• housewifebeing married means you’re a slave to a man
  • being married means you can’t have a career
  • you can do it without a man [and somehow be happy]
  • working in a stereotypical female job makes you a lesser woman
  • men should take care of the kids equally
  • you should control your man
  • women are smarter than men
  • women are better than men
  • lesbianism is the ultimate in “girl power”
  • any woman that is conservative is stupid
  • atheism is the ultimate in “girl power”
  • any woman that believes in a male god is stupid and not a woman

Over the past several years, while doing research for various articles, I have come across the exact words by various feminist leaders.

The more I hear and add to this list, the more I suspect that feminism has nothing to do with empowering women who feel disenfranchised or in abusive relationship, and more about some sick personal vendetta against men.

They are more concerned with destruction and not about hoping to see humanity progress. Meaning, they would rather take an abused woman and put her on top of the relationship, instead of helping her find a helpmate.

When one of the chief female analysts revealed that:
– women cheat more than men
– women are the majority of child abusers

she was cast out of the inner circle of feminism. She too, came to the conclusion that the movement wasn’t about healing what is aching in the sexes, but creating an even larger schism and destroying men.

Entertainment and media is now rife with MYSANDRY and there doesn’t even seem any slowing. New programing show women in charge, in virtually all male dominated areas. This wouldn’t be a problem if it were one show, one movie or even one woman. But, they’ll show several women being in key positions, in positions of authority in fields, virtually, no women are even in. It’s as if every woman in that field all pooled together to be in this one building. It’s not done because women are pretty, but that they are trying to cast women in a dominant position. Invariably the women are portrayed as being ultra smart and handly are surrounded by stupid, and idiotic men. Mind you, they are in quantum physics labs to begin with, but this is the state of entertainment today.

Entertainment and media is now a captured medium for feminism. Instead of authors being allowed to tell stories, they are threatened with being black balled if they do not cater to the feminist agenda. And, that agenda shows the above list over and over and over.

Married women are portrayed as being subjugated or being the man in the relationship. Women in general are portrayed as barely tolerating incompetent men. Single women vs married women are portrayed as being liberated, smart, gorgeous and full of ideas and innovations.

This isn’t entertainment, it is the feminist agenda running rampant in media.

They never tell the other side of the coin. American men going overseas to find real women. American men searching for a helpmate. American men not wanting to marry a woman that wants to look, act and be a man in a relationship.

Anytime you do show American men searching for more ladylike women, they blame the men and call the men misogynists. Somehow a man is supposed to date and marry a man. He can’t actively seek out a real woman and lady.

It’s like the fat woman that blames the men for not finding her attractive. Once you buy into this last movement of feminism, and you find yourself alone and unhappy, you turn around and blame the men, not the very women that led you down this path.

This American Lifestyle: Why Are We in This Mess

Why are You in Debt?

Peter Schiff comes on to CNBC and they all have a good laugh at him. Of course Peter Schiff has a 1 minute 30 second spot to deliver his message of doom and gloom, competing with the idiot host who wants to give you the “THE RECESSION IS OVER, THE RECESSION IS OVER,” mantra they always spew.

Let me explain why we are in this situation, since I [and you] have all the time in the world.

Preparing You for a Life of Debt

Let’s start with you and I’ll get to your parents in a second and tie it all in. Your first taste of true economic freedom is clamped down and you’re straddled with debt immediately. How? College! You take out massive loans, not secured by anything other than your I.O.U. You are then strapped with this debt fresh out of college. You must secure a job immediately to start paying it back.

But, wait! These college loans afford you a lifestyle change unlike, what you would have had, had you paid for college yourself. I’m not talking rich people. I’m talking average middle-class America, paying for college with their own money. “Well, no one would go to college,” you might say. Not true, and this is where Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and the Austrian Economic School of thought come into play. If everyone in America stopped taking college loans, or begging for government grants, college tuition would plummet and we all could afford it. Colleges would have to compete with each other, to offer an affordable price to gain student dollars. Colleges right now are not run like businesses, the are run like governments, wasteful. Colleges rely on the fact that the government is going to continually bailout the students. They no more reign in spending than the city or state or federal government does. If they have waste, they just raise tuition to pay for it. What do they care?

Conditioning You for Debt

The point is, you are now conditioned to accept massive debt, to afford you a certain lifestyle. This is where your parents come in. Instead of them saving, I’m talking on a massive scale, and paying for college out of their pocket, they do stuff like take out home equity loans. It has become to common place,that banks now advertise for it. “Take out a home equity loan for your kid’s college tuition.” 80 years ago, that would have been unthinkable. People would have called you mad. So, immediately, your parents first financial lesson to you is, go in debt to afford you a certain lifestyle. Nice lesson dad.

This lesson is repeated over and over. People were relying on the equity in their home, with the notion that housing prices would continually climb, so they could borrow on it. Now, Barrack Obama and Ben Bernanke, is trying to continue this farce by propping up housing prices. They are fighting the recession with every ounce of strength they have. And, believe me, they have an entire treasury to do it. They have the sheep, that is the American public to give away their money, and no one asks a question.

“More than three-quarters (77 percent) of Americans with pre-college age kids, however, have saved less than $20,000 for their children’s college expenses; 62 percent have saved less than $10,000, and 43 percent have saved less than $5,000. Twelve percent have saved nothing at all.”

Your house is not worth $125,000.00. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. Go back and see what your house would be worth in 1970, and maybe then you’ll have an accurate picture.

What people are failing to understand is, housing prices are predicated upon the scarcity of housing. Unfortunately, there was a housing boom in construction. There is an over abundance of housing. So your house is worth far less now, than when you first bought it. There are parts of the country with entire huge condo buildings sitting empty. I don’t have the numbers, but I guarantee there are at least 10% of empty real estate in every city. That means your housing price, should be lowered.

So this notion of borrow on equity… You have no equity. You have nothing. You were being propped up by the government the entire time. Why do you think you can deduct the depreciation of the value of your house annually? The government knew the real story.

So we have a failing economy, lowered housing prices, what’s next? Unsecured debt! Besides all the lending done on real estate, people still took up debt that was unsecured, like college. The lenders knowingly were doing this, but we were still borrowing. No one forced us to sign on the dotted line.

We just had the FBI raid TBW based on fraud. Stories like that should show you. I guarantee the FBI could probably raid every bank in the land for nefarious lending practices.

No one wants to swallow the pill. I bet you’re sitting here muttering, “I don’t want to lose my equity”, “I don’t want the value of my house to go down.” Or, you might be a banker saying, “I don’t want my clients defaulting on their loans.” So everyone is hoping Obama will bail them out, prop up this farce of an economy and keep it, business as usual.

No One Wants to Swallow the Bitter Medicine

This is what Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, and the Austrian Economic School of thought is talking about. Everyone is sitting quivering in their living room, hoping they won’t have to be the ones to pay for all this excess. And, when I say excess, I mean all the loans.

Imagine for an instance, that you had no debt, at all. Imagine the only expenses you had were your power bill. *GASP* I bet for some of you, that is nearly impossible to imagine. This is what the recession needs to cure. This is where this recession needs to go. Not, bailing everyone out. Not, propping up housing prices.

If we could go back in time, I would be for Obama saying,

“Today I’m wiping out all the toxic real estate assets. I am wiping out all current housing loans. I am declaring a banking holiday.”

Housing prices would have plummeted, but no one would care, would they? If your house was paid for, but only worth $10,000 would you care? However, no toxic assets were removed from the system, not a single one. And, you are still in debt.

Two Working Parents Are Not Necessary: The Epiphany of Women

The Epiphany of Women

black husband and wife with childrenA lot of women are finally waking up to the idea that they do not have to work. It was assumed that if a man can go out and win bread for the family, that if the wife also went out and got a job, the family would be twice as wealthy and successful. However, women are finally waking up to the reality that, that is not only not the case, but it is not even necessary.

Doing the Math

Thirty years ago, couples sat down and wives came up with the bright idea that, in order for the young couple to get ahead and not be stuck living in a shoebox for 15 years, that the wife could go get a job and bring in twice the paycheck to the family, than just the husband working. Without any other influences, this makes mathematical perfect sense.

However, this goes to complete shreds when the young couple becomes pregnant. Not just the expense of hiring a midwife to give birth to a child, but the wife immediately stops working. That stops her paycheck for however long that lasts. But then, other expenses pile on and the wife has to sit down with the husband and rethink the math of her getting a job.

Repressing Emotions and Feelings in America

Denying Your Feelings

In America people raise their children to deny emotions. Mothers discourage children from crying, being sad, being angry or even being happy. These children then grow up to deny themselves these same emotions. Today doctors diagnose happy children as having Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and prescribing Ritalin for them. Teachers, who are ill trained and probably have no business being in the classroom, describe these children as “uncontrollable”, and hence there must be a problem with them. All of this amounts to, people who are not raised properly, have no psychological training, and are so out of tune with a healthy mind that they don’t understand one when they see one.

You and your children need to feel all emotions. Let me repeat this.

  • You need to feel happy on a consistent basis
  • you need to feel sad on a consistent basis
  • you need to feel angry on a consistent basis
  • you need to feel aggressive on a consistent basis
  • you need to feel meek on a consistent basis

Notice fear is not on the list. Sadness, is not akin to fear. And, understand sadness and happiness can be linked together. There can be things that are so beautiful that they not only make you happy to see, but they make you cry and ache with how beautiful they are. The emotionally sound mind can run the gamut of emotions all in one breath. You can laugh until you cry. You have heard, “tears of joy”. This is from an emotionally sound mind. They are so overcome by their emotions that it brings tears to their eyes in a joyful situation.

Stifling Emotions can be Dangerous

“Big boys don’t cry Billy.” Have you heard this? Have you said this to your own child? Have you been told this as a child yourself? The pervasive notion that men or males should no cry set a very dangerous precedent. You are teaching male children to repress all emotions which lead to crying. This repression of course has to come out some way. So if it doesn’t come out by crying, it comes out by beating his wife, murdering his children, opening fire with a machine gun on a crowded room.

Of course men should cry. Of course boys should cry. Are they any less human? Are women the only human on the planet privileged to show their emotions? Our society is so screwed up that we welcome the sick mind, instead of the healthy mind. If something is “wrong” you should cry about it. If something is sad you should cry about it. Feel the emotion. Does God not cry over us? Does he not weep? I have no idea who started this notion that men shouldn’t cry, but it is a very dangerous act.

“A real man sucks it up.” No no, a real man keeps going in spite of a sad situation. That is a totally different notion than a real man not feeling emotions.

Who here, reading this, would expect a father to NOT cry at the death of their child? Cry, I would expect them to be inconsolable, for at least a week if not a month. Who here would expect a husband to NOT cry over a wife leaving him? Again, I would expect him to be nigh comatose for a good half month. But you see, in each of these instances, the unhealthy mind represses the feelings. And, what do you have with that? You have a disaster waiting to happen.

What should you do in that situation, if it were a friend / relative going through that situation? You should:

  • put on a ragedy shirt
  • buy some cleenex
  • go over to his house
  • sit him down next to you
  • put the cleenex on his lap
  • pull his head right on your shoulder
  • order, command, demand him to cry

Yes, you should make him cry, right on your shoulder. And, what happens after a good cry? We all feel better don’t we?

Have you ever just got the urge to cry? This is your body telling you, you need this release. You need to be angry and sad, just like you need to be happy. Your body needs to feel all of those emotions, and quit frequently.

But Isn’t Being Angry a Bad Thing?

We need to be angry, just like we need to be happy. Have you ever see a baby, infant, cry and then growl while they’re crying? Obviously they are feeling the anger emotion. It just naturally comes out. There could be no change in the environment, they just wanted to growl a little. And, you can be “angry” over many situations. In fact the word – anger – is the child version of the word. You can be:

  • frustrated
  • disconcerted
  • embarrassed
  • hurt / sad
  • jealous
  • perplexed

Those are more specific emotions. We go through those daily. But most of us were raise to think it was bad to actually feel or worse, admit to those emotions. How many of you reading this would admit to being jealous? How many of you would admit to being frustrated.

Most times, these emotions are embarrassing to admit to, because we feel it is a reflection on an inadequacy that we, ourselves have. Why would I admit to being jealous. That means that I feel beneath that person that made me feel that way. Why would I admit to being frustrated? That means that I am too stupid to understand the problem. Why would I admit to being embarrassed? That means I am a virgin / fat and don’t want people to know.

Anger is an emotion people are not only taught to avoid, but they themselves try to repress. We have so many social stigmas that people are often made to feel they must repress anger and the subcategories under it, in order to fit in. It has to be the most unhealthy emotion to repress. The person that represses anger, blows up eventually.

The nagging wife, the busy body mom, the nosy neighbor – these all make people repress their anger emotions. Then one day … They blow up, and the person doesn’t understand why they blew up. That’s what is truly ironic about the situation.

“Behave billy”, says the overbearing mother. Anger is a behavior, mom. Be a better mother and understand how to be a mother and allow your child to be angry. You as a parent need to simply ask questions in those situations. Don’t try to repress the anger. I repeat, do not say “calm down”. If someone is ranting and raving, simply stand back, let them rant and rave. They need the ranting and raving, as much as they need laughter. When you can get a word in edgewise, assist them in feeling the emotion by asking them “why”. A parent is a “guide”. You’re not there to beat them over the head. A good behaved child, is not a sheep that follows you around with a silent smile. You’ll raise a doorknob of a kid, if that is what you think the ideal child is.

You need to feel anger, just as much as you need to feel overjoyed the 49ers won the superbowl. Think for a second. Who’s the best friend you ever had? Did he / she just let you vent about whatever and just nod and let you keep venting? That’s a good friend. That’s a good parent. That’s a person that lets you be emotionally healthy. Why do we talk to psychiatrists, bartenders, priests? We need to let it all out. We need to tell it. We need to get it off our chest.

You as a wife / husband / father / mother need to be the bartender / psychiatrist / priest. Hear the confessions. Hear the emotions. Hear the sob stories. And you need to nod and say “mm hmm”. And take turns with your wife / husband.

Wfie: “How was your day hunny?”
Husband: “Oh let me tell you, first I dropped the honey bun in my lap on the way to work.”
Wife: “oh I bet you got frustrated at that. Did you stain your pants?”
Husband: “yes and I had to hide under my desk all morning long till it evaporated and went away.”
Wfie: “oh I bet that was embarrassing. Did anyone see you?”
Husband: “no, and I just casually walked around with files if I had to get up”
Wife: “did you make it home ok?”
Husband: “yes, on the way home Timothy saw this pretty woman who came to the car and asked us directions. He was so smitten, he started stuttering. I couldn’t stop laughing.”
Wife: “oh, poor thing, and you laughed right there as they were talking, or trying to?”
Husband: “I couldn’t help it. It was funny.”
Wife: “Well besides the honey bunn sounds like you had a good day.”
Husband: “how was yours?”
Wife: “oh the teacher called and said Billy peed his pants. Come to find out another kid had spilled a drink on him. At first I was so shocked, but then when they found out what happened, I didn’t know if I should laugh or what..”
Husband: “I hope Billy didn’t punch the kid or anything.”
Wife: “oh no, I think it was a friend of his. He would never punch one of his friends.”
Husband: “lucky for his friends. He’s a real fireball when he gets angry.”
Wife: “Yes, it’s pretty funny when he gets so angry. But honey, that wasn’t the main reason his teacher called.”
Husband: “don’t tell me something serious happened.”
Wife: “yes, one of the kids at school died of a rare disease. They called all the parents to tell them. They want the parents to be the one to tell the kids. It was little Susan, the neighbors daughter.”
Husband: “well, I’ll be. I just can’t believe that. Instead of just telling Billy, let’s bake a pie, get some Kleenex and all three of us go over there and give them all a big hug. Speaking of hugs, where’s Billy now. I think he’s going to be needing quite a few hugs before this is all over.”


Feel all of your emotions. Don’t repress them. Don’t teach your children to repress them. You can see people who are emotionally stressed out, break out on their skin. They are holding and bottling up their emotions and their bodies are trying to let it out. If you need to have cry sessions with your mother or husband, do it. Tell them, it’s a new thing you want to start up. Invite friends over and watch sad movies and everyone cry. Afterwards, hug each other or talk about it. Go around and ask how it made you feel.

You might want to start a pillow fight night. At least once a week. Get some anger out. It is a good thing. Can you imagine how much you can get your family to let out, if you did this on a consistent basis? Wrestle with your kids. Keep it clean and fun. You can laugh and let out anger at the same time. These emotions you want to let out. If you or your children are feeling an emotion, go through the entire emotion. Don’t just cry for a second and then repress it. That’s just as dangerous as not doing it in the first place. If it takes you an hour to cry, so be it. You work at your job for 8 hours, why not cry for an hou? Keep everything in perspective. If your boss makes you angry for 8 hours, you might need to pillow fight for a whole hour to let it out.

No one said you couldn’t mix fun, with feeling emotions. If you kid is angry, give him a notebook to rip up, sit him in the bathroom and tell him to rip it up. Simply have him clean it up afterwards. These are ideas to let you feel your emotions.

Bottling emotions in, can lead to a shorter life span. I am being completely serious about that. Can you imagine, high blood pressure so high that you lose your hair and other outrageous symptoms? No, let the emotions out and do it on a consistent basis. Encourage your family to do it. Encourage your friends to do it. If society looks at you strange, keep in mind, this is your health you have in your hands. Think to yourself, “I’m not going to repress this and kill myself at an early age, just to make them not feel awkward.”

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See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Be My Friend

When you were younger your mother told you, “don’t hang around those bad kids.” But, as you got older and moved out, it wasn’t a case of hanging out with the wrong crowd, it was a case of hanging out with any crowd at all. As children we have options, choices of different people to hang around. We are surrounded by hundreds of kids, all at our fingertips. As children we can pick and choose what social circles we wish to be a part of. Of course, this is dependent on the wisdom of how to control ourselves and others to accept us.

Let’s fast forward ten years to the present. You’re an adult. You may have contact with as little as no people to up to hundreds of other adults on a daily basis. However, that forced socialization no longer exists as it did as a child. Surprisingly, many adults lead very lonely existences, compared to their childhood days. They may have a 9 to 5, or a horrible night shift or even worse a thirteen hour shift. They come home and are exhausted and simply want to “veg” out and not answer phones nor see another human. Sound familiar? After years of this, they find themselves alienated. In an effort to change this stifling situation, they strike out on their own and subconsciously seek friendship.

Well, what could possibly go wrong with this? The emphasis is on the “subconsciously”. In their desperation, they may end up with that same “don’t hang around those bad kids“, that their mother warned them about. The lack of wisdom of how to control ourselves and others to accept us has stagnated just as it did as a child. As a child it was simply based on how “cool” you acted. As adults, we complicate it with social status as well, something most of us, seemingly, have no control over. [I’ll correct your error in thinking about your lack of control over social status in a later article] So now we feel we are relegated to hanging out with, at best, hoodlums and “down to earth” people. We tell ourselves they are “down to earth”, which is code for – they are just as immoral and clueless as I am. Oh, that might sound harsh but… at least be honest to yourself. Think for one second. When people are relaying stories of some icon they hold up as being “down to earth”, usually it’s accompanied by some example of them saying something filthy or totally off-color. “He was so down to earth, he smoked marijuana with me in the bath room.” Hardly a vote for his upstanding citizenry.

We as adults then fall into the trap of “Be my friend.” Our subconscious mind takes over when we approach someone that we have sized up to be equal to our social standing and appears nonthreatening. We then latch on to these lower status people and befriend them. The other person reciprocates because you might be of a higher status than they are and thus are immediately accepted by them. Months later, or even years, you discover this lower status person to be completely unhealthy to be around. But, what can you do? There is no possible way you could “unfriend” them. For men, that’s unheard of. For women, the more social butterfly, you feel you need as many friends as you can get.

The problem is that you are allowing your subconscious to dictate what you should be consciously doing. You are letting pangs of loneliness dictate your course of action. You could be setting yourself for emotional and financial disaster based on the whims of your subconscious.

I say to you, seek out a better pond to fish in. Seek better fish. The wisdom of how to control yourself and others is so simple. Being crass, unwashed, base and filthy minded is obviously not the way to win good, solid, upstanding friends. There is a lot to be said for the old finishing schools we used to send our little girls to. Remember back when debutante balls and cotillions were the norm? They were announced in the local paper. These are the types of events you should be attending. Donating to charity will net you some much more acceptable, quality friends than hanging out at the local pool hall or juke joint. Even a library should be a step above a night club, potential friendship wise.

Get out of the “Be my friend” mode and step into the “I need to improve my social circle” zone. Have a conscious objective about whom you meet and be picky about it. Think of building a reputation for yourself. These old fashioned concepts originated for a reason. “Don’t hang out with those bad kids“, still applies in your adult life.

If you start hanging out with a more educated crowd… If you start hanging out with a more stable crowd, i.e. married with children… If you start hanging out with people involved in activities [and I don’t mean smoking marijuana], I feel safe in saying that you’ll find your own self uplifted. And, I’m not saying that educated, married, working people are better. I am saying that educated, working, married people discuss more things than just where’s their next meal. We as humans always need to grow. And, conversation that goes beyond basic needs uplift us. Conversations about civic duty, politics, religion uplifts us and makes us feel like there’s more to life than just wondering if you want black eyed peas or sardines and crackers for dinner.

Kevin Cardinale of Boundless Enterprise

Please Visit My Website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer

Watch Me on Youtube: Shakaama Live

Social Circle Reconstruction Approach: An Introduction

In one of my online articles I introduced my theoretical approach to self improvement called Social Circle Reconstruction. I’d like to fully introduce it and flesh out the theory. As it goes it is a work in progress approach to making conscious life decisions for a very real and residual, continual self improvement, a lazy man’s way to therapy, if you will.

I’ll say first off, that this approach is nothing more than what people did ages ago. And, that is, to surround yourself with positive people and eliminate or shun the negative people. Before we start, I don’t want you to think that you are going to be looking down on anyone if I say they are negative, this is all about you, and you not allowing yourself to become entrenched in a situation where your own self worth is bombarded daily. And, the matter of the fact is that you are allowing people around you to negatively impact you, and it’s as simple as throwing out the garbage.

I don’t want to really discuss this at any length, but I had to tell my own mother, years ago, that I didn’t need her in my life any more. For whatever reason, nothing I did was good enough. And, before you jump to the conclusion that I’m talking about something as mundane as school grades or washing the car, NO, I’m talking about things like my going to law school. Yes, it’s just that mind boggling. I only shared this, to give you an example of what is negative.

Let’s look at some possible negative types of people in your life:

– someone that constantly berates you, your performance, your choices, your lifestyle
– someone that doesn’t appreciate the things you do for them, or takes it for granted
– someone that has to share their abusive behavior with you, i.e. drugs, alcohol, sex [something other than just having you close makes me happy]
– someone that mooches off you, i.e. comes over and eats your food and never brings a dish for you
– someone that never considers you, i.e. goes to a party and never invites you
– someone that doesn’t return your love, friendship, admiration, i.e. you give give give and they take take take

While this is not an exhaustive list, I wanted to present seemingly innocent behavior that you wouldn’t think was negative or perceive as elevated to a dangerous mental health level.

Let’s go over some daily routines where you would encounter these negative people.

1. when you wake up, yes the person right next to you. If you’re married to one of people that fall in that list [ I am not even remotely suggesting divorce ] you need to have a serious and long and in depth conversation with them. I don’t mean right after yawning, but set aside a dinner with you and that person to be alone and prepare to talk for hours.

I’ll say this now. If the other person avoids conversation with you or blows up or acts in any way other than adult-like, say your piece in full and make a decision as to your next step on your own. [yes don’t ask anyone else what you should do]

2. when you go to work. You may have a co-worker that is competitive or worse your boss that seeks to trounce you at every opportunity. Let me say this, your income is not tied to accepting abuse from anyone. There is not enough money in the world to tolerate someone negative to you. In fact when you interview with a company, ask point blank “what is your stance about yelling at your employees or berating your employees”. There is absolutely no need to work somewhere where the company says you should take such abuse from customers. Again, there is not enough money in the world that someone can pay you, to stress you out or abuse you. There are billions of people on the planet. There are tons of nice people who can be your customer too. You need to have a talk with your boss, or co-worker about their attitude and ask them to adjust it and if not make your decision as to your next step. If it’s the customers, tell your boss or your boss’s boss or their boss or their boss till you get to someone with some authority who can listen to someone with some sanity tell them that taking abuse from customers is not that way to conduct good business. If you are in a service business, you are offering a service, you are not there to offer therapeutic backlash to the public. Just because MTV and such venues promote violence and praise bad behavior doesn’t mean you have to tolerate it.

3. when you go to lunch or dinner. You may go to a place, because it’s cheap or whatever reason, and tolerate the person working there acting anything other than overjoyed at seeing you spend your hard earned money at their establishment. Yes, i phrased that like that on purpose. See how ridiculous that is? This is simple. Pack your own lunch or dinner. Don’t call the store and tell them, tell your friends not to eat there.

4. when you come home. Your children may use you as a doormat or curse at you or act in any other way than being overjoyed to see you and appreciate the fact that you work long hours to put a roof over their head and food on the table and not charge them a dime. es, I phrased it like that also on purpose. There is absolutely no way shape, form or fashion that you should tolerate that. Your children should have a smile and a handshake/hug when they see you. They should be respectful when talking to you. They should ask permission for almost every thing they do and/or inform you of things they would like to do if granted approval by you. Yes this is the roll children should play with you, not friend, not buddy, not double dating partner. This moocher should be glad to be alive because of you and therefor show that appreciation every moment they are under your roof. If they do not, you need to have a long talk with them. And, the conversation should not end until it is abundantly clear and they understand. Remember, it is you with the permission slips. You are the one that calls the shots. If not, take all permission and belongings that are completely unnecessary for living from them, i.e. cell phones, computers, t.v.s, ipods, video games, books [non-school]. When they come home to a bed and 4 walls, it’s amazing how school work gets done faster. And, I don’t mean hide it. I mean ebay all of it, or better yet donate it. You might be reading this and say it’s too harsh or it’s overboard, but there is no reason to tolerate anything other than parental respect from your child or worse abuse from your own child. And, you should not be a “throw up your hands” and sigh type of person about the situation.

5. lastly your friends. you may have “friends” that are not all that positive around you or to you. If they fall into the behavior listed, you need to have a talk with them or evaluate the situation on your own.

I want you to take out the trash in your life. Do a little bit of spring cleaning. I would like for you to flex your mental muscles. And, I want you to grow. I think that a lot of adults accept things as ordinary, because they don’t want to rock the boat. Whether it’s family, or friends, or coworkers, if they are stifling you, if they are stopping you from growing, if you are being boxed in, you need to remove them or yourself.

This self improvement tip is my way of giving back for the very rich and enjoyable life I’ve led so far. I see so many people suffering and tolerating things, they have no business putting up with, children that disrespect them; bosses that take advantage; spouses that whole sale dishonor them; and friends that despise them. Why put up with this? We must continually grow and learn, until we are old and grey and sit in our rockers. Then hopefully you took my self improvement advice and can look back and smile without regrets.

Next, I would like to discuss growing daily. And, we’ll revisit the social circle reconstruction again.

Kevin Cardinale of Boundless Enterprise

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