Sisters, Close Your Legs

MTV Ain’t All That

[This article is not for the faint of heart, religious nutcase, purity driven fruit basket or those who don’t have the sense God gave a chigger. If you would rather just look the other way and pretend this doesn’t exist, stop reading now and you can be happier than a dead pig in sunshine.]

Turn on the T.V. today, open up a colorful magazine, read a best selling book, and they all say one thing.


Oh snap. Yeah, I said it. South park even did an episode on it. One of the few episodes where their preachy messages were actually on point. People would rather see you dead if you’re a dumb whore. Now, some of you out there might get offended.

MTV has had a slew of whores on display, from Tila Tequila on down. Now, I’m not saying Tila sleeps around, but to young impressionable kids, the editing comes across on the show as be a whore and you can be rich and famous.

Not to be outdone VH1 came up with their whore of choice: New York from the Flavor Flav – “Flavor of Love”. Now, I’m not saying New York is a whore, but to young impressionable kids, the editing comes across on the show as be a whore and you can be rich and famous.

Now let’s get down to brass tacks. All these shows, showing 1 person “imaginably” having sex with about 30 people in 3 weeks is saying one thing: be a whore, it’s cool.

You don’t see a show that says “Close your legs”, you’ll get a real man that way. Woah! Ask your grandma. Apparently your mama didn’t teach you nothing. Ask your gramgram. She’ll tell you right. “Close your legs” Being a whore, never got a woman anywhere.

People might look down on Christians, but if you follow the bible and it says “close your legs” and get married, they might just be on to something.

How are you going to land a husband, a strong Black brother, with your legs gapped open. That’s an invitation for disaster. Any Tom, Harry or DICK will “come” along and do what they please. And Leave! Woah! Did you read that? Yes, and leave!

If you’re walking along and find a penny on the ground, just as soon as you get good and ready you’ll throw that penny away. Now logically, that penny is worth something right? But, you didn’t risk anything getting that penny. And, it had very little value to you.

The same goes for you gapping your legs open. If your legs are gapped open, they are just as cheap as that free penny you picked up off the ground. No one would even think about sticking around for anything else. And, with so many gapped open legs, you can go from gap to gap to gap to gap. Tell me that ain’t true.

“My baby daddy left me”

First of all, you gapped open your legs. If your mama didn’t teach you nothing, let me end the confusion right here. You gapping your legs open, not only leads to diseases, possible death and other nasty things, but it also leads to having babies. If you are a cheap whore, who gives a care about you. Who gives a care if you’re pregnant or not. That’s on you.

Harsh? No no, sister girl, them’s the facts. If you’re a cheap whore and you get pregnant, expect nothing but pain and misery.

“oh if my daughter came home pregnant, I’d still love her”

Seriously, what the hell? If my daughter came home pregnant… wait. My daughter ain’t’ gonna come home pregnant. She’d know I’d kill her on the spot. And, no daughter of mine would be a cheap whore.

It’s a bunch of hogwash to say you’d still love your pregnant whore of a daughter. A father would be so ashamed.

Expect misery, if you’re a cheap whore. Expect not to get a real man, if you’re a cheap whore. I am not pulling any punches.

“black men are dead beat fathers”

No, no they aren’t. A study was done that shows Black fathers are THE most likely to spend time and quality time with their children. In fact, a Black man is more apt to take the child away from the cheap whore.

  • if you have sex with someone other than your husband, you’re a cheap whore
  • if you’re not married and you have sex, you’re a cheap whore
  • if you think sex is for fun, you’re a cheap whore

I’m sure plenty of you reading this will reject this. Just because the news parades cheap whores in from of you day and night, doesn’t make it right. Right is as right does. It is right to wait to get married to have sex. It is right to save yourself before marriage. It is right to be a virgin before marriage. It is right to be chaste before marriage.

That is what’s right. Being a cheap whore is not right.

Wanna solve half the Black community problems? Live right. Live and upright life. Live a righteous life.

Let me ask you: how many problems would you have if you did not have sex before marriage. Imagine you didn’t change anything else about yourself?

Now don’t say “if I don’t have sex before marriage, I’ll be alone.” CLUE PHONE! 70% of all Black women are ALREADY alone. So obviously the sex isn’t the problem.

If you completely wiped out of your mind having sex before marriage, you’d be concentrating on things that have nothing to do with sex. Am I right or am I right?

  • you’d concentrate on school
  • you’d concentrate on cooking
  • you’d concentrate on cleaning
  • you’d concentrate on exercising
  • you’d concentrate on learning new things
  • you’d concentrate on being a better person

If you had no fear of having a child out of wedlock, you’d be so free that you would go do all sorts of things.

The reality is, the girl has to protect herself. The reality is, the woman has to protect herself. If the woman protects herself, who cares what a man does. You’re protected. If you protected yourself, I bet half your relationship arguments and angers and frustrations would disappear overnight. The reality is, you have to look out for yourself.

This whole debate about Black woman / Black man would also nearly be over. If the Black woman protected herself and did not have sex before marriage, she could work on herself, her self esteem. Sisters could concentrate on finding a good Black man. Sisters could demand ALL Black men, to be better. Sisters could demand Black boys to stop their pants from sagging, shape up and fly right. Sisters could build up their Black men.


It doesn’t get much clearer than that. Even God leaves you alone to do for yourself. Oh he stops Satan from throwing flaming spears through your heart, but for the most part he leaves you all by yourself.

And, if God leaves you by yourself, that should tell you, you gotta do for yourself.


I write this and other articles out of love. I write this from the depths of my heart. I would not see you in pain, suffering and misery. I think sex is a tiny, unimportant and small thing you could correct.

I also hold the media responsible from changing America from a basically nice, friendly country, to one where the things we shunned are now celebrated: unwed mothers; divorcees; homosexuals. You cannot move humanity forward with these. You can argue all you want about those 3 things, but let’s look at this: if everyone were those 3 things, the human race would die off. Everyone knows that children born without 2 parents aren’t “normal”. Some children cope with it better than others, while some don’t cope at all and have problems. Would you take a chance with your child being one of the ones that couldn’t’ cope? Divorcees automatically means a broken up home. That goes right back to the single moms or dads. Back to the children that can’t cope. Finally, homosexuality! If everyone were homosexual we could not keep the race alive. Trust me on this one. Even if everyone had artificially insemination, humans die fast as hell. It literally would take every possible person who could get pregnant to be artificially inseminated to keep the human race alive. Today’s medicine can’t keep up with the death rate. I’m not talking about hating on homosexuals, I’m talking logistics. Even the spartans, who were all trained to be homosexual, forced their soldiers to come have sex with the women, because they were dying off. And, that’s not fantasy, that’s real humans dying off due to homosexuality.

I write this as if I were your father, and this is what I would want you to know. I would want you to protect yourself as a young Black woman. I would want you to be a lady above all else. I would want you to marry a nice Black man who would want to have a family with you. I would want to send you down the isle to be married.

The media does not want you to see that. They want to sell you papers and t.v., so they show the most bazaar things imaginable. They had shows, showing prostitutes having sex. Why would you watch a channel that did that? We all know what prostitutes do, but do we need to watch that? Is that something worth watching on any normal level?

And, although it’s a double standard, a loose woman is always looked down upon. It might not be fair, but it doesn’t make it right to be a loose woman. Even the very word “loose” means you don’t have your stuff together, means you can’t control yourself, means are not proper. And, it means you’re something “good” men automatically stay away from. Now that’s the part that should concern you. A good man would automatically count you out, if you’re a loose woman. A loose woman has NO value to a good man.

You might cry about not having a good man, but you are creating your own problem.

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