Slashing Welfare: Racist Rhetoric or Sound Dollar Policies

Slashing Welfare: Racist Rhetoric or Sound Dollar Policies

white welfare queenWhen Reagan talked about a Black “welfare queen” that made $150,000, drove a Cadillac and lived on welfare [it was later discovered it was all a lie] and he spoke of slashing welfare, was it just to get votes or was he trying to reform federal spending to return to sound dollar policies.

In keeping with their “republicans are racist”, Democrats often say that Republicans say that they are going to cut social programs, because they are against Black people.

The statement itself is racist on every level.  Real data [not wikipedia] shows that more white single mothers are on social programs than the entire population of Blacks that even live in the country, but Democrats somehow try to slip in the idea that welfare is a “Black” thing, AND that they are battling the racism of Republicans by trying to increase social program spending.

The ultimate recipient winner of Democrat spending increases are white women.

Other than Reagan, I have not heard a Republican say in the same breath that welfare is a Black thing and that we need to cut it. It is more of Democrats trying to smear Republicans to show their “difference”, which also isn’t true, since if they increase social spending, the government grows, which benefits Democrats and Republicans.

Now, are Republicans serious about slashing welfare to return to sound dollar policies or is it just rhetoric to gain votes from white secret-racist voters.

Proof: there are no classical liberals alive today

Proof: there are no classical liberals alive today

posit: there are no classical liberals alive today.

evidence: all “liberals” belong to the democrat party; the leaders of the party are globalists AND collectivists. these are the exact opposite of classical liberal ideology. anyone in the party espousing classical liberal beliefs are summarily shouted down and told to get in step with the leadership of the party.

ergo: there are no classical liberals alive today.

Thomas Jefferson THE Classical Liberal
  1. a classical liberal is not a socialist
  2. a classical liberal does not believe in a strong government
  3. a classical liberal does not believe in the nanny state
  4. a classical liberal does not believe in the supreme authority of the police
  5. a classical liberal does not believe in income taxes on individuals
  6. a classical liberal does not believe in using the army as a strong arm of international corporations to rob countries of their own resources
  7. a classical liberal does not believe in neo-colonialism
  8. a classical liberal does not believe in communism
  9. a classical liberal does not believe in government welfare
  10. a classical liberal does not believe in crony-capitalism
We as Black people need to study this list hard, very hard.  We as Black people need to understand this list and exactly what it means. 
We Black people are standing behind Barrack Obama, just because he’s a half-breed Black person. But, we are adults and we need to get over that simpleton thinking and look at what he’s doing. He is doing all 10 of the things that I just said a classical liberal would not do.
It is a shame when grown Black folks act so dumb on a subject so important, simply based on race. We need to grow up and recognize that, that Black face is not the man you really want representing you.
Who gives a good god damn, that he’s Black? Who really cares? Yes, people voted for Bush, because he was simple enough, that they thought they’d enjoy a beer with him. Yes, people voted for Clinton, because he was a simple redneck that they could relate to. But, this corruption in Washington has gone way overboard. We need to stop voting for president because he’s good looking – we’re not dating him. We need to stop voting for president because he’s simple – he has got to be far more intelligent than that. We need to stop voting for president because he’s common – we don’t need a common leader.
Hell, they are all filthy rich. And, we need to stop kidding ourselves, thinking they are not. They are not common. They are not simple. They are not down with the struggling Black man. They are not your hommie. Your hommie does not drive a stretch armored limo, last time you checked? 
We are handing the keys to the kingdom to a man, that is in the position of the most powerful person on the planet, and we’re being stupified into thinking he’s a classical liberal.
The man has told you time and time AND TIME again he’s a communist, socialist, globalist, cronyist, oligarchist, neo-colonialist, nannyist and bureauchratist.
No globalist is going to do a damn thing for a Black person. No socialist is going to do a damn thing for a Black person. No police state worshiper is going to do a damn thing for a Black person.

For Blacks: The Blanket Truth (video)

Dustin Hoffman: I Heart Huckabees

The Blanket is Everything

I don’t often post an article that is extremely high brow.  I think for my non-returning readers, i.e. the kids that happen to wander upon my blog, they don’t “get me”.  I write actually MAINLY for them.  Yes I dumb down my blog for the greatest idiots to understand me.  I am sure, quite a few of you will be laughing at that statement, because, I call dumbing down my blog dropping it to a masters degree level.  I’m trying.  Not only do readers not “get me”, but advertisers don’t get me either.  Imagine if you will, a nerd guy in a plaid shirt, with glasses, tape in the middle of the glasses, and a pocket protector full of pens and a scientific calculator, then maybe you’ll “get me”.  Of course, I look nothing like that, and stand 6’2 with muscles, but I have a full on nerd side to me.

Why the preamble?  Because, I am about to take the kid gloves off and hit you will full high brow thinking.  I want you to put on your best thinking, alter ego, super-consciousness thinking cap.  I want you to sit down, and read these few quick sentences and watch this video.  I want you to think, not of yourself, but the entire universe, God, existence and the entirety of time.

Why did i put this under the For Blacks title?

What, Blacks cant’ be intellectual?  Of course we can.  So for this topic, we’re going to go deep deep into that place we never admit:  That this entire United States experiment with humans has been a complete and utter failure and joke.  We have had unwashed, inbred, low brow white people sicked on us for about a good three centuries for us to feel inferior, for nothing.  This whole notion of racism, classicism, sexism, and the separation of all humanity is a lie.  Nowhere in the bible did it ever say “God said let black and white men not eat the same bread”.  I do not care if you do not believe in God, but that is an excellent place to start.  If God placed us all on this planet together, who told us that we are all separate.  Not every leopard looks the same, yet they never fight each other or try to subjugate each other.  If humans are so superior to the rest of the planet, whey do we painstakingly indulge in hating each other for simply being alive?

There are people above people above people above people that have pitted all of us against each other.  I want you to imagine for 30 minutes, what the world would be like if all humans had joined together from the time of Adam and had never ever saw a difference between us.

I want you to imagine how much more advanced we would be if we had pooled ALL of our resources, as we got them, and worked towards the furthering of the HUMAN RACE.  I am not talking about communism.  I am talking about the complete acceptance of our differences and beliefs.

Why am i saying this?  I believe that we are missing a very LARGE and HUGE lesson that is all around us, and we are not seeing it.

Let me give you an example:

  • there are plants that know animals will eat them, so they make sure their seeds are completely immune to the stomach juices of the animals, and then are deposited inside the dung of the animals and sprout up, a new plant
  • there are plants that know that humans will eat their leaves, so the leaves nourish the humans the best, so that humans will plant more and more of that plant
  • there are plants that know bees will pollinate them if they come to their flowers, so they change their flower colors into the color spectrum that bees can see, and thereby attract the bees
  • there are trees that are hundreds of years old who’s seeds are so tough that they can withstand fires that surely come every 100 years, and only sprout until after the fires are gone, in fact they are only allowed to sprout until a fire had baked the outer skin off of it

Do you notice a pattern here?  If you only thought about plants, you missed the point.  I gave those plant examples, because I don’t think some of you would believe animals would give their life, so that humans could raise more animals, or that the sun falls on the dirt and turns the dirt into nourishing rich earth, which plants can flourish in, which then nourishes us when we eat the plant.

What am I trying to say?

The universe is connected.  We are connected to the planet.  We are a part of the dirt, plants, animals and sunlight.  All of us are connected.  Every human walking the face of the planet is related, if you go back far enough.  If you are Muslim, does not every Muslim trace his ancestry back to Mohamed?  Some of you might think that is fantasy, but the reality that everyone is related is far more technically right than every Muslim being related to Mohamed.

I present to you this brief clip of “The Blanket Theory”.  I want you to watch the clip over and over and over and over until you apply it to every possible difference you think you can come up with.  I want you all to start by saying how you are completely different from ME.  How you and I have never met.  How you and I will never meet.  Then I want you to watch the clip and see how we have already met.

I normally hate anything Hollywood does.  They are in fact money grubbing sharks that are out just to keep you as stupid as possible.  SOMETIMES, an artist squeaks something by like this.   Ostensibly the Dustin Hoffman character is asking the other character to apply his theory JUST to his case he’s working on.  However, any fool can see that this entire scene wasn’t talking about this stupid case, but the entire universe.  What is bad about the movie itself, is that it doesn’t take itself serious.  The writer didn’t think it would make it past the censors, i.e. producers with money, nor the viewing public.  Why on earth would existentialism be hoisted on drunken peasants that worship American Idol.  I lament that the writer didn’t think he could get this past the sharks, and the idiots who watch Fox News, or CNN for that matter.

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In Plain English: Single Payer Health Insurance

Single Payer Health Insurance

There is a huge debate raging over health care and health care reform. People throw around terms that no everyone knows. Namely, because most Americans are not sick and don’t deal with the medical community on a daily basis. Today I’d like to discuss one of the terms being thrown around: Single Payer Health Insurance.

The president and all members of the legislature all have single payer health insurance already. And, they’ve had it for years and years.

I’m not one to mince words, and I like to keep everything in perspective. I am by no means a bleeding heart and seek ultimately that no one pays taxes. Our government was not put in place to run our lives and does not need trillions of dollars to run itself. Let me then first say:

Passing legislation regarding health care is unconstitutional. Congress, and the president do not have the constitutional authority to pass such laws.

Putting things in perspective. In a previous post I said that 50 million Americans were uninsured for health care. I am one of them. The politicians throw out this number to scare you. Then they say that these people die without health care. That actual number is 22,000 unnecessary deaths each year due to uninsurance. I want to just put that in perspective. That is a tiny number. It is an insignificant number compared to a population that grows by millions each month. There are several million people that enter the United States each month; or are born each month. 22,000 people dieing from being uninsured is so statistically insignificant to not even warrant the scare tactics they use. Notice they never tell you that number? So then if only 22,000 die in an entire year from being uninsured what do the other nearly 50 million people do without insurance? They pay for it out of pocket, that’s what.

But I digress… Let’s move on to single payer health insurance.

Single payer health insurance is a system by which the health care expenditures of an entire population are paid for through one source – the Federal government or a subcontracting entity – using tax revenue from individuals and employers.

In essence this would be national insurance. Note that this is not national health care. Note this is not national medicine. This only covers the insurance costs.

Distinctly different from socialized medicine, whereby the government owns and operates health care facilities, a “single payer system” is simply a financing mechanism. The government collects and allocates money for health care but has little to no involvement in the actual delivery of services. Care is provided privately at hospitals and clinics but paid for publicly.

I think the power to pay a bill is the power to dictate to you how that bill is paid, i.e. although it says now it will not dictate how the medicine is delivered or who to receive it from, just give it a month.

Individuals are allowed to choose their providers, and physicians are either compensated on a fee-for-service basis or paid salaries by hospitals that receive an annual global budget or by nonprofit health maintenance organizations.

In essence this would simply eleminate your insurance company. You would still go to the same doctor or hospital. Single payer health insurance is just how those people would be paid.

All medically necessary services are covered by the insurance, including primary care and prevention, prescription drugs, long term care, mental health, substance abuse treatment, dental services, and vision care.

Supposedly you can no longer be turned down for a pre-existing condition. You could be treated for anything you have and it includes not only medical, but dental and vision as well.

Services are delivered based on need rather than on ability to pay. Coverage is uninterrupted and equal for everyone, thus ending the dependency of health care access upon employment status.

You would have the option of keeping your employers insurance or opting into the national insurance. Be careful here. Currently you are being paid less at your work so that companies can cover your insurance. If your company dropped the insurance, would they pay you more? That’s another drawback to this.

Single payer health insurance would save money by vastly reducing administration and paperwork and by giving the Federal government bargaining power to procure medications in bulk. Even more significant than the savings that a single payer system achieves are the universal coverage and comprehensive benefits it provides, thereby realizing the right of every person to quality health care.

I don’t buy this. But, currently 30% of the money paid into health care right now goes to pay salaries, administation and profits of insurance companies and has nothing to do with health care. Would a national program eleminate this expenditure? Not likely, unless instead of making and agency they just made a computer to process it. Which, they actually could do. Half the time banking today is done 40% of the time just through computers and no human is needed.

Hospital billing would be virtually eliminated. Instead, hospitals would receive an annual lump-sum payment from the government to cover operating expenses—a “global budget.” A separate budget would cover such expenses as hospital expansion, the purchase of technology, marketing, etc.

Now this is true. Instead of hiring a huge adminstrative staff at each and every hospital, they could have the nurse swipe your card and the rest of it would be pure doctor patient interaction. They could then afford to hire more doctors and nurses.

Doctors would have three options for payment: fee-for-service, salaried positions in hospitals, and salaried positions within group practices or HMOs. Fees would be negotiated between a representative of the fee-for-service practitioners (such as the state medical society) and a state payment board. In most cases, government would serve as administrator, not employer.

In essence doctors would not have to worry about administration themselves. This would simply continue the same compensation avenues it does today. Already big corporations hire doctors, or small companies or private practices.

The program would be federally financed and administered by a single public insurer at the state or regional level. Premiums, copayments, and deductibles would be eliminated. Employers would pay a 7.0 percent payroll tax and employees would pay 2.0 percent, essentially converting premium payments to a health care payroll tax. 90 to 95 percent of people would pay less overall for health care. Financing includes a $2 per pack cigarette tax.

In essence they are saying, doctor visit, hospital visit, swipe your card and you’re done. However be careful this doesn’t lead to a national I.D. card whereby they can track your every move and your constitutional freedoms are completely removed. This entire system is a very slippery slope.

For Profit Healthcare Insurers

More facts:
The insurance lobby spent $512,042,660 in 2008. In May of this year, 2009, they spent $1 Million in advertising alone.

They do not want a single payer as an option. It would completely cut them out. However current health insurance usefulness is obsolete. Health insurance should only be used for catastrophic health treatment to begin with. The current health insurance industry is hugely wasteful. They seek to optimize profits at the expense of the patients.

Understand this: another fact – health insurers do not pay for the truly sick in this country. We tax payers do. They dump off all sick people on the government under the medicare program and the tax payer pays for it.

This is what no one is talking about.

As far as I’m concerned health insurance companies have outlived their usefulness and are now just vultures feeding on people and taking their monthly premiums. They grow those premiums each and every year. If someone tells you otherwise, they are just ignorant or lying to you.

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Are the Police Here to Protect You?

It is a strange notion. But it has been building for some 40 years now. If you are Black in America, 90% of the time, the police will watch you with suspicion. [ I will admit I’m not white, so I can’t go into those numbers ] Categorically, the police are not here to protect African American, U.S. citizens. Categorically, the police are here to incarcerate, harass, fine, watch and apply any and all obscure laws they see fit to subdue African Americans.

As a whole, are police here to protect all of us? No! The police are here to chaperon and guard the citizens. The entire population is thrown into one pool, and that is “them”. They have an “us” versus “them” philosophy.

This entire notion stems from the collectivism view point. The very people that wanted police protection, went over board and are not being just as watched and harassed as the rest of us.

What is collectivism? Collectivism is worse than communism, fascism, nazism, socialism. The underlying factor to all of them is collectivism. The theory is that the group is more important than the individual. The individual if necessary must be sacrificed for the greater good of the group. Even the notion of a democracy is based on the concept of majority rule. We in America are taught that our country is a democracy. The fact is, the founding fathers, to a man, did not want our country to be based on a democracy. A bad example would be a lynch mob voting to lynch the minority. The founding fathers knew this and wanted us to be a republic, a constitutional republic. This constitution would be to limit the majority, i.e. government.

Analyze the individualist against the collectivist. The founding fathers believed in the rights of the individuals. You can readily see this in all of the “ratified” amendments to the constitution. The individualist doesn’t sacrifice the individual for the greater good. The collectivist does.

Let us step out of this definition and see how it’s implemented. On the surface the collectivist might believe they are right and nice and want for the safety of citizens, however, the individualist does as well. The collectivist thinks that it’s their obligation to force people to do things which protects themselves. How? By passing laws that has penalties if you do not do these things. The individualist is the exact opposite. The individualist wouldn’t pass a law which would penalize someone for not doing something to protect themselves, they may post signs.

The collectivist ideology is now indoctrinated in our schools. As a child you are taught to believe that citizens should want to have laws that force them to do things for their own good.

How does that apply to the police? Most of the laws, on the books today, are collectivist laws: buckle your seat belt; wear a helmet. It is a collectivist notion that driving is a privilege. I can imagine jaws dropping at that notion. Step back for a second and consider this. The founding fathers would never have thought the state, or government, could tell an individual he could not drive a vehicle he purchased with his own money. It is a collectivist notion that we need police to watch over us, which is exactly what the police have become.

Instead of police being master minds of figuring out, watching and apprehending evil individuals and removing them from society, we have police enforcing collectivist laws and applying them to all citizens. The government tells you to send your child to school, and taxes you for the privilege. In fact, they tax you for people that don’t pay taxes for school. Imagine 100 years ago, they didn’t have government run schools, no taxes, no administration, no bureaucrats, no school boards. They even tax you for the police to enforce children to go to school that don’t want to be in school.

When you think of the police, do you honestly think of them as baby sitters? Do you think that is supposed to be their job definition? Do you like being taxed for that?

The argument against me is:

but what if someone wrecks their car into mine? We need police to sort it out. We need laws to tell us who can and can not drive on the roads for our own safety.

That is a pure collectivist brain washing going on. Imagine if this were 1812. You are on your farm and you send your eldest boy, to town to buy corn feed for the cattle. Someone barrels down the dirt road and side swipes the wagon and maims the horse. Who would take care of that? You would of course. You would tell your neighbor to buy you new wheels for the carriage, and buy you a new horse, because you have to shoot the lame one. The wagon store supplies the wheels and the horse ranch supplies the new horse. Your neighbor isn’t thrown in jail, his farm doesn’t go to waste and life continues.

Why did i put that example so far back in time? Because, I think people can see how ridiculous collectivist laws are with such a glaring example. For those hard liners that say the neighbor still should go to jail, imagine that neighbor is the slaughter house. You’d have to travel a day, if you had a wagon, but you don’t because you put the neighbor in jail, not ask him for money, just to get to the nearest slaughterhouse. But, because of the distance and time, all your meat is ruined by the time you get back. So not only is your neighbor ruined, but so are you, and so is the town you provide meat for.

Do you think those are too dramatic? Imagine, fast forward to now, you throw a man in jail, who was going to work and wrecked into you. The family he was feeding starves and dies. Or, worse, they all become wards of the state, and you pay more taxes to take care of them. Multiply that by 10 million and you have a notion of what these collectivist laws are doing to this country.

Another argument is:

People shouldn’t do drugs and should go to jail for it. We need police to protect us from drugs and drug dealers.

No, we do not. If you can imagine, I went to school and children did drugs and talked about drugs, and i never once in my life did drugs. I don’t even drink alcohol nor smoke. So obviously the enforcement doesn’t work and we don’t need the enforcement to begin with. If people want to do drugs, that’s is their business, who are you to tell them they shouldn’t. Even a parent has no more say so over their children’s habits, especially these days. If you can’t force your child not to wear that old blue sweater he loves, what makes you think you have the right to tell someone else’s child not to do drugs and force them not to?

Government and the police are made for one thing and that’s what they should be sticking to. That one thing is protecting us, from those that would do us direct harm. Someone smoking cigarettes in the hall is not direct harm, we don’t need laws to tell them to stop smoking cigarettes. We don’t need the police to be paid to tell people to stop smoking cigarettes or stop using their cell phones while driving.

Do the police protect us? No! Crime rates have remained the same for over 100 years. Even, with the incarceration of millions of African American males, the crime rates have remained the same. Oh, did you think putting Black men in jail did something to crime? No, the numbers don’t lie. Crime rates have remained the same for over 100 years. The reason so many Black men are in jail? To make all the privately run jails money. To make the government run jails money, by taxing you more and more. Crime rates have remained the same for over 100 years.

Kevin Cardinale of Boundless Enterprise

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