Black Middle Class: The Problem with Black Business Districts

Black Middle Class: The Problem with Black Business Districts

No Help From the Outside

black business conferenceThe very biggest problem, and one that is consistent, since Black man met white man, is that the white man insinuates himself into our affairs.

We as Black people have to understand and internalize that we are grown adults. We do not need anyone’s help. We don’t need white money. We don’t need white planning. We don’t need white expertise. We don’t need white advice. We don’t need white caring. We don’t need white outreach. We don’t need white set asides. We don’t need white intervention. We don’t need white coalition. We don’t need white professionals. We don’t need white financiers. We don’t need white economists. We don’t need anyone white.

Now, that goes DOUBLE for all other ethnic groups. Every god damned time Black people even hint at forming something, here come white people saying: no make it “minority” and include mexicans and asians. Yet, there is no Mexican “minority” district, nor asian “minority” district. We’re always told to include everyone else under our umbrella.

Continue reading Black Middle Class: The Problem with Black Business Districts

African American Manifesto: My Black Agenda for Mellenium 2000

African American Manifesto: My Black Agenda for Millennium 2000

African Slaves[I am touched that you wrote me. I have been planning to start a Black business bureau for some time now. I have not written out the plan, but this seems as good a time as any. This letter will not only go to you, but I am now, because you inspired me, will be sending this out to every Black church, Black politician, Black organization in the entire country. I can dedicate a few thousand to this letter and campaign. I am also an online marketing genius and will be doing a major press release of this letter as well. Thank you for inspiring me. Here’s my response to you.]

When African slaves were sold or stolen from Africa, they were first sent to an island just off the coast of west Africa. On this island, they were mind-wiped and the men were brainwashed against the women. For, 95% of Africans were sent to central and south America. In central and south America Africans could hope to live the ripe old age of 23. However, they actually were treated quite a bit better, since they learned skills. However, because their death rate was so high, they never grew in population.

Well, what about that 5% that was sent to America? Because the US had a constitution that said “all men are created equal”, Americans went overboard to make sure Africans were never seen as humans. They went through TWO different mind-wiping sessions. One off the coast of Louisiana, and a 3rd at the auction blocks. However,they were treated with kid gloves, compared to south America. However, they were kept as dumb as rocks. They learned absolutely nothing and it was forbidden to teach them anything, by law. Americans were deathly afraid they would revolt, which actually happened several time, but was kept to just that city. One town was completely slaughtered by Africans. There is even a famous painting about it, however this is not taught in public education.

When slavery was abolished in the US, Africans had been able to live to a much higher age than in south America and grew to be 30% of the population. However, these Africans had been mind-wiped 3 separate times, stripped of religion, origin, family, and culture. Upon their release they knew nothing, literally nothing.

Africans had to teach themselves how to read and write, make a family, farm for themselves, etc. Two things they could not teach themselves: their religion; their cultural origins. Even with these horrible odds, Africans became 80% literate in 50 years, something unheard of in human history.

While there were Africans that flourished in the new free era, most barely got by. A lot were slaughtered by racist white people who saw African freedmen as an economic threat to their livelihood. Many new laws were passed to keep tools out of the Africans hands; minimum wage laws were passed to keep people from hiring Africans; and anything produced by Africans was not allowed to come to market. Many African farmers went under from not being able to sell their produce.

The answer is not a question of just pouring money into the modern African American community. It requires a COMPLETE overhaul.

  • – branding: African Americans need to be branded as a viable and independent political group with our own identity, culture, religion and origin from Africa
  • – BRANDING: we need to produce new art, media, entertainment that if Pan-African, African centered and African inspired, with Africans as the only people in such media [THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL OTHER POINTS]
  • – we need to denounce any and all other groups that try to co-op our history, culture and art, who systematically claim it as their own and as their origination [like the Egyptian story; jewish story; our music; our culture]
  • – as a political group we need to acquire and send lobbyist to every state legislature and the federal congress, to lobby for African political and economic gains [NOT CIVIL RIGHTS]; we need things like the war on drugs stopped, which was intended and used as a racial profiling thing to send Africans into the prison system, to the tune of 75% of all Africans in prison today are there based on drug charges, to the tune of a $75 BILLION a year price tag; we need to remove all racist legislation; we need to understand, read and hold politicians responsible to the constitution, which is our best and only way to eradicate racist legislation; we need to remove Africans off of all social welfare legislation, this has destroyed the African family
  • black married couple and kids– as an independent political group we need to divorce ourselves from the Democrat party; if we are serious about our independence we need to have the capability to vote as a group; voting for the Democrat party has made the Democrats take our votes and voice for granted
  • – we need to control African finance and African money; we need to open and gather in every city African run, operated and owned credit unions; we need to aggressively educate and finance African business; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd parties that are financing and control African business
  • – we need to control all African disposable income and spending; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd parties that are selling commodities in our communites and to Africans in America
  • – we need to control all African necessary expenditures, this includes food, energy and real property; we need to arrest and stop any 3rd party that controls necessities Africans have to pay for
  • – we need to go into our communities, move back in, fix them up, and open up all forms of business that Africans need and use on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis; we need to target and pick locations that have high concentrations of Africans already in them and do our best to move out 3rd parties; we need to open up convenience stores, credit unions, grocers, transportation and everything else needed, in each community so that Africans do not need to go outside of the community to spend money.
  • – we need to start regional stock markets that trade in African produce, commodities, and equities in African firms; this will get African farmers to produce and transport their produce to African stores as one big giant economic circle
  • – we need to connect these regional stock markets with stock markets in the motherland, which are now booming and coming online; 2 new major stock markets have come online recently in Africa and they need more business
  • – we need to understand that marriage is the most stabilizing social factor in our modern time, and we need to encourage our community to get married at every opportunity; marriage also is very strategic and economically good for both people; we need to launch a national campaign to encourage Africans to marry each other; we need to put African marriage in front of our people, through pictures, art, music, entertainment and as a sound business strategy [since it is more economic to be married]
  • – we need to purchase and take private, all historically Black Colleges; we need to control all African education; we need to arrest and stop 3rd parties from mis-educating our African youth, young adults and young professionals; this is exactly what all other groups do; we need to open and start vocational and skill based education for high school and young African adults; we need to access and encourage our youth to understand what they are good at, what they desire and to realize that college is not the answer for nearly 60% of the population; we need to educate our youth that colleges are a business and that they are putting out propaganda that you “should” go to college, in order to rake in money, at the young African’s expense, which they’ll be paying for, for decades; we need to encourage our young African to develop skills, such as automotive, electrical, plumbing etc, for blue collar paychecks, instead of minimum wage

If we are to survive this next century, we need to take some serious stock of what we are doing. We need to realize that, unless we get organized and think of ourselves as a group, we will be treated as chattel, misused, miseducated, and state dependent victims to a socialist state, with our wealth stolen year after year.

As it stands now, Africans in America cannot do anything to protect, save or help our countries in the motherland. Our people are being raped, murdered and wealth stolen by nearly every western power on the planet, and now Asia is getting in on the taking. We need to clean our house and get it in order.

Traitorous, Double-Crossing, Quisling Black People

Traitorous, Double-Crossing, Quisling Black People

Is it alright if you innocently do not study history and yet convince your fellow African-American that Democrat is the way to go? Is it alright if you do absolutely no research and trust the news to tell you that Democrat is the party for Black Americans? Is it alright that you listen to urban myth that Democrats want to help Black people and somehow usher in a new golden age for Black people.

A lot of Black people have no interest in researching, thinking or studying politics and what the best approach is. They go to their church and rely on their preacher to tell them how to vote. Nonsense. Meanwhile the preacher is being paid thousands of dollars to tell them to vote for such and so, selling the entire congregation down the river.

Truth be told, most Black people concentrate more on sports, music and who’s doing who, than concentrating on whether or not a supposed Black man is selling them down the river in the white house. Truth be told, most Black people could tell you the draft picks, starting line up and last season results of their favorite sport, but could not tell you any legislation that was passed in the last 8 years.

I made a vow to myself when i was 7. I vowed that the world did not need another Black ahtlete, singer, dancer. It needed intelligent superior Black people. I was to be one of those people. I do not open my mouth, nor put words down on paper nor machine, without first checking, cross referencing and getting historical backdrop.

If I say the Democratic party is not good for Black people, I need people to trust that upon my reputation that it is the correct thing to say. I need people to be a little bit more intellectual than they are used to. I need them to draw upon 200 years of experience and historical facts to keep up with what I am saying. For fifty years the Black population shifted from the Republican party to the Democrat party. For those fifty years, Black buying power has gone from $1.1 trillion in 1950 adjusted for inflation, to $1.1 trillion in 2012? That’s right folks, Blacks have made no gains.

How is it that Blacks command a staggering $1.1 trillion yearly in buying power and yet are 10 times poorer than whites?

The 2001 Consumer Expenditure Survey showed that, despite their lower income, African Americans spent more on telephone services, utilities, shoes and children’s apparel than whites. As a proportion of their total household income, blacks spend more on groceries, housing, utilities, female clothing and personal care.

The average married black household’s income is around $48,000 – less for a single parent household.  Moreover, in terms of income, the gap between whites and blacks has nearly quadrupled in the last 30 years, mainly because blacks typically earn 68 cents for every dollar whites earn.  Add to this the above average unemployment rate among African- Americans and the fact that the housing bust wiped out whatever equity black folks had been able to accumulate.

According to one study, blacks in lower-income neighborhoods are more reliant on smaller grocery stores which carry more expensive goods. The same could be said for housing, transportation and car insurance.  This should let us know that there are plenty of other barriers in place, including racism and classism, which seem to prohibit blacks from capitalizing economically on so-called disposable income.  Likewise, the growth of black businesses has yet to be allowed equal access to markets where black folks tend to shop for phone service, electricity; natural gas and groceries.  So it is inevitable that the “black dollar” will always find a route out of the community.

The majority of Black people are married, educated, middle to upper middle-class and are employed.

We are not welfare, food stamp people. Yet the Democrats try and portray that they are being kind and generous and offering “us” welfare and food stamps. It’s a brain washing game. The U.S. is headed towards a communist agenda. Do you honestly think white people would embrace having Black people on an equal economic footing, in a communist system? No, they would not.

And, Obama is not in control of anything. Hoping that because someone has a Black face, makes them pro-Black is juvenile, at best. It’s idiotic when the man shows you time and time again that he is not pro-anything other than wallstreet.

Blacks have lost 65% of their wealth under Obama. Anyone trying to defend him, is not someone I would call a friend. Because, defending that is traitorous to the Black American community.

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For Blacks: I Am Unapologetic

I Am Unapologetic for Discussing Black Issues

Time and again when I mention the word Black in mixed [read white] company, I immediately get harassed and get the “why does it have to be a Black issue”.  What’s worse is, when I bring up a Black issue in the company of a young Black man and he does the whole Sambo dance in front of me about how “color blind” he is.  For instance last night I was having a conversation with two tourists, both young Black men.  The one was discussing how he was staying at a hotel shaped like a pyramid.  I made the joking comment how all of the fixtures and decorations depicted the Africans as being white.  The Black man that made the comment went into a tirade of how it shouldn’t be a Black issue.  The two Puerto Ricans and his own friend tried to explain what I had said to him.  We all finally gave up when he continued to stand by how I had said something remotely offensive or racist, even after the Puerto Ricans pointed out that it was racist to depict Africans as being white.

I find it offensive when people attack me for mentioning Black issues.  As far as I can tell, noone is talking about Black issues.  Oh, people are talking about “latino” issues.  People are talking about women’s issues.  People are talking about Jewish issues.  Absolutely noone is talking about how the Black community is being defined by the media and being destroyed.  Noone is talking about how Black women are gracing the covers of XXL, King and SSX looking like complete prostitutes, with distended breasts and distended behinds.  Noone is talking about how although the U.S. Black buying power has risen from $318 billion in 1990, to $590 billion in 2000, to $799 billion last year, and will rise to $1.1 trillion in 2011 – a 237 percent increase in 22 years, they still have the lowest median household income of ALL races in America, even if you included Latino as a race [which it is not].  Noone is talking about that Blacks spent a larger percentage of their income on natural gas, electricity, telephone services, and footwear, and a higher proportion of their money on groceries, housing and women’s and girls’ clothing than others.  Noone is talking about that Black consumers account for almost nine cents out of every U.S. dollar spent.

I am unapologetic for discussing the complete lack of Black financial education.  Wells Fargo is under investigation as being the TOP reserve-redlining bank in the entire country.  And how were they capable of single-handedly taking down nearly all of the Black wealth in the country?  By targeting Black folks who were completely financially non-savvy.

You want to harass and complain about me discussing Black issues?  Take down Fox.  Take down Rush Limbaugh.  Take down Michael Reagan.  Take down Michael Savage.  Take down Bill O’Reilly.  Take down Pat Robertson.  Take down Glenn Beck.  Take down Ann Coulter.  I will never apologize while these … people are up and running with their hate mongering, fear mongering and divisionary revision of current history.

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