Slashing Welfare: Racist Rhetoric or Sound Dollar Policies

Slashing Welfare: Racist Rhetoric or Sound Dollar Policies

white welfare queenWhen Reagan talked about a Black “welfare queen” that made $150,000, drove a Cadillac and lived on welfare [it was later discovered it was all a lie] and he spoke of slashing welfare, was it just to get votes or was he trying to reform federal spending to return to sound dollar policies.

In keeping with their “republicans are racist”, Democrats often say that Republicans say that they are going to cut social programs, because they are against Black people.

The statement itself is racist on every level.  Real data [not wikipedia] shows that more white single mothers are on social programs than the entire population of Blacks that even live in the country, but Democrats somehow try to slip in the idea that welfare is a “Black” thing, AND that they are battling the racism of Republicans by trying to increase social program spending.

The ultimate recipient winner of Democrat spending increases are white women.

Other than Reagan, I have not heard a Republican say in the same breath that welfare is a Black thing and that we need to cut it. It is more of Democrats trying to smear Republicans to show their “difference”, which also isn’t true, since if they increase social spending, the government grows, which benefits Democrats and Republicans.

Now, are Republicans serious about slashing welfare to return to sound dollar policies or is it just rhetoric to gain votes from white secret-racist voters.

Is the Buy Black Movement Racist

Is Buying Black Racist

buy black movement
Buy Black Movement

A movement is going on right now that is sweeping across the United States. It is the Buy Black movement. With real numbers of 25% unemployment, the Black community is in a crisis position right now that will render them out for the count. Some major cities are showing 50% unemployment rates among Black men. The community constantly looks to the half-Black president leftist Barack Obama for support, which is not forthcoming and has not been during his entire presidency.

In steps a movement that has the potential to revolutionize the Black community and put it back on its feet. It is the Buy Black movement.

Economically speaking, we understand that the major employer in the nation are not the big corporations, but small businesses. This Buy Black movement is the right answer. By supporting Black owned and operated businesses, Blacks will take back their communities, boost economic growth, expand Black business and trade, which will open up jobs. It is a one two punch to both poverty and unemployment in the Black community.

Continue reading Is the Buy Black Movement Racist