Black Middle Class: Promoting the Black Man in Our Community

Black Middle Class: Promoting the Black Man in Our Community

loving black coupleWith the rise of feminism, a lot of Black women have gotten swept away in the trash. Some Black women recognize that the talking points for the latest feminist movement, do not even apply to Black women. Those have a hard time convincing or making it clear to those that do. What they fail to realize at their base core, is that we are Black first, then divided by economics and then divided by sex. So before even approaching feminism, a Black woman has to wade through racism, and then wade through classicism, to get to the feminist agenda. Those Black women that get it, get it. It doesn’t take much to realize that it is all smoke and mirrors for Black folk. A Black woman in the feminist movement is just another number. There is nothing in the feminist movement for the Black woman, nor is it even beneficial to the Black woman. Except, it does one thing, pits the Black woman against the Black man. And, this is where most Black women wake up suddenly.

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