Leave the Black Community Out of the Feminist vs Men’s Rights War

Leave the Black Community Out of it

stokely carmichaelThere is a growing warfare in the white communities of America, Canada and Europe. The sides are the Feminists vs the PUA, MGTOW AND MRA.

The feminists get billions of dollars worldwide annually. They get laws passed like any domestic violence call, a policeman is required to arrest the man, regardless of evidence, regardless if he is the very one that called the police on the wife. They get laws passed like, if a woman merely claims any abuse in the home, in a paternity rights proceeding, the police, child protective services and court is to immediately deny all paternity rights to the man. They get laws passed like, if a woman merely claims abuse, violence or even mere aggression [i.e. strong words] the man can be removed from his own home and forbidden from returning, by law, upon threat of incarceration.

In reaction to this the MRA formed, to remove such laws and give men their constitutional rights. In response to this the MGTOW AND PUA split from that movement, seeing it as useless. The MGTOW and PUA are of the attitude that the system is broken, beyond repair and that the MRA is simply spinning its wheels.

This is purely a white community argument. This is purely a privileged group thumbing their nose at another privileged group. And, in the process they’re throwing people in jail, they’re breaking up homes and they’re rendering kids fatherless, without any fathers in their lives.

The argument that this is about some vengeance against supposed wrong doing by some imaginary patriarchy falls and should fall on deaf ears in the Black community. While white women might think they have some beef with their white husbands, Black women have no such beef with their Black husbands. Black men and women got the right to vote at the very same instant that white women got to vote. Nearly everything that the first and second suffrage movement accomplished for white women, by proxy included the entire Black community.

However, the feminists keep trying to suck in Black women, and by proxy oppose Black men. We don’t need any more enemies. We don’t need our Black wives to start coming out against us. This is not our fight. We don’t have a dog in this fight. Our women weren’t oppressed by us. When the Black man was beaten and hung in trees, we had to rely on the Black women, that white feminists are now trying to embrace so tightly, to keep our kids alive, fed and clothed. When our young Black gentlemen are illegally searched, fabricated with charges, denied due process, denied real legal representation and sentenced to over the maximum allowed by law, we have to rely on our Black ladies to rear our children.

Leave the Black community out of your fight. Stop poisoning our young Black gentlemen against our young Black ladies. Stop poisoning our young Black ladies against our young Black gentlemen. The Black man never kept the Black woman from voting. The Black man didn’t make the Black woman go to the back of the bus. The Black man never raped the Black woman in the slave quarters. The Black woman never beat the Black man to death out of boredom, and got away scott free without so much as a jury trial.

Stop trying to include the Black community in your shenanigans. We don’t want it. You want us to be equal, then we reserve the right to freely decline your advances to get involved in your mess.