Mike Maloney on Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

Why the Ben Bernank is Inflating the Money Supply

ban bernankeMike Maloney of gold & silver inc goes over charts and shows how the fed stopped all deflation since 2007. Deflation would have meant that prices and wages would have gone down. The democrats fear this because they never want to hear wages going down, and the republicans don’t want to hear that prices are falling, due to lower margins.

for you the public deflation would be a godsend, because that would mean, while you might make less, milk, cheese, eggs and lettuce would cost less and less each month.

the ben bern hates deflation and loves inflation. inflation means everything goes up and up. however, if you’re poor, it virtually kills you.

The bottom line is, that the US is the world market. Other than the closed and lower class economies of China and India, the US is the largest consumer market. These manipulations of the currency and monetary supply fights against the very market forces he’s trying to curtail. It is a losing battle at best, if you believe he is actually to do anything other than to make he and his european and zionist investors money.

What is the Single Most Effective Way You Personally Can Help Get America Out of this Economic Depression

What Can You Do

I do not think a lot of people are aware of what is really going on with the economy right now. They do not want to hear any more about the economy. They do not want to watch the news talk about the economy. But, the truth of the matter is, regardless of all the speeches, talks and news broadcasts, not one person is telling you: what really is going on; why it is going on; and what you can do to stop it. I have already gone over in my economic blog what were some of the reason of this economic depression. What I would like to discuss today is what you can do personally to take control of your financial destiny, AND in so doing it, help your fellow citizen take control of his financial destiny by proxy.

You might be wondering, why you would be influenced to help your fellow citizen take control of his financial destiny. The answer is simple. By doing what I am about to reveal to you, you are helping yourself. If just 30% of the population helps themselves, this economic depression will be over.

That sounds rosey and merry does it not? But, what I am about to reveal is going to take America through some very hard times and the medicine will be painful. But, let me assure you that, the reason it will be painful, is because the system we have set up now is fraudulent. What I will reveal will result in probably hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs. You might ask, “how can that be a good thing?” The problem is, they should not have been hired in the first place.

Let me give you a real world example.

A vast majority of Americans used to work in factories for some time. While most would think, on the GRAND scale, that factory jobs are low paying, the fact is that factory work does not require an advanced degree. So, you had quite a large segment of the population making far more money, with only adult level education, than they would in any other segment of industry or business. Because of this the American lifestyle changed drastically. Most people were able to afford what only the rich could afford before. And, with cheaper production methods, whole segments of consumer goods were made available to people that could never dream of owning them before. It was never the same quality as it was when the goods were limited to those that could afford them, but they looked just like them.

With this heightened lifestyle, the American living habits changed. Instead of living off the land and cooking for themselves and eating at home19 out of 20 nights, they began to eat out more and more. This created the fast food industry.

Finally the captains of industry but the wagon before the horse. In order to chase the dollar of the general public, they started cutting corners to make production cheaper. In this pursuit, they finally removed labor altogether as the ultimate means to cut expenses. They did this by automation and / or outsourcing to lower income nations.

[giving them the benefit of the doubt and not assuming this was on purpose to strip the country of its wealth] They cut out the very workers that were their largest clientele. They had undone, what was their bread an butter before. However, the jobs that were lost in manufacturing now switched over into the service industry, including the same fast food industry which saw a big boom when workers were paid more and had leisure money.

Due to not taking a look at their finances and not noticing they could no longer afford it, and being creatures of habit and bending to peer pressure, most Americans continued to buy consumer goods as they had just learned to do. They continued to eat out, making it now a normality to eat out, and an unusual occasion to cook at home. Now it switched to eating at home 6 out of 20 nights. More and more of the population sought jobs and were hired into the very service industry they had helped create to service them, due to their former lifestyle.

That is a real world example of what happened in America. In a very short time, Americans forgot that the items they now bought were once luxury items that only the well to do and rich could afford: television; cars; eating out. Instead of going back to their previous lifestyle when their money was less, they continued to purchase these luxury items. They had been brainwashed into thinking that they were not, in fact, luxury items, but every day items needed for living.

The manufacturers of course did not care that they had done away with a lifestyle that could have continued on growing and growing, but they turned around and egged people on to continue purchasing luxury items. They removed all notion of what luxury was and what normalcy was.

Fast forward to more recent times.

One of the luxuries that became common place were homes. Some of you might be shocked at such a notion. But, let me tear the wool blanket from over your eyes.

Homes were never and will never be a consumer good. From the beginning of the modern homestead, homes have always depreciated in value. This is what realtors, brokers and the government wants you to forget. Why is there a tax write off for buying a home? Because of the depreciation of the home. As soon as you buy land, break it up and plop houses on it, the value goes down. Yes you might be able to sell them for more with brand new houses on it, but from that moment on the value depreciates. Because, the land could have been used for an entirely different project. Also a home depreciates anyway due to its age, maintenance costs and general upkeep.

Realtors, brokers and the government rely on the general population NOT doing their homework and going through the math to figure out the real cost of a home and how much a home depreciates. Let’s say you purchase a home and you think you will live in it and then sell it when you get ready for retirement. Let’s say the original purchase price is merely $300,000.00 and you think you will sell it for a cool $1 million when you get ready in 30 years. Do you think you would have made some money? Look at the chart below.

As you can see in the chart, even if you sold the house for $1 million you would be actually losing money. But, wait, I have even worse news for you.

The chart doesn’t account for taxes going up. The chart doesn’t account for the inflation of the dollar over 30 years. So even if you sold your home for $1 million in 30 years, due to inflation it would be worth $2 million after you account for inflation. So you are double, no triple, no quadruple screwed. None of this is even accounted for in the chart.

Inflation is the single most theft of wealth in the whole nation. Who has control of inflation?

Banks! Namely, the federal reserve.

So what can you do about this mess were in?

  1. take your head out of the sand, sit down to your kitchen table, grab your wife, husband and kids and everyone grab a calculator, pencil, erasers and paper
  2. figure out the real cost of how you live from day to day, week to week, month to month
  3. you are going to adding the cost of inflation to all your calculations, including your paycheck
  4. remove any and all money you have from big banks
  5. buy a house safe and put the money in the safe and only you should know it, not even your kids should know it
  6. keep 10 months worth of cash in there at a minimum, remember to account for inflation
  7. if you must keep money in a bank, put it in a local credit union, and you just CAN’T find one, put it in a LOCAL bank
  8. if your local bank gets bought out by a large bank, remove your cash and find another credit union or local bank
  9. pay off all loans in full, as soon as you possibly can, remember you are calculating everything with inflation
  10. rip up, cut up any and all credit cards [credit is a financial farce and a hoax played on the American population]

You are to pay for everything in cash. If you do nothing else out of the list, because you’re too stupid to breath, at least pay for everything in cash, in full. This practice alone will save you thousands of dollars.

Remember what NOT paying in cash gets you:

  • bank fees
  • over draft fees
  • taxes on items you pay in installments
  • inflation raises the cost of an item you pay in installments
  • interest rates on items you purchase, even minor inexpensive items

Paying in cash would remove 30% of your financial worries.

If 30% of America followed the list of 10 things we would be out of this financial crisis this year. I guarantee it. I put my first-born’s life on that.

Let me leave you with this. I’ve said this before in one of my reports here. The value of houses circa 2008 were dramatically INFLATED. It was a scam to make money and keep making money. Home values should not have been anywhere near where they were. Homes were selling for $100,000 that were worth maybe $35,000. Homes that were selling for $1 million were worth $300,000. And, after looking into they found that everyone was in on it. Noone thought of it as wrong because it seems innocent to say a home is worth a certain amount. The more a home is worth, the more houses will sell in general; inspectors will have more work; more construction; brokers can pawn off loans to big banks; big banks can package and sell the loans as financial instruments to investors who either do not care or who are too stupid to handle their money anyway.

When they say there was fraud, don’t point the finger at the buyer without point the finger at everyone from the house appraiser all the way up to the president of the United States. And, make sure you go all the way back to Clinton, not just Bush, and Obama is just as lying as they are.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

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Market Outlook for Greece

Greek Government Steps In to Avoid Total Collapse

The Greek government is taking strong steps to avoid a total meltdown. As if its own financial crisis weren’t enough, it was found that it’s lending practices and financial measures are completely in violation of Eurozone standards. These violations are what led to the countrie’s woes. Debts that are more than the national income. Cheap lending that caused huge bubbles and collapses along many markets. We’re still talking about Greece right?

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The proposed plans are as follows. One of the primary causes of their financial crisis was their spending. The government has started slashing away at spending and has implemented austerity measures aimed at reducing the deficit by more than €10 billion ($13.7 billion). To bring in more income or save on spending it has:

  • raised taxes on fuel,
  • raised taxes on tobacco and alcohol,
  • raised the retirement age by two years,
  • imposed public sector pay cuts
  • applied tough new tax evasion regulations.

The biggest fear the rest of Europe had and one of the chief reasons they did not want IMF intervention was the threat of protests and riots. Predictably, the general public is quite unhappy with the government plans. There have been warnings of resistance from various sectors of society. Farmers have begun blockading roads to demand greater government subsidies, while on February 10, workers nationwide staged a one-day strike closing airports, government offices, courts and schools. More strikes are expected to follow.

One of the main reasons Greece has not been bailed out, is due to the fact that it has the record for defaulting on loans, bonds and other financial promises. A step in by another Eurozone nation is not only unlikely, but impossible due to the current financial situation going on in other countries. While they may not be as severe as Greece they are definitely not financial sound, by any measure. Member nations are left to fend for themselves during this crisis. This is the shame that Europe is feeling right now and why they are also keeping Washington at arms length. While they are not stepping in to assist a member nation, they do not want to admit they are incapable of doing so to Washington. There are reports that the Eurozone’s dominant economy, Germany, is leading calls for a “firewall” to prevent Greece’s crisis from spreading, but as yet no concrete proposals have been made public.

France seems to be the country that is having the most dialogue with Greece at this time. They have extended a gesture of loan guarantee to bolster confidence in the region, along with Germany, but there will be no bailout, nor a mass lump sum loan.

Spain was also proposing measure to curtail its spending along the same lines as Greece, pay cuts and tax hikes. Tremendous rumbling is coming from its state employee sector however.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Greece Bailout or Not So Much

Let’s Talk About Greece

Many people might not know why Greece is imploding right now. It is in the news yes, but why is it in the news? Frankly the only reason Greece is in the news because the countries that matter in Europe are afraid it’s economic crisis could have a “contagion” effect on their own economies.

Furthermore, Greece is the red headed step child of Europe, apparently. There were rumors of a bailout or a loan package. But, those were just rumors. What they got were “loan guarantees” and they better like it. That means that whatever the Greek government comes up with to get ITSELF out of the crisis, France and maybe Germany and other countries will guarantee their loans. This is intended to bolster confidence in the country.

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But, how did Greece get to this state. I’ll share it with you. It’s really eye opening.

  • Years of unrestrained spending
  • cheap lending
  • failure to implement financial reforms
  • left Greece badly exposed when the global economic downturn struck.

This whisked away a curtain of partly fiddled statistics to reveal

  • debt levels and
  • deficits that exceeded limits set by the Eurozone.

Hmm that sounds familiar, I just can’t put my finger on what country that reminds me of…

Let’s take a look at this so called debt and how large it really is:
€300 billion ($413.6 billion) is bigger than the country’s economy, with some estimates predicting it will reach 120 percent of gross domestic product in 2010. The country’s deficit — how much more it spends than it takes in — is 12.7 percent.

This just really reminds me of some other country I’ve heard of. But, I just can’t remember which. Wait! It’s on the tip of my tongue. Blast it! I can’t remember. Oh well, I’ll probably wake up in the middle of the night and yell it out.

In response to this rumor of contagion, Spain, Portugal and Italy are all saying they do not have the tremendous debt and deficit levels of Greece. They are quick to say this, however trouble is brewing in those countries as well. Italy seems to be the next domino to fall. Watch for Italy to fail.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Scrambling Over Greece

Greeks, Euros, and IMF, Oh My!

While Washington is chomping at the bit to jump in on the Greek financial disaster, the Fed is keeping quiet as a church mouse. Several Ivy League financial professors are encouraging Obama to step in on behalf of Greece to aid the ailing country. Meanwhile in Greece, taxes are skyrocketing and their retirement age is being pushed further and further up, to get their pension payouts.

So what’s at stake? Pride, fear and holding back the meanest scum and villainy alive today, the IMF.

Europe is trying to fend off the IMF from stepping into Greece and by proxy gut the Euro, while also fending off Washington for fear they would be seen as weak compared to the dollar. Meanwhile the Fed is trying to keep Washington out of it, to avoid a mass market collapse.

It is no secret that the interests of the IMF are only to the IMF and its partner corporations, blood suckers that make lawyers look like school marms. Everyone fears that should Brussels allow the IMF to step in on behalf of Greece, they’ll shut down kindergartens, hospitals and churchs all in the name of profits. I mean, who needs a hospital, it is just is a waste of money. The impact however is what Brussels fears, mass demonstrations the likes of which Europe has never seen, pure anarchistic, unadulterated civil unrest. No one fears that in America though. We never protest over here. Besides, the police use chemical warfare on American citizens, forbidden even by the Geneva Convention.

The Fed is keeping quiet so as not to get involved and appear to send a signal to Wall Street that the sky is falling. They fear that should they get involved it would mean that a new global collapse is imminent across all currencies and plunge Wall Street back into the black morass that was only 6 months hence.

Brussels is also trying to stave off Washington out of pride. They fear that if Washington gets involved, it’ll mean the end of the Euro and confidence in it. I mean, isn’t the joke over anyway?

While everyone is pointing at Greece, the real nightmare is coming. Everyone is fearful of a Greek collapse, but not to the point that they start jumping out of windows should it happen. However, Spain is the real devil in the red dress. And, it is coming to an end. The Fed, Brussels and Washington would all have to rush in to save poor Spain if it came down to it.

If Spain goes, the IMF will lick its lips and have a nice Euro feast, because all the rest of Europe would collapse, except for maybe Germany.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live