Financial News: Cyprus In Layman’s Terms

Cyprus In Layman’s Terms

cyprus bank runIn case you’ve heard it and didn’t understand or have been living under a rock, in terms of financial news, not that everyone pays attention to financial news, the tiny nation of Cyprus is doing something unprecedented. They are stealing depositors money.

The news is reporting it and the most casual way possible. If they told you exactly what was going on, and what other options were available, a widespread panic would ensue.

So here’s the basics of this report. The tiny nation of Cyprus, basically serves as the offshore banking for much of Europe. They are the Cayman Islands of Europe. People deposit their huge sums there, and pay very little taxes. Because the island’s banks gets huge sums of money, they thought to make even more money by investing it themselves. Who did they invest in? Greece. Wait, are you thinking what I’m thinking? That’s right, Greece is insolvent and can’t pay its creditors, including Cyprus.

Continue reading Financial News: Cyprus In Layman’s Terms

Mike Maloney on Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

ban bernankeMike Maloney of gold & silver inc goes over charts and shows how the fed stopped all deflation since 2007. Deflation would have meant that prices and wages would have gone down. The democrats fear this because they never want to hear wages going down, and the republicans don’t want to hear that prices are falling, due to lower margins.

for you the public deflation would be a godsend, because that would mean, while you might make less, milk, cheese, eggs and lettuce would cost less and less each month.

the ben bern hates deflation and loves inflation. inflation means everything goes up and up. however, if you’re poor, it virtually kills you.

The bottom line is, that the US is the world market. Other than the closed and lower class economies of China and India, the US is the largest consumer market. These manipulations of the currency and monetary supply fights against the very market forces he’s trying to curtail. It is a losing battle at best, if you believe he is actually to do anything other than to make he and his european and zionist investors money.

Charities Left Out in the cold in Cash for Clunkers Deal

Cash for Clunkers What is it?

I’ve mentioned before that the stock market it is a zero sum gain, I win at your expense, not a win win situation. In the cash for clunkers program the government is footing the bill for $2 billion. Now when I say the government is footing the bill, I mean US. But the cars that qualify for the trade in program are perfectly running cars; can’t be too old; can’t have bad emissions; can’t have great emissions; have to be paid off.

Now I thought on its face that those criteria were just awful. Why would a rational thinking American turn in a car and burden themselves with more debt? This is why were are in this mess to begin with. This is insanity. This makes me mad.

Not only does the cash for clunkers program make me mad, but now I’ve found out that these idiots fell for it hook line and sinker and the program is an “overwhelming success”. Idiocy is running rampant in America. They should have an intelligence quotient for people to call themselves American.

Now I am totally ballistic. I am so fuming mad I could spit.



Enter the Charities

In the stimulus package, that Barrack Obama signed into being, you’ll see how in that bill, charitable donation tax write offs were lowered. I don’t know how a peace loving, hippie acting, granola eating, president could completely shaft charities like that.

Regardless of what some idiots who stick their heads in the sand say, charities do benefit heavily due to people wanting a tax write off.

As if that weren’t enough, let’s take a look at the Cash for Clunker stimulus package, i.e. car industry bailout.

The cars being turned in for vouchers are the cars that previously would have been the exact cars donated for a tax deduction. Car donations were left completely out of the entire cash for clunkers program, even though both the Congress and Senate were told of the problem months and months before.

Apparently, charities are not a big enough lobbying group. [ I guess they didn’t “donate” $1 million like Goldman Sachs did… ooops did i say that ]

And, Obama is gloating over the plan, and hoping it will get renewed. So once again, this president is shafting them.

I just don’t get it.

I say donate your car. If you really need a new car so badly, you can get dealer incentives to buy upwards of $4,500 anyway. Give your old car over because I’m not liking to foot your stupid bill in this $2 billion car bailout, because that’s all it is anyway.

Don’t misunderstand me, I am not a desocialistacrat nor a repukeblican. Both are the same thing.

This American Lifestyle: Why Are We in This Mess

Why are You in Debt?

Peter Schiff comes on to CNBC and they all have a good laugh at him. Of course Peter Schiff has a 1 minute 30 second spot to deliver his message of doom and gloom, competing with the idiot host who wants to give you the “THE RECESSION IS OVER, THE RECESSION IS OVER,” mantra they always spew.

Let me explain why we are in this situation, since I [and you] have all the time in the world.

Preparing You for a Life of Debt

Let’s start with you and I’ll get to your parents in a second and tie it all in. Your first taste of true economic freedom is clamped down and you’re straddled with debt immediately. How? College! You take out massive loans, not secured by anything other than your I.O.U. You are then strapped with this debt fresh out of college. You must secure a job immediately to start paying it back.

But, wait! These college loans afford you a lifestyle change unlike, what you would have had, had you paid for college yourself. I’m not talking rich people. I’m talking average middle-class America, paying for college with their own money. “Well, no one would go to college,” you might say. Not true, and this is where Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and the Austrian Economic School of thought come into play. If everyone in America stopped taking college loans, or begging for government grants, college tuition would plummet and we all could afford it. Colleges would have to compete with each other, to offer an affordable price to gain student dollars. Colleges right now are not run like businesses, the are run like governments, wasteful. Colleges rely on the fact that the government is going to continually bailout the students. They no more reign in spending than the city or state or federal government does. If they have waste, they just raise tuition to pay for it. What do they care?

Conditioning You for Debt

The point is, you are now conditioned to accept massive debt, to afford you a certain lifestyle. This is where your parents come in. Instead of them saving, I’m talking on a massive scale, and paying for college out of their pocket, they do stuff like take out home equity loans. It has become to common place,that banks now advertise for it. “Take out a home equity loan for your kid’s college tuition.” 80 years ago, that would have been unthinkable. People would have called you mad. So, immediately, your parents first financial lesson to you is, go in debt to afford you a certain lifestyle. Nice lesson dad.

This lesson is repeated over and over. People were relying on the equity in their home, with the notion that housing prices would continually climb, so they could borrow on it. Now, Barrack Obama and Ben Bernanke, is trying to continue this farce by propping up housing prices. They are fighting the recession with every ounce of strength they have. And, believe me, they have an entire treasury to do it. They have the sheep, that is the American public to give away their money, and no one asks a question.

“More than three-quarters (77 percent) of Americans with pre-college age kids, however, have saved less than $20,000 for their children’s college expenses; 62 percent have saved less than $10,000, and 43 percent have saved less than $5,000. Twelve percent have saved nothing at all.”

Your house is not worth $125,000.00. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. Go back and see what your house would be worth in 1970, and maybe then you’ll have an accurate picture.

What people are failing to understand is, housing prices are predicated upon the scarcity of housing. Unfortunately, there was a housing boom in construction. There is an over abundance of housing. So your house is worth far less now, than when you first bought it. There are parts of the country with entire huge condo buildings sitting empty. I don’t have the numbers, but I guarantee there are at least 10% of empty real estate in every city. That means your housing price, should be lowered.

So this notion of borrow on equity… You have no equity. You have nothing. You were being propped up by the government the entire time. Why do you think you can deduct the depreciation of the value of your house annually? The government knew the real story.

So we have a failing economy, lowered housing prices, what’s next? Unsecured debt! Besides all the lending done on real estate, people still took up debt that was unsecured, like college. The lenders knowingly were doing this, but we were still borrowing. No one forced us to sign on the dotted line.

We just had the FBI raid TBW based on fraud. Stories like that should show you. I guarantee the FBI could probably raid every bank in the land for nefarious lending practices.

No one wants to swallow the pill. I bet you’re sitting here muttering, “I don’t want to lose my equity”, “I don’t want the value of my house to go down.” Or, you might be a banker saying, “I don’t want my clients defaulting on their loans.” So everyone is hoping Obama will bail them out, prop up this farce of an economy and keep it, business as usual.

No One Wants to Swallow the Bitter Medicine

This is what Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, and the Austrian Economic School of thought is talking about. Everyone is sitting quivering in their living room, hoping they won’t have to be the ones to pay for all this excess. And, when I say excess, I mean all the loans.

Imagine for an instance, that you had no debt, at all. Imagine the only expenses you had were your power bill. *GASP* I bet for some of you, that is nearly impossible to imagine. This is what the recession needs to cure. This is where this recession needs to go. Not, bailing everyone out. Not, propping up housing prices.

If we could go back in time, I would be for Obama saying,

“Today I’m wiping out all the toxic real estate assets. I am wiping out all current housing loans. I am declaring a banking holiday.”

Housing prices would have plummeted, but no one would care, would they? If your house was paid for, but only worth $10,000 would you care? However, no toxic assets were removed from the system, not a single one. And, you are still in debt.

How to Really Study the Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement

black guy studying cash flow statementThe cash flow statement provides information:

  • about a company’s cash receipts and cash payments during an accounting period
  • about a company’s operating, investing and financing activities
  • about the impact of accrual accounting events on cash flows
  • to assess the firm’s liquidity, solvency and financial flexibility

An analyst can use the the statement of cash flow to determine whether:

  • regular operations generate enough cash to sustain business
  • enough cash is generated to pay off existing debts
  • firm is likely to need additional financing
  • unexpected obligations can be met
  • firm can take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise

Continue reading How to Really Study the Cash Flow Statement

Real Life Economics: Do You Need to Keep Upgrading Your Computer

Do You Need to Keep Upgrading Your Computer

black man shoppingI got into a rather heated 5 vs 1 debate about the issue of are console [gaming systems] better than the PC. The chief argument proposed against me, the PC champion, was that in order to play brand new games you have to constantly upgrade your PC, vs a console you do not.

A couple of things hit me immediately when confronted by this argument:

1. the person assumed that anyone that plays video games, always has to buy new video games

2. the person consumed PC equipment constantly, i.e. once a new system came in, they threw out the old PC system

This struck me as not only wasteful, but rather consumeristic.

I stopped arguing with the people but, I write this hear to show you a proof against consoles and against constant PC consumption.

What is a video game for? A video game is one source of entertainment. It is like music, movies, tv shows, books, etc. It is just a source of entertainment. The generation coming up now, and the one that grew up in the first decade of this century are indoctrinated with rampant consumerism, that you must constantly buy new things.

Continue reading Real Life Economics: Do You Need to Keep Upgrading Your Computer

How to Spot a Polly Peck or Bernie Madoff: What is a Balance Sheet

How to Spot a Polly Peck or Bernie Madoff

balance sheetCFO flees to Romania to his beach house, where he will live the rest of his days in exile. Clearly he is guilty of fleecing thousands of shareholders of money. The shareholders clamor for the government to arrest him for fraud. CNBC reports that he is guilty. MSNBC and Bloomberg report that he is guilty. A small financial analyst takes a retrospective look at the evidence and concludes that the CFO is not, in fact, guilty of anything. In fact, according to the small financial analyst, the CFO did nothing wrong whatsoever.

How can the two be right? Or, can they both be right? No, they can’t, and the answer is the balance sheet.

When people lose money, it is often the case that they want to blame others. What is well known, though, is that in order to offer stock, a company must do so to “sophisticated” investors, i.e. people who know better and do their homework. Long story short, if someone loses money, ultimately the investor is to blame, for not doing his homework. These people that want to blame others for their own faults get heard though. The government tries to rush in and save the day. Ultimately the government gets it wrong, because … that’s what the government does best.

So how could a small time financial analyst get what massive media outlets and huge governmental agencies miss? The balance sheet!

The financial analyst simply takes a look at the balance sheet and sees that the CFO was doing nothing to “fleece” investors. More than likely, it was the government that was to blame for the loss, if anyone needs to be blamed.


How Seemingly Profitable Companies Go Bankrupt and How to Spot Them

How to Spot Companies in Trouble

gross profitsYou see on CNBC and MSNBC and Bloomberg all the time, the CFO or CEO come on and say, “my company is enjoying a 20% profit with a 25% margin.” You as the viewer think to yourself, well that looks fantastic. Three months later the reporter informs everyone that the company is in bankruptcy court. You think to yourself, well that escalated quickly.

You see, a CEO can publicly say that his company made a profit. You take the sales minus the cost of goods and you get profits. Did the CEO lie? No! In the most simple terms, he is absolutely correct. But, here’s the rub. Costs of goods does not mean the cost of running the business. Cost of goods does not include the cash flow. Without going back over the cash flow statement, I’d like to show how the profit the CEO is talking about is not the “profit”.

  • Sales – cost of goods = gross profit ( this is what the CEO is talking about on TV)
  • gross margin = gross profit / sales ( this is the margin he quotes )
  • operating profit=operating cost – gross profit ( now you get into how much it costs to operate the business on a day to day basis )
  • ebitda d= depreciation (physical assets, like a company van) a=amortization (intellectual assets, like a brand name)
  • operating margin=operating profit / sales ( this gives a good indicator of where some costs can be cut and how badly the company is operating )
  • pbit / ebit = profit before interest and tax / earning before itnerest and tax ( this figure gives us an indicator of how badly taxes and interest are hitting us )
  • profit before tax (pbt) = interest – operating profit ( if the company has loans, this gives us the exact amount needed to pay the interest )
  • Continue reading How Seemingly Profitable Companies Go Bankrupt and How to Spot Them

Financial Education: Operating Cash Flow

Operating Cash Flow

cash flowIn accounting, a measure of the amount of cash generated by a company’s normal business operations. Operating cash flow is important because it indicates whether a company is able to generate sufficient positive cash flow to maintain and grow its operations, or whether it may require external financing. OCF is calculated by adjusting net income for items such as depreciation, changes to accounts receivable and changes in inventory.

Financial analysts sometimes prefer to look at cash flow metrics because it strips away certain accounting effects and is thought to provide a clearer picture of the current reality of the business operations. For example, booking a large sale provides a big boost to revenue, but if the company is having a hard time collecting the cash, then it is not a true economic benefit to the company. On the other hand, a company may be highly profitable on a cash flow basis, but may not have a low net income if it has a lot of fixed assets and uses accelerated depreciation calculations. – Investopedia

Continue reading Financial Education: Operating Cash Flow

Financial Education: the Cash Flow Statement

The Cash Flow Statement

cash flowA cash flow statement shows a company’s cash inflows and outflows and the overall change in its cash balance during an accounting period.

One of the quarterly financial reports any publicly traded company is required to disclose to the SEC and the public. The document provides aggregate data regarding all cash inflows a company receives from both its ongoing operations and external investment sources, as well as all cash outflows that pay for business activities and investments during a given quarter. – Investopedia

Because public companies tend to use accrual accounting, the income statements they release each quarter may not necessarily reflect changes in their cash positions. For example, if a company lands a major contract, this contract would be recognized as revenue (and therefore income), but the company may not yet actually receive the cash from the contract until a later date. While the company may be earning a profit in the eyes of accountants (and paying income taxes on it), the company may, during the quarter, actually end up with less cash than when it started the quarter. Even profitable companies can fail to adequately manage their cash flow, which is why the cash flow statement is important: it helps investors see if a company is having trouble with cash. – Investopedia

The cash flow statement is separated into three sections: operating activities, investment activities and financing activities. The statement shows cash outflows in parentheses to designate a negative number. Each section’s net cash flow, or total cash flow, is shown at the bottom of the section. Positive net cash flow from a section means a business generated more cash than it spent on that section’s activities. Negative net cash flow means the business spent more than it generated on those specific activities. – Bryan Keythman

As you can see, if a company has a negative ending cash flow the company might be in trouble. The true beauty of knowing how to read a cash flow statement, is that a company CANNOT flub the numbers or “interpret” the data. It’s straight numbers and arithmetic. The other quarterly statements can be “interpreted” and manipulated to put a good light on the company’s quarterly endeavors.


If you work for a publicly traded company, go online, if you can, and try to find their quarterly cash flow statement. It might shed light on whether the company is actually healthy or not.

Is the Buy Black Movement Racist

Is Buying Black Racist

buy black movement
Buy Black Movement

A movement is going on right now that is sweeping across the United States. It is the Buy Black movement. With real numbers of 25% unemployment, the Black community is in a crisis position right now that will render them out for the count. Some major cities are showing 50% unemployment rates among Black men. The community constantly looks to the half-Black president leftist Barack Obama for support, which is not forthcoming and has not been during his entire presidency.

In steps a movement that has the potential to revolutionize the Black community and put it back on its feet. It is the Buy Black movement.

Economically speaking, we understand that the major employer in the nation are not the big corporations, but small businesses. This Buy Black movement is the right answer. By supporting Black owned and operated businesses, Blacks will take back their communities, boost economic growth, expand Black business and trade, which will open up jobs. It is a one two punch to both poverty and unemployment in the Black community.

Continue reading Is the Buy Black Movement Racist

Financial Education: Microeconomics

Financial Education: Microeconomics

economist Walter E. Williams
Economist Walter E. Williams

As I said I am sitting for the CFA (chartered financial analyst) exam, I will be posting financial educational information. I am quite sure and willing to accept that these posts will be my most unpopular, but I take it as a responsibility that since, I am a PanAfricanist and feel my people need financial education more than anything else.

Today’s topic is economics, specifically microeconomics

Investopedia explains ‘Microeconomics’
The field of economics is broken down into two distinct areas of study: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics looks at the smaller picture and focuses more on basic theories of supply and demand and how individual businesses decide how much of something to produce and how much to charge for it. People who have any desire to start their own business or who want to learn the rationale behind the pricing of particular products and services would be more interested in this area.

Macroeconomics, on the other hand, looks at the big picture (hence “macro”). It focuses on the national economy as a whole and provides a basic knowledge of how things work in the business world. For example, people who study this branch of economics would be able to interpret the latest Gross Domestic Product figures or explain why a 6% rate of unemployment is not necessarily a bad thing. Thus, for an overall perspective of how the entire economy works, you need to have an understanding of economics at both the micro and macro levels.

Continue reading Financial Education: Microeconomics

The Election is Over: How is that Fair Share Scam Working for You Mr President

How is that Fair Share Scam Working for You Mr President

fair share scamThrough all of the 2008 and 2012 campaign Mr. Obama continuously chanted about how the rich need to pay their “fair share.” Back at the ranch the proof came in that not only did the rich pay their fair share, but that they paid your fair share as well, to the tune of 30% by the one percenters and 60% by the top 10% wealthiest in the nation. In fact the top 53% of US taxpayers pay 100% of the tax revenue. There is no 99%. it doesn’t exist.

But wait, there’s more!

Not only did an Obama report show how the rich pay all the taxes, but the report showed conclusively since Kennedy, that lowering tax rates increases federal revenue. That bears repeating. A Whitehouse report showed that lower taxes brings in more money to the government.

Before you jump to conclusions that Mr. Obama did not see the report, he did. He signed every page of the report, and read it, and went over it with Timmy Geithner.

The Coming Obama Created Economic Depression

No one likes to say it, but the 2008 economic situation was an actual depression. The federal reserve pumped so much money into the economy, that it created a top heavy situation that stopped the very large firms from crashing. That does not mean though, that the rest of the nation was not in a depression. We were and probably still are, if you can find honest numbers on unemployment and business closure.

But, fast forward to 2013. Obamacare and his raising of taxes, even for the 99%, is setting the stage for a knock out punch. A real depression is coming. Thousands of jobs, in a market that has already lost millions of jobs, are prepped to be lost. Some top firms have already pledged to lay off thousands this year.

Couple Obamacare with higher payroll taxes and small firms will be lost. The end result is that, while large firms will feel the pinch on their bottom line and get rid of thousands of jobs, they’ll gobble up smaller firms that flounder. They’ll find themselves in a position  to be able to get into markets that they were never in before, and at a very cheap price, since small firms will be worth pennies on the dollar.

Conspiracies aside, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that, regardless of intent, Obamacare and his pro-higher-taxes stance will destroy this country.

Are Private Equity Firms Evil: The Bain Capital Lie

The Bain Capital Lie

You Lie

It was a topic most Americans were sorely ignorant about and yet, driven into a frenzy over, Bain Capital. It probably sunk Mitt Romney more than any other issue. People saw past his Mormon cultism. People overlooked his tremendous personal wealth, which Democrats always try and say is a bad thing. People even overlooked his Romneycare, since Obamacare is already passed and threatens to turn this country into a 3rd world nation.

All of those claims were able to be ignored, but the Bain Capital issue was even brought up the day before the election. But, when one does a bit of research, they find that Bain Capital is not an inherently evil company.

Let’s compare it to a real life scenario:

  • a person doesn’t work their 40 hours for 2 weeks and take home half the paycheck they normally get
  • they cannot afford the bills they have
  • the bill collectors start calling, due to not receiving payment
  • the person goes to a bank, who refuses to give them a personal loan
  • the person then goes to a payday loan place that lends them the money, but gives them a very high interest rate
  • the person pays their bills
  • the person is again short on their paycheck
  • the payday loan place start repossessing the person’s items
  • the person curses the payday loan place and tries to get them shut down or take some other action against them

Continue reading Are Private Equity Firms Evil: The Bain Capital Lie

How to Tell If Bank of America is Lying About Their Profits

Profit Lies

I have written many times about how Bank of America is lying about their record profits. People never believe me. They read the headlines. They hear the news. They shrug and say, I, meaning me Shakaama, couldn’t possibly know more than the main stream media, wallstreet analysts and the whole Obama gang.

But wait!

I have a trick up my sleeve today that you will love. Well, you might actually get a kick out of it. I can teach you, to prove the wallstreet analysts wrong by yourself. Here is my patented 10 second analyst course.

  1. Continue reading How to Tell If Bank of America is Lying About Their Profits

Word of the Day: Margin Expansion and Amazon (AMZN)

Margin Expansion

Margin Expansion
Margin Expansion

The technical, narrow definition of this term is: an increase in the rate of profit a company makes on a product.

However in broader terms it can defined as: In long-term reference, a measure of a company’s net profit margin in the latest reported quarter divided by profit margin in the fiscal year previous. In short-term reference, a measure of a company’s net profit margin in the latest reported quarter divided by profit margin in the quarter immediately preceding.

So we can be talking about a specific product, or the net profit margins overall. We simply apply the term as narrowly or broadly as we like.

The news today applies to Amazon’s quarterly report.

The Amazon (AMZN) bull case has pivoted to a story of margin expansion from revenue growth after the company surprised analysts with better-than-expected profit margins during Q4. A number of firms are out with price target increases, citing margin expansion as a major factor. PT hikes: Barclays to $260 from $245; JPMorgan to $333 from $245; Baird to $325 from $300; BofA to $315 from $300; Credit Suisse to $334 from $301. AMZN +8.3% premarket to $281.62. – Seeking Alpha

In my opinion, I think overall Amazon is not doing as well as it appears, regardless of the news. I have a bearish outlook on the company, from observing their day to day operations. It is one of the few companies that I actually pay attention to. I do not consider their fundamentals good. On a technical standpoint if this trends up, you can still make money, since this news came out. But as a swing trader or long term investor, I think the fundamentals are just not there.

I’m Back: Shakaama Has Returned to

Shakaama Returns

Shakaama's Blog
Shakaama’s Blog

After a 3 year vacation on another network, which shall not be named, I have returned to WordPress. I have nothing bad to say about the other network, but their heavy-handed actions were intolerable. I am not saying that this network is better, nor offers a relief from the other network, but the difficulty I had on the other network was never experience here.

New Direction

The direction I want to take this blog is in the financial. I have discovered, on my brief journey away, that Americans are terribly uneducated about finance, economics and politics. Notice we have a saying of, “never discuss politics nor religion.” Now, the understanding is that it is “impolite” to discuss politics and religion. I would put it to you that, if people WERE to discuss politics and religion, as a normal, average, every day occurrence, we would discover that more and more people would UNDERSTAND what is behind politics and what is behind religion.

Continue reading I’m Back: Shakaama Has Returned to

Why We Are Poor: Contentrating on Entertainment Instead of Money

Most Working Class Concentrate on Entertainment

Canvasing the landscape of the desolation that is America right now, we see so many people worried about their finances or complaining about their finances, yet they do absolutely nothing about their finances.  Some will say that they ARE doing something about their finances, they are going back to school for retraining or more education.  Here is the secret that noone will tell you: “noone has ever gotten rich by getting any level of education”.  For those that say, they are not concentrating on being rich, take it from me, and let me be the first to tell you, you’re delusional and not intellectually honest with yourself.  A whole lot would be different in your life, if you were worth 2 million in “assets”.  Notice the concentration on the word assets.  Going to get retrained for an education or receive more training, concentrates on one thing: getting a job.  A job does not ever give you assets, and hence does not ever make you rich.  Until you actually start accumulating assets, you will remain a working stiff.  How can I say that people are not concentrating on money or what evidence is there that people are not concentrating on money.

Concentrating on Sports

I’ll Bring Them Death and They Will Love Me for It

Do you honestly think that the owners of a sports team care if they make money at the games their teams are involved in?  No, they made their money in some other fashion.  There is a huge swath of the country, even in this economic depression, that still, unflinchingly watch their sports at the same bat time, same bat channel.  The country is falling apart at the seams and they are steadily watching “the game” and highlights and interviews.

This is nothing new.  Let me give you a really short history lesson.  Rome was in the beginnings of its last breath.  Emperor Commodus did not like actually administering the empire.  The Roman senate came to him with problem after problem, which he never fixed.  People were dying in the empire and the emperor frankly did not care.  Instead of taking care of the problems in the empire he gave administrative power to a friend of his and instead put on economy breaking gladiator games in the grand colosseum.

“Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they’ll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they’ll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the Senate, it’s the sand of the coliseum. I’ll bring them death – and they will love me for it.”  – Gladiator

People were so distracted by the games, that they did not notice that half of the city was in the throws of a plague.  A plague is hard to miss, you say, but miss it they did.  They instead concentrated on the sports arena.

This is exactly what is happening this very day.  Millions of Americans are dying and unemployed, our food is poisoning us, our economy is in shambles, but the other half of the US steadily watches their sports arena.

Concentrating on Enertainment

Not only do people not concentrate on what makes them money, they actually concentrate on the lives of people who have money, entertainers.  Instead of them understanding that the entertainer is there for THEM, they are living their life for the entertainer.  The “fool” was the entertainer in royal courts.  He told jokes, sang songs, danced, played instruments.  The king never asked the “fool” how his day went.  After he stopped dancing and telling jokes, the “fool” went and had his dinner. The lives of entertainers have become what sports is to men, a complete and utter distraction. Gossip soundly replaces the sports arena.

Soap operas remove all thoughts from some people.  They would rather concentrate on the lives of fictional characters, that are obviously there as a distraction, instead of them sitting down and balancing their checkbook.

Concentrating on Church

The worst possible distraction ever invented was the church.  It is hard for people to understand this, but the rich and powerful invented the church to put the masses under spell.  A spell so deep and unshakable, that they would defend it with their lives.  How can you say to someone in this modern day, that believes in some religion, that their religion was invented by man?  How can you say to someone in this modern day, that believes in some religion, that their religion was invented to make them obey the rich and powerful?  That man would fight you with every breath he takes, denying the truth.

God did not invent a religion.  All religions were invented by man.  There is no debate about it.  Then you have to ask, why did man invent religions?  No matter where you look, the rich and powerful are the source of inventing religions and they invariably do it for one purpose and one purpose only: so that you are docile and obey them.

So instead of you concentrating on living your life much more richly, instead you live for church.  There are millions upon millions of  dirt poor people that know everything in the bible, and what their church does, but cannot afford a decent meal, and have never had the prime cuts of any meat from any animal.  There are people starving, without hope of eating, yet they know every bylaw of their religion.

If you believe in the Christian faith, in the bible it says over and over, that you should have life more abundantly.  There are very evil ministers and priests and nuns and bishops that tell you [ against all logic ] that, that statement means you should be a loving person and your reward is “in heaven”, and that statement does not mean you should have more money to buy things that make you live more comfortably, or be able to afford good food, good food that heals you from malnutrition.  There are adults in this country that can quote every verse, paragraph and book of their religion, but do not know their own rental agreemant

Concentrate on Money

Enough of the negative stuff.  You know you concentrate on some rather stupid things, and I do not need to beat you over the head about it.  Admit that you’re dumb and acting like a child and MOVE ON.  Get some balls, admit you’ve been acting silly and grow the hell up.  If you sit complaining about money, when there is so much information out there on how to make nothing BUT money, then you’re a damn fool, in every sense of the word.

You should be concentrating your formative adult life, or even earlier, on what money is, and how to make plenty of it.  Instead of going to college for 5 years, you should instead learn everything you can for 5 years about money.  I am not talking about the theory and history of money, but the practice of making money.

Anyone who concentrates on money for 30 seconds, and does their own research, comes to one startling conclusion IMMEDIATELY: the only way to make money is to own assets.  By definition assets make you money:

A resource with economic value that an individual, corporation or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide future benefit.

Investopedia explains Asset
1. Assets are bought to increase the value of a firm or benefit the firm’s operations. You can think of an asset as something that can generate cash flow, regardless of whether it’s a company’s manufacturing equipment or an individual’s rental apartment.

2. In the context of accounting, assets are either current or fixed (non-current). Current means that the asset will be consumed within one year. Generally, this includes things like cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Fixed assets are those that are expected to keep providing benefit for more than one year, such as equipment, buildings and real estate.

So by its very nature an asset GENERATES MONEY.  A job is not an asset.  In a job, you are trading your time to generate money for someone else.  A person or company then pays you a fraction of what you are generating for them, for the time you have given them.  You cannot go away from your job for years, and continually generate money.

Your house is not an asset.  I know the bank tries to tell you your house is an asset, but they are using kindergarten terms to talk to you.  When they talk to other banks and businesses, they do not say the same thing to them.  A house can be an asset, just not your house.  A car can be an asset, just not your car.  An asset has to generate money.  Your house does not generate money, it costs you money.  I don’t care how much you think your house is worth or how much you COULD sell it for, it is not an asset.  Until you actually sell the house, it generates no money.  Also, if you sell that house at a loss, and by loss you have to calculate the value of money when you bought it, versus the value of the dollar when you sold it, it might just be a total loss.

For a house to be an asset, you have to, not live in it, rent it out, and have someone pay you to live in it, i.e. it generates money FOR you.  For a car to be an asset, you have to, not use it normally, and have someone rent it out, in the normal course of driving it, i.e. it generates money FOR you.  A taxicab / limousine is an asset, a Volkswagen bug your son drives, is not.

With that in mind, concentrate on buying a second home to rent out.  Concentrate on starting a business.  A business is the only real asset you can have as an individual.  Having one rental property can be your “business”.  Or, you could go the extra mile and start buying many properties which you turn around and rent out.  Where I live, rent is high and homes are cheap.  It makes no sense to rent, when you can own a home.  And, given that rent is so high, it makes no sense NOT to turn around and buy a couple of houses and rent them out to some poor schmuck.

Owning a business is the fastest and surest way to get actual money in your pocket.  You do not have to lease out a building and hire people to say that you own a business.  Think about what you would do as a business and start from there first.  Would you sell clothes that you bought cheap at market?  You could then turn around and sell it on online as your business.  You do not have to buy a building and go broke.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorneys
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Black People in Public: Exploring Us in Detail

Is There a Problem with Blacks in Public

This is a series I have wanted to do for a long time. From time to time I have worked in a public situation, coming face to face with customers. I have heard every gruesome tale from both coworkers, other customers and management. The general consensus is that Blacks in public is a negative situation. In this series I will go situation by situation to explore whether there is a right side or wrong side of the equation. I will give my opinion all the way through.

Right, so let me detail what the situations are and in the following series I will research, debate and explore each circumstance. These will be:

  • Eating out
  • Retail shopping
  • Working in a restaurant as a Black person
  • Working as a retail salesperson
  • Owning a Black owned customer oriented business
  • Working in a customer service position

Eating out – I will explore the tremendous negative opinion everyone has about serving Black customers.

Retail shopping – I will explore the tremendous negative opinion everyone has about both being Black and going shopping and workers hating to approach Black customers.

Working in a restaurant as a Black person – I will explore the sheer and utter stupidity of the public in dealing with a Black waiter, host or bartender.

Working as a retail salesperson – I will explore the complete shameful behavior of the public dealing with a Black salesperson.

Owning a Black owned customer oriented business – I will explore how a Black business owner deals with the dastardly behavior of the public dealing with a Black owned business, whether they know or don’t know that the owner is black or that the person they are talking to is the actual owner and not some mere salesperson.

Working in a customer service position – I will explore the awful experience Black workers face versus racist bosses, racists customers and a system geared to making sure Black workers are constantly fired and trying to build up a reputation in a customer service industry.

I would appreciate lots of input and comments from you, my readers. My research is quite thorough on each subject, so understand that I am speaking with actual numbers behind each of my topics, and not my opinion [in fact none of my blog is my pure opinion].

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Shakaama Has a New Blog: Shakaama Live

Shakaama Live

I finally take time to address you the reader personally and thank you.

Hey everyone.  I’d like to first say thank you all for reading my blog.  I check my stats constantly to see who’s reading.  While I do have lots of readers, I don’t seem to get a lot of genuine comments.  I say genuine, because I receive a lot of spam.  In fact 99.999% of all comments I receive are spam.  I even receive hand written spam comments.  Now, I don’t understand what’s the point of trying to post spam comments.  Do you see any spam comments on my blog?  No! Why?  Because I delete them all before they are even posted.  I welcome each and everyone to comment.  Even if you disagree with me.  I love a good conversation as well as a heated debate.  I think I even let someone comment that called me racist.  Which is sort of strange, seeing as nearly all of my idols, if he took the time to read my blog, are nearly all white: Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Ludwig Mises, Jim Rogers, etc…


I’d like to announce my new blog @ Shakaama Live .  I’ve made this step to allow me the opportunities, wordpress doesn’t allow, afford, think of.  On that blog you can find all sorts of great posts like: self improvement; financial opinion; stock market opinion; public policy opinion.

I also have a blog on my website Las Vegas DUI Lawyer and the blog is the latest and greatest DUI Blog.  That blog isn’t quite up and running but, always keep a look out.

But, back to shakaama live, I just wanted to personally invite you to come read my blogs there and also invite your comments on there.  The comments are, of course, based on approval, so nothing crazy will ever get through, nor will spam.

We have had one hell of two weeks here with all the famous deaths: Michael Jackson – a personal favorite of mine; Farah Fawcett – who didn’t age so well; Ed McMahon – ahhh when America could be real adults and watch Johnny Carson [who i also was sad when he passed].  I don’t know if I’m a storm crow, coming in after such sad news with my glad news.  Or, maybe I’m a morning glory, bringing cheerful tidings after the storm.  I have high hopes for all my blogs and websites.

Oh I almost forgot.  If you really want to get in shape, gain muscle lose fat, hop over to my website Gain Muscle Lose Fat.  It’s for both people who want to finally lose fat and stay completely fit and for those that want to gain muscle and get the body they have dreamed of.  I tell myself, if I ever got the body of my dreams, I would immediately move to hollywood and be an action actor.  So I’m following it too.  It’s all good stuff.  I concentrate on both outter body and inner body: healthy heart; healthy organs; cholesterol; excellent diet for life.

I’d be glad if you checked out all my projects really.  But, I never address you, my readers, directly, so I thought I’d do it for a change, give a personal touch and let you know i’m human.  I pray for each and every U.S. born, tax paying, citizen of America.  We have it hard and I think we’re being swindled.  I hope everyone can hear my voice so we all can be uplifted together.


Kevin Cardinale of Boundless Enterprise

Please Visit My Website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

Watch Me on Youtube: Shakaama Live