The Lie of Affirmative Action Being for Blacks

The Lie of Affirmative Action Being for Blacks

help wanted white onlyTurn on the TV, read a magazine or hear the radio talking about affirmative action and you will 100% of the time, hear something about race, and in particular, Blacks being involved in affirmative action. It is a complete fabrication, lie, falsehood, mock up, wool being pulled over your eyes. Nothing could be further than the truth, than Blacks being the recipients of affirmative action. The vast majority of individuals that are given and take advantage of affirmative action, are white women.

Blacks, again, suffer the brunt of hatred and stereotyping in the political category, like every other category that lies about Black people, namely, crime, economics, education etc. Blacks are a favorite for scapegoating in affirmative action, like everything else. Again, do the math, look at the numbers. If every Black person applied for college or a job and got in on affirmative action, there would still be 85% of the jobs and college spots left. It doesn’t even make mathematical sense to target Black people, as being recipients of affirmative action. There isn’t enough Black people to go around.

It is understood that Americans are lazy, stupid and gullible, but this is a non-argument. You cannot even make a point about affirmative action being for Black people. It is utter nonsense.

Continue reading The Lie of Affirmative Action Being for Blacks

The Conspiracy: Drugs in the Black Communities

The Conspiracy: Drugs in the Black Communities

war on drugsJamal stood before the, what he thought was a Mexican, and shook his hand, “pleased to meet you too”. “You’ve sold before,” the Mexican said in his thick accent. “Sure I’ve sold,” Jamal replied. “I’d like to introduce to you something new,” said the Mexican. The man to his left opened a briefcase, and there was very obvious bags of cocaine in it. “That ain’t new,” Jamal said, quite annoyed. “No, my friend, this is not new, but this is,” he held in his hand 5 off-white crystals. “I will teach you to turn that, into these,” as he handed him the crystals. Jamal held the crystals up and turned them about. They were definitely nothing he’d ever seen before. “You’re going to show me how to turn cocaine into this?” The Mexican nodded. “Yes, it’s called crack.”

Sydney took a sip from the bottle, not knowing what to think. Yes, he had sold grass, but to go to a meeting about grass. What was it about? Who goes to meetings about grass. The white boys come peddling their grass at the door, and you turn around and sell it. No meeting. No driving miles from the strip. He wasn’t nervous, but he didn’t know what to make of it. The car stopped. This was clearly near the docks. Everyone got out of the car and there were three other cars. There were white people everywhere, and not that normal grass growers he was used to. These guys were much older. And, he could tell they were armed. “No guns, Jamal had always told him.” Seemed like bad advice at times, but his reasoning was logical. If the police catch you with drugs, having a gun makes everything 10 times worse. They never hold for more than a day. These white cats looked like the hippies he saw on tv. One of them had a duffel-bag”Can you move the grass man,” asked one of them. Of course he could move the grass. They all looked at each other. They motioned Sydney and his partners to follow them. Behind the cars they saw rows of white, unmarked MAC trucks. “Here’s the grass man,” he pointed at the trucks. The other guy threw the duffel-bag to Sydney. “Don’t worry if you mess up, there’s way more, where that came from.”

Alphonze got into the limo. Two white girls were all over him in an instant. Across from him, sitting in a seat directly facing him, was an older white cat. “You the kid,” said the white man. Alphonze nodded, since no one else was in the limo with him. “I’m gonna send you my boy and he’ll show you the ropes,” he said as he tossed him a bag of something. Alphonze took his arms away from the adoring girls and held up the bag. It had, what looked like, a bunch of prescription drugs. There were all sorts of pills, and tiny strips of paper. “Hey, you got a car,” asked the white man. “Sure I got a car,” Alphonze said. He thought this was getting stranger by the minute, but money is money. “Good, I want you to come to some of my parties on the weekend,” he said as the car pulled to a stop. He motioned for Alphonze to get out. Next to the limo was a guy sitting on the hood of a Cadillac. It was a young white cat. “I’m your new best friend. Get in.”

Prior to the 70s there were little to no drugs in the Black communities. Black people were hard working and lived in segregated communities. They had their own businesses and services, since they were segregated. After the civil rights movement, that all changed. Black people were able to shop in town and even be in town after dark. Black people flocked to the white stores. You see, white stores were owned by white people. And, the white stores had white clients, that had white money, which was a heck of a lot more than Black people had. While Black stores were just as clean, reinvestment Black dollars were hard to come by in the poor Black communities. So the white stores were very often shinier and newer than what the poor Black people were used to. Black stores closed down across the land, plunging poor Black communities into even deeper poverty.

Then came the drugs. As if by magic, it showed up. Quantities of drugs flooded the community. It was cheap at first. So cheap because there was so much of it. The police seemed to not notice. Hell, most police, in those days, didn’t go into Black communities, since Blacks had their own police at first. But even those were fired, since cities refused to pay for separate Black police and fire stations and other services. The drugs were everywhere and new drugs, never seen before.

Something was wrong, very wrong. Families started to break apart. And white sentiments of “free love”, something that Black people, who were very traditional at the time, did not agree with, started creeping into the communities. Pockets of Black families started meeting and discussed what was going on. Then it came to a head when a white journalist happened into a Black community, researching the drugs. The families and the journalist pieced together a conspiracy that went so deep that the very foundations of the countries would be shaken.

They’d had enough. They called a meeting with the mayor and city council. Everyone was shocked and surprised when the head of the CIA showed up, unannounced. For 2 hours they yelled back and forth. Why was he there. And, he admitted nothing. The journalist questioned him, time and time again about his findings. The families questioned him about the connections. The mayor was out of his league and sat stunned.

Shortly after that, the largest drug dealers in the country started going to jail. It was an answer, but not a real answer to what was really going on. Because the drugs never went away, and they never stopped coming, not even a little bit.


  • – there is strong evidence to support that the US federal government has been involved in, and is actively involved in introducing drugs into the Black community following the civil rights movement
  • – there is strong evidence that the US federal government funded several CIA covert operations with the sale of drugs in the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that the US federal government trained local drug dealers in making and introducing crack cocaine, meth amphetamine and other harsh drugs into the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that the US federal government were in direct contact and helped introduce some of the most notorious drug crime families directly to key Black drug dealers in the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that DEA, and the US federal government import drugs and funnel them into the Black community
  • – there is strong evidence that the sale of drugs in the Black community helped fund the entire Florida economy, to the tune of 70% [no other research into other states was made, so it cannot be said whether or not it holds true of such high volume drug centers like California or other states ]
  • – there is strong evidence to support that colonel Oliver north and president Ronald Reagan initiated, organized or knew of drugs being sold in the Black community to fund their Iran / Contra operation, to give weapons and arms to the Contras in Central America

Understanding Obama’s Sequester Hoax

Understanding Obama’s Sequester Hoax

obama pinocchioTo understand the sequester hoax and scam we have to actually go back 2 years. The bill was the final chance in a series of proposals to resolve the 2011 United States debt-ceiling crisis, which featured bitter divisions between the parties and also pronounced splits within them. Earlier ideas included the Obama-Boehner $4 trillion “Grand Bargain”, the House Republican Cut, Cap and Balance Act, and the McConnell-Reid “Plan B” fallback. All eventually failed to gain enough general political or specific Congressional support to move into law, as the midnight August 2, 2011, deadline for an unprecedented U.S. sovereign default drew nearer and nearer.

The solution came from White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling, who, on July 12, 2011, proposed a compulsory trigger that would go into effect if another agreement was not made on tax increases and/or budget cuts equal to or greater than the the debt ceiling increase by a future date.

Ultimately, the intent of the sequester was to secure the commitment of both sides to future negotiation by means of an enforcement mechanism that would be unpalatable to Republicans and Democrats alike. President Obama agreed to the plan. House Speaker John Boehner expressed reservations, but also agreed.

On July 26, 2011, White House Budget Director Jack Lew and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss the plan. Reid, like Boehner several days before, was initially opposed to the idea, but was eventually convinced to go along with it, with the understanding that the sequester was intended as an enforcement tool rather than a true budget proposal.

On the evening of July 31, 2011, Obama announced that the leaders of both parties in both chambers had reached an agreement that would reduce the deficit and avoid default.[6] The same day, Speaker of the House John Boehner’s office outlined the agreement for House Republicans. One key element in the deal being reached and the logjam being broken earlier that afternoon was U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s ability to negotiate with his 25-year Senate colleague, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.[18][19][20] Biden had spent the most time bargaining with Congress on the debt question of anyone in the administration, and McConnell had viewed him as the one most trustworthy. – wikipedia

In essence, because the president refused to budget cuts and wanted the debt ceiling raised, he and his staff came up with the sequester as a mechanism to automatically kick in, if they still hadn’t agreed to cuts and spending a year later. This sequester is that mechanism.

Obama Blames House Republicans

Obama is constantly blaming house republicans for things he does. It is no surprise then that he turns around and blames house republicans for a proposal he and his staff came up with.

Bob Woodward’s “The Price of Politics”

page 215 July 12, 2011

They turned to [White House national economic council director Gene] Sperling for details about a compulsory trigger if they didn’t cut spending or raise taxes in an amount at least equivalent to the debt ceiling increase.

“A trigger would lock in our commitment,” Sperling explained. “Even though we disagree on the composition of how to get to the cuts, it would lock us in. The form of the automatic sequester would punish both sides. We’d have to September to avert any sequester” — a legal obligation to make spending cuts.

“Then we could use a medium or big deal to force tax reform,” Obama said optimistically.

“If this is a trigger for tax reform,” [House speaker John] Boehner said, “this could be worth discussing. But as a budget tool, it’s too complicated. I’m very nervous about this.”

“This would be an enforcement mechanism,” Obama said.

page 326 July 26th

At 2:30 p.m., [White House Budget director Jack] Lew and [White House legislative affairs director Rob] Nabors went to the Senate to meet with [Senator Majority Leader Harry] Reid and his chief of staff, David Krone.

“We have an idea for a trigger,” Lew said.

“What’s the idea,” Reid asked skeptically.


Reid bent down and put his head between his knees, almost as if he was going to throw up or was having a heart attack. He sat back up and looked at the ceiling. “A couple of weeks ago,” he said, “my staff said to me that there is one more possible” enforcement mechanism: sequestration. He said he told them, “Get the hell out of here. That’s insane. The White House surely will come up with a plan that will save the day. And you come to me with sequestration?”

Well, it could work, Lew and Nabors explained.

What would the impact be?

They would design it so that half the threatened cuts would be from the Defense Department…. The idea was to make all of the threatened cuts so unthinkable and onerous that the supercommittee [tasked with making additional cuts] would do its work and come up with its own deficit reduction plan.

Lew and Nabors went through a laundry list of programs that would face cuts.

“This is ridiculous,” Reid said.

That’s the beauty of a sequester, they said, it’s so ridiculous that no one ever wants it to happen. It was the bomb that no one wanted to drop. It actually would be an action-forcing event.

“I get it,” Reid said finally.

page 344 July 30th

The president and [White House chief of staff William] Daley were on the patio outside Daley’s office with [adviser David] Plouffe, [Treasury Secretary Timothy] Geithner, Lew and Sperling when they got word that Biden was making progress with [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell. It looked as if Republicans were ready to agree to a Defense/non-Defense sequester in the trigger.

Plouffe couldn’t believe it. These guys were so afraid of increasing revenues that they’re willing to put Defense on the chopping block? Republicans’ revenue phobia was so intense that they would sell out the Pentagon.

“This is a deal we can probably live with,” Obama said, willing to do almost anything to salvage something and prevent catastrophe.

Jack Lew delivered a speech, however, in Tampa publicly denouncing the house republicans for the sequester.

“There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger…. [It] was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure at the end.”

Bob Woodward couldn’t believe it.

“After reviewing all the interviews and the extensive material I have on this issue, it looks like President Obama told a whopper,” Woodward said.  “Based on what Jack Lew said in Florida today, I have asked the White House to correct the record.”

So is the sequester a massive budget cut? If you pay attention to the president, the sky is falling, the sky is falling. But, after carefully look at it, you see not just cracks in the theory that the sky is falling, you see massive gaping holes, vast canyons you could drive an army through.

The sequester is not a budget cut. The sequester is a stop to AUTOMATIC INCREASES. Most Americans are unaware how out of hand congressional spending is. Americans don’t realize that there are automatic increases written right into the budget. What is illogical about it is, it is not tied to anything, like say population increase. It is haphazardly written into the budget plan.

This sequester was proposed by the president to call the house republican’s bluff. They had proposed over 50 different cut options to the president, which he rejected. He wanted the debt ceiling increased and spending upped. This was proposed as a test to force house republicans to come up with spending and cuts. Unfortunately, the president has denied and refused every single proposal by the house republicans. And, now, he turns around and plays dirty politics by saying it was their idea to have a sequester.

He wants his cake and to eat it too.

What Exactly is Fracking and Is it Bad

What Exactly is Fracking and Is it Bad

frackingIf you listen to Democrats and environmentalists this method of drilling for oil and natural gas, called fracturing is the 2nd coming of the beast. There is a lot of talk about how terrible it is for the environment, how they put toxic chemicals in the ground, how it pollutes the water table, how it is very near the surface and kills livestock and small children.

Well, I wouldn’t want you to be completely ignorant on the subject, because you will be called to vote on this very issue soon or in the very near future.

None of the propaganda against fracking is true. Nearly every point is the exact opposite of the truth. Finally, because of fracking natural gas is now cheaper than ever.

Department of Defense Prepares for Half a Billion in Spending Cuts

dod civilian workerWASHINGTON, Feb. 21, 2013 – Deep, across-the-board spending cuts scheduled to take effect March 1 would cause chaos for the Defense Department, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said in a televised interview yesterday.

Carter told Judy Woodruff on “PBS Newshour” that the department will do what it can to minimize disruptions should the cuts kick in, but it can do only so much.

“We don’t have a lot of flexibility, and we don’t have a lot of time in that regard,” Carter said.

A “sequestration” mechanism in budget law requires DOD to cut $46 billion in spending from March 1 until the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year unless Congress comes up with an alternative that would stop sequestration from triggering. This comes on top of $487 billion in defense spending reductions already programmed over 10 years, and Pentagon officials have noted that operating under continuing resolutions in the absence of a fiscal year budget complicates matters.

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta notified Congress yesterday that the department is preparing to place almost all of its 800,000 civilian employees on unpaid furlough for one day a week through the rest of the fiscal year. These are not faceless bureaucrats who simply shuffle paper, Carter said.

“They repair our ships. They maintain our aircraft,” Carter said. “That’s who these people are, and 44 percent of them are veterans. It’s a terrible thing to have to deprive them of some of their income.”

If sequestration triggers, operations and maintenance — the primary funding that ensures readiness — will be particularly affected. The department will ensure units deploying to Afghanistan will receive the training needed to succeed. But this will rob other units readying for other missions, Carter said.

“That’s just a mathematical fact of doing sequester,” he added. “This is very damaging to national security.”

In planning for sequestration, the Navy already has postponed sending an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf to join one already there, to ensure there will be enough ready carriers to dispatch to other critical areas if required.

“In everything we do, we’re really trying to keep on protecting the country and delivering the defense under these circumstances,” Carter said.

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

Charities Left Out in the cold in Cash for Clunkers Deal

Cash for Clunkers What is it?

I’ve mentioned before that the stock market it is a zero sum gain, I win at your expense, not a win win situation. In the cash for clunkers program the government is footing the bill for $2 billion. Now when I say the government is footing the bill, I mean US. But the cars that qualify for the trade in program are perfectly running cars; can’t be too old; can’t have bad emissions; can’t have great emissions; have to be paid off.

Now I thought on its face that those criteria were just awful. Why would a rational thinking American turn in a car and burden themselves with more debt? This is why were are in this mess to begin with. This is insanity. This makes me mad.

Not only does the cash for clunkers program make me mad, but now I’ve found out that these idiots fell for it hook line and sinker and the program is an “overwhelming success”. Idiocy is running rampant in America. They should have an intelligence quotient for people to call themselves American.

Now I am totally ballistic. I am so fuming mad I could spit.



Enter the Charities

In the stimulus package, that Barrack Obama signed into being, you’ll see how in that bill, charitable donation tax write offs were lowered. I don’t know how a peace loving, hippie acting, granola eating, president could completely shaft charities like that.

Regardless of what some idiots who stick their heads in the sand say, charities do benefit heavily due to people wanting a tax write off.

As if that weren’t enough, let’s take a look at the Cash for Clunker stimulus package, i.e. car industry bailout.

The cars being turned in for vouchers are the cars that previously would have been the exact cars donated for a tax deduction. Car donations were left completely out of the entire cash for clunkers program, even though both the Congress and Senate were told of the problem months and months before.

Apparently, charities are not a big enough lobbying group. [ I guess they didn’t “donate” $1 million like Goldman Sachs did… ooops did i say that ]

And, Obama is gloating over the plan, and hoping it will get renewed. So once again, this president is shafting them.

I just don’t get it.

I say donate your car. If you really need a new car so badly, you can get dealer incentives to buy upwards of $4,500 anyway. Give your old car over because I’m not liking to foot your stupid bill in this $2 billion car bailout, because that’s all it is anyway.

Don’t misunderstand me, I am not a desocialistacrat nor a repukeblican. Both are the same thing.

People Who Say Protectionism is Bad Are Idiots and Here’s Why

People Who Say Protectionism is Bad Are Idiots

chinese protectionismI find it interesting that people who call themselves Libertarian, Democrat, and Republican all jump on the “protectionism is bad” bandwagon. They wail and moan how it harms the american “consumer” with rising prices, if they are not allowed free trade.

BUT HOLD ON A SECOND, you can’t start a company in China without 51% ownership by a Chinese firm. You can’t sell goods in china without huge 40%-60% tariffs on all imported goods.

This notion of protectionism is a complete and utter lie. China has been doing this for 60 years. In fact, they are so bad, they even subsidize exports. That means, the cheap Chinese crap you buy, isn’t actually cheap, they use Chinese tax payer money to lower the prices. Then, when you see it on the shelf, it is twice as cheap as a US made piece of plastic trash, because the US doesn’t put tariffs on it. So instead of an American made plastic cup, you now can only find a Chinese made plastic cup. And, some idiot on the news says, OH ITS A MIRACLE, CHINESE PLASTIC CUPS ARE CHEAPER THAN AMERICAN PLASTIC CUPS, THE AMERICAN CONSUMER WINS.

No no no no no! Stop! Their government is lowering the prices of all Chinese exports to make sure the local plastic crap is more expensive.

The Chinese economy is not THAT far off of the American economy. They are not a 3rd world nation.

You’ve been had, bamboozled, hoodwinked, RUN AMUCK. These idiots crying about protectionism have no clue what they are talking about. We don’t need “free trade”, we need equal trade. Any country that has economic policies in place for American goods, the US should have an exact mirror of those policies. PROBLEM SOLVED.

Don’t Be Scammed by Obama’s Health Care Plan

The Obama Health Care Plan

faith healer obamacareThe core of Obama’s Health Care “Reform” Act is based on whether or not you’re covered by insurance for health care. In fact today, people consider it a forgone conclusion that health care = insurance. You ever get into a dick waving contest with a bunch of your yuppie friends over health care, as a sign of how well your company treats your or negotiates? “What kinda health care does your company offer?” “What deductions do you have to pay out of your paycheck?” “Does your company insurance cover everything?” “My company’s health care insurance is so good, my daughter got a boob job from it.”

In fact the media, using it’s normal scare tactic, has completely couched all of its coverage of the bill in terms of health care = insurance. There’s not even a logical argument that goes before it. They completely make us assume that, that’s the only way to get health care in America.

What does that mean? It means, they assume you’re too stupid to realize insurance isn’t necessary for good health care. In fact they assume it so much, that they make it a forgone conclusion. They print stories like:

“For the staggering 46 million Americans lacking health care coverage, the uninsured will have the opportunity to select a plan from a menu of private and public options –similar to the way members of Congress choose their coverage.”

Wait, you mean to tell me that 46 million people don’t have health INSURANCE, not, health care. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Obviously the person winning in this entire debate is: INSURANCE COMPANIES. They bought “the Clintons”. Obviously, since they repeatedly tried to push it through congress. Now they have Obama in their back pocket.

You don’t need insurance to have health care. The only thing you need for health care is money. I’m sure many of you are shaking your head right about now.

“millions of Americans go bankrupt due to health care costs”

More media scare tactics. Let’s go over the history of insurance briefly so everyone isn’t rattling in the dark.

The History of Insurance in America

The first insurance to arrive in America was for housing. It was fire insurance, seeing as houses were built entirely of wood. Let me point out a little point of business and government commingling, at this early stage, 1752 to be exact. The insurance company, in order to maximize profits, wouldn’t insure houses that were too close to each other. Building contractors built houses as close to each other as possible, so they could put as many houses as they could on their properties. So really this is a head to head battle between the insurer and the builders. Who won? The insurers. They got Ben Franklin to back them. So much so, that the states adopted “building codes”, to avoid “fire hazards.

During the industrial revolution, you saw an explosion in insurance products: life and business insurance. Many ponzi schemes popped up. Companies, couldn’t even cover premiums were taking from new policy holders to pay off old ones.

risky business obamacareThe scandals were so GREAT that finally the government put its foot down, in 1935. It created social security. Awww you thought social security was to help the poor starving citizens didn’t you, all this time. You fool. They saw an easy way to grow government almost times 20 with one piece of legislation and everyone rushed at the idea. And, by grow government, I mean taxes skyrocketing 20 times worth.

“oh but they didn’t raise taxes during the great depression.” Idiot, they went off the gold standard and inflated the dollar beyond belief. Inflation is a tax. Repeat after me: INFLATION IS A TAX. You have no say so in inflation do you? No you don’t.

By creating social security, the government essentially robbed a major portion of insurance products right out from under insurance companies.

What is Insurance?

Insurance comes in 2 forms: catastrophic unforeseeable event or a foreseeable event that must occur. The first type is like your fire insurance. It is unlikely to happen, but in the event that it does, you’re covered. The second type is like your life insurance, because you will definitely die.

Do you see health insurance fitting either of those two? I mean the modern version of health insurance. Let me take you back one year to the “financial crisis.” What did everyone say the cause was? Cheap money, readily available, that everyone spent like a drunken sailor.

Ok if you have an air of cheap money, that’s readily available, that everyone spends like a drunken sailor, that must = bubble. Right? Of course. That by definition is a bubble.

Take a look at health care insurance right now. Your company gives you the “opportunity” to buy into the policy, and what’s the first thing you and your doctor do? You and your entire family go get check ups, dental cleanings, glasses refitted. Any little thing you rush to the doctor and put it on your insurance bill. The insurance company is happy to serve you.

“What could be wrong with that?”

By creating health insurance that is geared towards every day use, the insurance companies and the medical industry got together in a room and agreed upon how much to charge YOU, or “on your behalf”. Fog clearing yet? So instead of a check up being $5, the check up is now $100.00. OMG WHY? Because now the insurance company can charge you, or your company, through the nose. The medical community doesn’t raise the price one cent without first consulting the insurance companies. So now the people without insurance have to pay $100 for a check up, because that’s how much the rate is.

What does that have to do with Obama? Social Security… guess what, sat in a room with the medical community and agreed upon how much to charge YOU, or “on your behalf.” By so doing, the politician gets kudos from voters thinking he’s so great. When in fact he just jacked up the price 20 times. And, now he doesn’t raise taxes he… say it with me… raises inflation, which is… a tax.

Fog clearing yet?

Now instead of just social security, Obama wants an state sponsored program to bring insurance to everyone. Awww, that Obama is such a nice guy. But, wait, if there are 46 million Americans who don’t have insurance, could it be that 46 million Americans die every year? BINGO! No, they don’t. They do their own thing and negotiate prices with their doctor / dentists. And, their dentist / doctor negotiates prices with them. HOW DARE THEY?

Ve haf to put a shtop to zis, zis instant.

Welcome to the Obama health care plan. Under the Obama plan, these rogue doctors and dentists would be forced to stop this negotiating. All the lost sheep would be brought into the fold.

Oh did a light bulb go off just now?

“You mean to tell me doctors / dentists can negotiate prices?” Yes, if the government were not involved in any form of health care, the market would dictate prices for every procedure. If you only purchased health care for catastrophic events, your insurance premiums would be drastically reduced and heal care would be affordable for everyone. The so called expensive procedures wouldn’t be out of reach for everyone.

This bill is an insurance scam. It is the greatest ponzi scheme ever invented by mankind. Please go ask your doctor if there was a time, long ago, that patients could come into the office and negotiate medical prices. If he’s honest with you, he’ll tell you it is true.

Black Middle-Class: How to Create a Real Thriving Black Community PART 1

No Black Community

sad black kidIn order for a group of people to be considered a community, it is not enough that you can point them out of a crowd. This is currently the only basis in the word Black “community”. In biology, a community is a group of interacting living organisms sharing a populated environment. I say the current Black Americans do everything but “interact”. When interviewed, an overwhelming majority of poor Blacks said they did not like living next to other Black people.

One might say, that response is due to their poverty. But, that is not so, in other poor groups. In fact, in other poor groups, they do their best to live as close as they can to people of their group. It is only when Blacks become middle-class and up, that they gravitate back to Black middle-class neighborhoods.

Continue reading Black Middle-Class: How to Create a Real Thriving Black Community PART 1

The Election is Over: How is that Fair Share Scam Working for You Mr President

How is that Fair Share Scam Working for You Mr President

fair share scamThrough all of the 2008 and 2012 campaign Mr. Obama continuously chanted about how the rich need to pay their “fair share.” Back at the ranch the proof came in that not only did the rich pay their fair share, but that they paid your fair share as well, to the tune of 30% by the one percenters and 60% by the top 10% wealthiest in the nation. In fact the top 53% of US taxpayers pay 100% of the tax revenue. There is no 99%. it doesn’t exist.

But wait, there’s more!

Not only did an Obama report show how the rich pay all the taxes, but the report showed conclusively since Kennedy, that lowering tax rates increases federal revenue. That bears repeating. A Whitehouse report showed that lower taxes brings in more money to the government.

Before you jump to conclusions that Mr. Obama did not see the report, he did. He signed every page of the report, and read it, and went over it with Timmy Geithner.

The Coming Obama Created Economic Depression

No one likes to say it, but the 2008 economic situation was an actual depression. The federal reserve pumped so much money into the economy, that it created a top heavy situation that stopped the very large firms from crashing. That does not mean though, that the rest of the nation was not in a depression. We were and probably still are, if you can find honest numbers on unemployment and business closure.

But, fast forward to 2013. Obamacare and his raising of taxes, even for the 99%, is setting the stage for a knock out punch. A real depression is coming. Thousands of jobs, in a market that has already lost millions of jobs, are prepped to be lost. Some top firms have already pledged to lay off thousands this year.

Couple Obamacare with higher payroll taxes and small firms will be lost. The end result is that, while large firms will feel the pinch on their bottom line and get rid of thousands of jobs, they’ll gobble up smaller firms that flounder. They’ll find themselves in a position  to be able to get into markets that they were never in before, and at a very cheap price, since small firms will be worth pennies on the dollar.

Conspiracies aside, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that, regardless of intent, Obamacare and his pro-higher-taxes stance will destroy this country.

Liberty: What You Consider Property the Government Doesn’t Consider Property

What You Consider Property the Government Doesn’t Consider Property

the watering holeIt’s a cold night, the wind is hushed, and not a creature is stirring. The redneck repeats his words, “get off my property,” as his shotgun is held chest high. The deputy casually shifts in the snow, “now Jed, you know we’re the law, and we can come onto your property at any time for an inspection.” The redneck cocks both barrels, “is that a fact? Seems to me, that ain’t so.  So kindly get back in your paddy wagon and git.”

The government feels that they can completely ignore the constitution. It cannot be made more apparent than in this blatant and obvious scenario. In this case, everyone understands that the property in question is the guy’s land. But, more subtle than that, we have unconsciously given away our property rights over other areas over the years.

Is Gay Marriage a Property Rights Question

The entire debate surrounding marriage, in general, is a red herring. The right to get married isn’t even abridged by the state. Yes there are marriage licenses but the right to get married is an inherent right that people have exercised long before a united states was even conceived of. What is worse is that people willingly go and pay for a marriage license, as if to say, we do not have a right to marry each other, without state permission. Nowhere in history did the state forbid marriage, before the US.

Continue reading Liberty: What You Consider Property the Government Doesn’t Consider Property

Is the Income Tax Necessary?

Is the Income Tax Necessary?

Federal Tax Revenue
Federal Tax Revenue

There is an ongoing debate among people who know, that the personal income tax is not needed. It is hard to believe, for the average american to conceive of this. After all, there is the old saying that, there is only 2 sure things in life, death and taxes. But, at the foundation of this country taxes were completely abolished.

For the entire first half of this nation’s existance, there was no federal income tax. In fact, it was unconstitutional. Even after the constitution was amended to include an income tax, only the very very wealthy were taxed. It took 50 more years for that personal income tax to trickle down to be being collected of the middle class.

Now in 2013, under the Obama administration, that tax is now collected from the very very poor as well. We have come full circle, to where the American Revolution started. Everything that the early Americans fought and died for, are now being imposed by our very own government.

But let’s not add emotion into this debate. Let’s look at the facts.

Continue reading Is the Income Tax Necessary?

Congress 90% Tax on Bonuses: Wait Isn’t That Unconstitutional

Congress and the 90% Corporate Bonus Tax

The 2012 U.S. Congress
The 2012 U.S. Congress

A bill of attainder (also known as an act or writ of attainder) is an act of the legislature declaring a person or group of persons guilty of some crime and punishing them without benefit of a trial. Bills of attainder are forbidden by Article I, section 9, clause 3 of the United States Constitution.

What does that mean?  I means that congress is not to target any one group, nor can they punish any one group, without due process of law, i.e. taking them to court and having them go through a trial to reach a verdict for or against them.  Therefore the 90% tax on bonuses is completely unconstitutional. They would have to tax every business in the country, including non-corporations. Yet, in the frenzy of the “get wallstreet” atmosphere, they have gone on the talk circuit to get countrywide support for their bill to tax wallstreet bonuses 90%.

It is a punishment, in its fullest, for the compensation of an agent / employee of the business. They literally are asserting themselves in the middle of the relationship of the employee and the company. Notice that the payroll tax is general and is carried out by both employee and employer, both sides pay the payroll tax, which most people don’t know.  This would insert itself directly to wallstreet corporate agents to make them liable if they receive a bonus of some certain amount.

If they can do it here, that means the entire country is open to be taxed to death.

And, it seems they are headed that way. This year 2013, there is no 0% tax bracket for those making less than $10,000. That is dangerous territory. Who are the people making under $10,000 supporting? They can’t support themselves.

For all the activists for the “poor”, no one has spoken up about this. These activists normally support Obama. Now he has done something squarely against their agenda.

Will they react? Will they come out against him? Doubtful!

Certainly they are not going to go against taxing corporate wallstreet bonuses, which they should. And, they will not come out against taxing the poor.

Hate the Rich, Love the Poor

Hate the Rich, Love the Poor

All this “hate the rich” fanfair is completely stupid.

All this “the poor are angels” is equally stupid.

The so called rich create ALL the jobs.

The obama taxes hit people who create jobs and wind up causing them to have to fire half of their staff.

There is no VIRTUE to being poor.

A lot of people are poor BECAUSE of taxes, directly AND indirectly.

How? all the taxes add up to lower pay if they raise them on you AND – higher taxes means that employers get rid of people because of taxes. you lose your job, while living paycheck to paycheck … HELLO POVERTY.

The enemy is taxes and socialism, NOT the rich.

A rich person, by being rich, has NEVER made you poor or even taken money from you, nor affected you in any way, BUT TAXES HAVE.

Those very jobs you complained about going overseas, IS BECAUSE OF SUBSIDIES PAID BY OBAMA TO SHIP JOBS OVERSEAS. put the blame where it belongs. half of you people must be drinking the cool aid of main stream news. we are paying tax money TO THE COMPANY to ship the jobs overseas.

Finally, if you’ve gotten this far in reading my comment, then the final truth is that 90% of these taxes are UNNECESSARY, they keep a giant government, bloated beyond the scope of what it should be in the first place. who would you rather take care of the poor, you and your church, or some government agency that makes that same family of mom, dad, child get divorced, prove they are poor, move them out of their family home of 3 generations, prove they have no funds in their bank account, including funds for junior’s college education, and THEN give them $300 / month.

Instead of paying taxes, local groups, organizations and individuals would do a much better job of taking care of the poor, homeless, elderly, single moms, families falling on hard times, than any government agency.

Instead of paying taxes TO HAVE JOBS SHIPPED overseas, “in the interest of free trade” yes this is what they claim it is for, we could completely eliminate those taxes form ever being taken in the first place and stop giving it to companies.

Instead of collecting huge amounts, yes millions, from individual people, we could cut all the social programs AND programs that actual hurt the american family AND remove the loop holes.  I guarantee you the rich would love it.

50% of the population is either exempt on taxes, or gets a full refund at tax season.  that means they pay no taxes, because they are poor enough not to have to pay. that means if you actually are in the top 50% you can afford to pay taxes. any sane person would then go to their accountant and tax lawyer and make sure to pay the least amount of taxes.

There is nothing virtuous about paying for a government, that doesn’t represent you, does not care about you, tries their best to take as much money from you, JUST BECAUSE.

Instead of defending the government and fighting about who should pay MORE taxes, you should be fighting for everyone to pay less and less and less taxes, every year.

Mitt Romney on The Corporate People

Mitt Romney on The Corporate People

In an unscripted move that resembles that of Ronald Reagan’s dramatic “I paid for this microphone” moment in a 1980 New Hampshire debate, Romney declared he would refuse to raise taxes. This led to the following quick exchange:

    Liberal Protestor: “Tax corporations!”
    Romney: “Corporations are people, my friend.”

The governor then turned to the audience and asked if they wanted taxes raised, which was greeted with a loud chorus of boos.

Mitt Romney

Before the afternoon was out, NPR was jumping on Romney, running this story from reporter Frank James headlined:

    Romney’s ‘Corporations Are People’ A Gift To Political Foes

The story said that Romney, whom all the world knows made his success in the business world:

gave his Democratic opponents an early Christmas gift by uttering those words. He just made their goal of pushing the narrative that he is a tool of corporate America much easier by providing them with that handy piece of video…. Liz Halloran of NPR was in the crowd at the state fair for Romney’s “corporations are people” line. “Not his best moment,” she tells us.

The story also said:

These words could haunt him all the way to Election Day if he becomes the nominee. They could follow him the way President Obama’s line about rural folks clinging to their guns and religion tagged along behind the Democrat.

NPR’s Corporate Funding

On November 6, 2003, NPR accepted a grant of over $225 million from the estate of the late Joan Kroc. Kroc, of course, was famous as the wife of Ray Kroc — the founder of McDonald’s. Joan Kroc had no independent wealth of her own. History records that she met her future (and already married) husband when he walked into a bar where she was the piano player. They hit it off and the rest, as they might say, was history.

The point, of course, is that Joan Kroc’s ability to leave behind over $235 million for NPR is precisely because of the corporation formally known as McDonald’s Corporation. And sure enough, just as Mitt Romney said, McDonald’s turns out to be filled with people. Specifically:

  • McDonald’s employs 1.7 million people with private sector jobs
  • McDonald’s has 33,000 outlets in 118 countries where those 1.7 million people have those jobs
  • McDonald’s, as described here by the company, provides health care for its employees.
NPR Funding

What does this illustrate?  That quite aside from the issue of government funding, NPR itself exists as the result of corporate funding. Says NPR of how it gets its money:

NPR’s revenue comes primarily from fees paid by

  • our member stations, 
  • contributions from corporate sponsors
  • institutional foundation grants, 
  • gifts from major donors, 
  • and fees paid by users of The Public Radio Satellite System.

And sources like foundations — the Ford Foundation, for example — got their money from the success of corporations. Not Ford Motor Company — no money for Edsel Ford to set up the Ford Foundation.

With 25 million now unemployed precisely as Romney said, NPR, literally on the air by its own admission because it takes corporate money, is now insisting corporations and the jobs they create will be an issue in this campaign.  Giving Romney and any other conservative out there a priceless opportunity to make Obamanomics the central issue of 2012.

If NPR has such a dim view of corporations, will they stop taking corporate money?

Libertarian Response

As an outsider looking in, on the duopoly that is the democrat / republican trick, I have clarity that most do not have, i.e. the ability to see the plans within plans and the motives of the lesser men that make them.  Not to call the author out or anything, but apparently he is trying to bring Mitt Romney back into the spotlight, given Gov. Perry’s usurping of the supposed republican lead, contrary to what the Ron Paul campaign would suggest.

I think everyone is in agreement that a Ron Paul administration would be a bad thing, FOR BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. And, it would definitely spell the end of federal funding of NPR to begin with.

However, given that the media and the duopoly butter each others’ bread, it is no wonder they ignore the people, i.e. tea party, Ron Paul supporters, libertarian supporters.  This “minority” is now a majority of the actual voters.

Mitt Romney of course would be a 3rd generation GW Bush administration, right behind GW and Obama himself.  I know the duopoly tries to make GW and Obama look like different people, what with him being half black and all, but all 3 are corporatist and not card carrying members of neither the democrat nor republican party.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Prohibitive Regulations and Taxes

Prohibitive Regulations and Taxes

I’m an entrepreneur.  I would like to hire just 10 people.  But, I can’t.  I’m not rich, not even close to breaking even … well that’s not true, but I’m JUST breaking even. 

I don’t think lowering taxes goes far enough.  The four letter word “deregulation” is what I need.  The idiots on both sides, like to paint broad strokes and argue over that word.  The truth is, there is a difference from making sure I don’t sell lead chips to children and it’s a far cry from me having to have to provide for inspections, licenses and fees to be able to sell a tie twisty to a full grown man.  No one wants to talk about regulations that keep people like me out of so many industries it’s not even funny.  Regulations that were written by lawyers who’s socks cost more than my operating budget in 2008.

Yes lower taxes on entrepreneurs.  Yes lower taxes on the wealthy and middle class.  Yes to all of that, but for real change, get rid of prohibitive regulation.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorneys
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Announcing the Nevada Libertarian Facebook Group

Join the Nevada Libertarian Facebook Group

If you are liberty minded and wish to join Nevada Liberty Group, you do not have to be a paying member of the libertarian party.  Just join us, or ask me to invite you. I welcome any and all people that believe you can speak for your own money and where it should god.  The problem most people do not understand about politics is that we have a two party system that does not allow anyone else in on the party and does not speak for the country, but only for themselves.  They have allowed government to be run as a money making scheme and not a way of protecting the country and its citizens.

Nevada Libertarian Group

If you are already on facebook, join me and friends in the Nevada Libertarian Group, in the discussion and voice your opinions on political matters that are on your mind.  Noone there is a republican, nor a democrat.  No discussion about what the “other party” is doing, since we are not a part of that two party monopoly.  You are the ones that should be in control of government, and not government in control of you.  But, this has been the status quo for at least a hundred years.

Time and again people are told about how the government needs your tax dollars.  The reality is the government doesn’t even use your tax dollars.  Since they have a private bank that can lend them untold sums of money, they simply use the tax issue  to further their two party support.  Ask a republican about taxes and they’ll point at the democrats.  Ask a democrat about taxes and they’ll point at the republicans.  Neither one of them will answer the question of where government gets the trillions of dollars it spends annually.

It is time for a change, so join me for some truth and some discussion on how we can be liberated and our rights restored as Americans.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorneys
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

How to Get Out of the Economic Depression in America Today

Getting the Government Out of the Picture

Everyone in the belt seems to only listen to people that tells them to keep spending.  Somehow they think that we can spend our way out of this bubble economy.  Of course, that is completely illogical.  You cannot spend your way out of a bubble.  It makes you sense politically, economically or otherwise.  The only way to really turn this economic depression around is to stop spending and make cut backs.

End the Useless Department of Education

There are whole departments in the government that are completely obsolete, irrelevant and unnecessary.  They have names like department of education, IRS and homeland security.  The names seem completely necessary and we’ve been told that not having them and other would mean government collapse.  But, what is not said, is that they were mostly formed in this last generation’s lifetime, not 200 years ago.  Everyone shies away from the phrase spending cuts, because they always fear that the first thing on the chopping block will be some monstrous cut to roads or something equally crippling.  That’s the fear that has been put into the country, but the federal budget can be cut in nearly 1/2 before touching anything even close to necessary to run the government.

For example, a huge portion of the military budget, for instance, is spent on people not in the military at all.  People who have nothing to do with the running of any military actions.  They are simply leeching onto the military spending and bleeding it for all its worth.  However, when it comes to the floor to cut those people out of military spending, they turn it around to look as if the government is trying to cut military spending and not the leeches from the department.  A massive political campaign is started to change the rhetoric to make it look like “military” cuts would mean less troops, instead of less leeches.  Spending in the military alone could be halved and no military action would even be affected, due to this bloated budget for those who serve no purpose but to suck on the teet of American tax payers.

Unemployed Job Fair

With spending back to honest form you have to turn to taxes.  The single most honest way to create jobs via the government is one that rests in the only government’s power to “create” jobs.  Honestly speaking, the government cannot “create” a job.  Not even a single one.  A “job” is something that generates profit for someone that is building capital.  The government does not build capital.  The government gains only tax payer dollars.  They do not generate anything.  So a government job, by definition, is not a true job.  So Obama and friends cannot create jobs by doubling census taker jobs, a temporary fix anyway.  It is all more rhetoric anyway.  Government can only perform one roll when it comes to the job market, hinder more or hinder less in job creation or destruction.  That is to say, the only role government plays in the job market is to get in the way of business to create jobs.

Since the government cannot create jobs of its own accord, and once we understand that their only role in the job market is one of hindering creation, then we have to understand how they hinder it and remove those hindrances, taxes.  The burden of taxation on employers and employees alike is monumental in the hindrance of job creation.  Of course regulation is the 2nd factor, but more prominent is taxation.  So to get out of the way of job creation, the only way to get out of this slump is through:

“a 100% payroll tax holiday for both employers and employees.  Instead of putting money into the economy, [through inflationary quantitative easing ] relieve the burden from employers and employees.  That will generate jobs like nothing else in the history of the US.”

Obama proposed and passed a “payroll tax holiday”, but in actuality it was a 2% reduction in SS collection, all the while income taxes rose, so there was no net gain for anyone except a few wealthier workers.  Most laborers saw a net increase in taxes and less take home pay.  It is this kind of double talk and double dealing, that is killing any honest effort to get the economy going.  This administration is literally bankrupting the country and the middle class, while putting on a show of being for the people.

Illegal Immigration

Many Illegal Aliens are Criminals Fleeing the Law

Finally, on job creation, we must have a massive exodus of illegal immigration.  Advocates for illegal immigration, do so for ulterior motives that are not in the best interest of the country.  Illegal immigration creates a substrata of labor that is even lower than entry level pay.  Illegal immigration undercuts even low paying wages.  You can wrest massive unemployment directly on the shoulders of illegal immigration, and this is very openly documented and researched.  It has become politicized by those same advocates for illegal immigration.  The reality is that state governments are finally seeing through the rhetoric and realizing that their massive segments of the population on unemployment are directly caused by illegal immigrants in their state.  They are taking it upon themselves to finally make a move and upholding the illegal immigration laws and removing the illegal immigrants themselves.

Make no mistake, over 90% of all illegal immigrants are Mexican nationals.  Advocates for illegal immigration always puts the onus on us to sympathize for those illegal immigrants by pointing out the terrible conditions Mexico has.  However, they never put the responsibility on the very illegal aliens themselves, but somehow make us, the US, the responsible party for having a more stable society than Mexico.  The reality is that Mexico probably needs to have a revolution to turn its country around.  But either way, that is not the responsibility of the US government, nor the states, nor its citizens.  That is the responsibility of the Mexican people and the Mexican government.  The Mexican government devalued its own currency on purpose, rendering their own upper middle class, poor, overnight, and rending those under that class into abject poverty.  That has nothing to do with the United States.  And, it should not be thrust upon the shoulders of our citizens and middle class to bear the brunt of a decision made by the Mexican government.

All of this illegal immigration has become so highly politicized that noone dares even mention the true reason for the state Mexico is in right now.  They only talk about how poor people are and what terrible straights the people are in.  They never mention why there is so much poverty.  If the upper middle-class were thrust into poverty overnight, of course the country is going to be thrown into social unrest.  But that is the responsibility of their government and their people have to hold them responsible, not come over here illegally and cast millions of Americans into poverty, while creating a new underclass of citizenry.

FAIR research suggests that “between 40 and 50 percent of wage-loss among low-skilled Americans is due to the immigration of low-skilled workers. Some native workers lose not just wages but their jobs through immigrant competition. An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration; the cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year.” The National Research Council, part of the National Academy of Sciences, found in 1997 that the average immigrant without a high school education imposes a net fiscal burden on public coffers of $89,000 during the course of his or her lifetime. The average immigrant with only a high school education creates a lifetime fiscal burden of $31,000. [ cite – Center for Immigration Studies report Immigration From Mexico – Assessing the Impact on the United States, subsection Impact of Mexican Immigration on Public Coffers. ]

Many states are now adopting Arizona’s model of immigration policy.  The tax paying people who are now out of a job are clamoring too loudly for them not to listen.  The Obama administration may try to socialize and communize everything and smooth everything over with a veneer of “we’re all in this together”, but the reality is, the unemployed are not in this together.  They are out, and children and wives are starving.  That is a reality, no politics can brush aside.  Those same Mexican illegal aliens also never pay taxes and drain the economy by sending upwards of 70% of their payroll checks back to Mexico, making it the 2nd largest GDP for Mexico.  So not only are Americans losing jobs, they are also being drained of money.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorneys
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl