Black Middle-Class: You Talk White?

Black Middle-Class: You Talk White?

Black All Boys SchoolWash ashore any African country and the citizens of that country will speak at least 5 different languages. Yet, in the U.S. Black lower-class think it is the height of cool to murder English, and insult any Black person that speaks real English. In fact, they will attempt to insult the Black person by saying, “you talk white.”

Let us explain something to the lower-class Blacks. You are not the epitome of what is Black. In fact, you are on the fringe of the fringe of what it is to be Black. nearly 85% of Blacks speak perfect English. Yet, Hollywood and the liberal media portrays only the lowest of the low-class Blacks as being the example of what it is to be Black. In fact, they raise the dregs of the Black community to stardom and wealth and then present them as examples of Blackdom, people like Jay-Z or other ill-conceived beings.

Someone like a Jay-Z is an embarrassment to the Black community. They are the people that are good for nothing more than to be laughed at. But, in this day and age of rampant consumerism, they couple uneducated and ignorant Black stars with entertainment. Consume one and you must consumer the other. Buy his music and you have to also buy that Black people can barely speak English.

Continue reading Black Middle-Class: You Talk White?

How to game the system as a Black american

How to game the System as a Black American

I used to have an online tv show. A few of my viewers were Black. They still stay in contact with me. I was asking them the other day if they had plans for their life and career and future. Most of them gave me answers that their end goal were very low paying jobs. The very idea that your end goal is a low paying job, to me, IS BLASPHEMY. Why go to school and pay money to get a job paying $40,000 when you could come out making $150,000, same school, same teachers.

It dawned on me, that Black people do not know how to game the system. Black people listen to the nonsense they hear each Sunday and think that applies to their life. Or worse, they think everyone else applies it in their life. That’s why Black wealth fell from a horrible $12,000 per household, to a staggering $5,000 per household. I cannot even believe that number.

I have provided a list of goals you should achieve to game the system. Mind you, I personally do not want the entire Black population going this route, because ultimately, the more Black people game the system, THE SYSTEM WILL CHANGE. Meaning, ultimately we have to form our own community and deal with each other. In the meantime, if 10% of you follow this route and are successful, it will help all of us.

  • you should start your freshman year of high school.

  • every single grade you get in high school should be an A. you get those As however you can. trust me, there are people that pay people to get them As. [don’t be an idiot, this is  your life we’re talking about. there is no honesty in life. only fools play that game.]

  • research ivy league schools. they are the be all end all of going from a mediocre life, to a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL.

  • depending on the ivy league school research, do extra-curricular activities that the school likes. it’s a formula. they look at the application and approve it before even talking to you, don’t let them fool you.

  • try and be captain, president, you name it, of all the clubs you join. you’re looking to be a leader not a follower.

  • buy and research books about scholarships. you can very easily make $50k a year in scholarships. research these in your freshman year in highschool.

  • Senior year, apply for scholarships like it’s your damn job. Get enough scholarships to pay for school, and a car, and a house note, and spending money.

  • once you get into college, take the lightest load you can, to get straight As.
  • go to college year round, remember you got enough money in scholarships to do it. your light load will make it so it takes you longer to graduate, so that’s wh you go year round to reduce the time.

  • when time approaches for you to graduate, you must graduate top of your class. if there is someone ahead of you and they will graduate the same semester as you, either graduate early or later than them. being top of the class will put you into an entirely different atmosphere for the rest of your life.

  • before you graduate, try and get into some aspect of business. The money involved in business is nearly limitless.

  • you want to set yourself up, so that you’re sitting in the board room, not the mail room.

  • research at least 500 companies, AT LEAST, before even applying to one. If you find out that a company is racist or has only a few or no black executives, put that company in your trash file. you’re not out to save the world, just to set your life up for success. for this research, YOU set up interviews of black executives in that company. setup real serious questions. be very very specific about what you want to know about the company. ask questions about negotiating salaries and benefits.

  • hire a company to make your resume. make sure they concentrate on or have precise experience in your field and question 20 different resume writing companies with the same ability. make them each give you a sample of their work. Meanwhile, when you’re interviewing these 500 company black executives, have them look over those samples to see which one they would choose. most like you, you can set out the samples on the table in front of them and they will pick out the ones that catch their eye in a second.

  • after you’ve done your research and had your resume done, apply to the top 100 companies. when you apply include a resume, and business card. call each company after you’re sure they’ve received it. after that call, send a card in expressing your wish to be hired.

Your life takes planning.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl

Why We Are Poor: Contentrating on Entertainment Instead of Money

Most Working Class Concentrate on Entertainment

Canvasing the landscape of the desolation that is America right now, we see so many people worried about their finances or complaining about their finances, yet they do absolutely nothing about their finances.  Some will say that they ARE doing something about their finances, they are going back to school for retraining or more education.  Here is the secret that noone will tell you: “noone has ever gotten rich by getting any level of education”.  For those that say, they are not concentrating on being rich, take it from me, and let me be the first to tell you, you’re delusional and not intellectually honest with yourself.  A whole lot would be different in your life, if you were worth 2 million in “assets”.  Notice the concentration on the word assets.  Going to get retrained for an education or receive more training, concentrates on one thing: getting a job.  A job does not ever give you assets, and hence does not ever make you rich.  Until you actually start accumulating assets, you will remain a working stiff.  How can I say that people are not concentrating on money or what evidence is there that people are not concentrating on money.

Concentrating on Sports

I’ll Bring Them Death and They Will Love Me for It

Do you honestly think that the owners of a sports team care if they make money at the games their teams are involved in?  No, they made their money in some other fashion.  There is a huge swath of the country, even in this economic depression, that still, unflinchingly watch their sports at the same bat time, same bat channel.  The country is falling apart at the seams and they are steadily watching “the game” and highlights and interviews.

This is nothing new.  Let me give you a really short history lesson.  Rome was in the beginnings of its last breath.  Emperor Commodus did not like actually administering the empire.  The Roman senate came to him with problem after problem, which he never fixed.  People were dying in the empire and the emperor frankly did not care.  Instead of taking care of the problems in the empire he gave administrative power to a friend of his and instead put on economy breaking gladiator games in the grand colosseum.

“Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they’ll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they’ll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the Senate, it’s the sand of the coliseum. I’ll bring them death – and they will love me for it.”  – Gladiator

People were so distracted by the games, that they did not notice that half of the city was in the throws of a plague.  A plague is hard to miss, you say, but miss it they did.  They instead concentrated on the sports arena.

This is exactly what is happening this very day.  Millions of Americans are dying and unemployed, our food is poisoning us, our economy is in shambles, but the other half of the US steadily watches their sports arena.

Concentrating on Enertainment

Not only do people not concentrate on what makes them money, they actually concentrate on the lives of people who have money, entertainers.  Instead of them understanding that the entertainer is there for THEM, they are living their life for the entertainer.  The “fool” was the entertainer in royal courts.  He told jokes, sang songs, danced, played instruments.  The king never asked the “fool” how his day went.  After he stopped dancing and telling jokes, the “fool” went and had his dinner. The lives of entertainers have become what sports is to men, a complete and utter distraction. Gossip soundly replaces the sports arena.

Soap operas remove all thoughts from some people.  They would rather concentrate on the lives of fictional characters, that are obviously there as a distraction, instead of them sitting down and balancing their checkbook.

Concentrating on Church

The worst possible distraction ever invented was the church.  It is hard for people to understand this, but the rich and powerful invented the church to put the masses under spell.  A spell so deep and unshakable, that they would defend it with their lives.  How can you say to someone in this modern day, that believes in some religion, that their religion was invented by man?  How can you say to someone in this modern day, that believes in some religion, that their religion was invented to make them obey the rich and powerful?  That man would fight you with every breath he takes, denying the truth.

God did not invent a religion.  All religions were invented by man.  There is no debate about it.  Then you have to ask, why did man invent religions?  No matter where you look, the rich and powerful are the source of inventing religions and they invariably do it for one purpose and one purpose only: so that you are docile and obey them.

So instead of you concentrating on living your life much more richly, instead you live for church.  There are millions upon millions of  dirt poor people that know everything in the bible, and what their church does, but cannot afford a decent meal, and have never had the prime cuts of any meat from any animal.  There are people starving, without hope of eating, yet they know every bylaw of their religion.

If you believe in the Christian faith, in the bible it says over and over, that you should have life more abundantly.  There are very evil ministers and priests and nuns and bishops that tell you [ against all logic ] that, that statement means you should be a loving person and your reward is “in heaven”, and that statement does not mean you should have more money to buy things that make you live more comfortably, or be able to afford good food, good food that heals you from malnutrition.  There are adults in this country that can quote every verse, paragraph and book of their religion, but do not know their own rental agreemant

Concentrate on Money

Enough of the negative stuff.  You know you concentrate on some rather stupid things, and I do not need to beat you over the head about it.  Admit that you’re dumb and acting like a child and MOVE ON.  Get some balls, admit you’ve been acting silly and grow the hell up.  If you sit complaining about money, when there is so much information out there on how to make nothing BUT money, then you’re a damn fool, in every sense of the word.

You should be concentrating your formative adult life, or even earlier, on what money is, and how to make plenty of it.  Instead of going to college for 5 years, you should instead learn everything you can for 5 years about money.  I am not talking about the theory and history of money, but the practice of making money.

Anyone who concentrates on money for 30 seconds, and does their own research, comes to one startling conclusion IMMEDIATELY: the only way to make money is to own assets.  By definition assets make you money:

A resource with economic value that an individual, corporation or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide future benefit.

Investopedia explains Asset
1. Assets are bought to increase the value of a firm or benefit the firm’s operations. You can think of an asset as something that can generate cash flow, regardless of whether it’s a company’s manufacturing equipment or an individual’s rental apartment.

2. In the context of accounting, assets are either current or fixed (non-current). Current means that the asset will be consumed within one year. Generally, this includes things like cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Fixed assets are those that are expected to keep providing benefit for more than one year, such as equipment, buildings and real estate.

So by its very nature an asset GENERATES MONEY.  A job is not an asset.  In a job, you are trading your time to generate money for someone else.  A person or company then pays you a fraction of what you are generating for them, for the time you have given them.  You cannot go away from your job for years, and continually generate money.

Your house is not an asset.  I know the bank tries to tell you your house is an asset, but they are using kindergarten terms to talk to you.  When they talk to other banks and businesses, they do not say the same thing to them.  A house can be an asset, just not your house.  A car can be an asset, just not your car.  An asset has to generate money.  Your house does not generate money, it costs you money.  I don’t care how much you think your house is worth or how much you COULD sell it for, it is not an asset.  Until you actually sell the house, it generates no money.  Also, if you sell that house at a loss, and by loss you have to calculate the value of money when you bought it, versus the value of the dollar when you sold it, it might just be a total loss.

For a house to be an asset, you have to, not live in it, rent it out, and have someone pay you to live in it, i.e. it generates money FOR you.  For a car to be an asset, you have to, not use it normally, and have someone rent it out, in the normal course of driving it, i.e. it generates money FOR you.  A taxicab / limousine is an asset, a Volkswagen bug your son drives, is not.

With that in mind, concentrate on buying a second home to rent out.  Concentrate on starting a business.  A business is the only real asset you can have as an individual.  Having one rental property can be your “business”.  Or, you could go the extra mile and start buying many properties which you turn around and rent out.  Where I live, rent is high and homes are cheap.  It makes no sense to rent, when you can own a home.  And, given that rent is so high, it makes no sense NOT to turn around and buy a couple of houses and rent them out to some poor schmuck.

Owning a business is the fastest and surest way to get actual money in your pocket.  You do not have to lease out a building and hire people to say that you own a business.  Think about what you would do as a business and start from there first.  Would you sell clothes that you bought cheap at market?  You could then turn around and sell it on online as your business.  You do not have to buy a building and go broke.

Please visit my legal website: Nevada DUI Attorneys
See me on YouTube: Seattle Cop Punches Black Teenage Girl