are very much wrong.

We need to be wiser than the wise in this party. We need to run congressmen and senators galor. Having a Libertarian president, standing alone in the white house, would nearly serve no purpose. Not that it wouldn’t be great, but without congressional support or a solid base, he’d probably get nothing done, and would be blamed for all failures of congress and only be there one term.

A political party is not a cause. It’s just politics.

I AM BLACK. But, I am not a Black Libertarian. I am just a Libertarian.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

The Real Meaning of Black History Month

The Real Meaning of Black History Month

We now have idiot stars like Morgan freeman coming out against Black history month. We have traitorous Black youtubers posting stupid videos with millions of views coming out against Black history month. The bottom line is they are shills for the white power elite. Someone has told them something in a soothing logical sounding voice and they have completely ignored the true meaning and purpose of Black history month.

The Idiot Morgan Freeman

The true aim of Black history whould be African history.

No other group comes to these shores without a complete and intact sense of their own people’s history, culture and values.

All of our history was stripped from us and is constantly denied and rewritten into a white superiorty view.

A people’s history is the foundation upon which they build their future. The white powers that formed the country were well aware of this. African Americans are so distanced from their beginnings that they now deny even coming from African ancestrally, however foolish that sounds.

Ultimately, learning about one’s history is not about some childlike feel-good view of a bunch of Black inventors, it’s about capturing a complete foundation of a people and building a financial future. The reality is Black people burst the bottom of every possible financially list in existence or even thourhgt up.

Who cares about slavery if that knowledge does nothing to further us? How many years has Black history month been implemented? Yet, the economic divide between white and Black income is getting worse, not better.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Utah House Passes Bill Recognizing Gold, Silver as Legal Tender

Utah House Passes Bill Recognizing Gold, Silver as Legal Tender

People have misunderstood the Utah law. It does not mint any coins, and only declared federally-minted US eagles “legal tender”. It was done for tax purposes. Utah has a state capital gains tax, and gains from gold and silver are taxable. Utah had previously removed legal tender from the capital gains, following a number of states after lobbying by coin collectors. As a collector, that’s appreciated! Paying taxes makes it difficult to upgrade your collection, when your goal is to just buy better coins. US tax law recognizes a “trade-up” exception for coins, but many states don’t.

Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation

Anyway, in Utah, US bullion coins remained on the taxable list. Utah moved them into the officially “legal tender” status, so they will no longer be taxed. Note that non-legal tender gold will still be taxed, so now makes US gold eagles far preferable to, say, Krugerrands.

Most news stories have been misreporting this news. No one expects people to start spending gold eagles, since their face value is currently 1/30th of their metal content value.

Utah took its first step Friday toward bringing back the gold standard when the state House passed a bill that would recognize gold and silver coins issued by the federal government as legal currency.

The House voted 47-26 in favor of the legislation that would also exempt the sale of gold from the state capital gains tax and calls for a committee to study alternative currencies for the state.

The legislation now heads to the state Senate, where a vote is expected next week.

Under the bill, the coins would not replace the current paper currency but would be used and accepted voluntarily as an alternative.

Coin Collectors

If the bill passes, Utah would become the first of 13 states that have proposed similar measures. The others states are Colorado, Georgia, Montana, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Washington.

Backers of Utah’s bill say they want to send a message to the rest of the country.

“People sense that in the era of quantitative easing and zero interest rates, something has gone haywire with our monetary policy,” said Jeffrey Bell, policy director for the Washington-based American Principles in Action, which helped shape the bill.

“If one state recognizes gold as a valid currency, I think it would embolden people not just in other states but in Washington,” he said.

The U.S. used the gold standard from 1873 until 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed the private ownership of gold amid the Great Depression. President Richard Nixon abandoned the gold standard altogether when he announced in 1971 that the U.S. would no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value.

Critics of the gold standard say it limits countries’ control over its monetary policy and leaves them vulnerable to financial shocks, such as the Great Depression. But supporters argue that the current financial system’s dependence on the Federal Reserve exposes the value of U.S. money to the risk of runaway inflation.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

RANT: I Bet You Only Know of Two Ways to Buy a Home

RANT: I Bet You Only Know of Two Ways to Buy a Home

It pisses me off that the american public is so miopic that they have bought into the brainwashing that you cannot buy a house without a bank. I happen to be a real estate investor and my team only buys houses without banks, i.e. cash, direct from sellers. We can buy seller notes, carry notes for people that want to buy from us, or just outright buy houses.

You should NEVER go into debt to buy a house. Some people don’t learn until they are out of money completely.

51% of all transaction of home purchases in Vegas for the past 2 years has been in cash. Way back when, think grandparents, nearly everyone bought their house with cash.

The banks have tried to attract people to take out loans to buy homes and cars on credits for decades now. Even at 0% interest rates, still 30% of the country, before the housing bubble collapse, bought houses in cash. And, we’re not talking rich people. People saved their money and bought houses, as it should be, and should have always been.

As far as ponzi schemes, you’re talking about fractional banking, where a bank has only $1,000 in reserves, but can lend out $10,000 in “loans” based on money they do not have. To keep this working, the lendee is afraid that if he doesn’t pay up he’ll ruin his credit. However, the interest rate he pays BACK to the bank has to come from thin air. So the bank writes a bad check to you, on money that comes out of thin air, and you pay back the bank on money that comes out of thin air. So as you pay back the bank $15,000 dollars, he then turns around and lends out $150,000. And so on.

What really makes it a ponzi scheme is that the people paying back the interest have to take money OUT of the system to pay back the loan.

Let’s pretend that we could actually have a stopping point in time, to this game:

  1. you go to work and make a table
  2. your employer sells the table to john
  3. your employer gets money from john
  4. your employer pays you a salary
  5. you put your money in the bank $1,000
  6. john takes out a loan for $10,000 for a home improvement
  7. John pays back $15,000 from money he gets from work
  8. the extra $5,000 isn’t even in the system and before john can pay it back he runs out of money
  9. the bank did not have $10,000 to lend out in the first place so
  10. the wood john bought doesn’t get paid for
  11. the nails john bought doesn’t get paid for
  12. the paint john bought doesn’t get paid for

So after about a  year the system collapses from fraud. The only real money in the system was the $1,000. And, that is a ponzi scheme BY DEFINITION.

Madoff did the same thing, just with fewer steps and with less cooperation from banks.

  • He got the first round of investors to invest.
  • Here comes the second round and he pays off the first
  • the first reinvest
  • here comes the 3rd round and he pays off 1 and 2
  • by the 50th round, he cannot pay off 30% more than 1-49 have invested and runs away with millions, because it’s paper money and fake returns that they all keep reinvesting.

This is exactly what the banking system does. They keep making loans every hour and people pay off the loans every hour.

The government is in on it, because they have to pump money into the pool every hour, by the millions. By them pumping millions back into the pool of money, it means your 2 dollars is now only worth 50 cent, because it takes 4 dollars now, to buy what 2 dollars could buy before.

Madoff = ponzi
bank = ponzi
government = ponzi
social security = ponzi
income tax = ponzi

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Iran stops oil sales to British and French firms

Iran stops oil sales to British and French firms

Strap on your day trader hats, all you commodity junkies, crude is about to hit the roof with this news. The summer is going to be a boondoggle for the white house. And, Obama will more than likely lose the presidency over this.

Tehran, Iran

TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran has stopped selling crude to British and French companies, the oil ministry said on Sunday, in a retaliatory measure against fresh EU sanctions on the Islamic state’s lifeblood, oil.

“Exporting crude to British and French companies has been stopped … we will sell our oil to new customers,” spokesman Alireza Nikzad was quoted as saying by the Ministry of Petroleum website.

The European Union in January decided to stop importing crude from Iran from July 1 over its disputed nuclear program, which the West says is aimed at building bombs. Iran denies this.

Iran’s oil minister said on February 4 that the Islamic state would cut its oil exports to “some” European countries.

Iran Stops Oil Sales to Britain and France

The European Commission said last week that the bloc would not be short of oil if Iran stopped crude exports, as they have enough in stock to meet their needs for around 120 days.

Industry sources told Reuters on February 16 that Iran’s top oil buyers in Europe were making substantial cuts in supply months in advance of European Union sanctions, reducing flows to the continent in March by more than a third – or over 300,000 barrels daily.

France’s Total has already stopped buying Iran’s crude, which is subject to fresh EU embargoes. Market sources said Royal Dutch Shell has scaled back sharply. Shell had no comment on the announcement.

Among European nations, debt-ridden Greece is most exposed to Iranian oil disruption.

Motor Oil Hellas of Greece was thought to have cut out Iranian crude altogether and compatriot Hellenic Petroleum along with Spain’s Cepsa and Repsol were curbing imports from Iran.

Iran was supplying more than 700,000 barrels per day (bpd) to the EU plus Turkey in 2011, industry sources said.

By the start of this year imports had sunk to about 650,000 bpd as some customers cut back in anticipation of an EU ban.

President Mahmoud Admadinejad of Iran

Saudi Arabia says it is prepared to supply extra oil either by topping up existing term contracts or by making rare spot market sales. Iran has criticized Riyadh for the offer.

Iran said the cut will have no impact on its crude sales, warning that any sanctions on its oil will raise international crude prices.

Brent crude oil prices were up $1 a barrel to $118.35 shortly after Iran’s state media announced last week that Tehran had cut oil exports to six European states. The report was denied shortly afterwards by Iranian officials.

“We have our own customers … The replacements for these companies have been considered by Iran,” Nikzad said.

EU’s new sanctions includes a range of extra restrictions on Iran that went well beyond U.N. sanctions agreed last month and included a ban on dealing with Iranian banks and insurance companies and steps to prevent investment in Tehran’s lucrative oil and gas sector, including refining.

The mounting sanctions are aimed at putting financial pressure on the world’s fifth largest crude oil exporter, which has little refining capacity and has to import about 40 percent of its gasoline needs for its domestic consumption.

(Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by David Cowell)

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

DATTEBAYO: Own Your Own Naruto Sleeping Cap

DATTEBAYO: Own Your Own Naruto Sleeping Cap

I know you’ve seen him wearing the monster eating his head sleeping cap.   Dattebayo, I know you wanted to have it for yourself. Since I wanted one, dattebayo I know you want one too. Well now you can get  one too.  Dattebayo, they are cheap too. If it gets dirty just throw it in the wash and it comes back like new, dattebayo. It is so cool, dattebayo.



I have been wracking my brain thinking about how american life has changed over the past 40 years. We did not have the super rich 40 years ago. Yes, we might have had a bevvy of millionaires, but we did not have billionaires running around one per city. In my musings I knew there had to be a fundamental shift in how the average person was behaving that made the super rich. Finally it dawned on me. Although most Americans complain about the super rich, or the 1%, they pay them money at every opportunity they can, under the guise of entertainment.

Occupy Wallstreet Protesters Being Paid to Protest
  • Filmed Entertainment will grow from $36.8 billion in 2011 to $45.7 billion in 2015.
  • Video-on-demand spending will pass pay-per-view in 2011 and reach $4.7 billion in 2015, a 9.8% compound annual increase from $2.9 billion in 2010.
  • From 2011-2015, aggregate Entertainment and Media global spending will rise to $1.9 trillion in 2015, a 5.7% compound annual advance driven by economic growth.

That’s just a SMALL tip of the tip of the iceberg. Bars, alcohol and what you do on your “weekend” is an even more staggering number. The reality is that we are now paying for luxury items as normal items, and somehow think that the luxury item is the basic item. We buy luxury food, thinking it is basic food. We buy luxury cars, thinking they are basic cars. We put luxury components in our luxury items, thinking that we need the luxury and not the true basic. We also shop, eat and bank at luxury shops.

Case in point, the Occupy Wallstreet “movement”.

THE ENTIRE OCCUPY WALL STREET KERFUFFLE IS A FRAUD. You’re all liars and hypocrites. I guarantee everyone in the occupy movement has an account at: Bank of America; Wells Fargo; Chase; Citibank; JP Morgan; USBank etc etc etc. I bet they all have a VISA / MASTERCARD. They are not only a lie, but a damn lie.

I bet they all go boozing on the weekends, eat at fast food, rent movies during the week or order pizza.

You want to make a real statement: go home; take a damn shower; remove your money from super corporations – even if they offer more convenient service; buy local; buy local; buy local. AND STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY ON HAIR, NAILS, PIZZA AND JUNK YOU DON’T NEED.

The very thing you say you’re against is the very thing you are supporting financially. You scream about corporations, but go buy Burger King. I bet none of them are driving a Hyundai Accent, Kia Rio, or Chevy Aveo, the cheapest cars in the land. How many of them are buying eggs, rice, bacon, beef and veggies, and cooking home cooked meals? How many of them read a book or sit by the radio for entertainment? How many of them sew their own clothes?

[ I actually cook from scratch and barely have internet as my only source of entertainment. I buy raw ingredients when shopping, and hardly ever clothes shop. I can actually sew. ]

You ruined America, they didn’t. YOU DID IT. You made Bank of America. You made Wells Fargo.



It has come to my attention, with proof, that the protesters are actually being paid to protest and to siphon off Tea Party members.  They spent over a million to pay these people for this “movement”.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Max Keiser: "Mitt Romney is a Liar"

Max Keiser: “Mitt Romney is a Liar”

With just a bit of simple math, knowledge of returns, knowledge of bond rates and a heavy dose of common sense, Max Keiser, of the Keiser Report, is able to deduce that Mitt Romney is not the less rich boy that he says he is. Why the deception? Because voting for a billionaire is far scarier than voting for a millionaire. With billions at your beck and call, you can literally fund your presidential campaign with pocket change.

Max Keiser of the Keiser Report

One would think that voting for a billionaire would be a good thing. That is, until the Obama administration has shown us that billionaires and millionaires alike, get in bed in government for one thing, corruption and political favors to make millionaires billionaires and billionaires … well more billionairist.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl



A movement started years ago for Black people to buy all of their items from Black owned and operated businesses; bank with  Black owned and operated  banks; use  Black owned and operated  services like  Black owned and operated  dry cleaners or  Black owned and operated   car shops; and move into Black controlled neighborhoods.  Along with this is to buy homes in Black controlled neighborhoods. And, to open up businesses in Black controlled neighborhoods.

Black Economic Empowerment Movement

For those not able or not on their feet, the wealthier brothers and sisters must help them and teach them. We must not only take care of each other financially, but pull up those that have fallen through the cracks. Help them get off of welfare and food stamps and teach them how to open up their own business eventually.

The reality is, government is not going to save us, religion is not going to save us, helping our own brothers and sisters, living together and starting and supporting Black commerce will. Realize that government has failed us. Black leaders have failed us. Religion has failed us. Those are the facts. Pull your head out of the sand and recognize that we are now in last place, even behind white and indian mexicans that just swam across the river. We are last in every single economic list and have always been.

Empowerment comes from within not without. So many Blacks look to others for help when we could and can help ourselves. We need to own up to certain issues we dare not talk about: teen pregnancy; abortion; young marriage rate falling. Tackle these and most of the dangerous issues take care of themselves. If young couples were encouraged to get married, instead of staying apart, having babies out of wedlock or worse, going through with infanticide,  our community would stabilize and the criminal element would drastically fall. If older couples would advise young couples and be there for support, those issues would dramatically decrease. If more affluent Black men would counsel and teach young Black men, Black empowerment would be a reality.

For those thinking that moving into a Black neighborhood is segregationist, understand that the Italians do it, Jews do it, Mormons do it, Asians do it, Hispanics do it. Everyone but Black people move to be with their people and financially support each other. Black people also fall prey to people calling them separatists, meanwhile the very person calling the Black people a separatist, lives in a community of their own.

It is time out to listen to the pie in the sky rhetoric preached by those would gladly see the Black community fail and continue to fail. We need to change our language and our dialogue. We’re not niggers. We’re brothers and sisters. We’re not punks, we’re businessmen. We’re not bourgeois, we’re entrepreneurs. We’re not hoes, we’re ladies. We’re not b****s, we’re African princesses. We’re not niggers, we’re African princes. We don’t live in a ghetto [ a word used to describe a jewish settlement ], we live in a Black controlled neighborhood.

We don’t need Black teens getting pregnant out of wedlock, being abandoned by their mates and then going on a system that will either enslave her with welfare, food stamps and medicaid, or worse encourage her to commit infanticide, we need to have people young couples can go to discuss the dangers and pitfalls of young love and having sex too early, when the consequences last a life-time.

We don’t need young Black men hanging out in the street with no hope of a future, being harassed by bully policemen, who’s only desire is to bolster the city and state’s money by throwing them in jail and into the private prison system. We need affluent Black men to be on call so that those Black men could be being mentored and taught about business and raising a family.

We don’t need Black families destroyed by an economic downturn with no savings and nothing to fall back on, and divorce or violence ensuing. We need affluent Black men to take the husband / fathers aside and coach them on starting a business and amassing Black wealth, so that no one else can control their economic destiny.


and more….

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Will Ron Paul Be The Final Death of the Republican Party

Will Ron Paul Be The Final Death of the Republican Party

I believe this Republican primary season has several things working against it. If the entire party doesn’t stop for a second, take note of what is going on, take stock of what they ultimately want to achieve and quit tearing down their own party, it is going to be the final death of the Republican party after this election. And, by final death, is meant that the Republican party as it stands right now is not anywhere near the Republican party as was started in 1854, and this primary season will bring to light, in full color, how the party is completely fractured and irreparable.

  1. the republican party is completely and utterly infiltrated by neo-cons, to the point that they are now setting policy at the highest level, for the party [ they are not conservative; they do not have traditional republican values; they do not adhere to core republican beliefs about fairness and equality that the party was founded on]
  2. the neo-cons are diametrically opposed to Ron Paul; they will do their best to thwart him
  3. given that everyone inside the loop and beltway knew and knows that Bush, and now Obama, cheated to secure the candidacy and presidency, they are proceeding with the most nefarious primary season yet to be seen since the tremendous fraud Kennedy committed during his nomination; they have willfully and fraudulently fixed their own primaries against Ron Paul 
  4. they are attempting to put a puppet democrat in place, Mitt Romney, as the republican candidate; he is, in no shape form nor fashion, a republican; he’s not even a neo-con; he is a by the book democrat; and there is no way that several states voted for him; it is obvious that they committed fraud to make him appear much better than he was in Iowa and the rest; people have come forward saying the Perry and Bachman’s camp were told to make their followers vote for Santorum or Romney to thwart Paul; so the other candidates were all in collusion to thwart Paul,

    Paul supporters have, almost to a man, all said they will not vote for anyone in the Republican party except Paul; this means, come actual election time, If Paul is not the Nominee, the Republicans are automatically defeated; without the entire Paul camp and voters voting come election time, the Republicans will not have anywhere near the votes that Obama will have and it will be a landslide the likes of which have never been seen before.

  6. given the amount of fraud that has been going on in the primaries and the caucuses, it is obvious the neo-cons fear Paul and his supporters; the Paul block is huge and growing; Paul is, after all, the tea party choice; between the tea party and the Paul supporters, the neo-cons will not be able to get a block that size and cohesiveness; the neo-cons therefore are shooting themselves in the foot by not allowing Paul to win, the nomination and the election
  7. the neo-cons fear that a Paul will, would mean and end to the feeding frenzy in Washington that has been going on for the past 40 years; Dr. Paul would implement measures that would curtail insider trading, abuse of power; corporate politics; corporate capitalism; and crony capitalism; such measures would spell the end of neo-cons; so the neo-cons are forfeiting any pretense to help their own party, in favor of trying their best to remove Paul from the primaries and caucuses; so instead of a republican win, they want a neo-con win; it cannot be done without Dr. Ron Paul 

AND THAT IS POLITICS, now it is in favor of Congressman Paul and not the neo-cons. They are literally backed up against a wall.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

"I’m Not African-American," says he

“I’m Not African-American,” says he

You have to realize a lot of “Black” people hate being Black. And even worse, being reminded they came from Africa. I’m not going to put labels like “self-hate” on them, but … there you go.

Now, as for me personally, I am OK with being called:

  • negro [which simply means Black]
  • African-American [which is descriptive, and since I’m an artist, I think in color anyway, unlike most people who actually think in black and white]
  • Black [which is short, quick and to the point ]

I for one, am not hating being Black. I lived in Africa. It’s the richest continent on the planet, … uh … natural-resource-wise, but the IMF / World Bank has raped every single country there and colonialism has NOT stopped … but I digress.

Back to the self-haters … so Black folk are now making videos against being called African-American. It is a slap in the face of everyone of those people in the 60s that were shot, mamed, jailed, beaten up, dogs sicked on, abused, just so white people would recognise us as 1. humans and 2. Americans just like everyone else. I’m not some idiot that doesn’t study history, and the 60s is frankly not that far back, i mean … seriously.

For Black people to sit up here in turn of the mellenium and act all high minded, is pathetic. People died so we could be called African-American and not colored or worse. It’s pure ignorance and hubris to put their memory to shame.

One Black guy made a video claiming he had never been to Africa … :/  Nor have half the Italians alive in this country, but will say point blank they are italian … or scottish … or irish … or french … or german …. or japanese … or korean.  Only Black people have a problem with where they’re from.

At the end of the day WE’RE ALL IMMIGRANTS.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

9th Circuit Doomed to Fail Over Prop 8 Debacle

9th Circuit Doomed to Fail Over Prop 8 Debacle

Legal Issue: marriage is not an unalienable right, as proscribed by the declaration of independence and afterwards the constitution. You don’t have an unalienable right to get married. An unalienable right is something you are born with. An unalienable  right is not imposed on anyone else. You cannot force a woman to marry you. And, even if you tried, the first judge she came across, with half a brain, would nullify the marriage and make you pay for having to listen to your shenanigans.

Prop 8

The problem with the entire issue surrounding prop 8 is that secular society has adopted a religious ceremony, i.e. marriage, and the lines become more and more blurred.  However, the government cannot force secular people to call their union something different, no more than they can force ministers to perform wedding ceremonies for satanists. [ wouldn’t that be something eh? the bride all dressed in black and the groom in red … oh, anyway ]

So the super duper Liberal 9th circuit striking down prop 8 on the grounds of it being an unalienable constitutional right is completely preposterous. It’s like saying eating bologna is an unalienable  right. [ and oscar myer doesn’t taste anywhere near as good as it did when I was a kid ] Besides, the supreme court already ruled in favor of a prop 8 type of law before, well not exactly ruled in favor of it, but dismissed the lawsuit against it. [ at that level, you pay attention to dismissals as well ] [ 9th circuit is in for a world of hurt ]

By the way unalienable  is NOT the same as Inalienable. We’re talking legal English here, not school yard English. Go look up the difference.

Mark my words – 9th circuit [makes cutting motion to throat]

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Is Gay Marriage a Social Issue or Just Another Money Grab

Is Gay Marriage a Social Issue or Just Another Money Grab

As a Libertarian, I think the notion that homosexual marriage is somehow a civil liberty is wrong. Marriage has never been originated by the state, to begin with, and as such is not a “civil liberty”. For people to even put the question to government, is ignorant in the first place.

What the “gay” [which I don’t even believe is a real distinction] people want is special dispensation to force private businesses to give them “rights” over an above their own self / business interests, i.e. insurance companies to be forced to throw out actuarial charts, documenting observable behavioral changes in humans that marry and have children, versus those that don’t and therefore are at lower risk for car accidents etc.

In the end this is not about a question of simply declaring a universal love for someone, it is about a lobby to make government force private business to do something, for money.

Until someone with some sense sheds light on this entire farce, everyone will be still debating this like it is some legitimate social issue, instead of the money issue it really is.

It is underhanded in the most vile sense of the word. Couch a money issue, inside of a social issue, with a heavy dose of guilt issues. It’s like the homosexual version of Inception.

For the very people talking about freedom, they are trying to force other “people” [businesses] to have their freedoms taken away.

This has never been about a civil liberty. In fact the entire debate is based on a blatant lie. Several national studies, recently conducted in the last year, found that only 15% of the entire “gay” population is even in a long term, committed relationship. So where is this outcry for legitimizing a “gay” relationship coming from? Certainly not the 85% who have no standing to even bring up the issue in a court of law, nor be redressed before congress. In fact that whole notion that there are these massive numbers of homosexuals out there is false also. The homosexual population is a mere 3%: 2% male and 1% female.

However, as we have seen, the best available data supports a lower estimate of 2.5 percent for male homosexuals and 1.4 percent for lesbians.

Again, this is about money, not civil rights; not civil liberties nor freedom. Almost no one in the national media even understands the ramifications of the issue, money.

Charts on Relationships

Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2001)
Source: Current Population Reports: U.S. Census Bureau (2002)

Source: 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census

Sources:Laumann, The Social Organization of Sexuality, 216; McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, “Extramarital Sex,” 170.



In April 2000, the governor of the state of Vermont signed a law instituting civil unions for homosexuals. The bill conferred 300 privileges and rights enjoyed by married couples upon same-sex partners who register their relationship with the town clerk and have their union solemnized by a member of the clergy or the justice of the peace.

Estimating the homosexual and lesbian population of Vermont: The number of homosexuals and lesbians in the state of Vermont may be estimated based on national studies. Contrary to the widely promulgated but inaccurate claims that up to ten percent of the population is homosexual, research indicates that homosexuals comprise one to three percent of the population. For example, a recent study in Demography relying upon three large data sets–the General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, and the U.S. Census–estimated the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population to be 2.5 percent and the number of exclusive lesbians to be 1.4 percent.[21]

According to the 2000 Census, the adult population of Vermont is 461,304.[22] Based on theDemography study, a reasonable estimate of the number of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont would be approximately 5,600 (2.5 percent of the adult male population) for male homosexuals, and approximately 3,300 (1.4 percent of the adult female population) for lesbians, for a total of approximately 8,900 homosexuals and lesbians. [Note: these are only rough approximations for purposes of statistical comparison.]

Number of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont who have entered into civil unions: USA Today reports that, as of January 2004, only 936 homosexual or lesbian couples (for a total of 1,872 individuals) have entered into civil unions.[23] This indicates that only about 21 percent of the estimated homosexual and lesbian population of Vermont has entered into civil unions. Put another way, 79 percent of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont choose not to enter into civil unions.

By contrast, in Vermont, heterosexual married couples outnumber cohabiting couples by a margin of 7 to 1, indicating a much higher level of desire on the part of heterosexual couples to legalize their relationships.[24]

Sources:U.S. Census Bureau, Married-Couple and Unmarried-Partner Households: 2000, 2; Black, “Demographics,” 141; U.S. Census Bureau Census 2000 Summary File 1; Bayles, “Vermont’s Gay Civil Unions,” 1; Census 2000 Special Reports, 4; Shane, “Many Swedes Say ‘I Don’t,'” 1; “ORL Backgrounder,” 1.
*Sources:Black, “Demographics,” 141; Census 2000 Special Reports, 4.

Finally, the entire issue of “gay” marriage is set on a backdrop of discrimination. Of course discrimination cannot be legislated away. But, what is telling is that one cannot discern off hand if someone is “gay” just by looking at them, outside of some blatant indication. That being said, the alleged discrimination that is reported might not be discrimination at all. What’s more, one would expect there to be reports of wide-spread discrimination, if one were to pay attention to the “gay” lobby.

Once again the DATA does not support this notion of widespread discrimination.

Women(%) Men(%)
Employment benefits 58 40
Taxes 47 37
Insurance 46 34
Membership 20 11
Credit/banking 15 10
Employment 14 13
Housing 11 11
Hotels 6 6
Hospital visitation 6 2
Adoption 5 2
Foster care 3 2
Other 7 4
None/none indicated 23 34

What is telling is that the most talked about discrimination in the entire “gay” marriage issue is about Hospital visitation. However, as the DATA shows, only 2% of “gay” couples encountered any discrimination in Hospital visitation. The highest point of discrimination reported was among Employment benefits. However, with a casual glance at the prior data, one finds that most “gay” couples change partners within one year. Is it discriminatory for companies to rightly deny benefits to an ever changing partner of a “gay” employee. Is it discriminatory to deny insurance benefits to an employee that always changes partners on a yearly basis. This   is clearly supported by the DATA: a staggering 42% of all “gay” relationships do not see a 3rd year and a huge 71% never see a 7th year.

So do insurance companies, which base a majority of their coverage decisions based on regular human behavioral patterns, have a business right to deny coverage of an ever changing partner? Can an insurance company cover a married employee when all DATA points to a 57% chance that the employee will remain married for at least 15 years or a 50% chance he will remain married for more than 20 years? Depending on the job, 20 years of continuous employment can qualify an employee for retirement. It is then reasonable for an insurance company to agree to cover an employee in a group where 20 years of a continuous partner is assured, versus an employee in a group where not even 1 year of a continuous partner is assured.


Taking all religious talk out of the conversation, the issue of “gay” marriage is not about any social civil liberty that is being denied. It is about money. The points that are being made by the “gay” lobby is not supported by any DATA available today, in fact all DATA points against the very issues brought up by the “gay” lobby: a high demand for “gay” marriage; massive discrimination; a high demand for same-sex child rearing. At less than 2% in most instances, there is no high demand for the issue.

What the DATA does show is that:

  • only 3% of the population is “gay”
  • 42% of the “gay” population do not have a relationship that lasts longer than 3 years
  • 85% of the “gay” population do not have relationships that last more than 10 years
  • a staggering 96% of all “gay” relationships are not monogamous
  • of those that have a “gay” relationship, only 22% even live together
  • of those living together in a “gay” relationship, less than 1% actually live with children
  • the above statistic is misleading because only 8% of the 22% actually have children living with them, so saying less than 1% of “gay” households live with children actually saying less than 1% of 1% of the gay population –  66,225 out of 4,040,000.
One could easily say, there is no proof of a demand for “gay” marriage; no proof of a demand for “gay” parenting; and no proof of a  demand for less discrimination against “gay” couples.

Once again, this seems like a very small group of individuals are making a money grab and putting it in a very emotional issue. This is a simple repeat of what we now all see happening on wall street, congress and in the banking industry. Make the people emotional. Divide them on a moral ground. Pass legislation. Steal profits from the U.S. tax payer.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

CPAC Staw Poll Organizers Trying to "Fix" Their Poll

CPAC Staw Poll Organizers Trying to “Fix” Their Poll

WASHINGTON [ contributed by Ron Ward, fixed by Shakaama ]– The organizers of a major conservative conference here over the next three days are trying to rig participation in a straw poll, a not-too-subtle attempt to give a Republican presidential candidate other than Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) a chance to win.

For the past two years, Paul has won, by large margins, a straw poll of attendees at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). The results have been something of an embarrassment for CPAC, organized by the American Conservative Union, which comes from a neo-conservative point of view rather than Paul’s libertarian-tinged true conservative republican view.

This year, the American Conservative Union and CPAC are moving from independently verifiable, paper ballots to electronic voting, which has been rife with voter fraud, that will be accessible from a computer or a handheld device, said Al Cardenas, the ACU’s current president. He said that he hopes this will increase the number of attendees who participate in the straw poll.

“Obviously, in the past, it’s been somewhat compromised because only a third of the people who attend voted,” Cardenas said in an interview. “It used to be a fairly cumbersome process because you had to do it manually. Now, for the first time this year we’re instituting an electronic vote.

“So people can vote through Saturday afternoon, and before, that wasn’t the case,” he said. “And we’re hoping that instead of having a third of those in attendance vote, we’ll have two-thirds or more vote.”

Ron Paul Has Won CPAC for Two Straight Years

More than 10,000 people are expected to attend, Cardenas said. He said that he wasn’t “worried” that Paul would win the straw poll for a third year in a row.

“Curious is more like it,” Cardenas said. “In the past, to his credit, about 80, 90, 100 percent of people who were there and liked Ron Paul voted, and probably a very small percentage of those who liked others bothered to vote.”

And this year, the straw poll result will have more weight than in most years past, because it comes at a unique moment in the Republican primary. The race is in flux after former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) swept three contests on Tuesday, caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado and a non-binding primary in Missouri that had no impact on winning delegates that help a candidate win the nomination, but nonetheless signal grassroots opposition to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

The primary contest has swung back and forth between Santorum, Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). All three will be at the conference on Friday to give speeches. And together, the speeches and the straw poll results on Saturday afternoon will resonate with voters and the media looking to see whether Santorum is continuing to develop an organic momentum among grassroots conservatives.

The impact could be all there is to talk about for several days, since besides Maine Republican caucus results that will be announced Saturday night, there are no more primary contests until Feb. 28, when Arizona and Michigan hold primaries.

Paul himself will not attend CPAC. He will campaign in Maine on Saturday. His son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will speak at the conference on Thursday afternoon.

For those worried that Paul’s campaign will be organizing to get supporters to come to CPAC and vote in the straw poll, Paul’s campaign manager, Jesse Benton, said there is no such effort underway.

“We’re not participating in this year’s event,” Benton told HuffPost. He said he wasn’t sure if Paul’s name would be on the ballot. “We haven’t paid attention.”

[Ron Ward Huffington Post – Edited “fixed” by Shakaama]

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See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Ron Paul Winning

Ron Paul Winning

For those not paying attention…

Apparently Ron Paul is actually winning the delegates in these caucuses. The media is not reporting this, in hopes that the pressure they put on him will dry up his support. However, unlike the two alleged front runners, Romney [ the Democrat that pretends he’s a Republican ] and Gingrich, Ron Paul support believe in their candidate’s cause. Ron Paul supporters believe that the cause Ron Paul is running for is much larger than just and election. That being said, media bias against Dr. Paul will not drive away his supporters. It has been shown that the more the media downplays Congressman Paul or tries to ignore him, the more organized and efficient his support gets.

Congressman Ron Paul

With four years to really hone their skills and learn from the miraculous dark horse that was the Obama campaign, the Ron Paul campaign is taking a page right out of the socialist turned Democrat’s rule book, GET DELEGATES. While Senator Hillary was scrambling for media attention and general support, Senator Obama was gaining delegates. When convention time rolled around, he had swept the delegates. He used this same strategy to win the presidency as well, as did Bush.

The Paul camp has learned this and is implementing it post haste. The rule book has changed and popular support is no longer the thinking man’s method to gain the presidency. While dim witted voters are left to flounder at media attention of candidates that are not going to win the election, people like Bush, Obama and now Paul are winning elections. However, because the media couches the subject in terms the general public cannot understand on any intellectual level, it comes out looking “underhanded”.

We are constantly taught that ours is a democratically run country. However, with two seconds of research, one immediately finds that we are not in any way shape, form nor fashion, democratic. Ours is a representative rule. Even are elections are done by representatives. The ultimate voters are delegates and the electoral college. Those are the people that elect candidates and ultimately the president.

Bush did not win the popular vote, everyone knows that. However, he did win the electoral college. And, that is all, in the end, that even matters, as far as the presidency is concerned.

Paul is trying to win this, not come out as Mr. Popularity. It is obvious, with the media blackout that he cannot win that coveted title. So, he’ll have to just settle for winning the presidency instead.

Ron Paul supporters seem to understand all of this and participate nearly 100%, unlike the other candidate supporters. They believe in his cause and actually show up to the caucuses and vote in all the primaries. All the polls be damned, it is the people that show up that put buts in seat that count.

Ron Paul Running for President of the U.S.

As the only Republican that is not a Neo-Con [ global government, social engineering, financial engineering, fiscal engineering and crony capitalism ] and as the only real conservative out of the entire bunch that still believes in small government, free markets and real civil rights, Ron Paul stands as the last real Republican and not a RINO [ republican in name only ].

The neo-conservative movement [ where liberals switched to the Republican party ] has dwarfed the entire Republican, conservative party, to the point you cannot identify any republican left. For Gingrich and Romney, both neo-cons, to be presented as the Republican front runners,  it speaks volume about the complete disarray of the party.

The media bias against Dr. Paul also speaks volumes. The media is generally known to be leftist leaning, including Fox News. As such, they would only accept neo-cons as their enemy of choice.

When speaking of “there is not difference between republicans and democrats”, it should be understood to mean, “there is no difference between neo-cons and democrats. And, there is no difference. All the neo-cons, which have a 60 year history now, are in fact democrats. They simply name themselves republicans.

So while the nation is focused on neo-cons that get media adoration, Dr. Paul, an actual Libertarian Republican is reviled as some hated enemy, which all Republicans should be, i.e. Libertarian Republicans.

For the media to laud neo-con republicans, is simply an exercise in self-ejaculatory back patting.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Unemployment Rate Drop Faked

Unemployment Rate Drop Faked

As more people drop off of unemployment benefits, after 3 years of collecting unemployment, the already fake unemployment rate drops, almost like a rock.

Understand, there are no new jobs and the millions that were lost are not coming back. If you liberals / RINOs cannot understand this, I don’t know what else to say to you.

Deer in Headlights

The government tracks who is ON unemployment. Once your unemployment payments stop, and you cannot receive any more, you fall off the government’s unemployment list. So yes, in 2009 millions lost their jobs, after 3 years of collecting unemployment they used up all their payments and cannot get any more. There was not people being hired by the millions all of a sudden. It would take millions upon millions of people getting a job for the unemployment rate to drop so drastically. However, the real explanation of millions using up their unemployment explains the drop.

“The U.S. economy created jobs at the fastest pace in nine months in January, and the unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 8.3 percent, its lowest level in three years, since just after Obama took office.

 The report meant that unemployment has dropped every month since August, when it was 9.1 percent.” – Reuters

The good folks at ZeroHedge [some schmo that goes by the name of Tyler Durden *sigh*][ no i’m not a fan Tyler ] explained it best, so as not to confuse the idiot public.

“A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that’s not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.

This is the largest absolute jump in ‘Persons Not In Labor Force’ on record... and biggest percentage jump in 30 years.”

Floyd Norris of The New York Times says:

“How many jobs did the American economy add in January?

The Labor Department estimated on Friday that the economy gained 243,000 jobs.

The department also estimated that the economy lost 2,689,000 jobs in the month.

The difference in the two numbers is in seasonal adjustment. Employment always falls in January, as temporary Christmas jobs end. So the government applies seasonal adjustment factors in an effort to discern the real trend of the economy apart from seasonal fluctuations. The actual survey showed the big loss in jobs. The seasonal adjustments produced the reported gain of 243,000 jobs.

A reason to doubt the number is that there has been a tendency in this cycle for the seasonal factors to overstate moves, in both directions. Labor mobility is down, as fewer workers quit to seek better jobs and employers both hire and fire fewer people than they used to do. If the seasonal adjustment was too large, then the gain should be smaller.”

And for a real kick in the nuts, we have Numerian over at The Economic Populist reporting:

First, ever since the credit crisis of 2008, there has been a trend in the unemployment report that shows a declining participation rate in the job market. While a whopping number of jobs were created in January, a far larger number of people left the labor force – 1,752,000 in fact. The percent of the total working population who did not have jobs rose to 36.7%, an all time high. It’s no wonder the unemployment rate fell, when the denominator shrinks so markedly. The total number of people employed fell by 737,000. So what do you want to celebrate – the 243,000 who got jobs, or the million or so people who dropped by the wayside and are no longer counted in the data?

To put it bluntly, Obama is not your savior and there was no job creation that rocked 2 million strong in the month of January. People are not working, so much, that their not working dropped them off the list, to the tune of 1.2 million people gone off list. If you account for those people, unemployment is going strong at 10.9%. The numbers reported are faked.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Unemployment Rate Drop Faked

Unemployment Rate Drop Faked

As more people drop off of unemployment benefits, after 3 years of collecting unemployment, the already fake unemployment rate drops, almost like a rock.

Understand, there are no new jobs and the millions that were lost are not coming back. If you liberals / RINOs cannot understand this, I don’t know what else to say to you.

Deer in Headlights

The government tracks who is ON unemployment. Once your unemployment payments stop, and you cannot receive any more, you fall off the government’s unemployment list. So yes, in 2009 millions lost their jobs, after 3 years of collecting unemployment they used up all their payments and cannot get any more. There was not people being hired by the millions all of a sudden. It would take millions upon millions of people getting a job for the unemployment rate to drop so drastically. However, the real explanation of millions using up their unemployment explains the drop.

“The U.S. economy created jobs at the fastest pace in nine months in January, and the unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 8.3 percent, its lowest level in three years, since just after Obama took office.

 The report meant that unemployment has dropped every month since August, when it was 9.1 percent.” – Reuters

The good folks at ZeroHedge [some schmo that goes by the name of Tyler Durden *sigh*][ no i’m not a fan Tyler ] explained it best, so as not to confuse the idiot public.

“A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that’s not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.

This is the largest absolute jump in ‘Persons Not In Labor Force’ on record... and biggest percentage jump in 30 years.”

Floyd Norris of The New York Times says:

“How many jobs did the American economy add in January?

The Labor Department estimated on Friday that the economy gained 243,000 jobs.

The department also estimated that the economy lost 2,689,000 jobs in the month.

The difference in the two numbers is in seasonal adjustment. Employment always falls in January, as temporary Christmas jobs end. So the government applies seasonal adjustment factors in an effort to discern the real trend of the economy apart from seasonal fluctuations. The actual survey showed the big loss in jobs. The seasonal adjustments produced the reported gain of 243,000 jobs.

A reason to doubt the number is that there has been a tendency in this cycle for the seasonal factors to overstate moves, in both directions. Labor mobility is down, as fewer workers quit to seek better jobs and employers both hire and fire fewer people than they used to do. If the seasonal adjustment was too large, then the gain should be smaller.”

And for a real kick in the nuts, we have Numerian over at The Economic Populist reporting:

First, ever since the credit crisis of 2008, there has been a trend in the unemployment report that shows a declining participation rate in the job market. While a whopping number of jobs were created in January, a far larger number of people left the labor force – 1,752,000 in fact. The percent of the total working population who did not have jobs rose to 36.7%, an all time high. It’s no wonder the unemployment rate fell, when the denominator shrinks so markedly. The total number of people employed fell by 737,000. So what do you want to celebrate – the 243,000 who got jobs, or the million or so people who dropped by the wayside and are no longer counted in the data?

To put it bluntly, Obama is not your savior and there was no job creation that rocked 2 million strong in the month of January. People are not working, so much, that their not working dropped them off the list, to the tune of 1.2 million people gone off list. If you account for those people, unemployment is going strong at 10.9%. The numbers reported are faked.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl