Sunday: Can You Tell the Difference Between Mithra and Jesus?

Mithra and Jesus I Can’t Tell the Difference Can you?

Take this quiz.  See can you tell the difference between Mithra and Jesus.  What is really mind boggling is that I guarantee your minister / pastor / bishop / priest has no clue about this.  The cover up is so old that even they don’t know about it.  But, I seriously want you to see if you can tell the difference between them.  Keep in mind that Mithra was already 5,000 years old before Jesus suddenly appears out of nowhere.  And, Mithra was the state religion of Rome.  All celebrations were to Mithra.  Now, take the quiz and see if you can tell a difference between Mithra and Jesus.

Happy Sun day!

Mithra vs Jesus Quiz

Mithra Slays the Bull Who’s Blood Gives Life

Jesus was born to The Blessed Virgin Mary in a stable in Bethlehem.
Mithra was born to the Blessed Virgin Myrrha in a stable (some tales state a cave, with these conflicting accounts we can’t say for sure) in Bethlehem.

As per Legend Three wise men from the East bought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh at Jesus birth
As per Legend Three wise men from the East bought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh at Mithras birth

Jesus’ Birth is celebrated between December 25 and January 6.
Mithras Birth is celebrated between December 25 and January 6.

Jesus had Twelve Disciples .
Mithra had twelve Disciples – symbolic of the Zodiac.

Mithra with Lamb on His Shoulders

Jesus resurrection is celebrated every year. on Easter, at which time he was resurrected.
Mithra resurrection was celebrated every year. His principal festival on what was later to become Easter.

Jesus and Mithra were both buried in a tomb and resurrected after three days.
In both religions this is referred to as The Three days of Darkness.

Before being crucified Jesus had his Last Supper with his twelve disciples
Before returning to heaven, Mithra had his Last Supper with his twelve disciples, representing the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Catholics engage in a ritual Eucharist signed by a cross.
Mithraists engaged in a ritual Eucharist signed with a cross.

Catholics Celebrate a Mass in which they drink wine and eat bread to symbolize the body and blood of Jesus.
Mithraists Celebrated a Myazda in which they drank wine and ate bread to symbolize the body and blood of Mithra.

Lamb, Mithra, 2 Fish

Purification through a ritualistic baptism was required of the faithful in both religions.

Jesus was identified with the Lamb & at times the Lion
Mithra was identified with the Lamb & at times the LionThe Mithraic Holy father wore a red cap and garment and a ring, and carried a shepherd’s staff
The Pope wears a red cap and garment and a ring and carries a shepherds staff.

Priests of Mithraism bore the Title father.
Catholic priests bear the Title Father – despite Jesus specific proscription of the acceptance of such a title

An inscription in the Vatican states , “He who will not eat of my body, nor drink of my blood, so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved.” This inscription is from the remains of the temple the Vatican was built over, a temple dedicated to Mithras.

Jesus is depicted with a Halo – Mithra is depicted with a Halo. Halo has synonymous meanings and relates to “The Light”
Both were referred to as “The light of the World.”

Birth of Sun God Mithra, All Were Celebrated on Dec 25th

Roman Emperor Constantine, who made Christianity legal throughout Rome, was a worshipper of Sol Invictus/ the invincible Sun. Sol Invictus is an amalgamation of trans-cultural solar deities including Mithras, and Apollo. Constantine recognized Jesus’ status in that pantheon almost immediately. Many of the Stories of his life and activities are symbolic of celestial events.

In modern times, ancient solar symbols are plentiful in Christianity .

Heaven and Hell

  • The worshippers of Mithras held strong beliefs in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell. 
  • They believed that the benevolent powers of the God would sympathize with their suffering and grant them the final justice of immortality and eternal salvation in the world to come. 
  • They looked forward to a final day of judgment in which the dead would resurrect, and to a final conflict that would destroy the existing order of all things to bring about the triumph of light over darkness. 
  • There is basically very little difference between the beliefs of the two systems, in respect to their concepts of Heaven, Hell and purgatory. 

Many of the Catholic and Orthodox beliefs, and legends that do not arise out of the Bible or Apocrypha have their roots in Mithraism and related Pagan belief systems.

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Ex law school student. I was kicked out for revealing I had a heart actually beating inside. I used to be in a modern dance company. I'm working on my 7 miracles to be proclaimed a saint by the pope. #1 is really hard, but once i get over that hump the other 6 will be a cinch.

2 thoughts on “Sunday: Can You Tell the Difference Between Mithra and Jesus?”

  1. No it’s not true, Jesus is true existence but not as the way the Christian’s saying or written about it.
    All dates has been copied to Christianity plus his own lesson of Christ which all he’s education was token from India Hinduism which most learned how Mithra was , actually Jesus was mixing his own education plus the law of Judaism to teach his disciples, Jesus very much was teaching meditation in quiet place as well.
    But Jesus was true master , there is no doubt about it, but don’t forget that the lesson was good and still is useable but priests like Iranian spiritual imams are not knowing the real lesson that’s why they are ending up as Hippocrates

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